The Spiritual Side of Procreation And Genetics ~ Part II
The more primitive human does not usually display outstanding genius proclivities. In Europe
during the Middle Ages, thousands of these more advanced personalities came into the world, for those times deemed the necessity of their migration from some of the higher spiritual worlds so that mankind might be liberated from the yoke of religious oppression.
This leads us up to that all-important point: the transmigration of another human soul or psychic anatomy into the newly-conceived body or fetus. This is always done through frequency attunement. The parents, in almost all cases, have had certain former associations with this soon-to-be child, who will display his advanced genius-like proclivities and attributes at a very early age. A typical example is seen in the composer, Mozart, who began composing music at the age of two years. His mother and father were also musicians. In this case, former associations were clearly indicated but such exact conditions do not always hold true in this respect. These previous association factors were actually elements which are necessary before that correct psychic attunement can take place which will enable the psychic anatomy of the third person to attach itself or dominate the physical anatomy of the new child. (more…)
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The Spiritual Side of Procreation And Genetics ~ Part I
Advanced Lesson Course Six from from Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation
No course of instruction would be complete without including that all-important subject, procreation – more loosely referred to as sex – for within this dimension we can find very important clues or keys to human behaviorisms, as well as to factually integrate mankind in the scale of evolution. Therefore the importance of this subject cannot be overemphasized for deep within the psychic anatomy of every human being are certain strong complexes which were originated and motivated in this dimension of human relationships.
Procreation itself enables humanity to reincarnate from one life to the next, taking with them from life to life, the various aggregates of their personality traits which they have thus developed in these various lifetimes and in these various aggregates polarize the all-important higher self. As of today, this branch of procreation is referred to scientifically and classically as genetics and the associated physiological inferences of psychology are still in complete darkness as to the true and originating sources and functions of these sciences. As a consequence, there is just as much misunderstanding, misconception and unadulterated falsity as there is in all other branches of science simply because, in general, these sciences have always given the strong indication that such sciences were based upon such third dimensional aspects which contain the various reactionary elements of this third dimension and the presupposed laws governing these reactions; and as in all cases, the scientist has not yet discovered or oriented into his science the true originating sources and causes of his third dimensional sciences. (more…)
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Quantum Solar Mechanics
“In our previous discussions we approached that vital and all-important subject relative to the interdimensional cosmos termed by Einstein as the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc.,
dimensions. We have discussed some extremely important factors relevant to the structures, transmission of energy, etc. In general, scientists of today, astrophysicists, etc., recognize that space does contain plasma (sometimes called ether), a revival of a theory that existed some seventy-five or a hundred years ago. However, now, just as it was then, no information or understanding of this space plasma is currently available. Limitations imposed by explorations in the vicinity of the interdimensional cosmos are most necessarily existent. The rhetorical minds of the third dimensional scientists, lack of proper instrumentation as well as other elements such as the requisites of preconditioning in higher worlds, etc., are most necessary before sufficient curiosity and desire is aroused which would stimulate explorations into this fourth dimensional cosmos.
In certain chapters of the “Tempus Procedium” and “Tempus Invictus” books, this space plasma was discussed to some extent and in the two preceding articles, more extensive discussion was entered into. However, the subject matter is most necessarily extremely complex and deserves considerably more attention before some comprehension may be expected to be attained. We have found that space plasma, as it is loosely termed by the Earth scientist, is actually a composite form of innumerable cycles of energy, all revolving endlessly around within themselves. We also discovered that these cycles, in the vernacular of this third dimension, could be considered to be small or large on the basis of their basic frequencies which they were oscillating. However, each cycle is most necessarily complex. It does, to a certain extent and in a certain way, according to the frequency oscillations within the compound matrix, reflect the entire fourth dimensional cosmos.This it does on the basis of attunements, or similarities with different frequencies, harmonic
patterns, and a certain particular way in which the net sum and total of these frequencies and harmonic regenerations phase or peak, so to speak; a condition which can be called a synchronous isochronism. (more…)
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What Is True Spiritual Evolution Of Man And Animal ~ Part III
Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson 6 ~ Part III
Q – As Charlie, the amoeba, evolves until the time where he becomes man, does he bring through all these memories?
