The Uncertainty Principle Explained by Unariun Mechanics
As we view an atom, we are visually interpreting what we think of as matter but what we are actually seeing is where the wave forms intersect giving the illusion of matter or what the scientist calls “particle” movement.
A particle is not really a particle but where one or more wave forms intersect creating a denser location of wave forms which then is interpreted as a particle. Because the waveforms are constantly gyrating, the intersection of wave forms crossing each others’ paths (particles) appear to be in all parts of the atom’s interior at the same time causing the uncertainty principle where you can either know the velocity or the location but you can’t know both at the same time.
As the wave forms gyrate, the positions of intersecting wave forms also change their location. This occurs so fast that it appears the particles are in all positions at once. The gyrating intersections of wave patterns also form geometric patterns individualizing each atom with its own unique atomic number. (more…)
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The Principle of Catalytic Action
“We have fully established the relationship in which all things can be resolved into energy, and conduct themselves according to certain principles which, for the sake of introspection, can be called laws. The word “law” is referred to loosely as merely a convenient or a descriptive word, for in all cases “principle”, as it is concerned with the Infinite Mind, is a much better form of terminology.
The various wave form transmissions, as they are concerned in the oscillating processes both finitely and infinitely, always function (as it has been stated), according to these well-known laws. In other words, our first law is concerned with what is commonly referred to as harmonic relationship.
When we find that two different wave forms strike each other – or that they intermingle – there is a third set of wave forms generated which are called harmonic structures or harmonic wave forms. This third set of wave form patterns always carry, to some degree,
the original idiom or consciousness of the primary elements which instigated the harmonic formation. Therefore, as such regenerative processes are subjective to the numerous different conditions and alliances with similar wave forms in compatible rates of frequency with which they might become interrelated, this presents a rather complex problem which could become quite confusing. (more…)
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Spiritual Healing
As to those who have been helped or healed by some seemingly miraculous force which has been called “spiritual healing” or “divine intercession”, the principles here are just the same. At the particular moment of healing, the individual has, to
some small degree, learned of a certain positive bias, so far as the proportions of energy formations are posed in his psychic body, in their relationship to the Infinite, in this positively biased condition, the infinite, positive, regenerative and rebuilding power can completely reconstitute the psychic body in whatever particular malformations of negative energy with which it is so concerned. But as has been previously explained, there must also be a direct conjunction with the different functioning principles as they concern these various energy wave forms and polarity patterns which are involved in this healing process.
The average individual, in his progression of life, must destroy these old fallacious concepts, such as “divine intercession” and the belief that he can be saved from his sins and iniquities by some Master or Avatar. This is the greatest of all hypocrisies which man perpetuates not only against himself, but in teaching it to his fellow man. The adherents to this hypocrisy are always doomed to disappointment and eventual destruction should they continue their unrealistic attitude toward the Infinite Creative Force which we call God. It is the purpose of this great Infinite Creative Force to constantly perpetuate itself, re-create itself and regenerate itself in an infinite number of forms and transmissions of numerous and varied energy wave forms, whether they are of an atomic nature or whether they resolve themselves into such infinite abstractions which may be concerned with higher spiritual worlds. There is no difference; it means Infinity. The Creator is living, breathing and regenerating in all of these Infinite configurations. (more…)
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The Spiritual Ego
“In common abstractions based on our nuclear science, all matter can be resolved into energy. Therefore, in the pure idiom, this energy is part of the sum and total of what is commonly referred to as spirit. In
other words, interdimensional forms of energy, manner of transmissional factors of dynamics, and the appearance of energy – as seemingly solid matter – are all part of these abstractions. Consequently, it can be universally resolved that as all is energy, and as energy is dynamic, all action must therefore first take place in these seemingly invisible dimensions. This is just as true with man and his course of life as it is with the atomic constituents which make up his body.
