There Is Life In The Afterlife

There-Is-Life-In-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Gladys Osborne Leonard

After having made several excursions into the Astral World during sleep, and accomplished other short-distance exteriorizations while awake, there came to me the crowning adventure–the most convincing and satisfying experience of my whole life.

Never in my wildest dreams had I dared to expect such a wonderful revelation of that world which lies beyond the normal sight and hearing of our earthly existence. Ever since my husband’s death in February, 1935, I had prayed daily, morning and evening, that I might be allowed someday, to visit the place, locality, condition–call it what you will–in which my husband now dwelt, worked, and lived his life apart from me. Yes, “apart” is the word one is compelled to use when referring to separation by death in the “bodily” sense. No matter how great one’s belief in the Unseen World may be, the absence of constant objective evidence of the dear one’s presence is frequently a great strain on even the staunchest faith. (more…)

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I Found Life Beyond Death

I-Found-Life-Beyond-Death-main-4-postby a practicing psychiatrist

This astonishing survival story is told by an eminent physician who “died” when he was 19 years old.

In 1942 my plans were all set. I was to be the youngest doctor ever to be graduated from the Medical College of Virginia. I would graduate at 19 with a Bachelor of Science degree and in a rushed-up program for World War II, by going to classes summer and winter, I would receive my medical doctorate degree by the time I was 22 years old.

But man proposes and God disposes.

My father, who was past draft age, was called into service to be in charge of all the storage of fuel for the D-Day invasion of Normandy and I could not see sitting out on the sidelines. I volunteered for active duty and after completing the work for my B.S. Degree at the University of Richmond, all except for six hours of German, I was sent down to the only place in the world where I have marched in mud up to my knees and still had dust blowing in my face – Camp Barkeley, 11 miles southwest of Abilene, Tex. (more…)

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Religion As Viewed From The Spirit World ~ Part III

Religion-As-Viewed-From-The-Spirit-World-Part-III-main-2-postby Anthony Borgia

For many hundreds of earthly years the New Testament has been claimed to be the inspired word of God. Opinions differ upon this one point, but there is still greater diversity of opinion upon much that is contained in the gospels. So wide is the latter divergence that literally hundreds of different Christian religions and religious sects have sprung up all over the earth world, each professing to be a true religion, if not the ‘true’ religion.

Some individuals go still further and claim that absolute belief in the contents of the book is itself sufficient for the ‘salvation’ of the soul, and that without that belief the soul is lost, condemned for all eternity to remain not only without the gates of heaven, but at a very great distance from them. (more…)

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Religion As Viewed From The Spirit World

A-View-Of-Religion-From-The-Spirit-Side-main-4-postby Anthony Borgia

Beings in the exalted realms have beheld the evolution of man on earth and they have assisted in that evolution. They have watched man’s steady spiritual and material progression.

Man, as he now is, was not created upon the instant, as the Church teaches, in the image and likeness of his Creator. He was slowly and steadily evolved from a lower order of creatures. The image and likeness were to come later. The Paradise of Eden is the best attempt at an explanation of the ‘creation’ of man that man himself could that time evoke. The story of the first man and woman, whom the earth world has come to name Adam and Eve, is natural corollary to the legend of their creation. (more…)

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Man’s Greatest Fear ~ Part I

Mans-Greatest-Fear---Part-I-main-4-postby Ernest L. Norman

life-and-deathWithout question or doubt, the greatest single fear so far as the general races of humanity are concerned is the fear of death and taking a secondary place of importance, though not one of fear, is the concept of birth. How strange then it is that mankind lives in fear of death, anticipates with joy the events of birth, yet knows nothing of the basic facts which relate these two events so closely together. Only when we understand the scientific application of knowledge as it is applied in the factors of evolution called reincarnation, do we substantially increase the knowledge and ascertain for ourselves the direct relationship between these two important events. (more…)

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Families In The Spirit Worlds

Families-In-The-Spirit-Worlds-main-4-postby Anthony Borgia

Who are the residents of the homes in the spirit worlds? Are they family groups or single occupants?

