The Telepathy Tapes

The-Telepathy-Tapes-main-4-postby Ky Dickens

For centuries, we have tiptoed around the idea of extra-sensory perception – the idea that humans can perceive information and impact their world outside the parameters of our five senses. (more…)

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I’ve Been Here Before!

Ive-Been-Here-Before-main-2-postby Nathan Rapport

There is a pause in the merriment as your friends gaze at you, wondering why you are staring, open-mouthed in amazement.

You explain, “I have the strangest feeling of having lived through this very same event before. I can’t tell when, but I’m positive I witnessed this same scene of this particular gathering at some time in the past!”

This experience will have happened to many of you.

Emerson, in his lecture, refers to the “. . . startling experience which almost every person confesses in daylight, that particular passages of conversation and action have occurred to him in the same order before, whether dreaming or waking, a suspicion that they have been with precisely these persons in precisely this room, and heard precisely this dialogue, at some former hour, they know not when.” (more…)

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Beyond Telepathy

Beyond-Telepathy-main-2-postby Andrija Puharich

Man has been exploring his mind since time began, and out of it has come all that we know. When the mind becomes uncertain of what it finds, or thinks it knows, then it turns to the outer world and utilizes observation and experiment as a check upon itself. And this is a necessary precaution because a mind unchecked by facts can get out of control and create fantasies that can become injurious to one’s existence, or to others. In this work I give you the stories of normal men and women who have explored the far reaches of their minds, and who were sure enough of their findings to check them against the facts, and be checked by outside observers. What they experienced are examples of telepathy, clairvoyance, the action of mind at a distance, and most remarkable of all — the personality freeing itself of the body and traveling where it will across the reaches of time and space. The following are just two examples. (more…)

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Penetration: Remote Viewing The Moon

Penetration-Remote-Viewing-The-Moon-main-2-postby Ingo Swann

Back at work, Axel gave me Moon coordinates, each set representing specific locations on the Moon’s surface.

At some of the locations there seemed to be nothing to see except Moonscapes.

But at others locations? – well, there were confusions, and I perceived a lot that I could not understand at all. I made a lot of sketches, identifying them as this or that, or looking like something else. Without comments, Axelrod quickly took possession of each sketch, and I was never to see them again.

I found towers, machinery, lights of different colors, strange-looking “buildings.” (more…)

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The Woman Who Solved Crimes

The-Woman-Who-Solved-Crimes-main-4-postby Mabel Love

The taxi driver, becalmed in a New York traffic jam, fell to thinking about his own personal problems: should he sell his house in Bellcrose, take that job in Detroit—things like that.

“Don’t give up your job, son, your wife would not be happy out there,” a hearty voice boomed from the back seat of his cab.

“What the—what goes on here?” Shaken, the driver turned to size up the smiling middle-aged woman who seemed to have read his thoughts so accurately.

“You a mind reader, lady?”

“Something like that, only my gift is called extrasensory perception.” (more…)

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Precognition ~ Part III

Precognition-Part-III-main-4-postby Maurice Maeterlinck

Though premonitions in general end up being useless and appear systematically to withhold the only indispensable and decisive words, there are, nevertheless, some that often seem to save those who obey them. These, it is true, are rarer than the first, but still they include a certain number that are well authenticated. It remains to be seen how far they imply a knowledge of the future.

Here, for instance, is a traveler who, arriving at night in a small unknown town and walking along the ill-lighted dock in the direction of an hotel of which he roughly knows the position, at a given moment felt an irresistible impulse to turn and go the other way. He instantly obeys, though his reason protests and “berates him for being a fool” in taking a roundabout way to his destination. The next day he discovers that, if he had gone a few feet farther, he would certainly have slipped into the river; and, as he was but a feeble swimmer, he would just as certainly, being alone and unaided in the extreme darkness, have been drowned. (more…)