Consciousness in daily life is therefore an integrated pattern of relationships with numerous past transmissions of life as well as past lifetimes. These relationships, moving as oscillating patterns harmonically attuned to consciousness, can be pictured as various formations of sine wave energies. These past life experience relationships represent, in scientific parlance, the negative polarity of life. (more…)
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Interdimensional Energy Transductance ~ Part II
“The world in itself, as well as the planetary system, the galaxy and the universe in which the earth is so situated, presents to even the most casual observer, a very obvious fact: There is much more to science at the present time than has been presupposed in any scientific dispensations. The vague and nebulous theories as they are posed by science — that any planet or sun represents in its formation, a long-term period of the collection of many tiny dust particles from space — is quite infantile and completely refutes any of the existing knowledge or laws of electronic force or motion. The various suns, stars, solar systems and galaxies only represent certain terminating points in the dispensations of energy wave forms and energy manifestations in the interdimensional expansion and contraction process. These planetary systems, as well as the universes themselves, represent
only certain conjunctions or parallaxes, which can be considered as certain terminating points for a large number of energy wave forms from other dimensions which have reached a common junction and which are terminating and re-expressing themselves in the common laws of multiple harmonics into a secondary or lower dimension of transference.
The theory then, as postulated by modern science, that energy, heat or light comes from the sun, is in this respect not only completely inaccurate but bespeaks of the abysmal ignorance from which science is presently trying to levitate itself. When the future scientist begins to understand that the physical dimension (whether it is the earth, the solar system, or the universe about him), represents only an infinitesimally small point of energy transference from the Infinite into his present perspective or means of the five senses, he shall then begin to understand the universal cosmogony, as it is more thoroughly understood by mankind in other planetary systems and in other dimensions. (more…)
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Interdimensional Energy Transductance ~ Part I
“The presentation of the various concepts contained in the texts will present to the layman and the scientist alike, some rather obviously startling departures from the commonly accepted idioms of scientific knowledge which have been collectively propounded during the past hundred years or so, or since the beginning of our present-day physical science. It must be remembered however, that these concepts are not idle theorems or conjectures, but are indeed quite factual and can be proven by numerous existing mysteries, as well as the more commonly accepted forms of ph
ysical sciences as they now exist. It is our avowed purpose and intention to prove from such mysteries and unexplained paradoxes as now presently exist in our physical science and in the beginnings of this so-called new “space age”, that these concepts are indeed correct.
For instance, it has been posed that the interior of the earth will present to itself, not the commonly accepted form of molten iron, as is supposed to exist in our modern understanding in the scientific world, but will actually — so far as present instrumentation is concerned — cease to be, or shall become nonexistent in that future day when the scientist succeeds in penetrating the thin crust of the earth. Yet, indeed, it must not be surmised that the interior of the earth is a vacuum, no more so than the infinitely filled solid space which surrounds the terrestrial planet earth, and which has been accepted by the scientist as space simply because he lacks the relative means to relay any particular dispensations of reactance or resistance into the horizon of his five senses.
When the scientist does penetrate the surface of the earth, should he have, at that time, the correct instrumentation to differentiate the various types of energy spectra which exist in or beneath the crust of the earth, he will indeed find that energy forms do surpass and go beyond the limits of his present-day understanding of atomical constituents in the scale of the some 100 atoms, of which he now presupposes his science to be compounded. In this way, we shall prove that the interior of the earth is not molten, but composed of regular layers or dimensions of energy, each one in an increasingly dense layer to the immediate layer above it. That, too is part of the vortical pattern as a hard core nucleus of a great vortex. (more…)
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The Cosmic Continuum
“One other important concept which the student must always remember is that in his evolutionary flight through this so-called time and space in the reliving of a large number of lifetimes which, as they were in each succeeding life, pre-evaluated upon a common basic understanding of material values from one or a number, or all of the succeeding lifetimes, he has thus largely developed various reactive mechanisms within his consciousness. He has thus, through these succeeding
generations, placed himself directly in the line of transference of energy as a reactive element from one particular form of transference to another. In other words, through consciousness and its associations, he has thus adopted the human form, and this in turn relates him to such transferences of energy as heat; thus he can be burned.
