On The Travels Of Jesus

On-The-Travels-Of-Jesus-main-1-postby Saul of Tarsus (as channeled by Alexander Smyth)

Friend Alexander, from the nature of the Intelligence which now I wish to impart to you, the numerous and disconnected parts contained therein, I find it surpasses my ingenuity and skill to convey it to you in the form of a vision, therefore I shall be constrained to use the mode of simple address or relation. I shall so endeavor to impress your mind that you may re-commit it to paper from your memory. To relate all the travels and adventures of Jesus and his followers in detail would be very difficult, even if it were possible to gather all the accounts from the spirits who were concerned therein when mortals on the earth; but as Judas has informed me there was a great sameness or similarity in them, I shall not impose so heavy a task upon you, even if I were able to do so. I shall, therefore, speak of them as a whole—with the exception of the scenes and events, with which I have already impressed you—during his several tours through Judea and Galilee; and I shall then re-commence my mode of impressing you by visions with regard to the remainder of his career, where he returns to the vicinity of Jerusalem for the last time. (more…)

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Q & A On The Wheel Of Life

Q-and-A-Wheel-Of-Life-main-3-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – Are there different dimensions or graduations in the astral worlds?

A – Oh yes, indeed; in the astral worlds we find numerous spectrums or places where we find energy assuming many different rates.

Q – Is that in addition to the 101 elements?

A – We do not have the 101 elements in the astral dimensions. These 101 elements are energy expressing themselves in a certain form in the terrestrial dimension only. We have other elements in the higher realms in which energy is vibrating at different rates and relationships. (more…)

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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part V

Wheel-Of-Life-Part-V-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Now we shall try to shed a little more light on our understanding astral worlds. Because so many are interested in the saucer-and-venus-2-postspacecraft these day, we shall touch upon this subject. It is from these astral worlds, such as the planet Venus, that we are getting some of these manifestations. There are many levels of life on the planet Venus. In the book by Lee Crandall, we found that one of these lower astral forces was able to materialize and dematerialize or more correctly, experience an astral flight from Venus to Earth. These beings have the secrets of frequency transference and are able to convert atoms of the walls of the room into something which is not a familiar form. (more…)

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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part IV

The-Wheel-Of-Life-Part-IV-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Now friends, it is very obvious to you, that to try to give you even a small part of a thoroughly spiritual-pathway-2-postunderstandable concept of astrophysics, of our flight into the astral and celestial dimensions in one lesson, is of course a physical impossibility. Enough information has been given during the previous part of the lesson on which a person could devote several thousand years for study and comprehension. However, it is hoped that by now, you will have some idea of what Jesus meant when He said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.”

A point which I would like to clear up a little more for you is our man going to other siderelationship to the astral worlds, what they are and what we are when we arrive in these worlds. As I said before, we do not assume or contact anything in our evolution which is foreign to our nature, whether we are in the astral or in the terrestrial plane, for all of the factors are combined within our psychic selves and within our psychic intellects. Whether we are bricklayers, carpenters, clerks, sailors, or whatever profession or trade that we follow on this earth, we shall find similar and compatible astral worlds and dimensions wherein we may again take up our trade and use our craft. (more…)

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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part III

Wheel-Of-Life-Part-III-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

The first center is also called UN.AR.I.U.S. and functions upon the level of leadership and integration. It is through this Inner-Planes-2-postparticular John F Kennedycenter and ray which we shall find expression in the political fields or in such leadership as may be valuable to the human race as a whole. We are not referring to any tyrannical dispositions which might have occurred in such personages as Adolph Hitler–for there was an example of machination by the black or evil, or left hand forces. In these centers we are primarily concerned with only the higher and most beneficent of the influences from these celestial dimensions. (more…)

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Ageless — Timeless

Ageless-Timeless-Stanza-1-main-4-postAnd so the crested wave doth rise again,
and crashing, falls upon the sands of time
Its crested foam, a flame of white,
its countless bubbles,
each a life –
lived one brief span
And formed from out the countless seas
of past – live one brief time – then gone again.


