Integrating Consciousness Into Medical Protocol ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
In the practice of medicine, the doctor is also guilty of the same nefarious deviation from a true and constructive evaluation of life. While medical science has advanced considerably in the past fifty or hundred years, it yet remains for the future medical practitioner to bring out the true cause or origin of many of the diseases which are plaguing mankind today. It should be borne in mind by the reader at this time, that there is no particular quarrel with psychology or with medicine as it is commonly practiced today; for such psychology and medicine while in themselves are still primitive, yet they all combine to make up some sort of functional unit or step in the right direction. The main issue in all contexts or expressions wherein we have entered into discussions of this sort, is primarily against the dogmatic attitudes of the exponents of these sciences. (more…)
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Connecting To Our Spiritual Superconscious ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
A concept of creation of man is when we find an aggregation or a collective aggregation of intelligence which can be identified as an ego which can survive in the ego form as a psychic body from one life to another. We have a human being because the individual lives and relives in that psychic consciousness which we identify as the ego, from the culminative expressions of previous lives which have formed that nucleus or that cell of consciousness which lives and relives. That, in itself, proves reincarnation. Anything which we call an instinct, whether it is two (so-called) instincts which were given by Freud, or any number which have been included in various other different psychological concepts, it makes no difference because, even if it is one or a thousand instincts, it is the direct admission that psychology, in that expression, admits reincarnation! It has to, because every one of those instincts is a dimension of consciousness which we call fear, which has survived in that idiom of the ego through countless thousands of lives since the first beginning of that individual when he began to retain the idiom of the ego from one life to the next. (more…)
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More Amazing Structures On Venus
Image from Magellan Venus Global Survey Map – City Structures and Buildings (color added)
As we all know from our studies of the Science of Life, life is everywhere in the universe in all manners and forms including interdimensionally. And as we also know there is no such thing as death or termination. Everything exists in a continuous state of change unto infinity.
Since Venus exists in another astral dimension, not perceptible to common earth instruments, likely the astronomers and scientists of Earth have not been able to really get a good understanding of the surface of Venus so an attempt was made to map it with the Magellan spacecraft using SAR which is a type of radar that uses 2 or 3 dimensional images of objects, such as landscapes, etc. The video below continues with more amazing structures on Venus found on the Venus GIS Global Map which was created as a result of the mapping by the Magellan spacecraft. (more…)
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Of Fishermen
Two thousand years ago a man walked upon the shore of an inland sea
Tall and of red beard and hair, and of noble bearing;
Yet there was much more than this which set Him apart from all others.
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Connecting To Our Spiritual Superconscious ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
The concepts we are talking about in this time and place could be said in different ways or in different words; for instance, like Nietzsche, who talked of the Superman. The Superman we have talked about is the sum and total of consciousness after man has passed, as a polarity, through a great number of dimensions of consciousness, and after he has become aware of these basic frequency structures which relate him to Infinity. He has become aware of this because, again, he has maintained polarity in two different dimensions; first, through the experience dimension where he retained the idiom of experience in all its relationships. These, in turn, as harmonic structures, related him to an equal number of dimensions of consciousness in another form and another polarity in a different place. And so the pattern runs. You see the complexity these concepts can begin to assume.
Only the people who have gone into mathematics and electronics and have worked with such things as sine wave generators, oscilloscopes and other instruments can barely begin to comprehend the complexity of what we are trying to evaluate. Regarding our function of life in the common language in which we could interpret it as wave forms and harmonic structures, frequency relationships, spectrums, dimensions, etc., we are, in such concepts, really beginning to conceive life as it should be realized. So, it is a wonderful science and really a challenge to anyone who wants to throw aside all of this balderdash and chicanery that is running riot and rampant through the various channels of advertising media which we see about us every day. They use innuendos, pseudonyms and various other things that hint at this and name fictional names, which are sometimes composite forms of all idiomatic expressions, concepts which have been used in occultisms for thousands of years, merely to impress people with a false sense of mysticism. (more…)
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Stepping Stones To Spiritual Progression ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
A Letter to an Ill Student on Healing
Dear Student: We have just received your letter giving us up-to-date information on your mother’s condition. Inasmuch as this letter is, in essence, typical of some which we have received here at the Center, may I objectively pass upon some concepts and principles involved in corrective therapies or healing which are universal and applicable to any and all humans. They are highly scientific in nature; in fact, the actual science and its works are generally called Infinite Intelligence.
As students of UN.AR.I.U.S., you have some prefaces of these concepts and principles; however, your letter clearly indicates that they are not properly or thoroughly understood by yourself and your mother. With this and associated factors involved, healing cannot take place until such time when they are more properly understood and usage begins to occur. (more…)
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Stepping Stones To Spiritual Progression ~ Part II
This is the second part of a three part series of (three) letters written to Students from the Moderator (Ernest L. Norman).
(This student had been partially and at times, totally obsessed and possessed by very strong negative and evil forces which sometimes completely controlled his mind and thinking, often to the point of having him believe he was some great master and that he was fully aware of all energy principles — ready to change the world! George was material for the psychiatric ward, often demanding exactly what the Moderator should do to help him, even though he, himself, claimed to be a master! It was shortly after this information was sent him that he experienced complete release of all his evil obsessions, leaving him a demure and humble man with gratitude overflowing.)
Since the beginning of our association I have taken more than the usual interest in your case because, for one thing, I know of the tremendous struggle you were making against various obsessive influences. Your letter of this morning, however, has inspired me to answer you directly (personally) because it is now clearly indicated that you have entered into an even more dangerous phase of your self-liberation. Your letter states that you now have a fair understanding of energy. (more…)
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Stepping Stones To Spiritual Progression
This is the first part of a three part series of (three) letters written to Students from the Moderator (Ernest L. Norman). This letter is in reply to a student requesting a healing.
