The Children Of Mu
by James Churchward
For the benefit of those who have not read The Lost Continent of Mu a short synopsis of its contents follows.
The Land of Mu was a large continent situated in the Pacific Ocean between America and Asia, its center lying somewhat south of the equator. Basing its area on the remains which are still above water, it would have been about six thousand miles from east to west, and about three thousand from north to south. All the rocky islands, individually and in groups, scattered over the Pacific Ocean were once part of the continent of Mu. About twelve thousand years ago cataclysmic earthquakes rent Mu asunder. She became a fiery vortex, and the waters of the Pacific rushed in, making a watery grave for a vast civilization and sixty millions of people. Easter Island, Tahiti, Samoas, Cook, Tongas, Marshall, Gilbert, Caroline, Marianas, Hawaii and the Marquesas are the pathetic fingers of that great land, standing today as sentinels to a silent grave. (more…)
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Sacred Symbols Of Mu
by James Churchward
I wish particularly to point out in the present volume that I am not giving the meanings of symbols in the vestments in which they are now garbed. I am giving their origin and original meanings.
Up to the time of Mu’s submersion all symbols retained their original meanings. From the time of Mu’s destruction I must pass over about 5,000 or 6,000 years. Those were years when seemingly no history was written except a few scraps in India and Egypt.
During this time mankind apparently was reviving and repeopling the earth, after its almost total destruction by the submersion of Mu and other lands and the subsequent formation of gas belts and mountains. (more…)
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My Visitation To Venus ~ Part III
by Anne Givaudan
There was a deep silence. With the same gesture, my two guides showed me not the sphere but the walls of the vast room which were coming more and more to life, more and more translucent until they completely disappeared. The moving partitions had vanished to give way to a landscape of which I was the focal point. I felt empty, with a familiar sensation… I could see through eyes that were not mine, I was walking with a body that did not belong to me.
Soothing sounds filled me and the voice of the more feminine being reached me like an echo.
“Yes, you’re looking through the eyes of a man…” (more…)
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Mount Shasta, Telos, And Lemuria
by Aurelia Louise Jones
Mount Shasta is a most majestic mountain that anchors the northern end of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range. It is located in Siskiyou County in Northern California, approximately 40 miles from the Oregon border. Mount Shasta is the cone of an extinct volcano rising to a height of 14,162 feet above sea level, and is the largest volcanic peak in the continental United States. The ascended masters have revealed that Mount Shasta can also be considered an embodiment of the Great Central Sun.
Mount Shasta, more than just a mountain, is one of the most sacred places on the planet. It is a mystical power source for this Earth and a focus for a City of Light, for angels, spirit-guides, spaceships and ascended masters from the Light Realm and many dimensions. Mount Shasta is also the home of the survivors of Ancient Lemuria. (more…)
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The Lost Continent Of Mu
The record of the destruction of Mu, the Motherland of Man, is a strange one indeed. From it we learn how the mystery of the white races in the South Sea Islands may be solved and how a great civilization flourished in mid-Pacific and then was completely obliterated in almost a single night. A few decades ago scientists would have been very doubtful about the possibility of the former existence in the Pacific Ocean of a huge continent such as Mu. But since then, records have come to light and comparisons have been made which prove that such a land did at one time exist. The proofs are of several types.
First, as I have already explained in the opening chapter, there are the sacred tablets found in an Indian temple and deciphered with the aid of a learned priest. These tablets gave me the first hint about Mu and sent me on a world-wide search. They had been written by the Naacals, either in Burma or in the motherland. They told how the Naacals had originally come from the motherland, the land in the center of the Pacific. They also told the story of the creation of man and his advent in this land. Records of later date written in Mayax, Egypt and India tell and describe the destruction of this land of Mu, when the earth’s crust was broken up by earthquakes and sank into a fiery abyss. Then the waters of the Pacific rolled in over her, leaving only water where once was a mighty civilization.
Second, there is confirmation of Mu in other ancient manuscripts, including such a classic as the Hindu epic Ramayana, written by the sage and historian, Valmiki, from the dictation of Narana, high priest of the Rishi temple at Ayhodia, who read the ancient temple records to him. In one place Valmiki mentions the Naacals as “coming to Burma from the land of their birth in the East,” that is, in the direction of the Pacific Ocean. Another document confirming the story of the sacred tablets and Valmiki is the Troano Manuscript, now in the British Museum. This is an ancient Maya book written in Yucatan. It speaks of the “Land of Mu” using for Mu the same symbols we find in India, Burma and Egypt. Another reference is the Codex Cortesianus, a Maya book of about the same age as the Troano Manuscript. Then there is the Lhasa Record, with hundreds of others from Egypt, Greece, Central America, Mexico, and the cliff writings in our western states. (more…)
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