Healing Water Therapies

Healing-Water-Therapies-main-4-postby Constantin D. Cerbu

In the autumn of 1939, France was at war. Among those leaving Paris, there was an engineer of Arts and Metiers named Achilles Marcel Violet (1886-1973). Having already reached the age of 53, he was excused from military service.

He settled down in Boissy-la-Riviere, in the region of Etampes.

He never lived in the countryside before and his spirit of observation, fine-tuned from all the engineering, made him notice that, after electrical storms, vegetation had an increased rate of growth. He found it curious. He was later informed that the farm animals were somehow more attracted of this water than they were of the tap water they were provided with. When talking this through with his neighbors, experienced farmers all, someone suggested that this may be because storm water is more “active” because of its higher temperature. After doing some research on the matter, this claim was proved false. Still, he thought there might be a relationship between the sudden increase in growth and the water from the electrical storm. He assumed it was due to some chemical compounds that fertilize the soil, but test results proved that false as well. As the storms went and passed, they visibly had the same effects on the crops and animals. (more…)

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Dreams That Heal

Dreams-That-Heal-main-4-postby Rosemary Ann Guiley

In ancient Greece a man who has been chronically ill is on the most important journey of his life. Agares has been granted permission to make a pilgrimage to Epidaurous, one of the largest healing temples in the known world. Actually, it is a dream-healing temple, for while Agares is there, he will try to dream his healing. No earthly doctor has been able to help him. This is his last hope.

Agares is part of a group of pilgrims who are all seeking dream healing. They take offerings of coins, food, and animals to the temple. They are amazed by Epidaurous. It is like a small city, with numerous buildings. There are houses for the dream priests, dormitories for the pilgrims, baths, and a huge outdoor amphitheater for lectures and entertainment. The pilgrims are shown their tiny cells, where they will sleep on mats and dream. (more…)

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Bioelectromagnetic Healing

Bioelectromagnetic-Healing-main-4-postby Thomas F. Valone

Historically, as far back as 1890, the American Electro-Therapeutic Association conducted annual conferences on the therapeutic use of electricity and electrical devices by physicians on ailing patients. Some involved current flow through the patient, while others were electrically powered devices. At first, only direct current (DC) devices were utilized in the medical doctor’s office for relieving pain and vibrating patients who were routinely diagnosed with “hysteria.” (more…)

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Understanding Viruses

Understanding-Viruses-main-4-postThis is a very informative article on the true nature of viruses as we deal with the current situation of the coronavirus
– reposted for the benefit of our readers.

Scientists were absolutely shocked to find out that millions of bacteria and viruses are floating around in our atmosphere. The problem is that they don’t simply stay there but fall down on Earth. For the very first time, a scientific study, which the International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal published, analyzed the amount of viruses moving up and down in and from the atmosphere. And the results were terrifying. It seems that over 800 million viruses per square meter become caught in the planet’s upper troposphere. Also, tens of millions of bacteria and billions of viruses are deposited, per square meter, each passing day.

This discovery might answer why genetically identical viruses exist in such different environments on the planet. They travel the atmosphere and end up in a completely different spot than the one they originated from. And experts agree that this is most certainly the cause. But in order to reach these results, the scientists had to look at the amount of viruses at a great height. It also seems that some particles of vapor from sea spray and soil allow viruses to travel on long distances. ~ Journal Recorder (more…)

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What Should Psychiatry’s Approach Be To Spirit Possession?

Psychiatrys-Approach-To-Possession-main-4-postby Stafford Betty


A great deal of Jesus’ ministry was devoted to exorcising ‘‘evil spirits’’ or ‘‘demons.’’ Seven specific accounts in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) show him casting them out of their human victims. All over the Third World right down to the present day, ‘‘spirits,’’ both good and bad, are taken for granted as realities that share our world and sometimes must be dealt with. Exorcisms are commonplace throughout South and Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and sub-Saharan Africa; and there is no place in the world where they are unknown. Before the Communist Revolution, casting out evil spirits in China was a normal part of a Taoist priest’s job. In the United States, according to Catholic theologian Malachi Martin, there was ‘‘a 750 percent increase in the number of Exorcisms performed between the early 1960s and the mid-1970s’’ (Martin, 1992, p. xviii). And in England, according to Dom Robert Petitpierre, editor of the Anglican ‘‘Exeter Report’’ on exorcism, ‘‘incidents of demonic interference . . . since 1960 have become ‘virtually an explosion’’’ (Malia, 2001, p. 66). Yet the vast majority of readers of this journal think that ‘‘spirits,’’ at least the kind that oppress or possess us, are not real. Indeed the very raising of the question, Do evil spirits molest us? seems to most of us like a return to the Dark Ages and might be greeted with derision. In a dreamlike state of delirium the agnostic Ivan, in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, yells at the devil, ‘‘No, you are not someone apart, you are myself, you are I and nothing more! You are rubbish, you are my fancy!’’ (Dostoevsky, 1957, p. 582). Doesn’t Ivan speak for almost all of us? (more…)

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Your Body Is An Illusion

Your-Body-Is-An-Illusion-main-4-postby Bruce Lipton

I will show you the science of actually how the cells work in your body. And you will have more knowledge than most doctors in the world today. Because they still believe in the genes.

