The Great Hoax ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Each thing, though it may appear to be different, is a highly developed and organized system of tiny solar systems of energy and these in turn, claim as their parents, the very substance of the Infinite Mind. Yet, as of today, almost all mankind walks in ignorance of all this. His eyes are darkened against that which must reach through to him before he can escape from his self-constructed pit of clay, for while he clings to his cross or his heathen gods, he will be blind to his Kingdom of Heaven Within; for he will constantly re-create new ways, new means and new methods to justify his false symbologies. (more…)
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The Great Hoax ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
It has been observed countless numbers of times that it takes all kinds of people to make a world; however, the full implications of this humble bit of philosophy are not fully realized except by those people who are interested in and are performing some humanitarian effort. This is particularly true when such an effort involves personal elements of a psychological nature and in which some such person, who may be attracted by this humanitarian effort, can see or read into it a possible means of escape from one or a host of sins, iniquities, derelictions and aberrations. (more…)
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Man’s Mind – An Integrator
by Ernest L. Norman
How well it is to think of these and many other things which have always been associated with religion, such as it may have been in any time or place for these religions, large or small, serve only a primitive man in his first steps toward understanding the Infinite and of the principle and purpose of the Infinite. The great masses of humanity who come and go like surging tides upon the face of this planet, thus have, and are so currently expressing their first yearning to understand. In their religion they have manifest their first acknowledgement and, having taken these first steps, so must pass on to take the next and higher steps. (more…)
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House Of Glass
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False Teachers And Prophets
by Ernest L. Norman
Certain wise Avatars who have visited this planet have always stressed man’s perversities in distorting spiritual virtues into some subversive malfunction to obtain power and glory over his fellowman. History reveals kings and emperors have thus been born and as of today they are still reappearing in different clothing and with different names.
Not the least of those who set themselves up in some position of power over mankind is the priest and just as are other forms so represented, the priest and his ecclesiastical dispensation is still an all powerful influence in almost any land on the planet Earth. It is a fact almost beyond analysis that the masses of people who have so lived in their time have accepted without quibble any and all claims of those who proclaim a visitation from the pervading ruling god of the times.
And so, whether it was Moses and the burning bush, Mohammed, Joseph Smith or any other historical configurations, these claims have caused these believers to form a religion or cultistic pantheology which always becomes extremely rhetorical; in fact, it lives and thrives by a fanatical demand that all mankind must so believe. (more…)
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The Kingdom Within
by Ernest L. Norman
It has been universally observed that the Bible is the most contradictory book ever written. This is quite true; for within the historical framework of this book, we find all known elements which relate to human conscious or subconscious behaviorisms and the beliefs which sponsor these various human reflexes.
Within the Bible there is found mingled together fact and fiction, history, superstition; and love is found side by side with murder. Altruistic idealisms are affronted in close proximity with fornication, conniving, lustful purposes; and over all there is a glossed coating of supernatural aura contrived as a build-up or preconditioning by all those who associate their life with the Bible. It is difficult indeed to reconcile or compromise a god who would slay 20,000 Israelites worshiping a golden calf, with the god of Jesus who taught and expressed the most benign and beneficent attitudes, to turn the other cheek, etc., yes, even this God has been vilified, for even in the very act of procreation as the Father of Jesus, he was guilty of adultery or that his representative priest performed this adulterous act for him. (more…)
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Believest Thou This
by Ernest L. Norman
Throughout the course of written or unwritten histories of man’s life upon the planet earth, there is no doubt that without exception, no single element has been of greater importance to him than his religion. This has been true in all past civilizations for, collectively or individually, whatever man’s beliefs were, whether they were pagan, Christian, agnostic or atheistic, he has always been subconsciously and consciously aware of many mystical forces and elements which were moving about him. These and other factors of life always influenced his thinking and caused him concern, not only in respect to this present day by day life, but his future and especially the more ultimate destiny of some theoretical heaven. (more…)
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Freedom From Dogma
by Ernest L. Norman
It must be considered that all systems of life, whether they are social, political, governmental, or religious, have that certain element of dogma. This is especially true with religion. For any religion exists only by application of a very strong dogmatic influence which permeates into every corner of life of the adherent; and all such adherents are thus morally intimidated directly or indirectly, by this dogmatic influence. In this dogma, all religions therefore stipulate to their adherents, complete moral and spiritual subjugation. The hierarchy of the church or temple can, in this subjugation render any such judgments which will make the adherent conduct himself accordingly. This is a form of slavery, perhaps far more abject and subversive than any usually associated physical forms, as this mental subjugation robs the adherent of his integrity, his individuality; it stifles any progressive action, and forfeits his inalienable right to determine good from evil. For even in his daily experiences, the adherent is pressurized into false attitudes and concepts by this dogmatic subjugation. (more…)
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Elixir Of Life
Reach out dear heart, for there within thy mind,
you have the power to touch and hold
Reach out dear love your arms made strong
with understanding for a better way
Your limbs refreshed with this elixir of the heavenly way.