A – Oh no; it is similar to, say, baking a cake. You start with a few eggs, you add milk, and then flour and along the line other things. This is what has happened to Charlie: Through spiritual cycles in getting here, he has linked himself up with other spiritual dimensions in his psychic body so he took on these various ingredients which activated him into a higher dimension. The personality quotient which I just pointed out was not involved because through each one of these cycles, personal identity is not so contained as is true in man. The ingredients of Charlie, the amoeba, which his body contained do not mean that he was Charlie or that they remember Charlie; it merely means that there are a lot of wave forms and vortexes in this psychic body which expressed themselves with the material form as an idea. It’s a bit like chopping a tree down and cutting it up for wood to build a house. This is what we call spiritual evolution, taking these various energies, wave forms, structures, etc., and recreating them into different vehicles of transposition and various levels of life which we see as suitable to reincarnate into. The important thing to realize is that we have this psychic body which is composed of all these little vortexes, as we previously said, and it is constructed of millions and millions of tiny vortexes and waves of energy. That energy building is a product of evolution; it is not so much concerned with identity as it is concerned with how it functions in its own particular dimension and what its purpose is. It does not go about saying, I am so and so, and I was such and such back there eons ago.
Q – Would there be any intelligence in this psychic which would enable it to remember environment, for example, in that long past? (more…)
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What Is True Spiritual Evolution Of Man And Animal ~ Part II
Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson 6 ~ Part II
Now going back to the place where this life cycle enters in so that he becomes a man, it is very important to note too, that here we express these same quotients of positive and negative energy or experience in everything which we do.
It is very likely at this time, as we may enter into these lower worlds as a primitive man or a jungle savage, that we are concerned with the various elements which sustain us upon this earth such as sex and the will to survive. Freud was one of the people who posed the hypothesis, and he would shake his head sadly and say that all our reactions were based primarily upon sex. Freud, like Darwin, in his expression upon this earth at that time, did not know of the important part of the spiritual cycle of evolution which exists not only in each animal but in every human being. It is quite true that while we are on this physical plane we are expressing a negative and positive polarity and that our sex is contained in this lower material level and all forms of physical life, as energy wave forms, are maintained in that level. That is the reciprocation, or oscillation, the law of polarity. And so within this law of polarity there is also expressed another equation which is male and female since it is necessary for man to propagate and to re-create his physical form in a physical dimension for the spirit to enter into; therefore, procreation is necessary. We thus have these sustaining life forces which come from this negative or physical part of our world. (more…)
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What Is True Spiritual Evolution Of Man And Animal
Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation – Lesson 6 ~ Part I
“Tonight the message will be inspired by Charles Darwin and Gregor Johann Mendel. As everyone knows, Darwin was called the father of evolution. Mendel was the so-called originator of genetics or the genetical sciences. As is customary, we shall first establish a continuity between this lesson and the last one. Last week we saw on the screen of the oscilloscope, energy in motion. Since our lesson pertained to frequency relationship and since we saw that everything moved in certain well-ordered patterns, it was established that in the Universe as the Infinite expressed Itself, all is law, order and harmony. We also learned that cycles manifested and remanifested themselves, or that they were wave forms or energies which entered into the numerous and infinite number of expressions of life which were in themselves, all products of this very highly integrated order of relationship.
It has also been established, universally speaking, that everything is energy. Man lives, comes, and goes through these terrestrial dimensions and spiritual planets, according to these well-ordered and perfect harmonics of frequency relationship. Now we are going into a concept which will give you at least one or two elements which have heretofore been missing in both fundamentalism and in science. (more…)
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Questions & Answers Regarding The Mission of The Master Jesus
Q – Was the polarity of Jesus on the earth at His time?
A – That is a good question and the better you can clear that sort of abstraction in your consciousness into the spiritual dimensions and consciousness, the more you will become overshadowed with the superconsciousness of the superself. That will supplant the physical self. It will make it much more easy to understand that Jesus (the Higher Self) was not actually crucified, because the overself or the Spiritual self was so strong that it wasn’t within the bounds of its tenets of the physical interpretations.
In coming to the earth, the man, as Jesus, went through all the Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S., taking 2,000 or more years in each, and then He came to the earth and some of the other numerous terrestrial dimensions to prove His Mastership under any and all conditions, including what is called death, or the ability to survive it. The mission of Jesus was to prove that this Mastery could be attained by any person; that the Christ Consciousness, the Father Within, as He called it, was within every individual. That was our personal Savior—the realizing and knowing of this overself or the superconsciousness. And regarding your question, such a developed being as was Jesus can oscillate with any other one of like or similar frequency. His espoused who walked by his side, served as a pole or battery with him. It is not generally known, but much Truth pertaining to his true life is not known.
Q – What about Jesus after the crucifixion?
A – As far as the histories of the world are concerned, there are several different stories; one group has it that he was taken down before he was dead–this is the Rosicrucian concept. Incidentally, while he was incarcerated in his tomb he used all his powers, his spiritual healing to bring himself back into a perfectly—healed condition; his disciples came and rolled away a stone from the rear entrance of the sepulcher and he came forth and lived for some six months time. Now as far as these histories of the world are concerned, you may as well take your choice one way or another because he was a very highly developed person. He would not have needed to remain on the earth as far as that was concerned for he came and went in a materialized body. (more…)
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What Is Behind Energy? Q & A With The Moderator
Q – What is behind the energy, the moving power, or the source of energy?