You are made out of 50 trillion cells. And the cells are the living entities so you are a community, not a single person!

Every cell on your body has minus voltage on the inside. And positive voltage on the outside! (more…)

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Healing Dreams

Healing-Dreams-main-4-postby Stanley Krippner

Diagnostic and healing dreams assumed great importance among ancient peoples. Many indigenous people believed that dreams represented a domain as important as the ordinary world and that what occurred in the dream world was as real as what happened in the waking world. Many tribes contended that the deities had “dreamed” the ordinary world into existence; in a similar fashion, a human being could “dream” an event into something substantive. Therefore, dreams of sickness and health were carefully scrutinized for their impact upon the well-being of the dreamer. The Ojibway Indians of the Lake Superior region in North America made “dream catcher” nets that hung over the beds of their children to catch unfavorable dreams; only favorable dreams would pass through, and it was assumed that they would facilitate the childrens’ health and well-being.

The Egyptian physician and architect Imhotep, who supposedly lived about 2900 B.C.E., became the patron of the ill. Individuals incubated their dreams at Serapeums or healing temples and reported their dreams to the katochoi, or dream scribe. If the katochoi did not deem the dream to be satisfactory, the patient remained in the sanctuary until an appropriate dream was reported. Patients often reported that Imhotep himself appeared with a diagnosis or a prescription. There is a historical link between the temples of Imhotep in Egypt and the healing temples of the Greek god Asclepius, which were especially popular in the fourth century B.C.E.. In the Greek temples, patients allegedly received diagnosis and treatment in their dreams during a visit from Asclepius or from one of his sacred animals. (more…)

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Healing With Bioelectricity

Healing-With-Bioelectricity-main-2-postby David Levin

In the early nineteenth century, the nature of electricity remained a mystery to scientists. Experiments from the era showed that a spark could make dead frogs’ muscles twitch, or even set human corpses into convulsions — supernatural fodder that may have inspired Mary Shelley’s famed novel, Frankenstein. More than 200 years later, all the ways that electricity acts in the human body still aren’t completely understood. It is clear, however, that electric signals play a major role in the body’s early development.

Scientists like Michael Levin of Tufts University have discovered that cellular charges control how and where a structure forms in a developing embryo. Even more surprising, he’s found that it’s possible to manipulate bodily forms just by changing the voltage patterns of its cells. (more…)

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Radionics ~ Part III

Radionics-Part-III-main-4-postby The Radionist (Journal Of Borderland Research)

Around 1926, Dr. Wigelsworth and his company, the Pathometric Corporation, produced the Pathoclast, of which a number of models were manufactured during ensuing years. It differed from previous equipment in two significant respects — the use of variable condensors for tuning, and the inclusion of vacuum tubes for amplification.

Tuning was accomplished by means of a large dial for each variable condenser, the dials were calibrated 0 to 100 in 1 or 2 degree divisions. There were two dials per tuning row, and two or three rows, depending upon the model. On a 2 row instrument, the upper row could be used for condition tuning rates and the lower row for visceral (organ) tuning rates. A tuning rate encompassed settings of both left and right hand dials; with each dial capable of being set at any of 100 positions, the total possible number of tuning rates per row therefore was 100 x 100 or a total of 10000; while this may seem to be quite a large number, yet it falls far short of the million-plus combinations possible with a tuning row on the Calbro Magnowave, which incorporated 6 dials each of which could be set anywhere from zero to 10 in unit steps. Many tuning rates used on the Calbro Magnowave and successor instruments had no representation on the Pathoclast so could not be used on it or on any condensor-tuned equipment. (more…)

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Know The Workings Of The Unseen World

Know-The-Workings-Of-The-Unseen-World-main-2-postby Yada di Shi’ite

“For everywhere that you go, for everyone that you come in contact with, there are endless kinds of vibratory action unseen to the physical eyes; and some can be very detrimental to you. If you walk through your market places, and come in contact with the many people, you may feel when you return that you are weary from your exertion; that you have this weariness through your struggle to get through the crowds. This is not true. Your weariness is brought about by the unseen activity that is going on around you all of the time, but more rampantly and more dangerously so when you are mixing with one another in what is called crowds. (more…)

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The Water of Life

Water-Of-Life-main-4-postby Robert Charroux

Water has always been one of the mysteries most closely studied by alchemists.

