Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson I – Podcast

Infinite-Concept-of-Cosmic-Creation-Lesson-I-Podcast-mainInfinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson I – Podcast

Introduction and Context

The following is an overview of “Lesson 1 of Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation,” a lecture delivered by Ernest L. Norman through clairvoyance. This lesson addresses the turbulent state of the world, particularly the challenges faced in the Atomic Age, and proposes a new philosophy to bridge the gaps between science, religion, and individual understanding. The lecture also emphasizes that this is a time of “great change or a metamorphosis,” a period where humans are “becoming more or less stratified” in their interpretations of life’s values. It suggests that America may be at the forefront of this movement because it “was created from some of the most Infinite concepts from the higher dimensions of life.” The lessons are provided at this time as a way to guide mankind through this transitional period. (more…)

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The Pulse Of Creation Series


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Q & A On Understanding More Of Our Place In Infinity

Q-A-On-Understanding-More-Of-Our-Place-In-Infinity-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

ICCC Lesson 8 – Q & A

Q – Could we not use various colored lights and help mentally disturbed persons through vibration of color?

A – You can do anything if a person will believe in it!

Q – Without believing? I mean.

A – No, you cannot heal anyone with anything unless they first believe. First there must be the threshold of perception. Somewhere up in the spiritual dimensions, you may go out on some astral plane during the night when you have some physical ailment that needs curing and you have had no success with the medical men. So you go out into some astral plane and they tell you what can be done. They show it to you spiritually, so then in your Superconscious way—subconsciously through the processes of your mind—you link yourself up to such a relationship here on the earth plane or you believe that someone can cure you. You go to that doctor or person and will be healed, even though he may only give you some salt tablets. That is really what faith healing is; we have to start first inside before it can start elsewhere. (more…)

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Q & A On Teaching – Healing – Science ~ Part II

QA-On-Teaching-Healing-Part-II-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Instead of approaching as many do on bended knee, it is much more factual to say that when we go about, in everything we do–are we or are we not expressing a certain component of Infinite Intelligence? When we begin to obtain our linkage or our hookup and see this manifested in our daily walk of life, then we are going to see life demonstrated abundantly. We should not pray from our own selfish desires, from the bended knee, such as “Oh God, save me from my own sins and iniquities.” Such a prayer merely means that you are totally unaware of the Great Infinite Intelligence within you for you to use.

I can demonstrate this point a little more clearly this way. A grandmother called on the telephone about two months ago. She told me about a baby three months old who had encephalitis, or brain damage. The doctors gave it up to die. I told her the forces were already in action. She wanted to know what she should do. I told her, “You don’t need to do anything but just stay positive.” She asked me if I didn’t need help in praying. I told her that I knew that the baby was going to be helped. I maintained the affirmative realization. This baby, up to this time, was under sedation twenty-four hours a day and the physicians held no hope for its recovery. Within three days the baby was taken off sedation. He recognized his parents and became normal. The forces were set in motion by that simple affirmation of faith. This case is only one of literally thousands of similar ones. I have never seen these people and won’t need to. (more…)

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Q & A On Teaching – Healing – Science

QA-On-Teaching-Healing-Science-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – [Can] someone project evil to you?

A – Indeed!

Q – But if you do not accept it? If your mind is above that, does it not ward it off?

A – That is exactly what Jesus meant when he said, “Turn the other cheek.” In other words, he did not mean that if someone came up and whacked you on the head that you must say, “Here, now, hit here too.” What he meant was that you should live on a higher level of integration with your life forces, a spiritual level. Then if anyone did hit you, you could turn around and take that negative force that caused that person to strike you and turn that completely around, change it and instead of it then being a negative sequence you could create a positive from it; by projecting a force to him founded and bounded by love and understanding, you were then above that negative thought and deed. That is turning the other cheek.

Q – Then it will bounce back and hit him?

A – We would never wish to become vindictive in these things because that is putting ourselves down to his level; instead–we will put it this way–suppose someone gave me a rubber check and it bounced, I would mark that check paid and mail it back to him. (more…)

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The Psychic Anatomy Of Man ~ Part III

The-Psychic-Anatomy-Of-Man-Part-III-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

The future therefore mandates that you should be more consciously aware of this “conscience” or the “small still voice”, and it should be developed, which will, in consequence, materially aid in developing the superconscious for the superconscious represents a much higher and more nearly perfect life expression than does your lower mental conscious life expression as a sum and total of your personal life expression.

how-do-we-see-a-chair-2-postNow getting back to the chair, we have partly completed the cycle of seeing. Various energy wave forms have entered the subconscious and have mingled with other associated factors concerned with chairs. The process here, however, is not complete; this mingling regenerates another set of harmonics. These harmonics contain information or pictures of these various association factors but they vibrate at a different frequency. They will then travel over highway “B” and mingle with associated factors of chairs in the mental consciousness. Here the process is repeated except that these association factors of chairs will go back into all previous lifetimes where you had associations with chairs. This is very important to remember. (more…)

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The Psychic Anatomy Of Man ~ Part II

The-Psychic-Anatomy-Of-Man-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

To clarify this constructive evolution we will take certain specific examples; for instance, tamoeba-2-posthe amoeba. He is a tiny one-celled animal, a semi-liquid glob of proteide molecules. Science believes such animals were formed in the primeval ooze when certain conditions of heat, light and various elements somehow got together and formed these first cells. However, the scientist is quite vague on the point of how these cells became animated with life. He does not know that this whole process was instigated from the spiritual side of this dimension. When certain wave forms of idea or consciousness were harmonically attuned or vibrated with certain wave forms of expression on the material or negative side, then a vortex was formed; this vortex re-expressed itself physically as the amoeba. (more…)

