Protection From Psychic Attack
by Sue Allen
What is Psychic Attack?
Psychic attack is a very widely used term which is often misunderstood. It means that an external energy affects you in such a way that it has a detrimental effect on your sense of well-being. Our well-being includes our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual functioning and generally denotes a sense of harmony and balance in our lives. It is possible to see from this wide definition that psychic attack can therefore include environmental energy which causes us discomfort such as bright lights, noise and pollution. The other types of psychic attack come from living people and include psychic vampirism, witchcraft, curses, black magic, and thought forms. In all cases of psychic attack we need to look at the reason for the attack and take responsibility for why we have allowed it to affect us. It is essential to recognize that ultimately someone can only attack you if allowed to. This applies to all forms of psychic attack including both the intentional and the unintentional. I personally do not include spirit attachment or possession in this area for the sake of simplicity, although the presence of entities can clearly affect our sense of well-being. (more…)
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Radionics ~ Treatment And Diagnosis Using Radiations Of Energy
by The Radionist (Journal of Borderland Research)
To start with a definition — Radionics is an art by which diagnostic data is obtained through use of equipment which enables a trained operator to detect and measure differential radiations by the different organs and tissues of the body. Other uses of the equipment include detecting, ascertaining the location in the body, and measuring the amplitude of various types of pathology and adverse conditions of tissue, and similarly to detect, locate and measure any foreign micro-organisms, parasites, and other irritant factors that contribute to disease. Also the use of the equipment for resonance tests by which the effect of any proposed remedy such as a vitamin, mineral, homeopathic substance or nutritional concentrate can be predetermined with regard to any organ, system or function of the body. Last but not least, the administration of subtle forms of energy for treatment. (more…)
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Confessions Of A Medical Heretic
by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
I do not believe in Modern Medicine. I am a medical heretic. My aim in this book is to persuade you to become a heretic, too. I haven’t always been a medical heretic. I once believed in Modern Medicine. In medical school, I failed to look deeply into a study that was going on around me, of the effects of the hormone DES — because I believed. Who could have suspected that twenty years later we would discover that DES causes vaginal cancer and genital abnormalities in children born to women receiving the drug during pregnancy?
I confess that I failed to be suspicious of oxygen therapy for premature infants, even though the best equipped and most advanced premature nurseries had an incidence of partial or total blindness of around ninety percent of all low birth weight infants. A few miles away in a large, less “advanced” hospital, the incidence of this condition — retrolental fibroplasia — was less than ten percent. I asked my professors in medical school to explain the difference. And I believed them when they said the doctors in the poorer hospital just didn’t know how to make the correct diagnosis. (more…)
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Krebiozen: Another Suppressed Cancer Cure
by Prevention Magazine
We now rank far down the list of civilized nations in infant mortality and other significant medical statistics. I was able to document the shocking record of these cold-blooded tycoons who not only plan and carry out famines, economic depressions, revolutions and wars, but who also find their greatest profits in their manipulations of our medical care. The cynicism and malice of these conspirators is something beyond the imagination of most Americans. They deliberately milk our people of millions of dollars each year through “charitable” organizations and then use these same organizations as key groups to bolster their Medical Monopoly. Fear and intimidation are the basic techniques by which the conspirators maintain their control over all aspects of our health care, as they ruthlessly crush any competitor who challenges their profits. As in other aspects of their “behavioral control” over the American people, their most constantly used weapon against us is their employment of federal agents and federal agencies to carry out their intrigues. ~ Eustace Mullens (Murder By Injection)
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Gaston Naessens And His Cure For Cancer
by Jeffrey Fisher
“You see, I’ve been able to establish a life cycle of forms in the blood that add up to no less than a brand new understanding for the very basis of life. What we’re talking about is an entirely new biology, one out of which has fortunately sprung practical applications of benefit to sick people, even before all of its many theoretical aspects have been sorted out. The somatids, one can say, are precursors of DNA. Which means that they somehow supply a ‘missing link’ to an understanding of that remarkable molecule that up to now has been considered as an all but irreducible building block in the life process.” ~ Gaston Naessens
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Principles And Proof: Electro-Magnetic Properties
by George Van Tassel
In 1923 Dr. Biefield, professor of physics and astronomy at Dennison University, teamed up with Townsend Brown in basic efforts to understand and overcome gravity. At Dr. Biefield’s suggestion a number of tests were performed to determine the electrical relation of gravity relative to electrically charged objects. Dr. Biefield was a former classmate of Einstein in Switzerland. The original tests conducted proved there was a tendency toward motion in a charged condenser suspended from a thread. This observed motion of a charged condenser has been labeled the Biefield-Brown Effect. Brown pointed out in 1923 that this tendency of a charged condenser to move might grow into a basically new method of propulsion.
