Aboard A Flying Saucer

Aboard-A-Flying-Saucer-main-2-postby Truman Bethurum

A great many people have stated and some under oath, that they have seen flying saucers. Some have added that they saw odd Truman-Bethurum-2-postlooking little people running to get back into them, or away from them and into the brush. You’ve read about many of these incidents in your own daily papers, in popular magazines and even in books. Some of you are convinced that flying saucers do exist. Others scoff and deny their existence. Governments insist in their news reports to the people that flying saucers do not exist and that those deluded persons who said they saw such things had only seen some weather bureau contraption for testing the upper air. Yet it has been stated by government personnel that “They sometimes show up on radar screens.”

In his newly published book entitled FLYING SAUCERS FROM OUTER SPACE, by Major Donald E. Keyhoe, as you will see by the following quote from THE MIRROR, Los Angeles Daily of Friday, October 2, 1953, we get a closer view of the situation:


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CoEvolution-main-4-postby Alec Newald

Alec Newald was taken to an extraterrestrial civilization for 10 days. One Monday in mid-February, 1989, he set off on what would be or should have been a three-hour drive from Rotorua to Auckland in New Zealand. He arrived in Auckland feeling tired and confused and was even more confused to learn that Monday was now Thursday, 10 days later, and that he had no idea of what happened in the meantime. When Alex did retrieve his memories of those missing 10 days, he realized his life had changed forever. Early on that fateful trip, while driving through a Foggy Mountain Pass, Alex was whisked from the road by beings from an extraterrestrial civilization and what he learned and experienced during his stay with these friendly beings has profound implications for all of us here on Earth. (more…)

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UFO Contact With Coma Berenesis

UFO-Contact-With-Coma-Berenecis-main-2-postby Wendelle Stevens

Apolinar (Paul) A. Villa, Jr., (born 24 September 1916), a mechanic by trade, of 601 Niagra, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico, Paul-Villa-imageholds a unique privilege in the annals of Flying Saucer research. He has had prearranged meetings with Space People for the specific purpose of taking pictures of their craft.

Apparently, contacts of one kind or another with Space People are not new to Mr. Villa. He says that he has been taught telepathically by extraterrestrial intelligences since he was 5 years old.

Although he did not complete the tenth grade of school, he seems to have a good knowledge of such subjects as mathematics, electricity, physics, and mechanics, and has an unusual “gift” for detecting defects in engines, generators, etc. (more…)

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Early Evidences Of An Inhabited Solar System

Early-Evidence-Of-An-Inhabited-Solar-System-main-2-postby Daniel Ross

Venus, Mars, and the Moon are important in that they are our closest neighbors, and the habitability can easily be determined. Our space program of the 1960s and 70s probed and photographed them extensively, since these planets were known to be the homes or bases of the UFOs. Life beyond the Earth should have been published as an established fact years ago. Two things prevented this from becoming our rightful knowledge; the inability, and often the refusal, of the orthodox scientists to go beyond their shared perceptions; and secondly, the absolute secrecy and censorship by the top-level authorities in charge of the space program.

But what about the other planets in our solar system? Are they inhabited also? And are their environments Earth-like, or similar enough, that we could travel to them and step out on their surfaces? (more…)

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The Cosmic Reality Of Man

The-Cosmic-Reality-Of-Man-main-2-postLecture by Daniel Ross given to the Japan General Assembly
[Adamski Research Group], February, 1994

I wanted to speak today on the cosmic reality of man, as shown by Adamski. Because it is timeless; it is eternal. Wherever you might go, within this system, or out to an inhabited planet in another solar system, the truths would be the same, wherever you go. That is cosmic or universal law. Most of you here today have the many books and writings of George Adamski. Mr. Hachiro Kubota has worked hard to keep all the books in print in the Japanese language, and now has “The Complete Works of George Adamski” published in 10 volumes. So to give you something a little new today, I reviewed many tapes of his talks, where he gives examples and expressions of truth to others, often just in conversation – maybe to an individual, maybe to a small group. It can be rather humbling, I can freely admit, to hear hours and hours of Adamski’s philosophical talks and discussions over a short period of time. When you listen to the fullness and depthness of his knowledge of cosmic life, you quickly realize how really shallow most of our minds are.

The more one studies this field of Space and UFOs, the more he then appreciates the vast legacy of Cosmic Knowledge shared by George Adamski. And there really is no end to learning, if you understand it right. As Adamski often said, the principles remain the same, but the effects are continually changing, with life always moving forward. (more…)

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Star Wards: Welcome Home Earthman

Star-Wards-Welcome-Home-Earthman-main-2-postby Richard T. Miller

[These events took place in] Detroit, Michigan in the summer of 1954. This fellow, George Hunt (Rick) Williamson, came to Detroit to talk on communicating with space intelligences by short-wave radio. He told a story about how he and a fellow who was a telegrapher with the Santa Fe Railroad in Arizona, also a ham radio operator, had gotten in touch with UFOs using this fellow’s ham radio equipment. They had communicated by International Morse Code and had received intelligent replies.

