The Topography of Heaven

The-Topography-of-Heaven-main-4-postBy Jurgen Ziewe

Vistas-of-Infinity-BookMaybe now is the time to put the pieces in place and consider the conditions of these incredible states and Heaven worlds we are actually dealing with. Why do we hear so little of Heaven and only in relation to religion via the ancient stories? If it is at the heart of all religions, why are there so few testimonies? We have already learned that most people reporting from Heaven were mostly describing Heavens in relation to their material existence – the Astral Heavens. Why are these exalted states so shrouded in mysteries?

The simple answer lies in the fact that our attention is mostly tuned into our everyday external world, which we consider to be separate from us and which we are set apart from. Our whole self-concept and conditioning is built around the perception of separation. This sense of alienation is what our state of mind is rooted in. The most important thing to bear in mind is the fact that such separation between the ‘me’ and a ‘perceived outside’ world no longer exists in the Heaven state, which creates the intimate experience that we are no longer anywhere else other than home. The ‘homecoming’ aspect is frequently reported by near death experiencers and we notice the feeling of homecoming becomes stronger the more closely our awareness moves towards its inner Source. It is for this reason that I feel more comfortable in referring to this state of consciousness as Home Consciousness, because this is where we belong and where our roots are. (more…)

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The Astral World ~ Part I

The-Astral-World-Part-I-main-4-postby Swami Panchadasi

The Astral Planes

Every student of occultism, from the humblest beginner to the most advanced pupil, has a full realization of the wonders of that strange plane of being known as The Astral World. The beginner, of course, has not the privilege of actually viewing life on this plane, except, perhaps, in exceptional cases, or under extraordinary circumstances. But even he finds constant reference to the subject in the treatise of his studies, and soon discovers that that particular plane is the scene and field of some very strange phenomena.

As he advances, and learns more of the occult laws and principles, he develops still greater interest in the subject. And, when he reaches the stage in which he is able to actually sense (by astral vision) on this plane, he finds that a new world of experience has opened out before him. (more…)

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Here And Hereafter

Here-And-Hereafter-main-4-postby Anthony Borgia

The whole process of leaving the earth, of dying, is a perfectly natural one. It is merely the operation of a natural law. But for thousands of years the generality of people have lived in entire ignorance of the truth of ‘dying’ and of the ‘hereafter’. And in this, as in so many cases, ignorance, or, lack of knowledge, means fear. It is fear of the future following upon ‘death’ that has surrounded the act of transition with so many mournful and morbid solemnities and doleful trappings.

Sorrow is but natural in human hearts at the parting of loved ones and in their removal from physical sight, but sorrow is aggravated and increased by the lack of knowledge of what precisely has taken place. Orthodox religion is largely responsible for this state of affairs. The one who is mourned has gone to an unknown land where, presumably, an omnipotent God reigns supreme, ready to mete out judgment to all who enter that world. It behooves us, therefore, orthodoxy would urge in effect, that we should do all that we can to placate this Great Judge, that He may deal mercifully with our departed brother. Such a situation, it would be further urged, is no time for anything but the gravest demeanor, the most solemn behavior. (more…)

Posted in Life After Death, Life On The Other Sidewith 1 comment.

Life At Death

Life-At-Death-main-4-postby Geoffrey John Cutler

I guess the first question to ask is whether we all survive death? Until recently I would not have had any doubt about that, but it seems there is a small complication for some people. Many people would be aware that the universe appears to attempt to supply that which we focus on, even if it is not good for us. Those people who are adamant that there is no life after death, and make this a certainty in their life often do not pass immediately from one realm to the next in a conscious state. They are termed “sleeping survivors.” These folks almost get their most fervent wish – annihilation. They may sleep for centuries, before a group awakening. More recent information now suggests that relatively few pass over as “Sleeping Survivors” at the present time. This may be because the rules have been changed, as we enter the “Correcting Time” and also possibly because there are far more Celestial helpers available at this time. I assume these “tough cases” were grouped together as an efficiency measure which enabled them to handle these folks en-mass. (more…)

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Arisen From “Death” In The Afterlife

Arisen-From-Death-In-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Elsa Barker

The following was transmitted through the spiritual mediumship of Elsa Barker.  Via automatic writing, Judge David Patterson Hatch, born November 22, 1846, in Dresden, Maine, death on February 21, 1912, recounts his tales of the other side through a series of letters. Judge Hatch was a respected lawyer and judge, well versed in the philosophies of life who had written several books including Scientific Occultism.

Letter 39

Many times during the months in which I have been here have I seen men and women lying in a state of unconsciousness more profound than the deepest sleep, their faces expressionless and uninteresting. At first, before I understood the nature of their sleep, I tried as an experiment to awaken one or two of them, and was not successful. In certain cases where my curiosity was aroused, I have returned later, day after day, and found them still lying in the same lethargy. (more…)

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Life After Death In The Astral Realms ~ Part II

Life-After-Death-In-The-Astral-Realms-main-two-4-postby Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss

The first Realm above the Physical World, in rate of vibration, we term the Realm of Reflection. Here we find reflected every object which exists in the Physical World, or to be more accurate, the physical object – man, animal, vegetable as well as all so-called inanimate things is the reflection or materialization of its astral duplicate. Here we find the astral pattern of all living things. But everything is seen reversed as in a mirror. For instance a number such as 123 would be seen as 321, etc. This fact caused the editors of Mme. Blavatsky’s manuscript for The Secret Doctrine much labor at first when they tried to verify the quotations made by her from books presented by her Teachers to her astral vision, for she frequently forgot to reverse the number of the page. When the editors learned this, if the quotation was not found on the page indicated, it would invariably be found on the page bearing the reversed number. This feature of the astral alone accounts for many of the mistakes of untrained psychics who are not familiar with this. Day and night are also the reverse of the corresponding periods on earth. Hence it is generally easier for a sensitive to contact the astral at night, although to one who is properly trained it makes little difference.

While the scenery of this Realm is the counterpart of the scenery of earth it is much more, for here there is a luminosity and translucence difficult to describe, which makes familiar objects far more brilliant and beautiful and reveals their true nature far more than does their physical counterpart on earth. While plants, trees, animals and people are all seen here they can also be seen through, just as on earth we can see into and through a glass of water for instance. In the Astral World we can also see all sides at once and not in perspective, and with the glow and colors imparted to everything by the currents of life-force which sweep through them. For the Astral World is a world of four dimensions instead of three. For this reason all attempts to locate the various Realms of this world in space or to limit its phenomena to our three dimensional conceptions, leads to misconception. That which is to manifest on earth descends from the higher Worlds into the Astral World and is embodied on earth. (more…)

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Man Says He Saw The Afterlife And Returned

Life-After-Death-Main-4-postBy Tara MacIsaac

Ken Barnes says he has had two near-death experiences (NDEs) in which he left his body and had experiences that confirmed his belief in the afterlife. Whether one believes in such NDEs or not, Barnes’s story is one of perseverance, forgiveness, and positivity in the face of adversity.

The first NDE purportedly happened when he was 9 years old.

He had a bad reaction to medication he was taking and doctors gave him only a day or two to live. He was standing beside his parents in the hospital, talking to them, but they couldn’t hear him. Then he saw his own body on the bed.

A minister was standing by his parents, giving his last rites. (more…)

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