A – All energy starts from way off—out or up there in the great Infinite Vortex which stems downward and multiplies and regenerates and recurs into numerous dimensions which, for convenience sake, we shall call vortexes.
Q – How is it that they claim we see or view everything inverted? Are we, by any chance, upside down?
A – No, indeed not. It is like everything else in this universe, it IS merely concept. Seeing is merely an optical law. You have learned to relate yourself to it and live by it in a normal fashion. We can turn the yoke of a television set over and the picture will be inverted; you would then have to be on your head to see it right side up. If you came into this world without eyes, you would have to conceive things in a different way. The transfer of a picture into your mind is a related mechanical process called optical principles or ‘angles of incidence’. There is no color in anything, but merely the property of any substance to absorb and to reflect certain waves of energy which you call light or darkness; These wave lengths of energy can be reflected by other substances, such as a mirror or a pond. Anything that you can conceive in this world depends upon your relationship to it but we are going beyond this. We are seeing everything as energy; we are linking ourselves to the Infinite through the higher consciousness. These simple physical sciences can be very easily divulged. What is being taught here tonight is far beyond the physical optical dispensation.
Q – Since there must be a force beyond energy, what is beyond consciousness?
A – As Kung Fu says, “The longest journey begins with the first step. To answer that properly I would go beyond the concept of your own mind. We shall start first from this great central vortex, which I explained in the lesson. We see in this great central vortex a great Supercelestial Universe, a multiplying and reoccurring intelligence. Beyond that we could say, would be a mass conglomeration of an infinite number of Superhuman minds which have been projected from certain laws and relationships of which we may know nothing. To assimilate these facts, we need to start at some point in order to associate these things into the mind. It is of no use at this point to get too abstract for the majority of students. The Infinite is the abstract. (more…)
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Self Mastery
“It is truly said that each person is his own worst enemy and this is quite true when we consider, from the personal psychology viewpoint, the great web of fallacious thought patterns that an
individual has woven for himself and in the weaving has become thoroughly enmeshed; the more he struggles, the more closely do the coils draw about him.
The “Father” of which Jesus spoke was the Superconscious Self which is within everyone and is the very well-spring of life for that person, just as it is in everyone. We all have the Father within; Jesus also referred to this Father as the Christ-self. It is linked up through frequency vibration just the same as in television or radio, to all of the Infinite Intelligence of the great God Mind. We cannot go within to this Superconsciousness, this Christ or Father and accept or reject what is there and what we need by the standards of our thought patterns in which we have enmeshed ourselves. We cannot put the stamp of personal censorship on everything in God’s Infinite Mind. If we say this is so, or it is not so, if we refuse to give up petty vices and various perversions in which most all of us indulge – either knowingly or unknowingly – then we are not approaching the Father within as little children.
Without these escape mechanisms, thought patterns and various mental and physical perversions which everyone has—only the best of us, those who have schooled themselves to go within and approach the seat of Infinity without the constrictions of these thought patterns—only that person can get what he needs and can be healed. (more…)
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Cycle of Creation ~ Part II
Advanced Lesson 4, Part II from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation: Cosmic Cycle of Creation, Presenting Creative Principles Involving the Formation of Universes, Galaxies, Stars, Suns, Atoms and Man.
Continuing in this lesson, the exact configuration and functioning of the psychic anatomy will be described to you.
Since we have presented the more philosophical preamble to evolution, let us now proceed with the actual basic mechanics involved in all evolutionary patterns. Plants, animals, man, planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes and all evolutionary patterns can be more thoroughly understood when we obtain an insight into these principles. (more…)
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The Cycle of Creation ~ Part I
Advanced Lesson 4, Part I from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation: Cosmic Cycle of Creation, Presenting Creative Principles Involving the Formation of Universes, Galaxies, Stars, Suns, Atoms and Man.
In the previous lessons we entered into various discussions which presented to you certain general creative principles which involved the formation of universes, galaxies, stars, suns, atoms, etc. Let us now enter into a discussion of creation which is much more pertinent to you in a personal way; for you, like all mankind, have followed this same pathway of creative evolution, which has been only partially comprehended. This evolution has also been mistakenly called reincarnation in certain vague and undetermined Eastern philosophies.