Doubtless, you will call to mind such concentrations as you have on earth, but you must also remember that even on earth family groups are continually altering their composition. The children in an earthly family grow up, and for various reasons they leave their parental homestead upon marriage, for example, or for reasons connected with their business or occupation. People on earth live alone for equally varied reasons. And so the changing of family groups is constantly going on. In normal times on earth, families live their lives with these changes taking place in their family ties, and eventually they come into the spirit world. (more…)

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Gardens In The Spirit World

Gardens-In-The-Spirit-World-main-4-postby Anthony Borgia

We have spent some little time considering the house itself. Let us now wander out and inspect the gardens or grounds round about our homes. But before doing so I would like to revert to a subject which is not unconnected with the gardens themselves.

I have already remarked that we are never hungry, from which it might be inferred that our social gatherings are entirely without refreshment. Such is not the case. We have the most delicious fruit in abundance. Our host or hostess, whoever it may be, will always see to that. But it is fruit that is very unlike yours on earth, we eat it for a very different reason, and it produces a totally different effect upon us. To take the fruit itself first. We have a much greater variety than do you, even taking into account the diversity to be found in the different parts of the world. All the fruits that you have we also have here, but with the quality there is no comparison. And the size, too, is remarkable. That you must see to believe! (more…)

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Homes In The Spirit World

Homes-In-The-Spirit-World-main-4-postby Anthony Borgia

Of all the types of buildings to be found in the spirit world, and those which will interest my friends on earth, the most numerous, by far, are the dwelling houses, the ‘private’ houses and cottages in which we live. They are of all kinds known to you on earth. But the appearance of our houses is very different from the appearance of earthly houses. The principal distinction is, of course, in the building materials, as I have indicated to you in the case of the churches here.

Although we have houses constructed of brick or of stone, as well as the half-timbered variety which is so popular here, your mind will inevitably be drawn to your own acquaintance with such buildings upon earth. But bear in mind what I have told you about the quality of the materials with their particular and colorful external appearance, and you will see wherein lies the very great difference between your houses and ours. But there are other and important distinctions. (more…)

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Through The Gates Of Death

Through-The-Gates-Of-Death-main-2-postby Dion Fortune

The Great Anesthetist

Death is a universal experience. No one can hope to escape. It is only a matter of time till it comes to each one of us and each one of those we love. Yet Death is called the King of Terrors and is the supreme threat of the law to the wrong-doer. What is it that makes a natural process so terrible? Is it the pain of dying? No, for anodynes can deaden that. Most death beds are peaceful when the time comes, and few souls go out struggling. What, then, is it we fear in death that it should be for us a thing of grief and dread?

Firstly, we fear the Unknown. (more…)

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One Nurse’s Experience On Life And Death

One-Nurses-Experience-main-4-postby Pauline Fredericka Strong

For fifteen years I was a hospital nurse and attended more largely on the poor ward patients. It would be difficult for you to imagine one half the misery and pain that was pressed into my existence all through that most exceedingly unhappy time! Yet I was never happy unless I was doing something for some sufferer and so you see I could no more change my life or my vocation than I could create myself over again.

It naturally had fallen to my lot all the years almost of my life, to hear the woeful tales of sorrow from almost every mortal I came in contact with, and was almost driven to nursing from sheer sympathy. I soon found that my strong feelings of tenderness for those afflicted made me over-weak and unfit for duty! And so the years brought the discipline, courage and success, and lost me love, truth and purity! For as I witnessed such a multitude of suffering I began to grow more and more calloused to its call until I went at the call of duty only as a machine goes which is set in motion mechanically and at the will of its operator! Something was dying in me, not my good physical health, for I was most unusually robust! But something which used to speak to my inner consciousness, from my own inner self, that still small voice which men and women call the conscience for want of a better term, that thing was dying, even had died! (more…)

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Into Eternal Light ~ Part II

Into-Eternal-Light-Part-II-main-4-postby Kenneth transmitted through by Madge Wood

Oh, it is good to be alive and deeply interested in everything, to love, and to remember loved ones and be near them. There is no barrier really between us and the dear ones we leave behind. When there is true affection; that is an eternal link and this I know that some day we will all be together again. We only leave our loved ones behind in the material sense, and we help and guide them inasmuch as they will allow us to do so.