Combined or mixed with various chemical substances, it has stimulated men to research aimed at discovering the “water of life”, eternal youth, or a means of purification from sin.

Rain Water

Conclusive results have been scant, possibly because the seekers concentrated too much on their retorts and not enough on the observation of nature. Marcel Violet has not made that mistake:

“Every gardener knows,” he says, “how much a really heavy storm of rain stimulates growth. It not only makes plants grow, but it seems to have a special power of fertilization that one might think came from chemicals in the atmosphere, perhaps resulting from lightning and dissolved in the rain water. . . . But all efforts to reproduce the particular properties of rain water by adding chemicals to ordinary tap water have failed; obviously the power is not due to chemicals.” (more…)

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Radionics ~ Part II

Radionics-Part-II-main-2-postby The Radionist (Journal Of Borderland Research)

As Dr. Abrams’ practice grew, spurred by the increasing accuracy and thoroughness of his diagnoses, more and more instances arose of patients who wished to avail themselves of his method but who could not visit his office, either because they were too ill to make an office visit, or lived too far away. In the effort to be of service to these individuals, experiments were made with blood specimens taken from people who were ill, and placed in a metal cup (which Dr. Abrams termed a “dynamizer”), with connecting wires to the head and foot plates attached to the healthy subject (reagent) on whom the percussion diagnosis was performed. It was found that the blood carried all the radiations of the body from which it had been drawn, and could therefore be used as a substitute for the presence of the patient in the examining room. With the blood in the metal cup connected to the healthy subject, the diagnostic tests performed on that subject produced the same tunings and measurements as those prevailing when the patient (from whom the blood had been drawn) was personally connected to the reagent, through the tuning controls. (more…)

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Protection From Psychic Attack

Protection-From-Psychic-Attack-main-4-postby Sue Allen

What is Psychic Attack?

Psychic attack is a very widely used term which is often misunderstood. It means that an external energy affects you in such a way that it has a detrimental effect on your sense of well-being. Our well-being includes our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual functioning and generally denotes a sense of harmony and balance in our lives. It is possible to see from this wide definition that psychic attack can therefore include environmental energy which causes us discomfort such as bright lights, noise and pollution. The other types of psychic attack come from living people and include psychic vampirism, witchcraft, curses, black magic, and thought forms. In all cases of psychic attack we need to look at the reason for the attack and take responsibility for why we have allowed it to affect us. It is essential to recognize that ultimately someone can only attack you if allowed to. This applies to all forms of psychic attack including both the intentional and the unintentional. I personally do not include spirit attachment or possession in this area for the sake of simplicity, although the presence of entities can clearly affect our sense of well-being. (more…)

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Radionics ~ Treatment And Diagnosis Using Radiations Of Energy

Radionics-main-4-postby The Radionist (Journal of Borderland Research)

To start with a definition — Radionics is an art by which diagnostic data is obtained through use of equipment which enables a trained operator to detect and measure differential radiations by the different organs and tissues of the body. Other uses of the equipment include detecting, ascertaining the location in the body, and measuring the amplitude of various types of pathology and adverse conditions of tissue, and similarly to detect, locate and measure any foreign micro-organisms, parasites, and other irritant factors that contribute to disease. Also the use of the equipment for resonance tests by which the effect of any proposed remedy such as a vitamin, mineral, homeopathic substance or nutritional concentrate can be predetermined with regard to any organ, system or function of the body. Last but not least, the administration of subtle forms of energy for treatment. (more…)

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Confessions Of A Medical Heretic

Confessions-Of-A-Medical-Heretic-main-4-postby Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.

Confessions Of A Medical Heretic book coverI do not believe in Modern Medicine. I am a medical heretic. My aim in this book is to persuade you to become a heretic, too. I haven’t always been a medical heretic. I once believed in Modern Medicine. In medical school, I failed to look deeply into a study that was going on around me, of the effects of the hormone DES — because I believed. Who could have suspected that twenty years later we would discover that DES causes vaginal cancer and genital abnormalities in children born to women receiving the drug during pregnancy?

I confess that I failed to be suspicious of oxygen therapy for premature infants, even though the best equipped and most advanced premature nurseries had an incidence of partial or total blindness of around ninety percent of all low birth weight infants. A few miles away in a large, less “advanced” hospital, the incidence of this condition — retrolental fibroplasia — was less than ten percent. I asked my professors in medical school to explain the difference. And I believed them when they said the doctors in the poorer hospital just didn’t know how to make the correct diagnosis. (more…)

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