In 1926 Townsend Brown described a “space car” using this new principle. By 1928 he had built working models of a boat propelled in this manner. By 1938 Brown had shown how his condensers not only moved but had interesting effects on plants and animals. Townsend Brown made a condenser shaped like a saucer that flew around a maypole long before flying saucers became a newspaper topic in 1947. (more…)
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The Spiritual Path
by Yada di Shi’ite
Yada: It is very interesting to learn of the intricacies of man’s life at large and the extreme complexity of creation. Everything that can be seen, meaning form, matter in form, has its origin in what is called geometrical patterns in and formed by the primary substance which is sometimes referred to by what is called Fohat.
Student: That is the Theosophical term?
Yada: Yes. Now this is, as of course you know, a name, a label. Of course human beings put labels and tags on everything. When a form is created, a label is put on it. But before this, the substance that creates that form also gets a label. This is the only way man can intelligently catalog his learnings, but I think it is the smart man who knows there is a difference between that which is named and that which is not named, the un-nameable. Knowing this, he no longer has reason to fight with meanings where names are concerned. He is no longer intrigued by ultimates. He knows he can learn only so much; he can go only so far in naming. He knows that, unless he does catalog that which he learns, his learnings will be lost. Man is a cataloguer and all because he has lost awareness that he was the originator of it all. When he came here he lost his awareness, as he does in most cases, and last, he forgets that he was an earthman when he leaves here. (more…)
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Causes of Spirit Possession ~ Part II
by Eugene Maurey
Psychic attack, whether it is spirit possession or comes in some other form, may happen to anyone at any time. The condition may come into being whether or not the victim has a knowledge of psychic activities. The problems may range from only a minor illness, a negative change in attitude to a complete change of personality. Unless the victim or someone near him can recognize the symptoms and seek help from a competent psychic, he is in serious trouble. With such help the psychic can unravel the causes of such infestation and correct the problem. Such help will restore the mind as well as improve the health of the patient.
There are two common roads to possession. The first is voluntarily asking a spirit to enter one’s mind. In most instances the victim does not realize that he cause this condition. His motive may have been sympathy, grief, need for companionship, or simply curiosity. No evil was intended. The second is a state of mind when a spirit enters without invitation. This is called an involuntary; it usually leads to serious problems for the victim as well as for those the victim influences. (more…)
Posted in Health, Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapywith 1 comment.
The Importance Of Emotional Control
by Yada di Shi’ite
Good evening my friends, it is an honor to come before you this evening. It is hoped that we can come together in harmonious accord knowing that we are dealing with what is called opinions gleaned from life. Nowhere is there to be found a concrete, homogeneous, unchangeable condition. We can see that never can we make a statement and be sure this is what it is; and it shall be that way eternally. Let us keep the eyes open, let us keep the ears open, let us use mouth occasionally. My friends, life is a study, but the more emotional opinions we put into it the less we learn.