Another reactive element also resides in atomic constituents which man finds about him. He can dig the iron ore from the earth, and after suitable smelting, form it into a sword which will again become a reactive element through his body. The same sword can, with other swords, again form a suitable instrument which can turn over the earth and therein grow crops to sustain his life upon this planet. The disposition here, and in the transferences as they are concerned in dispensations of consciousness to the average individual, then becomes its own prerogative. In this way man is largely different from any other particular form of species of plant or mammalia, as it is concerned upon our terrestrial planet. All other forms of plant and mammalia, to a large degree, form a more directly and commonly related pattern of transference in everyday life which is also presupposed and predisposed by previous incarnations. Only in man, however, do we find such wide deviations as are given in common terms of reference which are referred to as reason. (more…)
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The Superconscious Self
“The term Infinite itself can be considered of the utmost importance. The term Superconsciousness also may indeed at this point, present certain aspects which are not at present fully apparent in the reader’s interpolation. Therefore, we shall approach this subject and its context by stating that the much confused term God, or gods, as posed in numerous cultisms, religions and texts in past dispensations of mankind throughout his existence on the planet earth, can and should be resolved into this one common equation: There is indeed no personal relationship or personal deification involved in the relationship of the Infinite to man as the Infinite is, in all aspects, just as it should be thoroughly understood — Infinite.
This means that so far as space is concerned in the understanding of the modern scientist, his belief is a complete delusion. If we could conceive in the conscious mind for an instantaneous moment, the completion of the Infinite, we would find that space is infinitely filled, infinitely hard, so far as consciousness was reactive to it. In this sense therefore, so far as the material dimension is concerned, the term resistance is of the utmost importance, for all known physical laws function from the plane of reactance or resistance. The two words or terms are synonymous in their exact proportion as far as personal identities or interpolations of science are concerned, whether they relate to any expression, as is commonly composed in diametrically opposed forces of gravity, inertia, centripetal or centrifugal forces. These are all common derivatives of reactance or resistance in their various compounded infractions in the materialistic dimension of atomic forms. (more…)
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Space Age Metamorphosis
“In the realm of physical science today, we are seeing a great change or metamorphosis which can be called the beginning of the “space age”, wherein man is attempting through rockets and in different ways, to shoot satellites into orbit around the earth. He is also attempting to shoot rockets to other nearby planets, the moon and also the sun, with the possibility of establishing relay systems and other types of devices intended for communication purposes so that he will be able to form
somewhat of a more comprehensive idea of the entire universe. This is indeed, from a more advanced position, rather a silly procedure, inasmuch as Infinity is in his immediate environment. He has only to stretch forth his hand and touch Infinity in all its different directions and in all its ramifications.
By substituting his mind for his hand, he could thus bring into realization all of these various implications into his present-day science. In this day and age, too, it does present many strange paradoxes in the realm of physical science and starts with the most advanced of these scientists in the days of the Reformation. It was Newton who established many different physical laws and mathematical formula which were very valuable in the succeeding hundreds of years in helping to establish a physical science upon the face of the earth. (more…)
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Heal Thyself: Seek Within
“One thing which all people have in common is an abnormal sense or fear of death; and here again is the strange paradox, for in the sleeping and waking state, man dies and relives at least once every 24 hours. Yet, the word death which is actually only a Latin word meaning change, strikes terror into the heart of the materialist. Even the religionist who inhabits the church is filled with dreads, fears
and vagaries. No one seems to be at the particular point in his expression of life where he can see the continuity of expression as he so lives it at any particular moment for he is directly connected through frequency relationship with at least a thousand lifetimes lived in the past. He has discarded his body at various intervals (as it is connected with that particular life), to be reborn and again live in the future in almost the identical circumstances, following the same thought patterns and obeying the same psychic impulses as motivated him in his former lives.
To study statistics as they present themselves in this present-day modern world, does indeed give everyone a sense of dread or foreboding. When we can study the high rate of incidence in the various hospitals, asylums and, in particular, the mental status quo of John Q. Citizen as he inhabits our civilized world today, these statistics do indeed indicate grave conditions.
As in all cases and in normal sequences, evolution can always be largely envisioned as a progressive cycle but understanding the structural qualities, the movement of these cyclic forms and the energy forms from which they are so constructed, you are immediately reminded that here again is our common equivalent in polarity patterns; there is always a positive and a negative. We must also resort back into history and find man has always lived, to some degree, in these cyclic patterns of progression and retrogression. (more…)
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Finding Our Spiritual Pathway
“Just as was prophesied in the Bible, that in the latter days there would be many false teachers and false prophets, our systems of idolatry have indeed fully justified this prophecy. However, people can be considered largely responsible, to a certain degree, for many of the false gods and teachers who they find about them in their world today.
