Elements Of Personal Psychology ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
If one is hypnotized, he cannot consciously objectify any particular thing unless it is suggested by the hypnotist who is controlling the person who has been so hypnotized. In a sense too, we can say that such emotional differences which appear upon the surface of our minds are, in consequence, autosuggestively stimulated by the appearance of some reality which is just beyond the immediate confines of our more normal level of introspection, as we proceed in our various daily life activities; and, such as they are, should the appearances of these countless realities suggest or autosuggest to our consciousness some facsimile, as it so conforms in attunement with previous lifetime experiences which are so attuned into these numerous subversive elements of inferiority or insecurity, then we immediately have a chain reaction. We become antagonistic; we become fearful; we develop many other types of emotional duress, customarily exhibited by people who have these more firmly entrenched or advanced sensitivities, engendered from these insecurity complexes. (more…)
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Elements Of Personal Psychology
by Ernest L. Norman
Let us, at this time, enter into a discussion on some of the elements of personal psychology. Sometime ago, while walking upon one of my garden paths, I inadvertently startled a mother bird who was nesting nearby in the bushes. The frightened bird flew out of the bush, where her nest was situated and tried, by the age-old ruse of dragging her wing and limping, to lead me away from this most treasured spot; she tried to impress me with the fact that perhaps she was crippled so that I would pursue her. This, of course, is a well-known and very obvious device which has been used by birds and animals as long as they have existed. However, as I walked away from the spot, I could not help but muse that the countless millions of people who had inhabited planet earth and who are living at the present time, are all to some extent, practicing this same old device of deception which had been used by animals and birds for so many countless ages. (more…)
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On The Pathway Of Progressive Evolution ~ Part II
by Ernest L. Norman
At this point, it might be well to more properly define these two important ingredients which we must enter into our compound of the magic elixir. The various books and lesson courses of UN.AR.I.U.S. explain quite adequately the knowledge which must be used; while the nomenclature and diverse depictions are, to some extent, part of our modern classical 20th century science, yet they in themselves, are inviolate; that is, in whatever particular perspective we wish to describe them, they could ultimately be resolved into these configurations, and at whichever point we wish to discern ourselves in arriving in some future spiritual evolution, we will be involved with these principles regardless of nomenclature or the idiom of the time. (more…)
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On The Pathway Of Progressive Evolution ~ Part I
by Ernest L. Norman
Greetings friends: This is indeed a most joyous and happy occasion, and so far as my own personal feelings are concerned, this joy is not some selfish joy in which I may be vindicated in my personal beliefs, or that I gain satisfaction in some such manner or form; but rather the joy I feel is for each and every one of you, for I know, as you are seeking further knowledge of UN.AR.I.U.S. you have taken at least one positive step forward in expressing a certain quotient in the dynamic expression of Infinite Creation.
This in itself, is most important, and something which you should always remember throughout the coming years and in the times when you are troubled or emotionally distressed; that always there must be a consciousness of this infinite expression which is working directly in a regenerative principle, to constantly re-create for you, the form and substance of your lives, and rather than to continuously indulge yourselves in past emotional reflex experiences born from out other worlds and other times, it is most imperative that you learn to recognize this Infinite Creation which is above and beyond the immediate horizon of these various reactionary and emotional experiences. (more…)
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Infinite Perspectus – Full Book Download
Infinite Perspectus, due to lack of renewal of copyright, is in public domain and available for download here.
I plan to post a link to one book per week that is in public domain by Dr. Ernest L. Norman starting today so stay tuned for more a-coming! If you are a serious student of Dr. Normans then this will bring you great joy as well as I hope you share with your friends.
What does it mean when a book is in public domain?
“When a book (or any written work) enters the public domain, you can copy and use it without getting permission or paying fees. That’s because public domain books are no longer — or never were — protected by copyright.
What can you do with public domain books? Republish them as they are, or add your own material to create new works. Recast them in new media, remix them with other works, translate them into new languages … the possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
You can also quote freely from public domain books and other writings. Also if a book or other written work is in the public domain you won’t have to pay permissions fees and you won’t have to rely on fair use. You can stage your play, or write your screenplay, or digitize the work and publish it online … you can create stuff without needing a lawyer.” per Public Domain Sherpa (more…)
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Understanding Jesus And The Master Plan
In order to understand both the intelligent God and His Master Plan, and especially in understanding Jesus, let us enter into a correct and all-inclusive hypothesis of various factors involved. Every material earth man can be considered dual in nature; that is, he has a psychic anatomy and mind, and a physical anatomy and mind which is, in actuality, one and the same in respect to the fact that the physical and psychic anatomies and their respective minds are functioning harmoniously, in all aspects of life on the basis of the oscillating principle.
