Fuels or Fools?
There can be no doubt in the mind of any person but that we have entered well into a new scientific age; for
everywhere about us, are the many manifestations of this technocracy. Cities and the highways which link these cities contain vast evidence of this new age of science and the very skies are now used as highroads for various devices of communications brought about by this science. Yes, even the small children play about in space suits and helmets, riding rockets through imaginary skies to distant planets.
Several of these much talked about scientific achievements or projects are however, still dreams which have yet to be fulfilled. Heading the list of these dreams is atomic power; for despite various developments in nuclear weapons, power plants, and atomically powered submarines, man is still far from his goal in achieving an abundance of cheap atomic power. For the present and future generations comes the idea of the vast and staggering proportions of this need and which can be gathered from some currently available statistics. (more…)
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Judge Not
It has been observed in this humble cliche, that every dog has his day, and while this observation may seemingly have involved members of the canine world, yet there is a much deeper and more philosophical content which could be applied in various cyclic movements
involving mankind, individually or collectively, whether they concerned the rise and fall of civilizations, or more individualistic expressions such as kings, emperors, ruling deities, religions, hierarchies, etc., for these too, have also lived in their day and vanished in time. While such various expressions and re-expressions always idiomatically assumed the environmental form of the race which so produced it, or into such singular expressionists so connected, the principles behind such resurgent cyclic movements were, and are basically the same, and are as true today as they were when they happened many thousands of years ago.
To understand then, these basic principles which engender cyclic movement, either individually or, as they are resumed in the collective masses of some civilization, we will always find the underlying motions of such cyclic movements, whether progressive or retrogressive, as comprising delicately balanced equilibriums, between two widely divergent polarities of life — good and evil. In a progressive evolutionary movement, as it concerns the development of a race of people, a civilization, or any singular person, any progressive balances which can be called good or constructive must be maintained in order to offset the corrosive action of the negative or evil polarity. (more…)
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Education – A Fantasy?
Every year colleges, universities and high schools graduate many thousands of young men and women who,
according to these ranks, are educated. It is well known however, that most of these graduates are absorbed into various strata of social life and apparently have not fully justified either the claims made by educators or by any such personal exemplifications of brilliance or genius which could be attributed as a culminating realization of our educational systems.
Moreover, in almost all cases, such education relegated this individual within the strict precincts of that particular curriculum from which he graduated; he possesses only mental automation, a parrot-like configuration of form and substance which suggests that the individual is incapable of mental spontaneity, independent action, or such mental functions and their usages which could be considered independently creative. Psychologically speaking, this obvious fact is substantiated, inasmuch as a close study of mental processes reveals the obvious fact that any person is merely correlating past existent forms of consciousness from the subconscious into the present tense. (more…)
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The Evolutionary Pathway
Christianity or any other religion; (the author) knows how essential such systems are, in the first
progressive steps of evolution, and which are man’s first acknowledgement of the great mysterious creative forces. He knows that as every man started as a cell, or entity of consciousness, which began to reappear or reincarnate in cyclic movements from life to life; and that through frequency relationship, this entity of consciousness gathered about it and wove together other entities which were harmonically attuned to it. Thus begins each man as he has always begun and as he starts this evolutionary pathway, so will he find this pathway threading its way among the things with which he is familiar, and which were either partly or wholly responsible for this regenerative process stemming from the Infinite Source. (more…)
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Infinite Contact – Full Book Download
Infinite Contact, due to lack of renewal of copyright, is in public domain and available for download here.
I plan to post a link to one book per week that is in public domain by Dr. Ernest L. Norman starting today so stay tuned for more a-coming! If you are a serious student of Dr. Normans then this will bring you great joy as well as I hope you share with your friends.
What does it mean when a book is in public domain?
“When a book (or any written work) enters the public domain, you can copy and use it without getting permission or paying fees. That’s because public domain books are no longer — or never were — protected by copyright.
What can you do with public domain books? Republish them as they are, or add your own material to create new works. Recast them in new media, remix them with other works, translate them into new languages … the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
You can also quote freely from public domain books and other writings. Also if a book or other written work is in the public domain you won’t have to pay permissions fees and you won’t have to rely on fair use. You can stage your play, or write your screenplay, or digitize the work and publish it online … you can create stuff without needing a lawyer.” per Public Domain Sherpa (more…)
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The Face of Infinity
As you no doubt know by studying various historical configurations of religions, and other documentaries which are contained in the various historical archives of the world, that as it concerns man’s spiritual progress into the Infinite, and as has been previously
explained to you, is contained in great cycles which are manifest as infinite consciousness; and that always man, in his search for a better position to orientate himself into a happier and more compatible state of union with the Infinite, seeks out and brings into his daily life, various and different configurations which have been termed such things as religious or cultistic observances. And so the histories of the world are filled with innumerable depictions of pageantries, fiestas, and various other ritualistic observances which speak into the very subconscious fiber of each human being, and what he feels is some great and internal connection to the great Infinite. (more…)
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True Learning
“It must be thoroughly understood, that there is a great difference between true learning and the subconscious retentive memory process which is presently called learning. For this memory process is a “cut and dried” situation, which seldom, if ever, correctly attunes the individual to his own individual psychic constituents. True learning is a process whereby the knowledge to be learned must be first visualized as thought train wave forms containing the desired information. Through the known or unknown senses which link every person to this evolution of life, these
thought train wave forms must be properly attuned so that when they are reflected into, or oscillate with the individual’s subconscious, these individual wave train constituents will so catalyze or regenerate, not only in the subconscious psychic structures, but in other adjunctive psychic structures as well. This catalyzing or regeneration thereby canceling out and rebuilding, as well as polarizing these various necessary psychic structures which will then give this individual a complete psychic rapport or attunement with the Higher Self in the perspectus of knowledge which has caused this regenerative and rebuilding process.
