Spiritual Therapy On The Inner Planes ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings to you again, brother and sister. Your earth scientist would be very surprised if he knew how vast is the distance which he calls space,-one you spanned in a split second of time and enables you to arrive here upon our planet of Eros and in our city of Parhelion. I see that we are standing again in the ward where we left off our previous transmission; but before renewing our discussion in psychiatry and obsession, let me say that your arrival here in this particular city was timed at such a moment so that you would be able to witness at least a part of some of the ceremonies attendant to a conclave of various forces which came from the different planetary systems. These conclaves or gatherings express a part of the science which is taught here in Parhelion. (more…)
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Spiritual Therapy On The Inner Planes
by Ernest L. Norman
. . . we are about to go into this large room I might say that it concerns part of the previous book which was given you on the planet Venus, and at which time was omitted, although this therapy work is necessarily a function performed in conjunction with the planet Venus. We refer to the part which relates to people who have become mentally disarranged, and have various mental aberrations of such nature that it is necessary to have certain special types of treatment before the proper rest and convalescence; thus spiritual therapy is applied. The corrective therapy is applied through various scientific apparatus of a very highly evolved nature, of which the earth planet scientist knows little or nothing. I believe that in your past few years of experience, you have had some inkling of the nature of these types of apparatus and of the nature of the things which they can do. I shall attempt at this point, before we are through with this ward, to go into the relative values of a science which has, at different times, been practiced rather loosely on your earth planet. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part V
by Ernest L. Norman
And so the lesson of John is quite apparent. It is again the portrayal in two personalities wherein certain determinants are made most apparent, the determinant of evolution as it is posed in the constructive scheme of evolution; how it is that man can and does ascend in such a series of progressive evolutions from out of the more primitive elements of the earth worlds. He can, in a sense, be said to have started his evolution in the formation of a simple hydrogen atom, for, in turn, this atom becomes helium; and so these cycles are constantly and everlastingly perpetuated in our consciousness if we so wish to seek them out, if we so wish to analyze them and gain from them the constructive message of creation. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part IV
by Ernest L. Norman
Now we have obtained something of a constructive picturization in the development of the Superconscious, and how this continuous development enables a person to progressively reinstate himself into a higher and higher dominion of spiritual life; how it does, in a sense, intercede into numerous earth-life dispensations to the extent that we can say we have personal intercession. We have guidance and motivation which is beyond the normal range of human understanding, and we have a correspondingly greater degree of perfection in our daily lives. If we can look further into the future to a person who has so developed, we can more ultimately envision such a person as having mental capacities which are quite beyond anything which could be properly understood by the human race. This was exemplified by the Nazarene almost two thousand years ago. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
Now that we have objectively analyzed two people who were in very apparent differences in their spiritual evolution, certain of these differences are immediately apparent. In the case of John, he would return to the earth and more or less lead the same vegetative life that he formerly lived in previous lifetimes. He would not, during that lifetime, express any particular psychic equivalents except perhaps an occasional hunch or premonition. The situation with Mary, however, would be quite different. Her life would be primarily guided and motivated in a spiritual way, and through what I have described quite frequently as the influence of the Superconscious Self. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
And so it was of rather small significance whether John would be born male or female. The point which is most important to remember is that he was carrying all of his former lifetime impregnations in that mental part of his psychic anatomy, and so far as his subconscious was concerned, it was, to some extent, out-of-phase or out-of-tune with the present, and it could therefore only exist, or partially exist, in some respects, as an influential factor. Now, after John was born as a new infant, the process of breathing oxygen was immediately resumed; this is one of the factors which he had lived through in being born many other times, and so it was quite natural that his mental psychic anatomy could, at the proper moment—and instigated by such reactive factors as were then presently dominating him—oscillate with these factors and complete the whole mental and physical reaction which started the breathing process. (more…)
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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
Without question or doubt, the greatest single fear so far as the general races of humanity are concerned is the fear of death and taking a secondary place of importance, though not one of fear, is the concept of birth. How strange then it is that mankind lives in fear of death, anticipates with joy the events of birth, yet knows nothing of the basic facts which relate these two events so closely together. Only when we understand the scientific application of knowledge as it is applied in the factors of evolution called reincarnation, do we substantially increase the knowledge and ascertain for ourselves the direct relationship between these two important events. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Life After Death, Tempus Procediumwith comments disabled.
Love Sonnet
by Ernest L. Norman
And now, Oh Princess, I go forth on wings of Light
My thoughts a caravan to bring thee
treasures rare from far off places.
