Lahamahasa On The Humility Of Being A Master

Lahamahasa-On-Humility-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

ego-consciousness-2-postTo Ruth: You were speaking of personal identities and that there were many thoughts which have been passing through your mind and especially leading up to the particular point; when one becomes wise in the ways of the Infinite. If one uses identity as a personal entity in relationships which would inflate the ego or would further stimulate the person to greater efforts in directions which could be called such ways and manners and means of acquiring personal gains (and when I speak of personal gains, I mean such things as are most valuable to the egocentric and, in particular, to his sense of well-being and importance to himself), he becomes a small planet. In his own orbit he is revolving around the seat of the throne of all intelligence, and so, it seems to him that he is only waiting a suitable opportunity when he, in his super-egocentric consciousness can rush in, at the most opportune moment, and occupy this seat of Infinite Wisdom. (more…)

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Wordless Words

Wordless-Words-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

How well he speaks, when with his tongue
he speaks the words that all men understand
And words like knights, that joust
our fancied pleasures
Or merrily lead us down a glade
A winding way far up the hill where
sunshine meets the earth
And wedded there the songs of birds ~
the wedding march.


Posted in Book Excerpts, Poetry, The Antheniumwith 1 comment.

Religious Centers On The Inner

Religious-Centers-On-The-Inner-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

(Ruth smelled the fragrance of the effulgence of one of the teachers, and we defined it as being this particular one and were discussing where he lived when he was on the earth, when came this answer): It does not matter that I was Chinese or Hindu, or that I lived in the place which is known as Central America or Maya; but that I served means more. These were incarnations which portrayed in their own time and in temple-hallwaytheir own sense one who can be called Dratzel. That I may have been known also by other names means little, but that I am here with you means much more. Before leaving you to go to another section of this great Center, we will take you rapidly down the great corridor which divides this Seventh Section and forms a means for ingress and egress; it is more than just a corridor as you will see that it takes you quite a little while to walk from one side to the other, walking very rapidly. It could be easily a mile in width; you see that there are many thousands of souls who are moving rapidly back and forth through this great corridor. I will not say, moving upon the surface, because we do not travel on the surface as much as we simply travel. I hope that this method does not confuse you. Now, going down this great corridor I can point out numerous sections which are actually huge dimensions, in themselves, portraying to the students and to the teachers alike, the different dimensions of inspirational devotion which goes on through many innumerable evolutions of lives in the average individual’s span of existence. Here, in this Center, you will see the more modern of what is termed Catholicism which is presided over by such personages as Saint Francis of Assisi and various others who are learning and teaching the initiate in the various transpositional phases of Catholicism as it was in existence upon the earth. (more…)

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Elements Of Personal Psychology ~ Part II

Elements-Of-Personal-Psychology-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

If one is hypnotized, he cannot consciously objectify any particular thing unless it is suggested by the hypnotist who is controlling the person who has been so hypnotized. In a sense too, we can say that such emotional differences hypnosis-past-lives-4-postwhich appear upon the surface of our minds are, in consequence, autosuggestively stimulated by the appearance of some reality which is just beyond the immediate confines of our more normal level of introspection, as we proceed in our various daily life activities; and, such as they are, should the appearances of these countless realities suggest or autosuggest to our consciousness some facsimile, as it so conforms in attunement with previous lifetime experiences which are so attuned into these numerous subversive elements of inferiority or insecurity, then we immediately have a chain reaction. We become antagonistic; we become fearful; we develop many other types of emotional duress, customarily exhibited by people who have these more firmly entrenched or advanced sensitivities, engendered from these insecurity complexes. (more…)

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Elements Of Personal Psychology

Elements-of-Personal-Psychology-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Let us, at this time, enter into a discussion on some of the elements of personal psychology. Sometime ago, while kileer-broken-wing-displaywalking upon one of my garden paths, I inadvertently startled a mother bird who was nesting nearby in the bushes. The frightened bird flew out of the bush, where her nest was situated and tried, by the age-old ruse of dragging her wing and limping, to lead me away from this most treasured spot; she tried to impress me with the fact that perhaps she was crippled so that I would pursue her. This, of course, is a well-known and very obvious device which has been used by birds and animals as long as they have existed. However, as I walked away from the spot, I could not help but muse that the countless millions of people who had inhabited planet earth and who are living at the present time, are all to some extent, practicing this same old device of deception which had been used by animals and birds for so many countless ages. (more…)

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The Prophetic Dream Of Jesus