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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part II

The-Wheel-Of-Life-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

In the various past ages of man’s history, recorded and unrecorded, the higher or more spiritually seeking-enlightenment-2-postminded people have recognized certain spiritual leadership as it was exercised in the minds of men; some of these beliefs centered around a pantheology of gods, others were most monotheistic. In all cases, however, these various religions were a direct acknowledgement of certain so-called mystical forces which produced various natural phenomena as well as what appeared to be unexplainable phenomena.

In no instance, however, save only in one exception, have these various Lemuria-space men 4-postreligions have been realistic in man’s approach to better understanding of creation and man’s progressive evolution in respect to this Infinite Creation. This one exception was the Lemurian science of life, first established on this planet some 150,000 years ago. This was done by a group of eleven super-scientists from a far-off planet called Lemuria. These eleven men migrated to this earth in a spaceship and set up the first civilization on a now sunken continent which was in the mid-Pacific Ocean. (more…)

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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part I

The-Wheel-Of-Life-Part-I-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings folks, and welcome once again to UN.AR.I.U.S..

This seventh session will be entitled, “The Wheel of Life.” It will be inspired and overshadowed by in-my-fathers-house-are-many-mansions-2-postCopernicus and Galileo. Jesus once said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” It is our purpose tonight to discuss with you some of these many mansions and what you might expect when you leave this coil of flesh and go out into these spiritual dimensions, so that you will not go unprepared or without some idea or form of cohesive pattern whereby you may suitable conduct your evolutions.

As is our custom, to establish continuity we shall momentarily review the previous lesson which was given on evolution. In it we established that in the law and order of frequency and harmonic relationship, the various innumerable species of plant and animal life evolved from the lowest dimensional forms through and into the higher and more complex structures. It was also evolution-spiral-2-postestablished that by far, the largest part of this evolution evolved into the spiritual dimensions. By these various different evolutions, regressions and ingressions in these spiritual and terrestrial dimensions in the forms of plant and animal life, they took on and imbued within their own psychic selves, differences in psychic intelligence. It was established that this was another way in which the Infinite re-created Itself, manifested Itself into an infinite number of forms. In the final and culminating form, this evolutionary process was carried to a point wherein it became a suitable vehicle for man to enter into an evolutionary development. (more…)

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The True Meaning Of The Adam And Eve Story – Part II

True-Meaning-Of-The-Adam-And-Eve-Story-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

It is quite natural that God would not defeat his personal plans while building the creation of life on this planet by familyrestricting procreation in any individual sense or making a sin of sex. Sex is a necessary, vital and integrated part of the lives of any normal civilization of the peoples therein and is very essential for the growth and welfare of any such civilization. Therefore, when we study these facts, we begin to see the true spiritual interpretation and the meaning of the symbology of these two great parables as they are written in the book of Genesis.

Thus as we have said that in the opening chapter of the Bible in the mention of the six days, this was actually the reference to Lemuria of 160,000 years ago. Masters came from lemurian-masters-2-postLemuria and settled on what is now known as the Gobi Desert which borders on Tibet. People understood the controlling forces and impulses of all things of the mind and many things were explained along the principles of psychokinetics (the mind forces) to these earth inhabitants. (more…)

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The True Meaning Of The Adam And Eve Story ~ Part I

True-Meaning-Of-Adam-Eve-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

The book of Genesis in the Bible contains what are probably the most important parables in the whole Bible. These are the stories of the creation and the Garden of Eden. We are all familiar with both of these stories and of their many Genesis Bibleversions. Yet, their true interpretation lies more in the realm of astrophysics or astronomy, as well as the study of ancient peoples or civilizations on this earth. We are all familiar with the story of creation in which the Lord created the earth in six days and on the seventh He rested. There are many people who have taken this literally and there are others who have embarked upon various interpretations which resolve into nothing and are rather meaningless. If we look at this story or parable in a more scientific light, we will find that the six days refer to six major cycles. These are, in the terms of the modern astrophysicist, the cycles of the recessional. The earth, in its yearly journey around the sun, comes out minus so many hours and so many minutes from the time in which it originally started out from a given point in making up the Gregorian calendar of 365 days. This, in itself, is added up and introduced as an extra day in the month of February. (more…)