It is conceivable in the normal course of evolution that any individual can become spiritually quickened or alerted; that is through contacts made in the life in between lives lived in spiritual worlds, as well as in other ways, the individual becomes aware of the higher spiritual worlds and a better way of life. When this alerted state is reached, this individual then begins to incarnate, spiritually, into some of these somewhat more advanced spiritual worlds, such as are described in the books of UN.AR.I.U.S., where he will study in some respective chosen field, a higher and more constructive expression of his vocation. He will then don the mantle of flesh in an earthly incarnation and bring into the world some form of the more advanced constructiveness of his particular vocation. Sometime in the more distant future, he will advance in his spiritual world life, to a point where he, temporarily at least, and for an indefinite period of time, will no longer have need for any further continuance of earth life incarnations.
In this state he has actually passed the point of necessity for an earth life; he is also most likely to be involved in a very concerted and specialized effort in the pursuance of more highly advanced knowledge and wisdom. In this state of consciousness, he is only vaguely conscious in memory of his former earth lives. Soon, however, he is confronted with the inevitable. Knowledge must be acquired in a certain ratio proportionate or equal with usage. He can not practice, so to speak, his newly acquired knowledge in even higher worlds than the one in which he is presently living. He must, obviously practice and use this knowledge in lower or earth worlds. In this respect he is also prompted by the mass of human misery which he vaguely remembers, and so he sets up a plan whereby he can, in a manner of speaking, incarnate into the material worlds. He does not do this by the usual method – rebirth into the physical body. He is spiritually advanced to the point where the physical body would be impossible to him; that is, he could not reasonably support a physical body in the usual psychic anatomy oscillating fashion, and so he uses an alternate method. (more…)
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Even The Sparrow Is Noted ~ Part I
“One of the classical utterances of Jesus which is often bandied about and severely misinterpreted is one in which He said, “Even the sparrow which falls by the wayside is noted.” This quotation is one which can well point up the various and obvious interpretations among the Christians as to just what God is; and in reference to this quotation, as well as other extractions which are made from the New Testament, the
Christian religionist always comes up with some rather vague explanations as to what God really is. He may picture God as the Supreme Being, something like a white-robed Santa Claus of gigantic size, who sits upon a white throne somewhere off in the skies, and in some mysterious way has a mind which can instantaneously discern all that is going on, not only on planet earth, but in the countless millions of solar systems throughout great numbers of galaxies and universes.
Of course this particular ideosophy is utterly ridiculous and infantile; there is neither scientific reason nor logic to support such a fantastic supposition. However, in this present day age of science, we can reasonably equate what the Infinite Intelligence or God really is, and form a comprehensive idea within our own minds as to the complete entity of the Supreme Being if it can be called an entity – which it is not. As this God is the Creator of Heaven and earth, He must therefore be logically assumed to be an infinitely scientific sort of proposition; that is, a mind which could reasonably construct atoms, build up solar systems, and suns; as well as to construct the spiritual worlds, both astral, and sub-astral, etc. (more…)
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The Christ Self
The “Second Coming,” like all other particular visions is, in a sense, a personal return of consciousness to each and every individual when he makes a certain junction of consciousness with these more immediate spiritual worlds. Buddha called this “Nirvana.” What it actually means
is that at some particular point in evolution, the individual gradually becomes more dominantly guided and motivated by the higher or Superconscious Self.
At such a time the individual can see within himself that the Superconscious Self is the all-motivating, the all-intelligent participle in Infinite expression as it concerns himself individually. To more fully explain this concept, we must refer to some of the different teachings of UN.AR.I.U.S., and in particular to the lesson on the psychic anatomy. Knowledge of the psychic anatomy will clear up one of the age-old mysteries which has always confused, not only the religious dispensator of the past, but is also confusing the modern doctor of medicine and the psychiatrist.