The individual can now use this higher form of attunement to properly align this knowledge with the Infinite perspectus. This alignment will, in turn, through the Superconscious, regenerate any number of wave train configurations which are thus pertinent to, or objectively combined with, the original existing information which so prompted this higher reactive process. The individual can now be said to possess independent creative thought, inasmuch as he is using the mind as an integrator to subtract into consciousness, the various necessary elements which exist in the Infinite Mind; and he is not dependent upon the comparatively limited subconscious content which is compounded from past life experiences (or educational symposiums). (more…)
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Giving Freely – Part II
“At this point it is necessary to interject other adjunctive functions of the principle of “giving one’s self;” for in the function of this principle with the Infinite there are an infinite number of ramifications. In other words, no individual supports a singular oscillation or oscillating condition with the Infinite. This would, in itself, defeat its purpose, for the Infinite is NOT singular. An oscillating condition with the Infinite means the individual carries on the oscillating condition in an infinite number of ways.
This is done through the part of principle known in the vernacular of the modern-day scientist as harmonic relationship. In other words, through multiples of approximately two, the consciousness between the Infinite and the individual is thus made possible in an infinite number of ways simply by this regenerative condition of harmonic relationship. (more…)
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Giving Freely – Part I
“In various texts which have been given, there has been frequent mention of a certain phrase, “To Give Freely of Himself”. Lest this be misinterpreted, or that it could be used by some person with a strong escape mechanism to vindicate his own mental objectivisms, this particular phrase will therefore be more fully explained.
To give freely of himself does not mean that this person should lay his neck, so to speak, upon any chopping block which might come his way, or that giving freely is a means of atonement for any sense of guilt which such a person may have. Giving freely of himself means simply this: All objectivisms, mental or physical, all concepts and all perspectives of life are carried beyond the horizon of the individual’ s subconscious, reactionary self. In other words, all mental functions and their relative physical manifestations are an oscillating process carried on with the Higher or Superconscious Self. This is a two-way, back-and-forth transference of energy which will manifest itself in form in the individual’s life. In a sense, the individual has thus become a substation of the main power plant wherein this person will transfer such various forms of consciousness as they stem from the Higher, or Infinite Self. It should go without saying at this point that such forms of consciousness from the Higher Self will always be pure expressive forms, completely detached from the stigma of selfhood, originating in the subconscious.
There are many and numerous purposes to which this principle should be applied in daily life. The dimension of physical perspectives and its various appertenances should always be made or manifest from energy which thus stems from the Infinite Source. This is the direct application of a well-known but misunderstood metaphysical law. Giving freely is the right way in which goodness and virtue are made manifest in any individual’s life who so understands it correctly It is not the concentrated effort of sheer will to manifest certain physical objectivisms as is believed by so many. However, the usage of this principle to manifest supply, give guidance, healing, etc., is not the prerogative of the conscious mind which, in itself, is closely affiliated with the old reactionary subconscious. To use this principle, therefore, relaxation of the conscious mind is necessary and made subservient to the higher and more intelligent Superconsciousness. All demonstrations, therefore, will work to conclusion in the individual’s life, without his conscious knowledge or without will or effort from his conscious mind. (more…)
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Sermons In Stones
“It must be thoroughly understood by everyone who wishes to attain a higher way of life, and for an individual to emancipate into one of the long-dreamed of and hoped for Heavenly places – the great spiritual worlds – that he must do so, along one common pathway of knowledge, and through the doorway of wisdom. It is clearly indicated that no person could live in some higher spiritual world, if he were unfamiliar with the mode and way of living in such a place. No person can live in an
environment which is foreign to his nature and with which he is not compatible, in his expressive way of life. Therefore on these premises any person who so wishes to acquire this immortality and freedom from the vicissitudes from his fleshy earth life, must begin first, to thoroughly acquaint himself with the true nature of the Infinite Creator whom most people call God.
Knowledge of this Infinite Creator is, contrary to general opinion, not found through the doorway of some church or temple; but is found in the ordinary manners and forms of various living attitudes. The Infinite Creator is supremely wise in all manners and forms of expression, and it was in this Creative Intelligence that the earth was so conceived and dedicated as a place in which man could begin to learn the elemental principles of this Creative Intelligence.
To begin your flight into Eternity then, you must, by all means, become acquainted with the Infinite Creative Intelligence as it functions in all manners and forms of life about you in your daily world. It is enigmatic that by far, most people go from the cradle to the grave without knowing even the most rudimentary or elemental knowledge of this great Intelligent Creation, which is taking place all around them, every moment of their lives. (more…)
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Five Quotes By The UN.AR.I.U.S. Moderator
A sunflower always turns its face toward the sun
Let us always be as wise as a sunflower
And keep our consciousness turned toward the Light.
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Eternally Yours
Last night upon a garden path I walked with Christ
Yet this was not a tall and bearded man of faith I saw
But deep within I saw another form and molded in the form
Of what I am and even from the stuff of which I’m made
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I Am There
The time has come
When I must cross the stream
And findeth there upon the other side
My fondest dreams
Like lambs a’frisking
On the meadow green
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Five Quotes By The UN.AR.I.U.S. Moderator
“How blessed will be the day of morrow
That brings forgetfulness of all the past
And yet the past is but the way
The morrow grows.”
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