My ham radio buddies and I went to hear Williamson’s talk. Afterwards, we introduced ourselves and said we were interested. Could he tell us what frequency they had used. He gave us a list of the frequencies. We said we would listen for any type of communication on those frequencies. He asked if we would let him know if anything occurred. I said he would be the first to know; just let us know how we could reach him. He gave us his itinerary, as he was on a lecture tour. (more…)

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Over The Threshold

Over-The-Threshold-main-2-postby Dana Howard

On April 29, 1955, the beautiful DIANE made an impressive appearance upon the stage of the Planet Earth. Seventeen years previously (while functioning in my [etheric] twin-body) this same Diane had taken me aboard a gem-studded spaceship preparatory to an obviously teleported flight to Venus. On April 29, 1955, she stood before twenty-seven amazed persons in a corner of the little Church of Divine Light, Los Angeles, California. Several who were present that night have given written testimony to the fact that DIANE was neither an ectoplasmic-built entity, nor was she an apparition.

I quote from a letter from Lucille Points, Los Angeles, “I have had the opportunity of sitting through many materialization seances, but I shall never forget one particular evening this spring when Reverend Bertie Lillie Candler had one of her very interesting and inspiring seances. A beautiful, fleshly being came, rather hesitantly at first, then saying, ‘I am Diane. I come from Venus’. Truly I can say this was the most outstanding experience of my life.” (more…)

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Flying Saucer Pilgrimage

Flying-Saucer-Pilgrimage-main-4-postby Byrant & Helen Reeve

“Knowledge is cosmic honey’’ — Yada Di Shi-Ite

The story of an amazing private research which took two year’s time
and over 23,000 miles of travel.


Henry was talking. “Here’s a man who claims he saw a ‘flying saucer’ and talked to the pilot. He says the pilot was from Venus!”

Henry is a fabulous person. He had, as usual, without the slightest warning burst into our home in Detroit, Michigan. Anything new, exciting, beautiful, imaginative — physical or metaphysical — in this world or out of it would excite Henry to a fever pitch.

It was November, 1953, and we were entertaining guests. Although the hour was late, it did not deter dear Henry.

“How insane can these fellows get?” said I, not a little annoyed.

“How gullible do they think we are?” exclaimed one of our guests.

“No! Honestly!” cried Henry. “This is serious! This man has written a book on it. I sat up all night reading an advance copy. It is called Flying Saucers Have Landed and was written by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski. Here it is!” (more…)

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The Moon Is Inhabited

The-Moon-Is-Inhabited-main-2-postColumba-Krebs-2-postColumba Krebs’ The Moon Is Inhabited (at 129 pages) is an amazing read.

No one would ever know that Columba Krebs was a major contactee of her time were it not for this work which has been newly reprinted and made available by her granddaughter.

Below is a short excerpt from the first five chapters with a link for purchase. (Note: Unariun Wisdom is not an affiliate and is not compensated for sales.)

We are just very happy that another hidden gem has been revealed in the contactee world of the 50s and 60s with information just as relevant today as it was then.

The information is just amazing and a highly recommended read for anyone interested in space relations with our Brothers and Sisters from other worlds. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts ~ Part XVI

Venusian-Contacts---Part-XVI-main-4-postby Dana Howard


Dana Howard’s contact, Diane (also known as Val-Deena Thor), is a highly evolved Venusian. Dana speaks of her ET friends with high reverence as they relate their wisdom through her in the effort to inform and awaken the earthman.

Unlike the odd looking humanoids and grey aliens of today, the saucer pilots of the contactee era were so human in appearance that it is said they could easily blend in with average Americans, walking down the streets of Anytown, USA totally undetected. They were mostly Caucasian looking, had long, wavy, blond hair with piercing blue or green eyes. (more…)

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The Secret Of The Saucers

Secret-Of-The-Saucers-main-2-postThis is one of the best contactee accounts of the 1950s. Mr. Angelucci’s Secret of the Saucers is a memoir of a more innocent time, and a tale of spiritual growth. It was edited by Ray Palmer, the main force behind FATE magazine, the publisher of the first flying saucer accounts, and the Shaver chronicles before that.

Orfeo was, like Shaver, a regular working guy, a swing-shift employee at a Lockheed factory in southern California. On Friday, May 23, 1952, by this account, he was strangely drawn to a remote location in Griffith Park in Los Angeles. He was contacted by an alien entity named ‘Neptune.’ Later he is taken aboard their spaceship and visits their paradisiacal home planet.