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The Psychic Anatomy Of Man ~ Part I

The-Psychic-Anatomy-Of-Man-Part-I-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

In the previous lesson we discussed the cycle of creation. Let us now turn our attention to that subject which is very personal to you; specifically, your psychic anatomy. Before doing so, however, let us briefly pause and review the previous lesson and the cycle of creation because it is extremely important for you to understand the basic function of this cycle before you can understand the evolution of your psychic anatomy. This creative cycle is called the Infinite Intelligence. (more…)

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Q & A On Psychic And Physical Relationships

Q-And-A-On-Psychic-And-Physical-Relationships-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Let us now hear from those who have not previously been asking questions. As Einstein says, we are never fools until we stop asking.

Q – On his successive trips, Mr. Fry in his space-flight didn’t have this nose bleeding. How is this?

A – It merely means that he had placed that experience within the realm of his conscious mind and integrated it; and so he took the experience out of the realm of psychic shock. He was no longer influenced by that sudden subjugation which is based primarily on the sudden influx of fear. He had been transported into a dimension of which he knew nothing and was fearful of it, and it had an immediate effect on him. It would be the same as if a “bogie-man” jumped out of the dark at you. But the following trips were familiar situations. (more…)

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Self Mastery Q & A ~ Part II

Self-Mastery-Q-and-A-Part-II-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – Isn’t the Parable “Love thy neighbor-not more or less, but just as much as thyself” most important?

A – Yes, indeed. You could greatly enlarge that parable into what might be termed spiritual metaphysics. It can be explained in another way. Every individual is conceived by the Infinite in exactly the same way; it is the Life Cycle wherein is placed an infinite number, and I mean hundreds of millions or trillions (or any number that you can conceive) of what are called infinite concepts or experiences or relationships, or any other particular idea, form or substance which you could visualize and even beyond that time and place. (more…)

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Self Mastery Q & A

Self-Mastery-Q-And-A-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – What causes hardening of the arteries?

A – According to the modern doctor, this is a process which involves certain deposits of fatty matter which comes from your food and are called fatty steroids.

Q – But psychically speaking, what?

A – Psychically speaking, all of your troubles, your dispensations of negation such as are manifest in chronic conditions in your body are psychic in disposition; in other words, it merely means that a certain amount of intelligence or functional order as your body exists, has been partially stopped off. It’s like a clogged fuel line in your auto or poor contacts in the light sockets. You wouldn’t get much light, would you? If you do not have a good clear Spiritual contact and have that channel of Infinite Intelligence flowing into you at all times in numerous ways, through the chakras and various other ways, your body is going to suffer. It would be much wiser if we did not allow these things to occur. This is what we are teaching, to try and learn to prevent these many conditions from taking place. (more…)

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Self Mastery ~ Part II

Self-Mastery-Part-II-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

Let us refer back to the concept of the structure of your psychic self, which was drawn for you as being composed of a body of energy in which there were numerous vortexes which could be created from either positively or from negatively constructed experiences. It is our purpose to remove such negative structures and to supplant them with newer, fresher and more positive ones. Thus, through our various incarnations in thousands of years to come, we would gradually develop a spiritual body from this psychic self which will enable us to live in higher dimensions and which will actually integrate and relate us and implant us into that higher spiritual dimension. It was further emphasized that you could never occupy any such dimension until you had developed such a psychic or spiritual body in which you could live and be an active participant in such a dimension. (more…)

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Self Mastery ~ Part I

Self-Mastery-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Greetings, dear ones, in our study of the Pathway to the Stars, this lesson shall be overshadowed by an old Chinese Confucius-philosopher-2-postphilosopher called Kung Fu (Confucius).

There are other very advanced and illustrious personages who are in attendance. They wish to thank all of you for being faithful and tell you that they are most happy and grateful to be of some small service to you.

Now we shall continue along the pathway of investigation and preparation in the science of personal psychology. This lesson shall be called “Self Mastery”. Although it will be quite obvious to you that self-mastery cannot be attained in one lifetime, nor in a number of lifetimes, but resolves itself as part of our dimensional evolution through the numerous material and spiritual planes. (more…)

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On The Venera Probes To Venus

Venus-Venera-Probes-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

Los Angeles Times, Dec. 16, 1970—Moscow (AP)—The Soviet Union sent a space capsule plunging into the torrid atmosphere of Venus Tuesday and it transmitted data for 35 minutes, the Tass press agency said. Presumably the craft was destroyed by the heat and pressure before it could land.

Venera-7-Probe-4-postVenus 7, the main spacecraft, was launched Aug. 17 with the announced aim of conducting “studies of the planet”. But its transmitting performance has been outdone three times before by Soviet probes of the planet. Those probes measured the planet’s temperature at about 500 degrees near the surface and its atmospheric pressure at more than 100 times that on earth. Western scientists said those three craft were “crushed like eggs”. (more…)

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Q & A On The Wheel Of Life

Q-and-A-Wheel-Of-Life-main-3-postby Ernest L. Norman

Q – Are there different dimensions or graduations in the astral worlds?

A – Oh yes, indeed; in the astral worlds we find numerous spectrums or places where we find energy assuming many different rates.

Q – Is that in addition to the 101 elements?

A – We do not have the 101 elements in the astral dimensions. These 101 elements are energy expressing themselves in a certain form in the terrestrial dimension only. We have other elements in the higher realms in which energy is vibrating at different rates and relationships. (more…)

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