Personal Metaphysics
“There is still another element, which, up until this point, is somewhat missing and perhaps has gone unrecognized by you; it is this: that in the recognition of all these presentations, even if you can envision the enormous concept of Infinity and Infinite Intelligence, you are still an earth creature. This is because you have not yet reconstructed your psychic anatomy to its complete and entire content. You have started, and perhaps, it can be granted, you have made some progress; but not until that time when your psychic anatomy has been completely rebuilt in these concepts can you say you are progressively situated in the higher spiritual worlds.
It might be mentioned at this point that the concept of baptism, being born into the spirit, receiving the holy ghost, and all the familiar Christian cliches can be directly interpreted as part of the true meaning of this general conclusion and abstraction which I am making to you. Being born into the spirit, being baptized, receiving the holy ghost, etc., means that time and day when you can conceive the entire concept of Infinity, the Infinite Creative Intelligence, not just a vision, or as that something to be attained, or even a realization in a conscious way; but it means that you will have actually reconstructed your psychic anatomy to the degree that it will include, at least, all of the basic elements of this Infinite Creation. The newly reformed psychic body will be in a position to more correctly oscillate with this Infinite; it will also, on the surface of consciousness, give you a much greater and more complete degree of mental consciousness which will be far removed from your present environment. In this sense then, your flame of life is burning brightly in those far off spiritual worlds. (more…)
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Discussion on Karma
“Let us go directly into a further connotation of this expressionary form of karma which, in itself, as an experience, so reincarnates into our lives. If we have in some past lifetime experienced a great psychic shock, we do, from life to life create for ourselves a similar situation whereby we can again go through this same facsimile, as it were, of the previous situation. We are attempting to prove to ourselves that the reality of this experience is no longer true; it is not in effect; it does not hold power over us; or perhaps we may be more directly influenced by some knowledge gained in the spiritual worlds whereby we believe that we can institute, at the moment of re-creation of this experience, some sort of a controlling or dominating power to cancel it out. Again, the experience from the past may simply re-create itself, apparently without substantiating any continuity, which could presuppose that we were intelligently concerned with working out this situation. (more…)
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Spiritual Emancipation
“Scientifically speaking, we can say, in a broad sense, that each individual is an electronic instrument; something like the volt ohm-meter used by the technician in his analysis of varied electronic devices, such as a TV set. Your five senses represent the different scales of interpretation which are used by this technician as they are so constructed on his ohm-meter. Your sense of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste, are ways in which you differentiate the various wave forms into
consciousness as they stem externally or as they are regenerated as nerve impulses. This has been part of your past evolution just as it is your present, and it will continue to be the function of your life into the infinite future.
The determinant qualities here are, of course, in their particular wave lengths and in which dimension they are so propagated and from which they are reflected. As our third dimension or our earth life is, conservatively speaking, one of the very lowest of the lower planes of expression, and is considered by many in the higher worlds, as one of the astral kingdoms, the earth world will then represent, to a large degree, wave forms and interpretations of oscillating motion which can be considered as omni-directional; that is, they start and they finish. In the fourth or adjoining dimension, these motions are always cyclic in nature and therefore, as the entity of consciousness is within themselves, they have neither time nor do they occupy space in a sense that they have a starting point or a finishing point.
As you have in the past, through the thousands of years, so interpreted life as a succession of wave form motions into your consciousness, you have thus impounded them in the next adjoining dimension in your respective psychic anatomies. There, they reside until you or some other external force can cancel them out. In the eye of the Infinite Creator, it was so supremely conceived that man, as an individual entity of consciousness, so progressively inclined that he could in some future evolution of consciousness, become endowed with logic and reason to such an extent that he could be considered god-like in nature; to have power and dominion over all destructive and constructive forces, both in heaven and in hell. (more…)
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How To Discern Between Positive And Negative Influences
“In this discussion I am going to depart from my usual procedure of acquainting you with some of the more abstract principles of progressive evolution and enter into a more personal dimension of introspection, or one which can be considered as a detrimental influential aspect. You have all heard of the Battle of Armageddon, either as it was historically depicted by Nostradamus in his prophetic poems, or as it was Biblically prophesied. However, the Battle of Armageddon is not some advent which is to be fought in some future time between certain good and evil forces. The Battle of Armageddon has been going on for some years; as a matter of fact, throughout the past histories of the world, it has been fought in different epochs of time; such as in ancient Lemuria, more than 100,000 years ago, and at later dates in civilizations, such as Atlantis some 15,000 years ago, and on down to the present time. But wherever we find various civilizations and these confluxus of migratory peoples, as they have swarmed upon the surface of the earth, we have found them
fighting, to an extent, the Battle of Armageddon. This is not merely a parable which exists as an advent but is an actual conflict between the astral worlds and those people who have, to some degree, succeeded in placing their feet firmly upon the evolutionary pathway in a progressive manner which will lead them into higher spiritual worlds.
The conflict between good and evil has been historically portrayed in many different times, and the advent of the Armageddon has been prophesied in different civilizations. Zoroaster predicted the Battle of Armageddon in his particular spiritual dispensation, just as Buddha also described the personal conflict in attaining Nirvana or the spiritual junction of consciousness with the higher dimensions of life. It was Jesus however, who carried the greatest impact and message in personal attainment and the way in which this attainment could be achieved by any individual. He also very dramatically demonstrated His own personal Battle of Armageddon and the victorious assault of the dark forces who succeeded in destroying His physical body; and actually, through their conniving cleverness, succeeded in turning His message of life and hope into one of the most dogmatic and rhetorical religious movements the world has ever seen. (more…)
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Symbology And Idolatry
Excerpt from Infinite Perspectus:
“Religion is a symbology, but true religion cannot be lived until the true inward nature of the higher dimensions is fully realized within consciousness. Religion must, therefore, always exist to the earth man as a symbology, wherein he can reasonably conceive that he will escape the diverse perditions of his earth world and be rescued by some deistic system. Idolatries, of course, take form and shape in many different ways. Bank accounts are built upon a common form of idolatry which is based upon the primitive urge to survive – survival without reason or without a reasonable equation of why life does exist. Likewise, if people are presented with the inevitable and inescapable fact that they too must exist, purely within the dimension of consciousness, without being emotionally involved and without the various concurrent systems of idolatries, they are immediately frustrated because their minds refuse to function independently from other experience quotients which have been so impounded in their psychic anatomies. They have not yet risen to that plane of consciousness wherein they are, in essence, an instrument which is capable of attuning itself independently and without emotionalism into the higher interdimensional interplays of harmonic relationship which exists throughout the Infinite Cosmogony. (more…)
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Is There A True Utopia?
Excerpt from Infinite Perspectus:
“In his religious systems mankind has conceived the possibility of living in an immortal city completely freed from the necessities of life, and in this sense, every person does have an escape mechanism which has been engendered and formed by these different pressures. A Utopian condition of life can never be achieved by any individual; furthermore, it is not to be desired; it is to be the least desired of all situations or relationships in our daily lives. It would be incomprehensible that any human could, in any future time, be reinstated in some civilization wherein people lived without any cause or effect; they lived purely because they were living; they had no comparative systems of evaluation whereby they could say that this was destructive or constructive, that it was good or it was evil. They would not have the necessity to eat or to wear clothing; they would not have any of the other libidos or drives which they currently understand and to which they react in this present circumstance. In short, they would be completely stripped of all the necessities of life which always have, either constructively or destructively, occupied the consciousness of the individual; and they would have neither purpose, manner, nor form of life in such an Utopian condition. (more…)
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