The Wheel Of Life ~ Part V
by Ernest L. Norman
Now we shall try to shed a little more light on our understanding astral worlds. Because so many are interested in the spacecraft these day, we shall touch upon this subject. It is from these astral worlds, such as the planet Venus, that we are getting some of these manifestations. There are many levels of life on the planet Venus. In the book by Lee Crandall, we found that one of these lower astral forces was able to materialize and dematerialize or more correctly, experience an astral flight from Venus to Earth. These beings have the secrets of frequency transference and are able to convert atoms of the walls of the room into something which is not a familiar form. (more…)
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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part IV
by Ernest L. Norman
Now friends, it is very obvious to you, that to try to give you even a small part of a thoroughly understandable concept of astrophysics, of our flight into the astral and celestial dimensions in one lesson, is of course a physical impossibility. Enough information has been given during the previous part of the lesson on which a person could devote several thousand years for study and comprehension. However, it is hoped that by now, you will have some idea of what Jesus meant when He said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.”
A point which I would like to clear up a little more for you is our relationship to the astral worlds, what they are and what we are when we arrive in these worlds. As I said before, we do not assume or contact anything in our evolution which is foreign to our nature, whether we are in the astral or in the terrestrial plane, for all of the factors are combined within our psychic selves and within our psychic intellects. Whether we are bricklayers, carpenters, clerks, sailors, or whatever profession or trade that we follow on this earth, we shall find similar and compatible astral worlds and dimensions wherein we may again take up our trade and use our craft. (more…)
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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
The first center is also called UN.AR.I.U.S. and functions upon the level of leadership and integration. It is through this particular
center and ray which we shall find expression in the political fields or in such leadership as may be valuable to the human race as a whole. We are not referring to any tyrannical dispositions which might have occurred in such personages as Adolph Hitler–for there was an example of machination by the black or evil, or left hand forces. In these centers we are primarily concerned with only the higher and most beneficent of the influences from these celestial dimensions. (more…)
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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
In the various past ages of man’s history, recorded and unrecorded, the higher or more spiritually minded people have recognized certain spiritual leadership as it was exercised in the minds of men; some of these beliefs centered around a pantheology of gods, others were most monotheistic. In all cases, however, these various religions were a direct acknowledgement of certain so-called mystical forces which produced various natural phenomena as well as what appeared to be unexplainable phenomena.
In no instance, however, save only in one exception, have these various religions have been realistic in man’s approach to better understanding of creation and man’s progressive evolution in respect to this Infinite Creation. This one exception was the Lemurian science of life, first established on this planet some 150,000 years ago. This was done by a group of eleven super-scientists from a far-off planet called Lemuria. These eleven men migrated to this earth in a spaceship and set up the first civilization on a now sunken continent which was in the mid-Pacific Ocean. (more…)
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The Wheel Of Life ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings folks, and welcome once again to UN.AR.I.U.S..
This seventh session will be entitled, “The Wheel of Life.” It will be inspired and overshadowed by Copernicus and Galileo. Jesus once said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” It is our purpose tonight to discuss with you some of these many mansions and what you might expect when you leave this coil of flesh and go out into these spiritual dimensions, so that you will not go unprepared or without some idea or form of cohesive pattern whereby you may suitable conduct your evolutions.
As is our custom, to establish continuity we shall momentarily review the previous lesson which was given on evolution. In it we established that in the law and order of frequency and harmonic relationship, the various innumerable species of plant and animal life evolved from the lowest dimensional forms through and into the higher and more complex structures. It was also established that by far, the largest part of this evolution evolved into the spiritual dimensions. By these various different evolutions, regressions and ingressions in these spiritual and terrestrial dimensions in the forms of plant and animal life, they took on and imbued within their own psychic selves, differences in psychic intelligence. It was established that this was another way in which the Infinite re-created Itself, manifested Itself into an infinite number of forms. In the final and culminating form, this evolutionary process was carried to a point wherein it became a suitable vehicle for man to enter into an evolutionary development. (more…)
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Energy: The Great Infinite Force ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman
Just what are these astral worlds, as man lives in his spiritual transcendency? There are various spiritual planes from which man functions in between his terrestrial experiences and are all reflected down into our everyday lives. It is up to us to decide whether we are to become seekers and doers or whether we become subservient to the negative forces which surround us. However, everything comes in its due course of time. I believe that if we really get these lessons, these principles, we will have actually made a big step in our progression.
