The Clarion Call
Two thousand years ago a man walked along the shore of an inland sea, tall and of red beard and hair and of noble bearing; yet there was much more than this, which set Him apart from all others. And as He walked He came upon a boat resting upon the beach wherein sat two fishermen mending their nets. And He called
to them saying, “Come follow me, I will make you fishers of men.” And straightaway they laid down their nets and followed.
What kind of courage was this that could cause these two to follow this unknown stranger? Perhaps it was an inward knowing that superceded any natural desires or instincts to remain with the known things of their life. And as they followed, the day quickly came when they were vindicated in this apparent madness and they saw many miracles wrought and great Truths spoken. (more…)
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The Jewel Celestial
Not fastened am I like some dark stone upon a planet’s face
But in my heart I have a jewel that’s born from out this planet’s wasted earth
A jewel not fraught with lusts or hates or dark despairs
But one which shines with Radiance fair
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contact, Poetrywith comments disabled.
Ye Seek
Ye are lonesome?
Then listen to the sea
Ten thousand ages its waters
Have moaned and cried
Against the sands and rocks of time
And nothing has answered back
Yet all rivers and streams
Yea and storms have added to it
Thinking that which was there
Would be the answer
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contact, Poetrywith comments disabled.
“…The reader therefore, must realize that it makes little difference in what direction he begins to
analyze, how he would subdivide or fractionalize various expressive forms of life about him, whether his objectivism is animate or inanimate, he must first reduce all such apparent forms into a common constituent – energy. the illusion of mass was “destroyed” by nuclear physics and by Einstein, who first conceived some small part of this truth.
The subject of mass itself, like psychokenesis, or any other divisions, have broad and infinite ramifications. Energy therefore becomes the keystone in the arch of understanding. We will therefore begin with the most common expressive form of energy called by science, the sine wave. This is a certain quotient of energy traveling through space or matter, in a manner which can be best likened to a wave traveling across the ocean. It is either a molecular or an atomic transference of energy from any given point to another. To do this it must have two poles. This is necessary because any media through which the wave travels must thus retransfer this energy wave in direct facsimile to other and similar constituents of this media. Positive and negative polarities are therefore used to describe the energy transference contained in the wave frequency. Also necessary to understand, is the number of times this wave repeats itself, positively and negatively from its source or EMF. (This is the frequency). (more…)
Posted in Book Excerpts, Infinite Contactwith 1 comment.
Little Known Facts of Jesus
“Biblical historians and other historical sources believe Jesus was actually born in the temple, His birthday the 2nd of April – His true paternal father was Ananias who appears in the book of Acts as the judge and prosecutor of Paul. There is strong circumstantial evidence to support this belief.
It is well known that Jesus spent many of His boyhood years living in the temple grounds with His mother Mary and His foster-father, Joseph, a carpenter, whose task it was to keep the temple in repair.
No doubt it was this close contact with the workings of the temple in His boyhood, which later powered a tremendous incentive to overthrow the tyrannical hypocracy which He witnessed as the daily practice of Rabbinical dispensations. (more…)
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