The-Prophetic-Dream-Of-Jesus-main-4-postby Alexander Smyth

High up among the Judean mountains, on one of the most eastern ranges, not far from the city of Jericho, situated midway between the mountain top and the ravine’s deep abyss, there was a plateau containing a small fertile spot, being an oasis in the desert of the mountains. Several springs gushed from the mountains’ sides, and spreading over the small plain and mingling with the debris, a scanty supply of mold was produced, from which grass, shrubs, trees and moss sprang up spontaneously. This fertile spot was a miniature forest of pine, cedar, tamarisk, oak and palm trees. Interspersed with grass plats and running water near the center of this small verdant locality was a habitation or grotto, the cylindrical wall being constructed of rocky fragments, and the roof of rushes in the form of a cone; in the front of which, near to the entrance and under the shade of a tamarisk tree, was a long rude bench which seemed to be used as a seat or lounge. (more…)

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Our Psychic Self

Our-Psychic-Self-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Again we come to you with our love from Venus. Yes, it is quite true our sister, Ruth, has discovered in her own way through her vision, that we are Shamballa—or should we more correctly say, part of Shamballa. We here in Azure are one of seven such cities and places.

Venusian-templesEach one of these cities is directly related to your earth plane in a certain separated type of spiritual service. We, in Azure, function with those who have passed on from the flesh in some form of maladjustment, such as the soldier boys and sailors, the suicides and murderers, and their victims. The other cities relate their activities to equally well defined fields of spiritual and physical therapies. It is my plan to go into these different cities and just as we have done here in Azure, make an exploration and find out more fully their own particular capacity. (more…)

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The Truth Seeker

The-Truth-Seeker-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

In his search for Truth and at different points in some particular lifetime (and we could consider the present life as an example), the average truth seeker may find himself more directly concerned with the outside world and the multitudes of truth-seekerpeople who inhabit these different countries with which he is connected. By some particular rapport with the Inner Consciousness, he has been quickened or alerted to higher spiritual values and these spiritual values, the knowledge of and the living in the spiritual worlds, have become a closer relationship to him. These things in themselves pose many and varied contrasts; some, very striking in nature with the outside world in which he lives. He may thus become acutely aware of the various derelictions, suffering and other particular types of life which can be basically animalistic or reactionary in nature. Thus quickened or sensitized in seeing these varied contrasts, he may immediately wish in some way or manner to change the whole contour of the existing world. This may even be aided and abetted, in a sense, by a psychological equivalent known as an escape mechanism. The sum and total of the various psychic pressures which are oscillating in his psychic self, as they are so concerned and connected with negative indispositions of a destructive nature with past lifetimes, along with this particular quickening (as he is now so spiritually posed), only tend in a way to aid or to further the urgency of his need to see his fellow men changed in their seemingly mad rush to oblivion. (more…)

Posted in Book Excerpts, Cosmic Continuumwith 1 comment.

Q & A On Psychic And Physical Relationships

Q-And-A-On-Psychic-And-Physical-Relationships-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Let us now hear from those who have not previously been asking questions. As Einstein says, we are never fools until we stop asking.

Q – On his successive trips, Mr. Fry in his space-flight didn’t have this nose bleeding. How is this?

A – It merely means that he had placed that experience within the realm of his conscious mind and integrated it; and so he took the experience out of the realm of psychic shock. He was no longer influenced by that sudden subjugation which is based primarily on the sudden influx of fear. He had been transported into a dimension of which he knew nothing and was fearful of it, and it had an immediate effect on him. It would be the same as if a “bogie-man” jumped out of the dark at you. But the following trips were familiar situations. (more…)

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On The Pathway Of Progressive Evolution ~ Part II

On-The-Pathway-Of-Progressive-Evolution-Part-II-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

At this point, it might be well to more properly define these two important ingredients which we must enter into our future-spiritual-evolutioncompound of the magic elixir. The various books and lesson courses of UN.AR.I.U.S. explain quite adequately the knowledge which must be used; while the nomenclature and diverse depictions are, to some extent, part of our modern classical 20th century science, yet they in themselves, are inviolate; that is, in whatever particular perspective we wish to describe them, they could ultimately be resolved into these configurations, and at whichever point we wish to discern ourselves in arriving in some future spiritual evolution, we will be involved with these principles regardless of nomenclature or the idiom of the time. (more…)

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On The Pathway Of Progressive Evolution ~ Part I

On-The-Pathway-Of-Progressive-Evolution-Part-I-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings friends: This is indeed a most joyous and happy occasion, and so far as my own personal feelings arespiritual-joy-2-post concerned, this joy is not some selfish joy in which I may be vindicated in my personal beliefs, or that I gain satisfaction in some such manner or form; but rather the joy I feel is for each and every one of you, for I know, as you are seeking further knowledge of UN.AR.I.U.S. you have taken at least one positive step forward in expressing a certain quotient in the dynamic expression of Infinite Creation.

