The Flying Saucer of Nikola Tesla
Excerpt from Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation:
“Almost all of the present-day scientific knowledge has been brought into existence during the past century. In probing into the vast “unknown”, many men have, during this period, stumbled upon or “discovered” certain electronic reactions. The names of these men are carved upon the walls of the Hall of Fame; men such as Faraday, Volta, Ohm, Ampere, Franklin, Roentgen and the giant of them all, Tesla. Some of these names are very deserving of the credit awarded them; others have been guilty of plagiarism.
They have taken certain unknown discoveries of other men and succeeded in developing them and capitalizing upon this development including their names as the inventors. The telephone was invented years before the instrument was developed by Bell. The phonograph, movies, electric lights, etc., were all invented before they were developed and capitalized on by Edison.
The great industrial empire of Westinghouse was built by George Westinghouse upon some forty inventions purchased by him from Tesla for a quarter of a million dollars. Among these was the air brake which made railroads possible.
The immense contribution Tesla made to our present technocracy has not yet been fully developed and many of Tesla’s inventions still remain for the future. Tesla gave us our first practical electric A.C. motor and with it, alternating current. Tesla made it possible to send electricity over very thin wires from remote powerhouses into the great cities which now turn the wheels of our vast industrial empire. Tesla gave us the first fluorescent lamp, the first wireless, radar and many other inventions which we see about us; for Tesla was one of the more advanced personalities who came to this earth at the right time to start the great cycle of universal expansion which would lead certain classifications of the earthmen into the higher dimensions of more advanced life.” (more…)
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A Simple Explanation of Dimensions
The first dimension can be represented as a point. The second dimension can be represented as two points with a straight line connecting the two.
What Carl Sagan called Flatland.
The third dimension is the same two points connected with a line except now the line undulates like a snake – the sine wave. All energy in the third dimension travels as sine waves.
Sine waves have the properties of space and time.
Now if we take that same sine wave and connect the start of it to the end of it so it forms a circular oscillating cycle then we have the fourth dimension where time and space is integrated.
If you notice, this cycle represents something else: a “string” as in string theory. A string from which all matter originates resides in the fourth dimension where there is no time and space as perceived in a third dimensional way. The string is at the heart of every sub-atomic particle. This is exactly what the Science of UN.AR.I.U.S. predicted more than 60 years ago.
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15 Questions Answered by the Moderator – ICCC
Q – You mention psychic self and Superconscious self, are these two the same or interrelated and the impingements, are they in both these bodies?
A – This is a very abstract concept but we shall explain it to you as simply as we can. We shall begin by saying that God is infinite. To become infinite, if we stop to think a moment, God must become finite in every conceivable way that you can think of. One of the ways in which God becomes finite is in His own individual self through man.
Every man thus becomes God. This is the Superconsciousness because God has created, through an abstract way, what we call a life cycle, wherein are placed all of the different experiences, the infinite number of things in which God is, Himself. So man revolves in his dimension of consciousness until he acquaints himself with all Infinity and thus he attunes himself to the Infinite Consciousness of his true self.
Q – Are there any shortcomings or weaknesses in this Superconsciousness?
A – There are none; there are merely things which determine the quotient as experience of the personal self. So we stress not the experience but the importance of that experience in the person‘s own evaluation of what that experience meant to him. Does this clear that point up?
Q – Some, but what relation, or what is the psychic self then?
A – The psychic self is constructed by the elements of the personal expression along this life cycle. You see there are many dimensions of expression in God’s own self, an infinite number; to bridge the gap between the higher self we have the psychic body, which is with us through our countless evolutions. It is constructed and reconstructed from time to time, just as our physical body is, from the different experiences through which we pass. It resides in the dimension which is commonly called the 4th dimension. The psychic anatomy is just beyond our physical conscious sight. It can be photographed. It radiates an aura and is very tangible, but only to people who have sight and vision to see it. It is not physical in the sense of the word that you interpret a physical being, because an atom is merely a vortex of energy and is a nucleus of an expression of positive energy with a negative world. We shall discuss that in detail a little later in the lessons because we are going to place great stress and emphasis on energy and how energy appears and reappears in different dimensions and in different forms, how it becomes a part of us and how it is a part of us. It lives, breathes, and acts through every pore of our very consciousness. Just remember that the Superconscious Self is the life cycle. It is the Supreme Conscious Self of God Himself, and in the creation of man as an individual, the psychic body itself is the structure of experience. (more…)
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