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Precognition ~ Part II

Precognition-Part-II-main-4-postby Maurice Maeterlinck

We will abridge our subject still further, referring readers who wish to know the details to the originals, lest we should never have done; or rather, instead of attempting an abridgment, which would still be too long, so plentiful are the materials, we will content ourselves with enumerating a few instances, all taken from Bozzano’s Des Phenomenes premonitoires. We read there of a funeral procession seen on a high-road several days before it actually passed that way; or, again, of a young mechanic who, in the beginning of November, dreamt that he came home at half-past five in the afternoon and saw his sister’s little girl run over by a tram-car while crossing the street in front of the house. He told his dream, in great distress; and, on the 13th of the same month, in spite of all the precautions that had been taken, the child was run over by the tram-car and killed at the hour named. We find the ghost, the phantom animal or the mysterious noise which, in certain families, is the traditional herald of a death or of an imminent catastrophe. We find the celebrated vision which the painter Segantini had thirteen days before his decease, every detail of which remained in his mind and was represented in his last picture, Death. We find the Messina disaster clearly foreseen, twice over, by a little girl who perished under the ruins of the ill-fated city; and we read of a dream which, three months before the French invasion of Russia, foretold to Countess Toutschkoff that her husband would fall at Borodino, a village so little known at the time that those interested in the dream looked in vain for its name on the maps. Until now we have spoken only of the spontaneous manifestations of the future. It would seem as though coming events, gathered in front of our lives, bear with crushing weight upon the uncertain and deceptive dike of the present, which is no longer able to contain them. They ooze through, they seek a crevice by which to reach us. But, side by side with these passive, independent and intractable premonitions, which are but so many vagrant and furtive emanations of the unknown, are others which do yield to entreaty, allow themselves to be directed into channels, are more or less obedient to our orders and will sometimes reply to the questions which we put to them. They come from the same inaccessible reservoir, are no less mysterious, but yet appear a little more human than the others; and, without drugging ourselves with puerile or dangerous illusions, we may be permitted to hope that, if we follow them and study them attentively, they will one day open to us the hidden paths that join that which is no more to that which is not yet. (more…)

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Precognition ~ Part I

Precognition-Part-I-main-2-postby Maurice Maeterlinck

Premonition or precognition leads us to mysterious regions, where stands, half merging from an intolerable darkness, the gravest problem that can thrill mankind, the knowledge of the future. The latest, the best and the most complete study devoted to it is, I believe, that recently published by M. Ernest Bozzano, under the title Des Phenomenes Premonitoires. Availing himself of excellent earlier work, notably that of Mrs. Sidgwick and Myers and adding the result of his own researches, the author collects some thousand cases of precognition, of which he discusses one hundred and sixty, leaving the great majority of the others on one side. Not because they are negligible, but because he does not wish to exceed too flagrantly the normal limits of a monograph. (more…)

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Foreseeing The Future

Foreseeing-The-Future-main-4-postby Brad Steiger

In her book, Hidden Channels of the Mind, Louisa E. Rhine, wife of world famous “psi” researcher, Dr. J.B. Rhine of Duke University, tells of a Maine man who reacted to a precognitive dream in the same way any normal well-adjusted twentieth century man might – he disregarded it. His rejection of the psychic warning may have cost his son’s life.

The central figure in the case is nameless in Mrs. Rhine’s book, but his personal data is on record in the files of the parapsychology laboratory at Duke University. The man’s 14-year-old son, Walter, was an excellent swimmer, who often went swimming in a nearby stream with his neighborhood friends. In a dream, the man saw his son swimming below a certain big tree above the dam and drown. When he arrived at the stream, Walter’s body had not yet been located, but a man named John McC – was attempting to reclaim it from the water. (more…)

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Telepathy-main-4-postby Swami Panchadasi

Telepathy, meaning Thought-Transference, bears a misleading title. Literally translated, it means “suffering at a distance,” or, perhaps, “feeling pain at a distance.” The name should really indicate “knowing at a distance,” in order to be properly descriptive. But as the term has acquired a forced meaning by reason of years of usage, it will probably be continued in popular favor. After all, names do not count, so long as the meaning is accepted and understood.

While the term itself has been generally used in the sense of conscious and deliberate sending and receiving of thought-waves, there is a far wider field of phenomena really covered by it, namely, the unconscious sending and receiving of mental and emotional vibrations. (more…)

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Dreams of Precognition

Dreams-of-Precognition-main-4-postby Nancy C. Pohle

One of the most frequently asked question regarding dreams is, “How do I really know whether or not my dreams are predictive?”

The simple answer is, “You never truly know for sure.” But that doesn’t mean you can’t take all the measures possible to alleviate the impact of the dream’s outcome (if it’s negative) by applying some of the dream’s suggestions in your waking state. It’s also good to keep in mind the Cayce readings’ suggestion that dreams that recur more than three times indicate a strong likelihood that it is predictive.

Barbara told of a dream she had one December night, in which she and her husband were conversing while standing in the house they were in the process of buying. Upon awakening, Barbara had in her mind the date February 2nd. She didn’t know what that might relate to, because their closing date was set for mid-January; but she marked her calendar so that she would pay attention when that day arrived. Two weeks later, she received a call from her Realtor, who apologized and said that the house would not be available until February 2nd. Barbara soon realized, “Oh my gosh, that was the date in my dream!” (more…)

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