The Cycle of The Recessional
by Ernest L. Norman
Dear Fellow Student: I know you will appreciate with me the fact that inasmuch as you have lived a hundred or possibly a thousand lifetimes upon the planet earth, that it would be physically impossible to give you a verbatim description of all of these lives, nor would it serve a purpose, other than perhaps satisfy some idle curiosity. Then, too, it is quite possible that we have little skeletons in the closet of our past lives which would embarrass us should they be dragged forth into the limelight.
Our concern is only with those lifetimes in which certain physical or mental karma conditions or blocks have been inflected into the psychic structures and are causing present-day difficulties. However, it is most important and vital so that as you are now occupying in this present-day world a certain relative sphere of consciousness and inasmuch as this can be said to be the place of working out or elimination, we must understand not only your own position, but a broad and universal con
cept of the world, its evolutions, and the future destiny of mankind upon this planet.
So, therefore, I will give you something of a synopsis or a presentation of such various continuities and appearances of yourself in past lifetimes that you can most easily trace the pattern of your own evolutions and thus combine with other concepts which you will gather from the lesson course, and other sources, much wisdom which will not only broaden your mental horizon but will considerably aid and abet the process of therapy and adjustment.
There are many sources of information of past civilizations and the coming and going of mankind upon the face of the earth. Accounts are written in the pyramids and tombs of Egypt. They are contained to a large extent in the Vedic transcripts which form the basic concept of Hinduism. There is much wisdom gained by the teachings of the ancient Hellenic Avatars, such as Plato and Socrates, and if the person is an earnest seeker he can, from numerous places, gather much pertinent and vital information.
However, for convenience sake, and inasmuch as these things are written in the Bible, we shall use that book for a sort of reference. The prophets of the Old Testament as well as those of the New Testament gave much wisdom and knowledge to our present-day understanding; and it is generally conceded by one and all that this is a highly-advanced technocracy, an age of atoms and electrons, and a synthetic age which has produced not only an abundance of many miraculous things, but has literally showered our daily lives with various contrivances and conveniences which, by their original intent, were meant to serve us usefully.
Yet in the very nature and complexities of this technocracy, it has become as a two-edged sword, and the general way of life, the adaptability and the mental positions of the hundreds of millions of citizens in our present-day world have, as yet, not adapted unto themselves a sufficient psychology to compensate for the numerous pressures, compromises and adjustments which are necessary to live in this complex civilization. Therefore, you can see for these reasons and others, too, which are most obvious, that you must indeed gain a wholesome perspective of your present position and the world in general.
In the opening chapter of Genesis, it states the Lord made the earth in six days, and on the seventh He rested. This is a spiritual parable which has suffered much and many derelictions, but actually referred to an astrophysical cycle wherein we can actually trace the written course of history for mankind for at least 160,000 years. This astrophysical cycle is called the Cycle of the Recessional in modern astrological nomenclature. It refers to a phenomenon wherein the sun, leading its little flock of planets along a great magnetic line of force extending from the central vortex of our universe; and also, as the earth, as in the case of the other planets revolving about the sun, are regularly intersecting and bisecting minor and major lines of force which are stemming out from this same vortex.
This is exactly the same principle which is used in the application of alternating current which turns the motors of our present-day industries – one of the ways in which the Infinite has of inflecting into our world or dimension of consciousness through the various energy structures known as atoms – certain vibratory energies which stem in along with these magnetic lines of force. These are dominating and controlling forces which have much to do with the general welfare and evolution of humanity as a whole. They also, to a large extent, are responsible for such evolutionary patterns wherein the earth itself, along with the planetary system, goes from one age to another.
These concepts were given to the earth at the beginning of the Lemurian Age or in the beginning of the first of the six days, which was 160,000 years ago; and this figure is obtained by adding up the six cycles of 25,000 years. In order to better understand the effect and the nature of this cycular phenomenon, we can visualize this great 25,000 year cycle as a circle, and we shall divide it up into twelve sections like we would cut a pie, each section representing a period of time of a little over 2,000 years duration. Using modern astrological terminology, we can start from Pisces and run through the twelve different sections or signs of the Zodiac back to Aquarius.