There are many stories and versions of the creation of man being currently circulated; some in religious beliefs, others in the more scientific fields of general anthropology. More than 800 million Christians are quite familiar with the Garden of Eden story of creation which is found in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. It is incomprehensible that perhaps several hundred million of these Christians accept this story in its complete literal form. It is evident that this story contains very obvious disparities and contradictions which are quite apparent to anyone who has not been mesmerized by his fanatical religious beliefs. The date of this supposed creation has been definitely “established” by certain well-known historical religious figures, as having taken place 4002 B.C. and one of these church expressionists went so far as to establish the exact week, day and hour. (more…)
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Why The Sun Does Not Radiate Heat or Light Through Free Space


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Sleeping Giants In Stasis Chambers Ready To Awaken – Part II
The Moderator spoke about this similar situation in Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation. Here is the excerpt from the Question and Answer section on Healing – Lesson 12:
“Q – Referring to another subject—about the hundred priests who lie in suspended animation, are they supposed to come back in some of these future generations which will be soon or will that be a long time in the future? Will it be quite phenomenal or how?
A – Primarily, I suppose that was one of the ways in which they hoped to perpetuate into a future day, the general idea of man in his triumph over flesh, the earth and time. Now whether that will be brought into a sudden and dramatic conclusion or gradually, from what I have picked up from spirit, it could be done very dramatically and at such a time when it would mean the most to the largest number of people in dramatizing the supremacy of spirit over the so-called mortal flesh or death. So far as these 100 priests are concerned, Brunton carries that story in his book, “The Search of Secret Egypt”, and in other places the Rosicrucians portray that story. These priests incidentally, have been walking up and down the pathways of the earth since that time and I know personally one woman who has seen one of them and talked to him and I know the man’s name. I speak to them in spirit. But you see, little sister, when you get into a position where you begin to realize these things in a spiritual way, they will never become supernatural or supernormal to you again. They are only miraculous or supernatural to you because you do not understand how they work, how they are and what is behind them.
The most natural thing in the world is the inclusion of the spiritual self and working with the spiritual self. (more…)
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Questions On Healing Answered by the Moderator – Part II
Q – Why and how is it so many teachers or teachings believe it is the subconscious that creates and if we can implant the desire or wish firmly enough within this subconscious, it will manifest on the surface or materialize?
A – Let me clear this up for you. We have many of the so-called metaphysical practitioners who are teaching from the platform. Jesus said, “Beware ye, in the latter days, of false prophets and teachers and of ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing,”-that they have not had sufficient training psychologically, spiritually, or otherwise to enter into a full and basic complete understanding of how man is made, how he functions and what he is. They are strictly tailoring their efforts along certain lines and levels whereby they can attract a comparatively large group of people to them because back of the whole thing that is motivating their entire efforts are certain subversive forces and they may also have, back in that subconscious mind about which they talk so glibly and know so little, certain elements which we would call a neurosis. Now in the first place, we do not talk about the subconscious mind in the sense of the word that ordinary psychiatrists believe that it exists because the subconscious mind is a certain level of interpretation of psychic structures that exists in the psychic body of the spiritual self; and the spiritual self or psychic body functions on two levels—the Superconsciousness and the subconscious.
Q – The psychiatrists leave out the Superconsciousness?
A – Yes, you see the whole purpose of these lessons is to acquaint you with some of the missing elements not only in our present-day psychiatry but also in some of the dispensations we find in the minds of the sciences and fundamentalisms of the earth today. These are the elements which are going to be woven and fabricated into the new philosophies and medical sciences of the future. We are going to actually be able to see the psychic body in the future on a machine similar to a television set. We may bring this to man. (more…)
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Questions On Healing Answered by the Moderator – Part I
Q – Is it best for the person to know at what time you are directing healing to him?
A – No, not necessarily. It is all done in the spiritual consciousness anyway. For instance, when a person is asleep the healer goes out and contacts the person who needs the healing and so this was the proper background to become manifest into the physical dimension. Sometimes it is very helpful if the person can realize that the Infinite has healed him through some channel because that begins to enter into what we call the actual mechanics of spiritual healing.
Q – Would you say that the person who seems to be drawn to those who need healing, even though the person does not feel as though he is advanced sufficiently to do this type of work, might nevertheless be ready and able to aid these persons?
A – We can say that 98 percent of the homosapiens on the earth today function from the subconscious, the reactionary mind, or the reactionary self, which is a conglomeration of all the thought patterns which have occurred from past experience. In the wakening moments, these thought patterns which the individuals have built up are so very, very strong; in fact, they are almost inviolate, even though sometimes they go against the inward will and jurisdiction of the person.
The fact of the matter is that if a person is helped or healed, and if in some way he has contacted spiritual healing or has come in contact with anyone who is in a position to help in a spiritual way, then his superconscious mind or inner self is working and he has actually made the contact with these higher forces which have moved the individual into the position of meeting and contacting the healer. (more…)
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