All over the world in which you live, there are untold thousands and millions of human beings, not only those that are now here, but those that have come many times in the past before – and those that will come in whatever future that lies ahead. It is a great struggling mass, a seething cauldron of worry, worry, worry; blindness, indifference, cruelty, fear, with a little, here and there, of light and understanding flickering in the darkness of it all. (more…)
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Healing Cancer – The Koch Approach
by Dr. William F. Koch
About Dr. William F. Koch
Dr. William F. Koch received his B.A. In 1909, and Ph.D. In 1916 from the University of Michigan. While at the University of Michigan he did his original research on the function of the parathyroid gland. In 1918 Dr. Koch received his M.D. Degree from the Detroit College of Medicine (Wayne State University). From 1910 to 1914 he was an instructor at the University of Michigan. In 1914 he became Professor of Physiology at the Detroit College of Medicine. From 1915 to 1919 he was Pathologist (Active and Honorary) at the Women’s Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. After leaving the Detroit College of Medicine in 1919, Dr. Koch went into the private practice of medicine. Since 1919 he continued with his independent research in the United States, Europe, and in South America. He has published many articles in recognized medical journals and well as authored a number of books on the subject of cancer and immunity.
Dr. Koch’s Research
Dr. Koch’s research focuses on the means to restore the body’s oxidation mechanism back to its original vitality, thereby re-equipping the body with its innate ability to restore and maintain health, not only in cancers but also in a host of its ‘allied diseases.’ (more…)
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Atomic Radiation And Its Effects On Living Tissue ~ Part III
by Jack Schubert, Ph.D. And Ralph E. Lapp, Ph.D.
Skin. All external radiation incident upon the body must first pass through the skin. Skin consists of two layers—the outer epidermis and an inner dermis. The epidermis consists of several layers of cells and on the average is about .003 inch thick. In the dermis are located the nerve endings, blood supply, glands, and fat.
A noticeable effect of radiation on the skin is the production of a reddening—erythema—which results partly from an enlargement of the small blood vessels supplying the skin. The development of an erythema is often used to gauge the amount of radiation delivered during x-ray or radium treatment. A distressing feature of the early stages of skin damage by radiation is the so-called radiodermatitus characterized by intense and incessant itching around an ulcerated area. (more…)
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Suppressing Cancer Cures Since The Mid-1900s
Article originally titled Drama In The Medical World
Published in 1964 by The Journal of Borderland Research
by J. A. Morrill
Under our great enterprise economy, famed for its industrial wealth, its cartels, its power politics, its kickbacks, and billion dollar grants to buy anti-communist friends, there have emerged wealthy and powerful political action associations. These are organized for the purpose of safe guarding and advancing the material welfare of their membership through co-operative action. These organizations maintain highly paid lobbyists in the nation’s capital to prevent the passage of legislation they regard as inimical to their interests, and work for the passage of legislation favorable to their interests. The public interests seldom receive any consideration.
Outstanding among these behemoths of political skullduggery is the American Medical Association, probably the most powerful because its tentacles reach out from the capital into every town and city in the United States, holding in their hands the power of life and death. Too often the angel of death haunts the hospital corridors where patients suffering from the most cruel diseases are being treated. (more…)
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Causes of Spirit Possession
by Eugene Maurey
Psychic attack, whether it is spirit possession or comes in some other form, may happen to anyone at any time. The condition may come into being whether or not the victim has a knowledge of psychic activities. The problems may range from only a minor illness, a negative change in attitude to a complete change of personality. Unless the victim or someone near him can recognize the symptoms and seek help from a competent psychic, he is in serious trouble. With such help the psychic can unravel the causes of such infestation and correct the problem. Such help will restore the mind as well as improve the health of the patient.
There are two common roads to possession. The first is voluntarily asking a spirit to enter one’s mind. In most instances the victim does not realize that he cause this condition. His motive may have been sympathy, grief, need for companionship, or simply curiosity. No evil was intended. The second is a state of mind when a spirit enters without invitation. This is called an involuntary, it usually leads to serious problems for the victim as well as for those the victim influences. (more…)
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