You see also the sleep state is a wonderful link between your world and ours. When your spirit leaves the body in sleep you are freed to be with us for a time, and we look forward to this. Many are the discussions that take place when you come, and the things you do and see. Naturally this is because earth is only your temporary home. Your real home and belonging is here. In sleep your spirit returns from whence it came and to the things known and understood. (more…)

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Homecoming: End Of Life Experiences

Homecoming-End-Of-Life-Experiences-main-2-postAs Told By Various Caretakers

Choosing A Time To Go

Some hospice carers have told us that residents seem instinctively to know they are nearing the end of life. ‘It’s almost like something has told them “You’re nearly there, just calm down because something is going to happen”,’ said one interviewee. ‘I think the people who are dying know right at the end that something is happening,’ said another nurse.

Towards the end, from being very agitated they may calm down and just lie there peacefully. Sometimes they will get a sudden burst of energy, so that they are able to talk to their family for the last time. You get times when people suddenly seem to perk up just before they die. They seem to get better – enough sometimes to say goodbye to relatives . . . It’s really strange, it’s like an extra energy that they’ve got just prior to them going right off. They become coherent . . . and then they seem to just go. (more…)

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Into Eternal Light ~ Part I

Into-Eternal-Light-Part-I-main-4-postby Kenneth through Madge Wood


During his earthly life Kenneth was never known to me, only through his communications with his parents during his contact with my Sanctuary after his passing over to spirit.

He was an only son of parents born in a Yorkshire town and was a Leeds University student, and afterwards served in the Army during the last war.

His passing to spirit some years later caused his mother to be completely overcome by grief and resulting in ill health, so much so that she lost interest in life. (more…)

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Companionship In The Afterlife

Companionship-In-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Yogi Ramacharaka

There is a question which ever comes to the mind of those who indulge in speculations regarding “the other side”—that question which is voiced in the words of the familiar old hymn: “Shall we know each other there?” This query is rooted in the very heart of human love and affection. Heaven, even if it furnished every other joy and satisfaction, would not be heaven to the average person if it did not also furnish companionship and association with those loved in earth life. The soul instinctively craves for the society not only of those close to it by ties of the love of man and woman, but also of those to which it is bound by the relationship of parent and child; brother and sister; friend and friend. Without this assurance of continued companionship and association, heaven would seem a very bleak and cold place to the average human soul. (more…)

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Newly Arrived On The Other Side

Newly-Arrived-On-The-Other-Side-main-4-postby William T. Stead

On April 10, 1912, W. T. Stead boarded the S.S. Titanic bound from Southampton to New York, to take part in a peace congress at Carnegie Hall. On the morning of April 15 the ship struck an iceberg and Stead, along with hundreds of others, drowned. Ten years later, Stead’s daughter Estelle published this book which purported to be a communication with Stead via a medium, Pardoe Woodman. In the book, Stead described his death at sea and discussed the nature of the afterlife. The manuscript was produced using automatic writing.

The Arrival

MANY years ago I was attracted by an article on the subject of spirit communication, and, after reading it carefully several times, I was forced to admit its soundness. I was struck by the plain and practical ideas of the writer. This was the first cause of my becoming actively interested in this big and amazing work. From that time onward I did all in my power to prove and then forward the movement. Many people know this; and those who do not, can become acquainted with the details if they wish. Therefore I am going to pass at once from my first earth interest in the occult to my first interest in the earth.

Just as I was overcome with astonishment and satisfaction on first reaching conviction on earth, so I was astonished almost equally on my coming to this land and finding that my knowledge of this subject gained on earth was strikingly correct in nearly all the chief points. There was a great satisfaction in proving this. I was at once amazed and delighted to find so much truth in all I had learned; for although I had believed implicitly, I was not entirely without grave misgivings upon many minor details. Hence my general satisfaction when I recognized things and features which, though I had accepted whilst on earth, I had scarcely anticipated would be as I now found them. This must sound somewhat contradictory, but I want you to understand that my earthly misgivings were based on fear that perhaps the spirit world had a formula of its own which was quite different from our earthly mentality, and that, therefore, the many points were transmitted to us in such a form and in such expression as we on earth would be able to grasp and appreciate, and were not in themselves the precise descriptions, owing to the limitations of earth word-expression. (more…)

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