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The Cosmic Centrifuge
by Ernest L. Norman
In the foregoing article we entered into a frank discussion of certain relative problems which confronted the nuclear physicist at this present time in his attempt to duplicate solar energy, and to create for the world an abundance of power. The various statistics were drawn from up-to-the-minute scientific findings and summaries of these findings. The author does not vouch for their accuracy; instead, he would like to point out these various findings of today are just as inaccurate as the findings of yesterday which have been replaced by the present findings.
For instance, but a few years ago, the mean temperature of the sun was believed to be 35 million degrees. Today scientists think it may be three or four hundred million degrees. The truth is, they do not know, simply because the temperature of the sun cannot be measured, for it has no temperature; as a matter of fact, heat itself is a complete illusion, just as are all of the various other elements involved in present-day scientific concepts. (more…)
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The Song of Creation
by Ernest L. Norman
As for the white dove which fluttered down and the speaking of the voice of God, this is an obvious embellishment, a bit of chicanery, if you please, which would so slant these various descriptive depictions with the necessary supernatural aura. As for the voice of God and any such reputed speaking of this voice, this can be considered as such obvious devices, or that those who heard this voice were suffering from a certain neurotic illness, called by modern psychologists, as traumatic hallucinations; for indeed how can God speak with such a voice for God is not a personal being but is the sum and substance of the Infinite. Nor does He need to speak in any voice or language, for His message is ever and always about us, a voice which speaks in that constant, never-ending resurgent pattern of life; the creative and re-creative forms of all things of which mankind is conscious; yes, and of all things which will be his even beyond eternity. Nor is God’s word so contained in any book, for even as the Christian says his Bible is the word of God, he is only giving his strength to a great lie, for no man can understand or know of God through this book. (more…)
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The What And The Why ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
Herein enters another important principle of understanding. The conscious mind is NOT the brain. The brain is composed of about 12 million cells which can be likened to small transistors or frequency integrators. When a wave
form comes from the subconscious to the conscious, it must pass through various portions of the brain which contains cells particularly suited for this transference; the determinant here is frequency. Thus various anterior and posterior lobes or portions of the brain contain cells more suited to certain various reflexes. Here, in turn, the wave forms are reshuffled into another portion of the psychic anatomy which can be considered the true brain. Here is another grouping of vortexes which are harmonically attuned to another and even higher portion of this psychic anatomy — the Superconscious Self — or the facsimili of the Infinite. This conscious or brain portion of the psychic anatomy functions as follows: It has the power to determine or recombine various values on the basis of frequency from past experiences from a large number of lifetimes through which the individual has passed. (more…)
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The What And The Why ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
It has often (and very truly) been said, that of all the enigmas in the universe of human understanding, man himself is the greatest. This is so, for despite the fact that of the many thousands of years in which man has inhabited the planet earth, and in these thousands of years he has spent tremendous time and effort in trying to understand himself; as of today, he is still confronted with this inescapable paradox. This seems a bit ridiculous for, in viewing the many advanced factors and concepts which are at the disposal of everyone, yet life still goes on, basically much the same as it always has.
Principles of life in personal relationships are functioning just as inviolately as they always have. Perhaps the greatest part of this great enigma could be found in such kindred fields as human endeavor which are commonly referred to as the healing professions, such as materia medica and such adjacent divisions of psychology, etc. For despite great hospitals, the advanced techniques in medicine and surgery, etc., the modern doctor reluctantly admits he knows only about 25 per cent of what goes on in the human body whether it is medicine or a more general classification of sciences, the enigma remains just as great; great, because man is constantly surrounded at all times with all of the answers which would solve this enigma. As a matter of fact, science holds within its hands all of the keys to the wisdom of the Infinite, yet it does not apparently know, either how to use, or to understand them correctly. (more…)
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Secret Mysteries – Debunked
by Ernest L. Norman
Have you ever been sold a “bill of goods” about some great secret mystery teaching taught by some self-deified Master? No doubt you have; most Truth seekers have subscribed to at least one or more of these pseudo cults, and like the others, you have laid down cold hard cash for these so-called teachings and have ended up disappointed, disillusioned, your faith unjustified.
Children live in a make-believe world – a world of fantasy where they realistically play various adult roles. This is a common escape mechanism used by children to relieve psychic pressures generated in orienting themselves in their new earth life environment.
Adults, too, have their own world of fantasy. Common living methods and habits generate psychic pressures, deflations of the ego, compromises and guilts and when compounded with misunderstood movements of natural forces around them, intensify these psychic pressures which demand relief; such relief usually being found in various diversions used by most people. Cigarettes, getting drunk, movies, television, hobbies and vacations are common relief valves; and heading the list of all escape mechanisms is religion. This applies to all past and present dispensations including Christianity. (more…)
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To See Or Not To See
In the various epistles of UN.AR.I.U.S., it has been frequently stressed that the doorway to heaven is not through some ecclesiastical system, but by beginning to understand and by learning the functioning principles of the great Infinite Intelligence, through the doorway of personal consciousness. This is quite true and the only way any person attains
salvation from these material worlds. It is the way which Jesus spoke of and pointed out to His people 2000 years ago.
Obviously, to begin to understand this Creative Intelligence, we must begin at the bottom point in the scale of evolution which is the material world. No person could begin to understand the Creative Intelligence from the top, for he would have to be an Infinite Intelligence himself before such a feat could be accomplished. (more…)
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