As Angelucci relates, there was a being named Lucifer who lived on a planet between Mars and Jupiter. His hubris led to the planet being shattered into the asteroid belt. Humans were imprisoned on Earth, to work off the karmic debt. There is a ‘prime directive’ which prevents the UFO builders from interfering in Earth’s affairs. However, humanity’s spiritual evolution is helped along by extraterrestrial, godlike entities such as Jesus and other wisdom Masters. Angelucci is instructed to spread the UFO visitants’ message to the world at large. (more…)

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UFO Whistleblowers Drop Bombshell On D.C.

UFO-Whistleblowers-Drop-Bombshell-On-DC-main-2-postby Scott Waring w/Steven Greer (testimony)

On June 12, 2023, Dr. Steven Greer held a stunning UFO disclosure press event at Washington’s D.C. press club. Led by renowned researchers, members of the military, defense contractors and former government officials, this conference revealed shocking testimony about the secrets of an Antarctica station, the secret space program, reverse engineered alien craft, and massive crimes and cover ups.


Michael Herrera former US Marine who witnessed a (deep state) UFO in Indonesia. (See our article, dated: June 9, 2023 – Former Marine witnessed UFO being loaded with weapons by unmarked US forces in Indonesia.) (more…)

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Selected by Extraterrestrials

Selected-by-Extraterrestrials-main-4-postby William M. Tompkins

“We must prepare ourselves for the most earth shattering news the world has ever known.” — CARL SAGAN


At the outset, it’s important I note that while this book is my autobiography, it does not tell my entire life’s history. It onlyWilliam-M-Tompkins addresses my personal work in, and my knowledge of, the field of aerospace technology from 1950 to 1969. It was a microscopic period of space-time, but one in which a massive change in man’s understanding of his place in the universe occurred. The subject matter contained in this volume is so important that it cannot be covered in just one book alone. The story of the rest of my fantastic life, and corresponding adventures, will be included in subsequent volumes.

My dad was good with a camera – he’d taken a lot of photos for his high school yearbook and he became an excellent photographer. While he was developing movie film at Universal Pictures in Hollywood, California, he conceived a major breakthrough for processing film. It was so brilliant that nearly every movie director in Hollywood insisted that he process all of their movies. By 1920, the demand for hundreds of movies to be distributed worldwide became so great that dad built the Standard Film Laboratories, situated on Hollywood Boulevard. This massive production laboratory employed hundreds of technicians, as well as language interpreters to convert English-language versions. These foreign language versions were distributed worldwide to more than 140 countries. Dad remained at the helm of Standard Film Laboratories until his company underwent a financial takeover and he was no longer involved. (more…)

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Aztec UFO Crash: The Worst Kept Secret

Aztec-UFO-Crash-Worst-Kept-Secret-main-4-postby Robert Carr (Special Advisor to NICAP)

[Transcription begins]

Moderator- “It was Professor Robert Carr who sent shock waves through the Pentagon and the Air Force on October 14th, when he accused the Air Force of not telling the truth about Flying Saucers. At a news conference in Tampa, Florida, Professor Carr said he had information that the Air Force had two flying saucers and the bodies of twelve (12) spacemen on ice in a refrigerated building at Wright Patterson Field in Dayton, Ohio.

“At the Flying Saucer symposium Professor Carr talked for an hour about what he calls the ‘worst kept secret in the world.’ The discovery in February, 1948 of two flying saucers in northwestern New Mexico, near the town of Aztec.”

Robert Carr- “It is known throughout the academic world, the medical world, it is known throughout the Air Force, and above all it is known throughout the CIA, ah, that the Air Intelligence at Wright Patterson Field has in its possession a spacecraft, thirty-one (31) feet in diameter, and it is entirely undamaged, except for a hole…small hole broken in the plastic dome…the transparent plastic dome that covered the cockpit. And because of this accident in space, the twelve small human beings….ah….died suddenly of decompression, in the purely mortal way that our…that the Russian astronauts perished last year in a similar accident of decompression during re-entry. They were not shot down by our fighter planes, they suffered an operational loss. (more…)

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Contact With Extraterrestrials: A Message Received

Contact-With-Extraterrestrials-A-Message-Received-main-3-postby Orfeo Angelucci

In the first issue of MYSTIC, November 1953, I told of my first eerie contact with the flying saucers and subsequent trip in a saucer hundreds of miles into outer space.

But in neither of those astounding experiences did I actually have personal contact with a saucer being. In the first incredible instance I saw their images projected on a kind of vast, luminous screen which appeared above an open field, between two small fluorescent green discs. During my entire trip in the saucer I was, I believe, entirely alone and heard only the voices of a space being apparently transmitted from a huge mother ship.

Since that first article appeared I have received a great number of encouraging letters and many phone calls from people who assured me of their whole-hearted belief in my story. Also, as a direct result of my story in MYSTIC, I was asked to give a series of talks concerning my experiences, in the Eastern States, which I did. Everywhere I found people tremendously interested and receptive to the message of the saucer beings. But everyone wanted further knowledge and more information about our mysterious visitors. (more…)

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