Interview With Unariun Student – Thomas Miller
Thomas Miller has been a student of UN.AR.I.U.S. principles since he was 14 years old. At that time is when he first met Ernest L. Norman, the founder and teacher of UN.AR.I.U.S. – The Science of Life. Thomas has given many lectures on the UN.AR.I.U.S. principles over his 56 years of study. A frequent media guest of This Week In America; he has been featured in a documentary film. He has also written several books about the UN.AR.I.U.S. principles including a book of verse, The Epic, and a series of lectures which were published in the book The Keys To The Universe. Tom maintains the wonderfully informative website that features Dr. Norman’s teachings as well as student testimonials and discussion.
Please note that this is not just any ordinary student but a man who personally knew Ernest L. Norman, the author of the Unariun core curriculum featured on this website as the books menu upper right with most available for free download (in public domain).
In the following compelling interviews with Ric Bratton, Thomas discusses his incredible journey meeting with the Moderator (which Dr. Norman preferred to be called) and subsequent visitations. Dr. Norman referred to Thomas Miller as his son. Thomas also discusses his ensuing growth and spiritual development in his interactions with Dr. Norman as well as from his study of the teachings and how truly grateful he is for these monumental works as anyone would be who comes in contact with its life-changing and transcending message. Herewith presented are the interviews in chronological order: (more…)
Posted in Introduction to UN.AR.I.U.S., Keys To The Universe, Other Topics, Past Life Therapywith comments disabled.
Periodically we will give an overview of a web site dedicated to the works of Dr. Ernest L. Norman. Today we will give a brief overview of and invite our readers to take a visit to this web site which is an especially good introduction to the teachings.
This site was originally set up by Al McGowan, a dedicated Unariun student. Al McGowan who has since passed on into the spiritual worlds also did another great thing. He had most of the Unariun core curriculum reprinted so that they could be freely available to the world. He distributed to many libraries all across the country as well as passing the books onto other parties interested in the teachings. On his web site, Al McGowan states, “If you can keep an open mind you will find in UN.AR.I.U.S. the greatest opportunity of your life!” He knew the true value of these teachings and their importance in changing the world for the better and he literally put his “money where his mouth is” and spent several hundreds of thousands of dollars in having the books reprinted so that he could ensure that they would be there for future generations. For this, Al McGowan, Dr. Norman’s students salute you!
On his web site, you will find descriptions of the core curriculum texts by Ernest L. Norman, excerpts of significant teachings, the full transcript of “The Joining”, direct quotations, and what the study entails. You will also see beautiful artwork provided by Douglas Taylor and Michael Leas.
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Periodically we will give an overview of a web site concerning the studies of Dr. Norman’s works. Today we will give a brief overview of and invite our readers to take a visit to this exceptionally informative web site on the works of Dr. Ernest L. Norman.
If you haven’t visited yet, you will be pleasantly surprised. Here you can access some of the main lesson courses as pdfs, audio, or epub. You can join in student conversations on a variety of topics concerning the Science of Life, enjoy Pictionary which depicts common words used throughout the curriculum, or get overviews on many subjects such as reincarnation, karma, obsession, and mastership.
Also you can join, contribute, or comment on blog posts on a variety of subjects such as the science of energy, spirituality, the higher planes, Atlantis, Lemuria and much more. Occasionally excellent student self-made videos are presented covering these same subjects. Students also contribute many articles on the more creative aspects of life such as music, dance, poetry, and artwork.
I encourage everyone to take a visit and sign up as a member. It is always free. You are always welcome whether you are just passing through or have studied for a long time or just simply have a question or two. Enjoy!
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The Importance Of Understanding The Sine Wave
Location is frequency and frequency is location. Observation is merely locking onto the frequency of something already in existence, has always existed and will always exist because energy cannot be created or destroyed only changed. When we observe something, we think we are bringing it into existence but that is not the case. We are only becoming aware or conscious of something that has always existed. Like they say, “Nothing new under the sun”.