finding-the-inner-kingdomThis in itself, is most important, and something which you should always remember throughout the coming years and in the times when you are troubled or emotionally distressed; that always there must be a consciousness of this infinite expression which is working directly in a regenerative principle, to constantly re-create for you, the form and substance of your lives, and rather than to continuously indulge yourselves in past emotional reflex experiences born from out other worlds and other times, it is most imperative that you learn to recognize this Infinite Creation which is above and beyond the immediate horizon of these various reactionary and emotional experiences. (more…)

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Coals To Newcastle

Coals-To-Newcastle-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Carry Coals to Newcastle – To do or bring something superfluous or unnecessary, as in running the sprinkler while it’s raining, that’s carrying coals to Newcastle. ~

The following is a letter written by the Moderator to a student in reply to a question regarding a book pertaining to old religions—(old and present)—and which could serve many written-letterothers with similar questions.

Dear Student: Regarding your letter, it always makes us very happy to receive testimonials—“The Joining” tape in particular is something new and evidently quite ‘special’ and we are especially joyous of the manifestation as Power which it carries which you and many other students have so strongly felt.

So far as the book is concerned, may I quote an old cliché, “like carrying coal to Newcastle”. Yes, Ruth and I are quite familiar with most of the books of this sort and, in toto, they are the representative form of what UN.AR.I.U.S. is attempting to destroy. (more…)

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False Gods And Graven Images

False-Gods-And-Graven-Images-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Throughout the works of UN.AR.I.U.S., there are many admonitions against certain religious practices, chiefly that of the man-prayingcommon subterfuge called prayer. Like Jesus, who said, “Do not pray as does the heathen on street corners and in synagogues, or temples”, etc., the Moderator (of UN.AR.I.U.S.) does not believe in prayer, and there are many important facts and considerations which point out the falseness of this practice (or for that matter, in religion itself). First, any person who prays to some god, lord, Jehovah, or any other (so-called) saint or intercessor, etc., is praying to a false image. There are no such gods, and any person who prays to one or more of them is deluding himself with a common image constructed under the pressure of an escape mechanism. It is true, there are spiritual agencies and Beings who are sufficiently powerful or developed to be able to bring about certain changes in peoples’ lives when prayed for; however these agencies and Beings are far too intelligent to grant such prayers as they are asked for, and under their specified conditions. (more…)

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It’s The ‘Little Things’ That Count

Its-The-LIttle-Things-That-Count-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

From time to time through various sources of information, such as TV, newspapers, etc., bits of information are man-reading-newspaperpresented to the public which graphically portray the constant, never-ending struggle and search for the answer to life which is being made by sundry branches of science; and with every so-called discovery which they make, there are often wildly exuberant claims made that now, at last, science has the answer to life, etc.!

One of these scientific exposes revealed the DNA molecule, which supposedly masterminded the creation of living cells in chemical biology; directly connected to studying cells, new discoveries and their consequent mysteries have been cells-grown-in-a-petri-dishrecently uncovered. Working with living cells from animal tissue, the scientist knows how to keep these cells alive and growing in a liquid food plasma. Normal cells will continue to grow and multiply until they reach the edge of the dish which contains the plasma; then they stop growing and remain inert. Cancer cells continue to grow upon reaching the edge of the dish; also normal healthy cells, when infected with virus, will also continue to grow just as do the cancerous cells. Now this poses a great mystery to the scientists, and especially to those who have segregated their particular branch of science; for such segregation is quite strongly marked and practiced in various sciences. (more…)

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Future Science

Future-Science-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Lord-Kelvin-2-postI would like to say here that … while I was upon the earth, I too, tried to give to mankind the theory of the Universal Radiant Energy, and was most unsuccessful. Science would not accept God as coming down through the many different dimensions as whirling Radiant Vortexal Energy. But your whole hypothesis or the structure of your science, as you are expressing it, is based primarily upon these concepts as they were given to you – not only partially by myself [Lord Kelvin], but from many of the other much greater minds than my own. I, too, was an instrument in the service of these great minds when I was upon earth and trying to explain these concepts to man. But do not let that dismay you for one moment because sometimes it takes many years for the little stream of water to wear away a huge granite boulder, but the granite of obstruction which exists in the human mind is purely an element which is existing in its own time and its own cycle and so it, too, shall pass. (more…)

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