Aquarius is the sign wherein the figure of God places His right foot upon the earth and holds the horn of plenty, which He scatters upon the earth; and in the left hand, holds the trident which represents the Holy Trinity. The symbology, therefore, is that this Aquarian Age will be ruled directly from the inner consciousness through the hearts and minds of man, and that it will be, indeed, a Golden Rule Age, or the City of Jerusalem, a spiritual age where God actually rules the world and that man lives by the Golden Rule.
These minor cycles are divisions of about 2,000 years’ duration. You can also see, by studying history, that these various lesser cycles have had considerable influence in helping usher into the world certain civilizations or certain times wherein avatars or masters have appeared, just as in the case of Jesus.
Another point of reference contained in the Bible which concerns every seeker of truth in the present day is the prophecy which states that in the latter day, the Ten Tribes will be again gathered together. This, when combined with our knowledge of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, will give us a starting point where we can trace not only your own personal starting of your evolution, but to all other seekers of truth who are so interested in, not only solving their own difficulties, but in visualizing the emancipation of man into the future spiritual age.
We will begin, therefore, by adding up the six days as was mentioned in Genesis and the cycles of 25,000 years’ duration, and we will arrive at the figure about 160,000 years ago which was the starting place of the ancient city and civilization of Mu. Through legends, historical facts and various channels and works of numerous men such as Churchward, we have gained a rather factual description of that time and place. It began with a landing of a huge space ship which came from a great planet called Lemuria down closer to the central vortex of the universe. It contained among its passengers eleven Lemurians who were super-scientists or masters. They were tall men – eleven feet high, or more.
In these two great civilizations [Lemuria and Atlantis which followed], there were many, many, millions of people who had sat at the feet of different masters and avatars and had learned of great spiritual truths; and with the destruction, had passed on into spiritual worlds. Since that time, they have come down to the numerous and lesser civilizations upon the planet earth through more or less regular cycular appearances or reincarnations, being attracted into this world in certain spheres of time wherein certain spiritual concepts, under some avatar or savant were being re-instituted into that present time and place. Anyone who has longings, conscious memories, or feelings of affinity or the knowing of these ancient times, can actually know that they have been one of the many millions who perished in the great cataclysms.
You yourself, as many other seekers of truth, have come down through the times and ages from ancient Atlantis, through Egypt, India, Chaldea, China, Greece and even the so-called Dark or Middle Ages to your present time. You may remember the life to some extent on Atlantis; or it may have been just the starting point, the original causation for such karmic fears as fire or drowning. In the many succeeding reincarnations, these fears may or may not have been dissipated, or they may have been added to and strengthened by certain psychic shocks of such similar circumstances.
After the destruction of Atlantis at about 25,000 years ago, there were many of the peoples of that nation who had migrated or escaped into Egypt and after a period of time, Egypt grew and became one of the great and luminous spiritual civilizations of the past, and reached the climax of its ascendency under an Atlantean priest, or a descendent of the priest known as Osiris. The religious monotheology of the people of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt was the worship of the one God who was called Amen Ra, and it was believed that His countenance shone forth upon the world from the sun. Thus it was that the sun was worshipped just as our present-day Christians worship various saints or images of saints; or they may actually visualize God as an entity, so that the people of these past ages saw the great universal and infinite God manifesting Himself in one way and direction through the shining and luminous orb of the sun which warmed the earth and was most necessary for all life which lived upon its surface.
India, too, and around the northern latitudes of India near the Mongolian Desert, another great civilization had descended from a spiritual city which is known in the present day as Shamballa. Much allure of the legendary nature is still attached to Eastern theosophies concerning Shamballa, and it closely paralleled, in many ways, the lives lived by the Lemurians and Atlanteans.