Mr. Hayes, who was kind enough to bring this oscilloscope from some distance, is to demonstrate and explain the process of making the invisible energy rays entering the room into visible ones upon the television screen. This process of integration shall be explained to you. We shall show you how each one is a living, walking, breathing television set. In the struggle for wisdom and knowledge, man finds that science has achieved some very close approximations or parallels in developing scientific apparatus, such as the television set, that bear a remarkable similarity in many ways to our own processes of life. (more…)
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Energy: The Great Infinite Force ~ Part II
by Dr. Ernest L. Norman
The cycle itself as we postulated this concept to you in the last lesson is the life cycle. In the life cycle resides the perfect concept which contains all of the elements of the Infinite. The Infinite is Infinite simply because It becomes finite in all things and in all expressions and in all dimensions. The Infinite is the ultimate, the perfect attainment, the realization, the perfection of all things. Within this life cycle are contained all these elements. In it are innumerable wave forms, gyrations, pulsations, and creations of the Infinite Self as it conceived these things in Its Own Infinite Mind. (more…)
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Energy: The Great Infinite Force
Part I of Lesson 5: Energy: The Great Infinite Force…
Reincarnation…Causal Dimensions
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings from UN.AR.I.U.S..
Taking up our lesson along the pathway toward Truth, we will be assisted tonight by Dr. Charles Pierce and Mme. Blavatsky. Several other wonderful and great minds are here and will be interjecting their mind forces and their intelligences along with the others. Tonight’s lesson deals with reincarnation and with frequency relationship. We have before us here, as you see, some scientific instrumentation with which we are going to explore and we shall thus see before our eyes how energy moves. However, before we do so, we shall establish some sort of continuity between this lesson and the last one.
It is to be assumed by now that we have all begun to form some sort of a definite relationship to the great world of Universal energy. It is hoped too, that all of you have established within your minds something of this great Universal God-force which we call energy, in whatever dimension or in whatever form this energy appears, whether it is pure energy which lights and heats our homes or whether it is the energy we see in the (so-called) solid atomic structures, it stems from the one great Infinite Source. We can also say that by now man himself becomes nothing more or less than a conglomerate mass of this energy, whether it is in the physical form of atomic structures or whether it resides in the realm of the psychic self and in the 4th dimension. (more…)
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Basic Principles Of The Infinite ~ Part III
by Ernest L. Norman – Lesson 4, Part III, from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
It was the philosophy of Jesus (and I should know about as well as anyone else) that each of us has a superconscious self within which is our Christ Self. To believe in that statement, and by the simple process of believing requires an understanding of it. If you believe in the superconscious self, it is necessary for you to know what the superconscious self is. This Christ Self or superconscious self in every one of us will be our personal savior and will be the determinant which will lift us above the mundane terrestrial dimensions. It will put us into such a position that we can intelligently rotate into cycles which will bring us closer and closer unto the Infinite.
Now I realize these things are quite complex although we have tried to streamline them. We have tried to stay away from any heavy mathematical formulae and sundry things which tend to confuse. Our great aim as UN.AR.I.U.S. channels is to have you become acquainted with the principles involved. We must appreciate the fact that entering into these studies and teachings is of utmost importance. But it is a safe statement that one could not read these things through and after an hour or so be able to give a fraction of
what is contained herein. Now I realize this difficulty, therefore, if we are going to get everything that we can from these teachings, we must go over and over them; in fact, we need to review the previous lessons and actually live with them until they are embedded into our psychic body. Assimilation of this work will need to be a seven-day a week job so that at night in your sleep, you will go to the places which will be best suited to your instruction. You will be projected in astral flight or attuned to one of these planets to be taught, for there is much work done in sleep-state. Venus is one of these teaching planets; when you so wish and will it, you can go there and continue your courses and your studies. You may not be conscious of these experiences the next morning, and again you may. You will assimilate the various principles and the things which you have endeavored to learn about from this side of life because we receive spiritual integration along with our physical cooperation in our material world. (more…)
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Basic Principles Of The Infinite ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman – Lesson 4, Part II, from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
Going more thoroughly into what we might call the psychic structures of man, we now come to a point which has led to a great deal of confusion among people. Some of the theosophical concepts state that man has a spiritual body which is composed of many layers, like an onion, and that in going into the various transitions and elevations of spiritual concept, he sheds each succeeding layer. We need to bring it down into a much more practical and more acceptable form.