Dear Seeker of Truth:
Your letter was just received and inasmuch as you are no doubt in distress, we have therefore placed your name on the urgent list.
In reading through your letter, however, you are evidently carrying some false impressions or misinterpretations about UN.AR.I.U.S.. Therefore, in the interests of establishing an understanding of harmonic relationship, we would like to correct these false impressions and get you acquainted with the nature of our work and purposes. We are enclosing with this letter some other literature which, when you have read, will enable you to fully understand, so as to meet the necessary requirements which must be effected before you can be helped or healed.
As you will see, UN.AR.I.U.S. is not a religious organization—it is a true science, but much more than a material science—a science by which man will live thousands of years from now, just as people are presently doing in other higher planetary systems. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Interludiumwith 1 comment.
Believest Thou This
by Ernest L. Norman
Throughout the course of written or unwritten histories of man’s life upon the planet earth, there is no doubt that without exception, no single element has been of greater importance to him than his religion. This has been true in all past civilizations for, collectively or individually, whatever man’s beliefs were, whether they were pagan, Christian, agnostic or atheistic, he has always been subconsciously and consciously aware of many mystical forces and elements which were moving about him. These and other factors of life always influenced his thinking and caused him concern, not only in respect to this present day by day life, but his future and especially the more ultimate destiny of some theoretical heaven. (more…)
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Interview With Founder Of UN.AR.I.U.S. Ernest L. Norman ~ Part II
Question: Have you heard of Edgar Cayce’s work—is your teaching related?
Answer by the Elder Brother: We have no absolute direct relationship with any existing Cayce movement on the earth today. Our connection is directly with Cayce himself, who lives in a spiritual world. Until I met Ruth and until Cayce came to me himself one day in San Diego a little over two years ago, I had no knowledge whatsoever of Cayce. I never knew he existed; I never read anything of his work. But Cayce came to me one day when I was sitting on a couch and told me many important factors of his life—the strawberries that he raised in Virginia Beach in his early childhood—and many other factors. Ruth wrote them all down and sent them in a letter to Hugh Lynn. Mr. Lynn later replied and verified more than sixty percent of these incidents which I have mentioned, and even though Hugh Lynn played it down for all he was worth, yet it proved conclusively that Cayce was working with us. Cayce has come with every one of the readings since that time. He has been in this house and in other homes where we have lived, and he attends whenever I give a reading. (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Tempus Invictus, True History of Manwith 1 comment.
Marsquake! – A Transportation System Under Mars?
Once again confirmation of The Truth About Mars written more then 60 years ago.
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Interview With Founder Of UN.AR.I.U.S. Ernest L. Norman
Dr. R. Juddah, of Oakland, California, a researcher of philosophies and religions of the present time, engages, as part of his work, in gathering together—by going from one school of thought to another—what information he can, in an effort to build up his case of the differences or the similarities of all present-day schools of thought along these lines.
Because he had not yet been made familiar with the clairvoyant aptitude which the Moderator so aptly expresses, the author had to go to some length to try to explain this faculty to him. Neither had he, up to this point, become acquainted with the life principles of regeneration (or so-called, reincarnation)—although about one-half of the world knows of this cyclic reliving; especially by those of the Oriental and European countries including England, etc. (more…)
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Canceling Out Past Negations ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Oh, yes, even though you develop this higher self, it too will have a dual personality. It too will have a negative and a positive self and it will be your problem in that world and in that time, even though it is much more advanced than your present position, the relative values as they are so concerned will be just as drastic, just as all-impelling, all-encompassing, and with just as great a number of differentials as they are in your present life. In that Higher World the negative side of your psychic anatomy or your personality can—and it will—cause you sickness, retrograde motions back into the lower planes if you do not work with the principles. If you are not constantly facing, shall I say, Infinite Creation positively—perhaps even much more so and to a much higher degree than you can even imagine at the present time—then surely you will reverse your progressiveness and retrogress. You will be one of those fallen angels I have talked about. (more…)
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Canceling Out Past Negations ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
From time to time and as it is so indicated, certain basic and fundamental concepts must be re-entered and re-postulated to prevent a common and erroneous practice which may be unconsciously indulged in by the student which would delete the intent and purpose of the Unariun teachings. In the beginning these teachings were presented in the simplest form possible to avoid confusion in the minds of those who were beginning to try and master these great and completely evolutionary concepts, for indeed, they may seem entirely contradictory to all known and common practices in ordinary societies.
One of the more important and fundamental Unariun concepts is that which is contained in the principle of cancellation, and as so postulated, refers of course to the cancellation of past experiences from the present life or from any and all other past lifetimes in which the student may have lived. For it is very important that these negative experiences and their negative relationship in the present life, as a source of illness or disease or other retrograde aspects of life, must be cancelled out in order to facilitate a more advanced evolutionary progression; for life is impossible in the higher planes of life and in the Spiritual Worlds when any person would be so weighed down and fettered with the material world dogmas, creeds and their attendant experience quotients. (more…)
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Mass/Energy From An Interdimensional Viewpoint ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
The earth world and its environmental factors, as they are linked to your evolutionary past and your previous lifetimes, are indeed the most serious threat to your evolution simply because they are the most vital and formative part of your everyday life and you are more securely linked to these past episodes and experiences in their oscillating wave forms as they are contained in your psychic anatomy. The proposition here then is quite clear. The psychic anatomy must be rebuilt as it is going to be your future home and your future self in that Higher World. It cannot and will not exist unless it is so constructed of suitable anomalies of energy which beat harmoniously in their frequencies with the spectral energy with which it is surrounded. (more…)
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