In the ancient language of the East, such as the Aramaic, the psychic anatomy was called the “Christos” or the soul; and during the passage of time the Christian dispensations, the “Christos” or Christ, or the soul became personally integrated with Jesus; whereas in the true understanding of all human beings it can be immediately resolved that everyone has a psychic anatomy. As a matter of fact, no one could exist without it, for it is through the psychic anatomy that the various individual propensities are carried from one lifetime on through another; and it is the more ultimate concept of the Infinite Creator. (more…)
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Mechanics of Personal Evolution ~ Part III
“In your daily life, if you have become addicted to fads, if you are over-weight, or with whatever manifestation of life you are consciously aware, remember that these are merely beat frequencies of
oscillations which are coming to you from out of the past. It is here that we come into that all—important element of synchronization. For this is another scientific terminology which describes how two wave forms can either oscillate together or in opposition to each other. The element of synchronization is in the time in which these frequencies express themselves in that regenerative process. Therefore, if you are synchronized — and you always are at any given moment — in a
general summation with all experience quotients which have come to you in your previous lifetimes, i.e. you may over-eat because a thousand years ago you died in a famine, or you may avoid meat because you have a sense of guilt from being a soldier and killing other soldiers in a war; these various configurations from out of the past have, in these different synchronizations, generated certain parallaxes, or, as they are called by the scientist, synchronisms or anachronisms, or whatever term you wish to use to describe these appearances of energy configurations. They are, in turn, any number of energy wave forms beating in that never-ending, never-ceasing process of regeneration; the opposition or the combining of polarities in their respective content; the relaying of the information which all wave forms do carry as their wave shape or as their oscillating content. They will convey and reconvey this information as they were so propagated, and as they were so constructed in the experience of the moment. (more…)
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Mechanics of Personal Evolution ~ Part II
“If we look at the picture of a universe in a planetarium or in a scientific book of astronomy, we shall see that a universe — such as the one in which our galaxy is revolving — has a center core, and from this core there are radiating outwardly in a spiral—like fashion great arms of lighted energy; these
arms of energy are following those same cyclic paths of motion — previously described to you — which occur within these cyclic motions of the great vortex forming the universe. This leads us to some of the more indirect expressions of energy configurations.
An atom does, in itself, express outwardly into the third dimension a certain electromagnetic field, just as the sun is expressing outwardly into the confines of the solar system, a great amount of energy which is a composite field of force — that is, it is composed of many kinds of energy, including the magnetic fluxes which hold this planetary system together and which relink it to the galaxy and in turn to the universe. The composite energy which is pouring outwardly from the center of the vortex known as the sun, is again re-transferred in that magnetic stress condition which is called hysteresis, and is reconverted into such quantities of energy spectrums which we call heat, light, etc.
The same condition holds true within your body, and the same principles are as inviolate there as they are in the function of a solar system or a universe. Each atom, as it has an electromagnetic field, does in proportion, radiate outwardly around it in its field of force either a direct opposition to other kinds of atoms, or it presents, in the inphase and out of phase wave form motion of these electromagnetic fields, an affinity to some other atom. It is in this manner and way that molecules are formed. (more…)
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Mechanics of Personal Evolution ~ Part I
“Now that we have entered into some of the mathematical abstractions in this universal oscillating process, called Infinity, and as we enter into this more complete abstraction, visualized in its entity of consciousness as the Infinite Creator, we are most necessarily concerned with other factors involved in the evolution of man and, in particular, our own evolution. In all respects, however,
wherever we find evolution, it is Infinite, and we will always find the same similarities in various configurations and wave form expressions.
The psychic anatomy of man is, therefore, basically and essentially, the same in its configuration as is the whole universal Infinite, or Infinity can be subdivided interdimensionally; it is in this respect, that it might serve a good purpose to explore some of the more constructive evaluations of Infinity and in a comparative manner set up a facsimile of consciousness within our own minds, whereby we can realize the entire entity of creation. (more…)
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Mechanics of Healing With Past Life Therapy
“In the Advanced Lesson Course, and in various other places in UN.AR.I.U.S. teachings the electronic process of life has been repeatedly mentioned; these depictions have struck certain parallels between existing electronic devices and those occurring in the concourse of life in every human
being. In other words, every human is basically and essentially quite similar to a radio or TV set. The earth scientist has, in the construction of these electronic devices, struck an exact parallel configuration with the complete electronic essence of the Infinite Creator, or with the principles in which the Creator so expresses Itself in that never-ending regenerative and reconstructive process.
In all fairness to both the student and UN.AR.I.U.S., and in consideration of more highly trained or developed personalities who will, in the future, contact UN.AR.I.U.S., it is best that we explore more deeply the mathematical processes, the manner and way in which life with every human, is made possible and is constantly created in this evolutionary pathway. We shall be able to see that every human being, just as yourself, is basically an extremely complex electronic instrument which, at any given moment, is actually conducting these various and intricate processes of energy configurations and radiations within, not only the physical anatomy but also the psychic anatomy; for, indeed, it is the psychic anatomy which can be considered as the larger portion of this expressionary form of life. (more…)
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Even The Sparrow Is Noted ~ Part II
“Remembering that an atom is a solar system of energy, and is sustained from the next adjacent dimension; we can look into our physical bodies and see that these physical bodies are comprised from some sixteen elements. An element is simply an atom which has a different number of positive or negative charges of energy in respect to similarities in the nucleus of the atom itself. This gives it that which the scientist calls its atomic weight. There are sixteen different kinds of a
toms in your body. These range from calcium, potassium, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, iron, sulphur, etc., to the entire number of sixteen; each one with its own particular atomic weight and consequently, just as you have in the auric sense, each one of these tiny atoms has its own base plane frequency rate in which it oscillates. These, in turn, just as we have equated your own mental position, are oscillating into the adjacent fourth dimension on the same basis of harmonic relationships, and in this way they are connected and interconnected with all other atomic forms.