Our five senses detect energy which has as its structure a sine wave form – up and down motion. This type of energy transference takes place in the third dimension (the movement of energy goes from point A to point B) which we call our material world but is also the basic configuration of energy in the higher dimensions but there forms a circle or cycle where time and space is integrated and does not go from point A to point B. It is pure energy existing in a timeless spaceless dimension. As a matter of fact all is pure energy even the hard physical matter of our material world as Einstein’s equation E=MC sq proved resulting in the subsequent development of nuclear fission.
We tune into this reality with our five senses, that is we tune into these sine wave vibrations of energy. We have a sense of time because as we pass through the experiencing of experiencing we are merely moving through space-time something like a film clip that shows one picture at a time through a projector. Movement is just an illusion as we pass from viewing one frame of reality to another or attunement of one experience to another. This experience being the energy of existence. (more…)
Posted in Introduction to UN.AR.I.U.S., Science For The New Agewith comments disabled.
A Bolt From The Blue
“It is said that every age, every civilization and every century produces not only the particular cultures and the subsequent way of life in that particular era but also brings forth one or more
particular era but also brings forth one or more particular advents of some new religious, political or scientific movements which have usually changed the entire course of history for mankind at that time or laid down the basic foundation for some future renaissance. For hundreds of millions of Asiatics, Buddha laid down a better way of life and there were others such as Zoroaster, Mohammed and Jesus, who 2000 years ago taught a simple psychology or way of life which is the keystone of our present-day Christian structures.
Today, history is largely repeating itself. During the past fifty years, man, living in the western world has built up a tremendous synthetic technocracy yet it is equally obvious that a proper spiritual balance must be maintained in any way or dispensation of life, otherwise man is quickly destroyed by the insidious poisons of false perspectives and horizons which are clouded with rosy mists of indifference and man’s pathway becomes a bog-like morass of false pleasures, lustful gains and abnormal appetites. So it is today, that while the balance wheel has been pushed over into the materialistic side in this past decade, yet there are strong, highly organized Spiritual Forces working from the higher realm and through various channels and media to bring this balance wheel back into its proper position. (more…)
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Introduction to Healing
“In order to aid the student in gaining the greatest benefits from his self-corrective study of life psychology in the interest of human relationships, individually and collectively, it is of paramount importance that each student enrolled in the organization of UN.AR.I.U.S. should fully understand the scientific psychological principles involved in this study.
It is suggested that each student make out a sheet listing his fears whereby he may check from time to time in comparison. The word “fear” itself as well as other factors involves certain subconscious reflexes known as defense mechanisms and the student frequently sidesteps this analysis and thereby cheats himself of great benefits which could be gained by more complete objectivism in this pychosomatic analysis. The concept of fear must be more properly understood as one of the most powerful and dynamic moving forces which has helped man to construct this present civilization and as such, fear is therefore either constructive or destructive. (more…)
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The Principle of Progressive Evolution
“It should be further noted that any such person who embarks into the study course of UN.AR.I.U.S. and does not begin to achieve results should look into himself for the answer and that it is quite obvious that he has not achieved results because he has refused to give up his past.
He should remember at this time of analysis that what he is at the present, his ego, etc., has all been developed from out of his past many lifetimes and also any and all of the attendant evils and illnesses are also a part of him at this moment of analysis.
On this preface it is easy to rationalize that any progressive evolution in the future must be achieved by giving up the past and replacing it with this future; this in effect, the gradual tearing down and eliminating the old self as the new self is equally and constantly being rebuilt. A strong ego or self—importance evaluation, rock-like opinions, an unresponsive mind, lack of reason, etc., will make it absolutely impossible for any person to progressively advance.
It must also be remembered that the appearance of any evil, dissatisfaction, illness, maladjustment or any and all other negative conditions which may arise are not the result of circumstances in the world in general nor are other people to blame. All of these negations are symptoms of the old self and which is at that moment exercising its power, and as it is so recognized, strong measures should be immediately taken as far as possible to correct this position — not by trying to alter the existing negation — but by realizing it is the old self and which is a remanifestation of the past life and its various strong materialistic attitudes and aptitudes. This is especially true in studying futuristic science such as is contained in UN.AR.I.U.S. or that this future science is dynamically and diametrically opposed to the past. (more…)
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