After the destruction of Shamballa and its disappearance more than half a million years ago, the remaining vestiges of that nation who were known as the Aryans migrated south into the plains of India. These Aryans were fair-skinned, blond-haired and blue-eyed and are one of the root races which exist today as the Nordic or Teutonic races, and they descended from the original inhabitants of this ancient civilization and still exist in some provinces of northern India and can be found around the country of Kashmir. It was these people, incidentally, who brought with them the Vedic transcript which is the basis for present-day pantheology of Hinduism: Brahma, who was the Giver of Light, or God; Vishnu, and Shiva, the destroyer. Vishnu was the Perpetuator of Life; and in this Holy Triad, there is a marked parallel and similarity to our present-day Christian doxology.
So thus it is, dear student, a presentation of past lives and epochs of time; like the tides of the ocean, these great civilizations have risen and fallen, and left behind them only legend, carvings in the rocks, or perhaps some buried temple in the far-off reaches of Central America. The pyramids of Egypt give mute testimony as the temples which lie in the shadows of those great structures speak silently of the pageantry of the past. The ancient City of Jerusalem has risen and fallen seven times, and yet lives today as a token and a symbology that here, too, a great man in a far-off time and place gave birth to life and hope for many people.
Excerpt from Tempus Invictus
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Remarkable Achievements Of The Lemurians
by Wisher S. Cerve
Aside from the unusual psychic development or spiritual unfoldment attained by the Lemurians and which gave them unusual advantages in a purely personal and individual sense, the people as a race and as a nation attained a high degree of development in the arts and sciences and in the mastership of worldly problems.
When it is said in modern writings that the ancient Egyptians attained a degree of civilization and intellectual mastership that was superior to our present day attainments, this is generally said in a relative way, for it is only relatively true. When we say that the Lemurians reached a higher degree of civilization then we have reached, it is likewise meant in a relative sense, although there are some evidences of attainment that were actually beyond the scientific achievements of modern times. (more…)
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The Community Life Of The Lemurians
by Wisher S. Cerve
All the scientific analyses of the life of primitive man intimate that in the beginning of his earthly existence he lived separately and suspiciously isolated from others in the bows of trees or in caves along the banks of rivers until he learned whom he might trust among all the creatures of the animal kingdom. And we are told that he learned to trust a few animals of species lower than man and learned to trust a few of his companions and that eventually he domesticated the few animals he could trust and made friends of the men and women he could trust and these he gathered together in his immediate vicinity and constituted them as the elements of his community life. (more…)
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The Mental And Psychic Development Of The Lemurians
by Wisher S. Cerve
Aside from what we know of the descendants of the Lemurians and through a study of them discover the high degree of development achieved by their ancestors, there are many ancient records which refer to, and fairly accurately describe, the mental and spiritual development of the people at the time that Lemuria was in the height of its power. Ever must we keep in mind the fact that the civilization of Lemuria had developed through aeons of time. Europe may speak of its long periods of culture, and Rome and Athens may speak of the great heritage which was theirs, and even Egypt may boast of a long period of intellectual development, while we in America rejoice in the fact that there are some centuries of culture and development back of our present generation; but when Lemuria was in the height of her power she could boast of thousands of centuries of development.
In addition to the long period of time through which the Lemurians had learned the lessons of life and attained mastership through perseverance, industry, study and cooperation with the highest laws, they had the advantage of being free from the contaminating influence of false knowledge and a material conception of life. (more…)
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Historical Origins Of Man
by Werner Schroeder
During the first two Golden Ages mankind enjoyed a semi-tropical, even climate. There were no storms and adverse weather conditions to combat. Also, there was perfect harmony and rhythm in the change of the seasons. The four seasons served to give variation in color and design, as well as variations in types of harvest.
Lush foliage covered the ground; there were no weeds, bugs, insects, vermin, or diseases. Also, no volcanoes were present. All volcanic action is due to the antipathy between elementals and mankind, whom they had come in such love to serve.
Animals, as we know them today, were not yet in existence. They only began to appear after humanity had generated the discord that followed the first two Golden Ages. Birds, however, fall under a separate category. They were created by Ascended Beings as messengers to mankind. Some did later take on some human qualities, which accounts for their destructive activities. (more…)
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Remembering Lemuria
by Mariah-Crooked Arrow
The Lemurians were a peaceful people, vegetarians, who lived the law of one, service, and harmony with all life. The ancient Lemurians, used their mastery of energy, crystals, sound and vibrations for healing. They also used the crystals to produce energy and were able to manufacture ships for travel using those energies. All the inhabitants of the Earth at that time considered Lemuria, their Motherland, and there was much weeping on Earth at the time of its destruction; destroyed by earthquakes generated by a pole shift.