Likewise, through this same system of harmonic interplay, we can extend these connections on into an infinite distance, so to speak, in the cosmogony. In fact, we can trace the energy source of all atoms through this harmonic system of energy transferences clear into the very heart of the celestial kingdoms, or possibly the originating source of energy itself. Therefore you can now see that all atoms are connected on the basis of harmonic relationship. All humans are connected on the basis of harmonic relationship. We can also extend this same calculus to include all fauna and flora which exist in these planetary systems; that is, all of the animals of the forests and the fields, the birds, fishes, the plant life, as well as all of the innumerable forms of the invisible. The macrocosm, and the microcosm which is not visible to you can be so included in this same interplay of this same harmonic relationship. At this point we can easily see how it is that this vast macrocosm and microcosm are really one and the same thing, on the basis of this harmonic relationship.
As it has been so previously described, the motivating force behind all of this is that constant and never-ending interplay of regeneration, which not only sustains all of these forms, but also is continuously regenerating new forms; this is God, the Infinite Intelligence. It is the sum and total of all things visible and invisible. When the complete concept of this tremendously enlarged macrocosm and microcosm can be somewhat equated within the dimension of your mind, then it can easily be seen how God can note the fall of the sparrow by the wayside and He can also simultaneously feel, sense, hear, or otherwise be entirely conscious of every other thing which is happening, not only in these visible astral or solar systems in which you may find yourself, such as the planet earth, but in the vast invisible microcosm which you will yet visit in your future evolutions into time and space. (more…)
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On The Science of Past Life Therapy
“In all cases where we analyze these diverse expressive forms of life as we live them today, whether they are merely the subconscious automations such as breathing, peristalsis of the bowels, etc., or whether they are superstitious beliefs, they can all be universally resolved into the original and dominant principle of life, that is, they are merely like the TV transmitter forms or continuities of wave forms of expression which are reflected from the psychic anatomy.
When you study and begin to understand the diagrams and descriptions as they are given to you in your second lesson course, then you will possess the greatest secret of all; and one which is being so strenuously sought by the present-day men of science and medicine – how man lives and of what life really consists, in its various expressive forms and continuities in the world about you – merely resurgent energy wave forms which are beating in a never-ending, never-ceasing pulsation into your consciousness; energy wave forms which were actual experiences through which you lived in your past lifetimes. Today in this present life, they exist as vague unrelated or even superstitious expressions. They may exist as your religion, they may exist as various expressive forms of medicine or psychology; or they may just exist without any related reason which you may seek to find, unless you carry this continuity back into your many past lifetimes. (more…)
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Personal Evolution
“The beginning, or terminating point in any evolutionary concept is practically nonexistent; that is, in infinite conception nothing is incomplete in itself, but functions perfectly in principle; therefore there is no terminating point nor is there any beginning point in Infinite Consciousness. Infinite Consciousness has survived, and always should be pictured in the individual consciousness as a constant survival, a never-ending and a never-beginning survival of Infinite consciousness which supersedes far in advance of any concept or tenet of human consciousness that can presuppose the starting or ending point in any evolutionary cycle.
Therefore, the individual must remain content, for the present at least, with this particular concept of Infinity. Infinity must wait, so to speak, as far as you are concerned, until that day and age when you can conceive Infinity in a somewhat more expanded position. Even in that future day however, do not presume that you will find a terminating point; neither will there be a beginning; for a beginning and an ending are synonymous in all respects, and one must be present in order for the other to manifest. The function of the Infinite is completely abstract in all expressions, and therefore, remains as a completeness in cyclic form which is manifest in its entirety in interdimensional function. It can never be separated from itself; it cannot be placed in any particular position but resides infinitely throughout Infinity.
In this respect the Infinite is infinitely wise; and in knowing, It must conceive evolution as a cyclic form, propagated and supported by the inner dimension of inner consciousness as having a starting point in any particular concept or realization as it concerns an individual entity of consciousness, such as a human being. Here, the scale of evolution, so far as humanity is concerned, is a collective integration of various different infinite form substances which are more or less amassed, so to speak, through the process of evolution, by the principle of harmonic attunement, which in turn, has been re-created as a negative polarity in the environment of some particular material world dispensation. (more…)
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