This drawing represents a man. Each individual has the abdominal viscera, and pulmonary viscera and the various organs with their functions in the body. The human body is a very delicately balanced mechanism. We have a glandular system which is called the endocrine glands; some are ductless glands, others have ducts which enter into the circulatory system.
The point which we are making here is that as far as medical science is concerned, the human body is simply a thing, shall we say, of genetic creation; we came into this world simply as a by-product of a certain genetic process. This erroneous belief is why medicine today is looking for the unsolved riddles of the incurable diseases. The thought has not yet occurred to the medical man that this body could not have come into existence unless it was first conceived in another dimension. (more…)
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Basic Principles Of The Infinite ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman – Lesson 4 from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
Greetings, friends, from UN.AR.I.U.S..
We are all very happy to see you here this evening. Tonight’s lesson, which is number 4, will be moderated by William Crookes and Michael Faraday and several other of the savants who have once lived upon this earth and have gone into higher realms.
Last week we discussed, in our approach to this new science, something of mass and energy. We discovered that there was actually no such thing as a solid and that all things resolve themselves into different forms or dimensions or structural parts of energy. We also divided this energy concept into two classifications. We could say that there was static energy, as represented in the structures of the atom, to what we call solid or mass. We also found that it was this same energy in a transposed state or condition which we call dynamic energy or moving energy, kinetic energy. Through Einstein’s basic theory, which was a factual or a mathematical calculus, whereby energy could be transported into mass or mass into energy. And therefore, we resolved into the concept that the structures of the atoms themselves, while they may appear as small solar systems of energy, yet even the negative or the positive quotients of each atomic structure, as was constituted in the electron, the neutron or the positron or the proton are in itself a subminiature universe of energy. (more…)
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Q & A On Biocentricity
by Ernest L. Norman
Q – What about twin souls?
A – Biocentricity? It is a concept of polarity. Obviously, however, as far as the physical plane is concerned, we have to have certain generic concepts behind this too, which we call biological factors or genetics. But in the pure spiritual concepts, polarities merely mean that here is a factional relationship with God. We have two planes, we may call them sexes if we wish but we have two planes – two poles – between which is built what might be called a dynamically composed ball of energy which contains all of the forms of individual expression. Biocentricity stems from the celestial dimensions as a unified force which divides itself and it returns unto itself that way.
Q – In this biune or soul mate, is there eventually the male and female that does eventually come together as the one?
A – Yes, they are actually one and as I have said, they stem from the original concept – of where we find the evolution of the soul flight of the individual through various physical planes in the numerous physical incarnations. To understand the Infinity of God and to participate in this individually and collectively so that we return to the God-force and become unified with that. (more…)
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How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part II
Recently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.
In this post, we will tackle the second point and third point here, starting with point 2:
Explains why the atom has a positive nucleus with negative electrons around it. (more…)
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The Parallel Universes-Worlds-Atoms ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Scientists have not yet explained the power behind all of these motions which are found in interstellar space. They have not yet lucidly explained the “Red Shift” which they have found in their astronomical observations. This article will again prove what I have just stated concerning the positive and the negative universes as they are so integrated in infinity and in the oscillating processes thereof. The scientist of this world, in his observations, sees interstellar objects such as the quasar stars receding from the Earth at tremendous velocities. This gives rise to what he calls the Red Shift or, in other words, in a spectral analysis, using a spectroscope, he finds that rays of light appear at a different place on the spectroscopic scale than these red lines would appear in an earth-world dispensation; or that he could shine red light to the spectroscope from a mile away and compare it with the same spectroscopic lines from a quasar star billions of light years away and the two would not coincide. (more…)
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How UN.AR.I.U.S. Answers Questions That Scientists Can’t – Part I
Recently Thunderbolts Project put out a video (see below) with independent researcher, Edwin Kaal, trying to explain the atom and how it functions. He listed six points that science is still trying to understand regarding the behavior of atoms. These six points have remained elusive to scientists trying to logically formulate the very basic building blocks of matter beginning with the atom.
In the first post of this series, we will tackle the first point here, that being:
The atomic model should show a logical construction of the atom in accordance with observations. (more…)
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