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Man’s Immortal Quest

Mans-Immortal-Quest-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

It could be conceded that any living person would like to attain immortality, that somehow life could searching-for-immortality-2-postbe resumed beyond the grave. What this life would be, and the manner in what could be attained has been the quest of every person who has ever lived or will live on this planet. This quest for immortality has given rise to all of the innumerable religions and religious systems, cultisms and practices which are in our present-day and historical configurations.

ponce-de-leon-2-postPonce de Leon sought the Fountain of Youth as did many others. Some tried to find the magic elixir which would give them eternal life; but, largely, most efforts in this quest have been concentrated in this direction of various and diverse religions wherein some pantheism of deistic beings, gods, god, saints, etc., were so created in the configurations of a church system or religion. (more…)

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Discerning-main-4-post---1There is within the eye of man the thing which he doth see about this earth;
And of these things he cries unto himself that he is greater yet than all of these.


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The Little Understood Higher Self

The-Little-Understood-Higher-Self-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

After the passing of many years, since the beginning of the present inauguration of UN.AR.I.U.S. on the planet earth, it becomes higher-self-2-postapparent that the least understood and most abused concept of the interdimensional science of UN.AR.I.U.S. is that of the superconscious self; and to avoid the ever-present danger of egocentric flatulency—which could occur should any student, knowing that he has a superconscious or higher self, falsely indulge himself in some sort of a self-hypnotic grandiose state of consciousness we shall discuss further on this concept. When and if any person’s higher self develops to the point where it is the dominant personality, there will no longer be an earth-life personality or embodiment. In short, if you are here on earth in a physical body concerned with physical existence, also involved with the problems of life after death, higher evolution, etc., then you can be quite certain your higher self has just begun to develop; and as of this time, may or may not be strong enough through the channels of inspiration, intuition, etc., to keep you moving along your evolutionary pathway, for that small embryonic higher self is all that stands between you and total retrogression. And in the life in-between lives, it’s the little window you look through from your memory life into the higher worlds. (more…)

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On The Infinite Evolutionary Pathway ~ Part III

On-The-Infinite-Evolutionary-Pathway-Pt-III-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Just as a small infant will eventually learn to stand upon his legs and walk about the room, so you too will learn to function andvibration-aura-4-post to arrive at a more conclusive way of life in a higher spiritual dimension which is not so confined and impounded with the factional differences of the time and space and materialistic elements with which you have learned to function and live in your daily life on the earth plane. As Pearce explained to you, everything is vibration or is in some way a wave form, or, if I may use the word rather loosely, an electronic structure as it relates itself in the natural order and conclusion of expression which is called the law of harmonics or frequency relationship; for such structures as wave forms generate and regenerate themselves into various different frequency spectrums in properly order rates of vibration which are somewhat similar to and can be equated into mathematical formulas. However, for the present we shall not attempt to explain to you these principles, which would be in themselves something of a more advanced understanding in the realms of pure spiritual calculus. (more…)

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On The Infinite Evolutionary Pathway ~ Part II

On-The-Infinite-Evolutionary-Pathway-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

The essential ingredients which are so necessary for the attainment of these different dimensional factors of personal concept, inner-spiritual-awakening-4-postdo not at the present time reside in your own third dimensional world. You cannot study them at any of your universities or academies, nor can you learn them in any of the buildings which are dedicated to arts and sciences, as they are now expressed in the world. They are, however, contained in your Superconsciousness; as Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within.” The principles necessary for your evolvement into these conscious concepts of the higher dimensions, are the precepts which involve absolute faith. You must grasp the concept that you are absolutely unlimited; that God too is also absolutely unlimited in his expression; and that to be thus progressive you must be God-like in your movements and in your progression through the different dimensions. (more…)

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