They are continually supporting false political systems which breathe, like the fiery dragons old, the fires of war, hell, hate and destruction of their fellow men. While even on bended knee, they beseech their god to lead them to victory over their fellow men with the sword and gun. Nor is that particular custom any different from that of the pagan in the many past lifetimes of which these people were a part of at that particular time. One of the most common practices in which man has indulged throughout the various periods of history and time and which has been depicted on temple walls and in historical documentaries, are the constant prayers and pleas to the various ruling and dominating spiritual forces or gods, to lead them to victory while beheading their fellow men. (more…)
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Faith Healing
“The thought must be held in the mind of the reader that every atom is a sustained or surface appearance of a cyclic pattern as it resolves in that dimension of the psychic body; and this same cyclic relationship also relates to every other atom in the infinite universe. These same principles also hold true in any and all sundry superficial cases of healing such as are incurred in our modern everyday world, whether they take place in the hospitals, in the homes, or under any other condition which
can be envisioned by the reader. The same principles which have been explained must always be in proper conjunction and relationship before healing of any sort can take place.
It makes little difference whether the person who is ill or so concerned with healing, visualizes this catalytic agent as Jesus the Avatar, or whether he finds this catalytic and compelling agent in the face of his doctor, or that he finds it in the face of his priest; or perhaps he could even find it by swallowing a simple aspirin tablet or even by drinking a glass of water. (more…)
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On The Mechanics of Personal Constructive Evaluation
“To express a good and constructive thought, whether or not it is followed by an action, means this good and constructive thought, as a definite wave form, has behind it the potential of consciousness and is psychokinetically projected into the Infinite Cosmos. There, in frequency relationship, it finds an infinite number of wave forms which are compatible to it in nature and also good in nature which can be considered constructive. Therefore this thought regenerates a certain harmonic structure which, in turn through cyclic patterns, regenerates itself on the surface of the life of the individual who first cast the good and constructive thought into the ethers.
This same principle holds true of people who cast negative thoughts into the Infinite; and here is a measure of warning: Thought without action is just as potent as if the action had been committed. To commit adultery mentally is just as much of a sin as actually to perpetrate the sin in a physical sense; the idea behind all such manifestations is that these things usually enslave the perpetrator to the exclusion of all constructive ideologies, forms and manifestations. Here again we find that common linkage through frequency relationship, not only to the Infinite Cosmos but to an infinite number of people who are or who have committed such nefarious or negative relationships in their life.
These negative thoughts, in turn, will regenerate those harmonic structures which are very increasingly negative in nature and which, through cyclic patterns and frequency relationship, will regenerate those harmonic structures which are ever increasingly negative in nature and which, through cyclic patterns and frequency relationship, will regenerate themselves on the surface of the life of the individual who first cast them into the Infinite. Thus we see the beginning of both a spiritually good person and a very vile or evil person and it can truly be said to be the beginning, or the end. (more…)
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Time And Space
“The reader must remember that time and space are synonymous in all respects, for if we did not have time, we would not have space. Time and space means only the transference, in some specific relationship of an idea or form of consciousness from one plane of equation to another. The sum and total of all intelligence as posed in the Infinite Consciousness, is therefore, in direct terms of frequency relationship – space. These confusing elements of time can be eliminated, for the existence of this consciousness in any form merely means that it relates itself in frequency relationship to various existing compatible relationships in whatever position they so exist in the Infinite Consciousness. When this principle is thoroughly understood, then the scientist can separate himself from his material world and place himself in an equitable position with other different transpositions of life as they are lived by mankind on other planetary systems. (more…)
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Is the Big Bang a Big Scam?
“A complete verification of our present-day invalid astronomical science was made in a public expose over a national television by a group of three eminent astronomers and one physicist…these eminent savants climaxed the show in a mild conflict of opinions which involved, chiefly, the manner in which our universe was created and its age. These men did agree, however, on one pertinent issue, that by and large, all stars or suns which could be seen or photographed, were primarily of the same chemistry or atomic constituents.
We will neglect for the moment, the interjection of vast astronomical distances and enter more directly into the other issues – namely, the age and method of the creation and its countless billions of galaxies, star clusters, and stars.
At the present time, there seem to be two theories for this creation. One is called the “Big Bang” theory which goes something like this: At some long ago time – 13 billion or more years ago – there existed a tremendously big ball of condensed energy; then, like some huge celestial firecracker, this thing exploded, scattering galaxies and stars all over the universe and where, theoretically, they have been spreading out ever since. (more…)
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