The highly evolved citizens of Lemuria were healers, sages, mystics, teachers, dreamers and leaders. They spent their days working quietly for the awakening of humankind and for the evolvement of universal peace. They moved easily between dimensions, meditated without pause, loved, laughed, played and worked. And they set a plan in motion to be available to mankind – even all these millennia later – to assist in this next great transformational shift which we are all experiencing today. (more…)
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Space Kings In Ancient Egypt
by W. Raymond Drake
Egypt! Land of wonder, mystery and magic. For unknown centuries the massive Pyramids, the inscrutable Sphinx and those mighty temples down the Nile, have dominated the minds of men; their silent grandeur evoking echoes of a glorious, grandiose Antiquity, the presence of proud Immortals, that Golden Age of the Gods when Earth was young. Those colossal ruins from a past far remote intrude into our present world like symbols of some Galactic Race, their aura of power and spiritual strength radiate a message men cannot read; solitary they stand in alien isolation lording the sands beyond space and time waiting for Man to raise himself to understanding. Such awesome majesty reveals a greater, nobler race of Beings transcending mortal man, the Celestials, who taught civilization to Earth, those Spacemen from the stars. (more…)
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Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Part III
by Hilton Hotema
**Cave Man**
When the curtain of history first rises, it appears that Europe was inhabited by the Cave Man. That period of time is called the “Stone Age.”
This is the creature that physical science pictures in its theory of Evolution to make that theory appear more plausible. If we ascended from that Cave Man, then it is easier to make us believe that he ascended from the ape.
The Evolutionists have been careful not to tell us that this European Cave Man was the remnant of an ancient race, wandering away from his native home. meeting adverse conditions and reverses that forced him to become what he became. Of his past nothing appears to be known, and little is known of his Stone Age days. (more…)
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Wisdom Of The Ancients
by Hilton Hotema
Man longs for eternal life. He has spent billions of dollars to cover the earth with temples and churches in which he seeks to learn the mystery of Life.
In these places of worship, man has had millions of sermons shouted at him to have faith. He has read books on why he should have faith. All of them tried to argue him into a belief in Immortality. But not a preacher nor an author cited any LAW to support their arguments.
If immortality is a fact, it must be the work of Universal Law; for everything, every condition, every action, are subject to Universal Law. (more…)
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Pathways In History
by George Hunt Williamson
The destruction of Lemuria did not take place in a single day or even a year. It covered a period of several thousand years; for the beginning of Mu goes back some two hundred thousand years. But the final catastrophe which caused the submergence of nearly all of Lemuria occurred about twelve thousand years ago. The only land left above ground was part of California, Arizona, and other parts of the American South West; Australia, and Easter Island.
