The “Lost Spirituality” of Freudianism

Freudianism-main“It has been observed that it is much simpler to deny than to understand. This is quite true in respect to any particular person’s individual point of evolution wherein he has not become conscious and cognizant of the various relative, inceptive dimensions of interpolations which have been discussed in previous texts. Most often a person so confronted with truths or concepts which are beyond his understanding, always resorts to the subterfuge of denial. More often too, it is found these people always resort to another common subterfuge which can be called finger pointing and by this simple device, which is a diversionary measure, they hope to detract not only their own personal attention away from their own inadequacies and weaknesses, but also hope to focus the attention of others away from themselves. It should be understood that everyone, to a lesser or greater degree, supports a preponderance of psychic configurations from past lifetimes wherein he has incepted a large number of life experiences which have somehow been either sinful or unjustifiable in a higher expression of life. These various unjustified objectivisms, while they may not be manifest in a person’s conscious mind, yet they always exert a certain pernicious effect into consciousness and the person is thus continuously subjected in his daily life to a vague sense of inferiority or maladjustment. (more…)

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Polarity-main-4-post“In the beginning it was posed that individually, man reflected in his earth life a certain negative polarity of transference of consciousness in respect to the Infinite, and herein enters at least one very important and dynamic concept which everyone should remember in the future. This is: Nothing is static in the Eye and Mind of the Infinite; that all consciousness is constantly in motion and so far as the terrestrial or earth dimension is concerned – in terms and references to our modern science – can be considered energy wave forms which have a positive and a negative polarity as an oscillating motion. This was further equalized in our common objectivism, that by throwing a stone into a pond we could see energy being transferred in an undulating or an up and down motion from one point to another.

In common terms of reference, therefore, it is most important to remember that in all forms of motion, whether they are concerned with the more immediate terrestrial or third dimension, or   sinewaveinto the more infinite abstractions, there is always involved the concept of polarity. This means that always within each form of consciousness, as it is expressed in such a wave form or a motion, and whether or not it is contained in a point to point terminus, a third dimensional equivalent, or to more infinite abstractions as are contained in cyclic motions of transference within the cycle itself, there is always the resolution of the positive to negative and negative to positive equivalents of transference which always presents to the face of Infinity its own particular equivalent of consciousness as it was so regenerated from the vastness and the infinite beginnings of the most Infinite. (more…)

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The Science of Obsession

obsessions-main“Our present-day psychiatry is indeed crude and the practice of psychology as it is expounded in our various asylums and the so-called therapeutic treatment of the different aberrations is likewise crude; the only difference being that there is now some sort of humanitarian interest to the environment with which the mentally aberrated person is immediately concerned. In other words, the psychiatrist resorts only to a temporary change of environment hoping thereby to induce a permanent change in thought patterns. Such a procedure is extremely fallacious and will explain why it is that so little success is being concurrently displayed in our modern dispensations of psychiatric treatment.

To further expurgate any particular psychic misalignments, the psychiatrist often subjects more advanced aberrations to severe shock treatments. This therapy is indeed crude and primitive and immediately is reminiscent of many of the bygone practices from the pagan or more aboriginal days of the individual healing practices wherein holes were often scraped in the cranium to let loose evil spirits and other weird practices which subjected the individual to horrible and extreme torture. Blood-letting was a common practice in the Middle Ages to relieve various kinds of diseases in the body; and this too smacked of the letting out of evil spirits. The present-day psychologist, in subjecting the patient to a severe shock, can be likened somewhat to fixing a delicate watch with a hammer; the treatment is, as previously postulated, reminiscent of bygone practices. (more…)

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Dark Matter Resides in Other Dimensions

Dark matter is called dark not because it is dark but because it is invisible to our five senses and scientific instrumentation. Theories have been postulated that dark matter exists in other dimensions. The existence of dimensions is something which UN.AR.I.U.S. has taught in its lesson courses for over 50 years as well as how these other dimensions interact with our third dimensional or physical plane.

Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum by Ernest L. Norman:

Chapter 2: “…it was resolved in common physical science that all substance, visible or inatom2visible, is energy. This also includes those seemingly so-called particles of matter, termed atoms, which are actually energy solar systems. In the various interdimensional linkages, it is not possible for any third dimensional transmission of life – as it is seen about us – to take place without immediate and connecting reactions with an infinite number of dimensions from which the very source of life and power stems. It is impossible to do one of the simpler acts of daily life without having implications which reach hundreds of thousands of years, in the term or sense of time, both into the past and into the future, so far as the relationship of energy and its transmission is concerned.

Therefore, we must consider the mechanics of these various transmissions which we call the appearansinewave3ces of life about us. First, it can always be pictured and assumed, in the dynamics of these transmissions, that all things travel as a sine wave or a combination of such wave frequencies and sine waves always vibrate, or from the polarities as are so contained from positive to negative in these sine wave formations, they are carrying a certain consciousness within them. These various appearances from positive to negative and the relationship of this consciousness takes place at a predetermined rate of time or frequency. (more…)

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