I’ll sing to thee the song of waterfalls,
the whispering breeze can scarce contain,
A thousand throated thrushes’ song,
springs forth from every dell,
within this land of fantasy.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.
The Psychic Anatomy Of Man ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
The future therefore mandates that you should be more consciously aware of this “conscience” or the “small still voice”, and it should be developed, which will, in consequence, materially aid in developing the superconscious for the superconscious represents a much higher and more nearly perfect life expression than does your lower mental conscious life expression as a sum and total of your personal life expression.
Now getting back to the chair, we have partly completed the cycle of seeing. Various energy wave forms have entered the subconscious and have mingled with other associated factors concerned with chairs. The process here, however, is not complete; this mingling regenerates another set of harmonics. These harmonics contain information or pictures of these various association factors but they vibrate at a different frequency. They will then travel over highway “B” and mingle with associated factors of chairs in the mental consciousness. Here the process is repeated except that these association factors of chairs will go back into all previous lifetimes where you had associations with chairs. This is very important to remember. (more…)
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The Psychic Anatomy Of Man ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
To clarify this constructive evolution we will take certain specific examples; for instance, the amoeba. He is a tiny one-celled animal, a semi-liquid glob of proteide molecules. Science believes such animals were formed in the primeval ooze when certain conditions of heat, light and various elements somehow got together and formed these first cells. However, the scientist is quite vague on the point of how these cells became animated with life. He does not know that this whole process was instigated from the spiritual side of this dimension. When certain wave forms of idea or consciousness were harmonically attuned or vibrated with certain wave forms of expression on the material or negative side, then a vortex was formed; this vortex re-expressed itself physically as the amoeba. (more…)
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The Psychic Anatomy Of Man ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
In the previous lesson we discussed the cycle of creation. Let us now turn our attention to that subject which is very personal to you; specifically, your psychic anatomy. Before doing so, however, let us briefly pause and review the previous lesson and the cycle of creation because it is extremely important for you to understand the basic function of this cycle before you can understand the evolution of your psychic anatomy. This creative cycle is called the Infinite Intelligence. (more…)
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The Crucifixion
by Alexander Smyth
The following night and morning after the condemnation of Jesus to death with the consent of Pilate, great preparations were made for the execution. As to the mode or manner of executing a criminal, there was none established by law, it being done in various ways, according to the will and pleasure of the authorities. But when great vengeance was sought to be wreaked upon the unfortunate victims, the crucifix was generally resorted to as the most cruel and ignominious of deaths. This mode was selected by the priests for the unfortunate Jesus. If there had been a more cruel and debasing mode known at the time, they would have chosen it; for their hatred, rancor, scorn and desire of vengeance knew no limits. They not only wished to glut their vengeance in inflicting agonies upon their victim, but they wished to set before the eyes of the people an example of their power, which was to impress them with horror, fear and submission to their wills; accordingly they strove to make this execution as terribly impressive as possible. (more…)
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The Boomerang Effect
by Ernest L. Norman
It has often been said, in metaphysical circles, that thoughts, emotions, and deeds often return to the sender; but the principle involved and contained in this truth has not been told. Since everything is energy in some frequency or rate of vibration (or dimension), then thus, too, are thoughts and emotions.
We can so liken our own mental mechanism to that of a radio or TV. Always necessary is the sending and receiving—the two poles or polarities, the positive and the negative. This can easily be proven by the numerous persons who understand and use thought transference, transmission, or so-called mind reading, as this transpires constantly whether or not individuals are thus aware. One individual is the sender or positive polarity, the second person, the receiver or the negative pole. (more…)
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Lahamahasa On The Humility Of Being A Master
by Ernest L. Norman
To Ruth: You were speaking of personal identities and that there were many thoughts which have been passing through your mind and especially leading up to the particular point; when one becomes wise in the ways of the Infinite. If one uses identity as a personal entity in relationships which would inflate the ego or would further stimulate the person to greater efforts in directions which could be called such ways and manners and means of acquiring personal gains (and when I speak of personal gains, I mean such things as are most valuable to the egocentric and, in particular, to his sense of well-being and importance to himself), he becomes a small planet. In his own orbit he is revolving around the seat of the throne of all intelligence, and so, it seems to him that he is only waiting a suitable opportunity when he, in his super-egocentric consciousness can rush in, at the most opportune moment, and occupy this seat of Infinite Wisdom. (more…)
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Wordless Words
by Ernest L. Norman
How well he speaks, when with his tongue
he speaks the words that all men understand
And words like knights, that joust
our fancied pleasures
Or merrily lead us down a glade
A winding way far up the hill where
sunshine meets the earth
And wedded there the songs of birds ~
the wedding march.
Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.