Easter Island is the strange island in the south Pacific that contains monoliths and mysterious stone figures which science is at a loss to explain. The native population, which is very small, claim they know nothing of these figures. They are so huge and their construction so unique they could not have been made by savage, uncultured people. Easter Island is all that is left above water of a great Lemurian Holy Mountain—and the colossal figures belong to the culture of lost Mu. (more…)
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Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays (Lemuria) ~ Part III
by Brother Philip
We have already spoken of the legacy for man hidden in the South American jungles that is beyond his wildest imagination. In ancient record chambers scientific knowledge will be found and utilized in the New Age, secrets of a very remote past will be the incentive for magnificent development in a newer world. The cities of the fabulous Amazonian Empire, which antedated other world civilizations, belong to another Lost Continent but, unlike Atlantis and Mu, this Continent is not buried under any ocean, but instead, it is buried behind miles of Green Hell that constitute the South American jungles. These cities have never been under water; their records therefore are well preserved in their final resting places in the vast libraries of forgotten Paititi. Countless treasures were brought to Paititi by informed priest-scientists when it was known that both Lemuria and Atlantis were definitely doomed to oblivion. What an inheritance will be found in areas where now only the sound of the monkey and the call of the bird are known–the combined knowledge of the three greatest empires the world has ever known. (more…)
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Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays (Lemuria) ~ Part II
by Brother Philip
The Elder Race
If we are really to understand the meaning behind the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and the Golden Sun Disc of Mu we must go back in time on Earth to one billion years ago. After the Earth planet had cooled, and was ready for inhabitants, a race arrived from out of space that was not human, but was of the race of original true man. They were called Cyclopeans, and are known in the secret, arcane knowledge as the ‘L’ Race or simply, the ‘Els.’ Before coming to the Earth planet they traversed space following all the great cycles of Time; they were Titans who rode the starways (and they still do in another dimension of Time and Space) and sought always the best pastures of space for their flock. They were the first life upon the Earth and are the Immortals of our legends, the God Race or Elder Race that preceded man. (more…)
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Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays (Lemuria)
by Brother Philip
The Origin of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays
Lemuria is the name for the last part of the great Pacific continent of Mu. The actual destruction of Mu and its submergence began before 30,000 B.C. This action continued for many thousands of years until the final portion of old Mu known as Lemuria was also submerged in a series of new disasters that were terminated between 10,000 and 12,000 B.C. This occurred just prior to the destruction of Poseidonis, the last remnant of the Atlantic continent, Atlantis. Lord Aramu-Muru (God Meru) was one of the great Lemurian sages and the Keeper of the Scrolls during the last days of doomed Mu.
It was well known to the Masters of Lemuria that a final catastrophe would cause gigantic tidal waves to take the last of their land down into the angry sea and oblivion. Those working on the Left Hand Path continued diabolic experiments and heeded not “the handwriting on the wall,” just as today, on Earth, millions of inhabitants are continuing to “eat, drink, and be merry,” even though the signs of the times are clearly discerned by the true people of the Infinite Father. (more…)
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The Sleeping Prophet On Lemuria ~ Part II
by Frank Joseph
Most of Cayce’s recorded statements about the lost Pacific kingdom follow its people to other parts of the world. During his life reading of April 17, 1936, Edgar Cayce told of immigrants from a global catastrophe arriving in the Near Eastern “lands of Zu.”
Interestingly, Har-Sag-Mu was known 5,000 years ago as “Mu of the Mountain Range,” where Zu, the Sumerian sky-god, settled after causing a terrible cataclysm. Thereafter, “stillness spread abroad, silence prevailed.” In the later Babylonian version, as preserved in the Assyrian library of Ashurbanipal, Zu stole the Tablets of Destiny from his fellow gods and brought them to Har-Sag-Mu. His self-transformation into a bird of prey to fight off a serpent guarding the tablets recurs in worldwide imagery of an eagle battling a snake, from the Greek Delphi and Norse Yggdrasil to Aztec Mexico and pre-Columbian Colombia. (more…)
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The Sleeping Prophet On Lemuria
by Frank Joseph
Edgar Cayce is thought by many to have been the greatest clairvoyant and prophet since the days of apostolic revelation. ~ Brad Steiger
Of our era’s alleged “psychics,” one name stands out. Edgar Cayce’s status as a genuine seer not only survived his mid-twentieth-century death into the next millennium, but has grown considerably beyond his lifetime reputation as well. The cause is not difficult to understand. His forty years of subconscious health pronouncements form a body of recorded medical information sought out by sufferers from around the world as effective countermeasures to invasive surgical procedures. His reputation as a healing intuitive aside, the far fewer utterances he made about Lemuria are not, as skeptics might expect, statements of wild fantasy, but instead remarkably consistent, and well within the scope of archaeology and geology. More valuably, they shed new light on the people, spirituality, and destiny of Mu otherwise unavailable from conventional sources. Whether or not we give any credence to psychics, renowned or otherwise, his characterization of Lemurian people and events is surprisingly credible and illuminating if viewed through the lens of neither preconceived belief nor unbelief. (more…)
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