ETs Among Us ~ Part I
by Ruth Montgomery
“The Guides say that although space beings have visited earth for millennia, they are now “rushing in as seldom before to awaken earthlings and help them to realize that their destruction is imminent” unless better ways are developed to settle disputes between peoples. “They are aghast at the direction that planet earth and its people have taken in the last few decades,” the Guides continued, “including nuclear weapons threats against other nations and curtailment of human freedom.”
My Guides have repeatedly stressed that spaceships are non-essential for the conveyance of spacelings to earth. These highly developed entities, they insist, are able to reassemble the atoms of their bodies within our atmosphere so that they become visible, physical beings, and can as easily disassemble the atoms when they wish to disappear. If true, it may be the only logical explanation for the case that I will now relate. (more…)
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Alternative 3
by Creston
According to the book: Alternative 3, printed in Great Britain, both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. first found out about the 3 “alternatives” in 1957 by a Dr. Carl Gerstein in Huntsville, Alabama, at a closed-door conference attended by government officials.
The first alternative, Gerstein explained, was to blow holes in the stratosphere with nuclear bombs, thereby allowing the escape of excess CO-2 gas. This alternative, however, was abandoned since the holes would allow excess cosmic radiation into our atmosphere and only make matters worse.
The second alternative: to colonize the underground caverns beneath the surface of planet Earth to protect them from overheating (or an ice age). (more…)
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An American Indian Encounter With Star People
by Ardy S. Clarke
Ancient Astronaut theorists maintain that Star People have been visiting Earth since the beginning of time. To support their claims, they often portray the legends of American Indian tribes as proof of human interaction with the Star People. There are also many stories of UFO encounters, crashes, and extraterrestrials by adventurers, cowboys, military men, and miners in the Northern Plains.
One of the more famous cases occurred in Montana and was reported in the St. Louis Democrat and in newspapers throughout the country. According to the article, on October 19, 1865, James Lumley, a Montana fur trapper, was about 175 miles above the Upper Missouri in what is now Great Falls, Montana. On his way to camp after a day of trapping, he saw a “bright luminous body in the heavens.” As it flew, it burst into flames and exploded. Shortly thereafter, a strong wind swept through the forest like a tornado. The air smelled like sulfur. The next day, Lumley decided to investigate and came upon a path through the forest “several rods wide.” At the end of the path, he discovered an object embedded in the side of the mountain. (more…)
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There’s Intelligent Life On The Moon
by Ray Palmer (May, 1959)
Even as this is being written, another American Moon Shot is scheduled. As you read this, it may have proven successful but what will be the information gleaned from it? Will you be told anything sensational about the Moon? Or will you be told the same nothing that has been released in the past ten years about the strange things astronomers have been seeing on our mysterious satellite? They won’t talk about it; perhaps because the subject has become painfully embarrassing. But the truth of the matter is that we’ve seen enough to make it imperative that we find out for sure! What is it the Russians learned on their close pass at the Moon that makes Kruschev offer the most fantastic proposal of all time- to quit rocket experiment FOREVER! Here, in this sensational article (all quite firmly documented) are facts that will stun you, as they have us. If you can’t stand to have your preconceived notions shattered, stop reading right now. If you read on, prepare to tear the chapter on The Moon out of your astronomy textbook. (more…)
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Venusian Contacts – Part XV
by Dana Howard
Dana Howard’s contact, Diane (also known as Val-Deena Thor), is a highly evolved Venusian. Dana speaks of her ET friends with high reverence as they relate their wisdom through her in the effort to inform and awaken the earthman.
Unlike the odd looking humanoids and grey aliens of today, the saucer pilots of the contactee era were so human in appearance that it is said they could easily blend in with average Americans, walking down the streets of Anytown, USA totally undetected. They were mostly Caucasian looking, had long, wavy, blond hair with piercing blue or green eyes. (more…)
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Is Space Travel Impossible Using Rocketry?
An Editorial by Ray Palmer (May, 1959)
Recently Kruschev made another of his long speeches (this one took 6 ½ hours), but to me, there was one short sentence in it that is positively fascinating in its implications. He said that Russia “is ready and willing to stop rocket and nuclear experiment for all time”.
As for nuclear testing, we can understand why further experiment is unnecessary—the weapons already developed are fearsome beyond all possible necessity, and also are completely unusable without total destruction of civilization. But when rocket development is something that they are ready and willing to stop for all time then we are alerted to the apparent confirmation of our announcement some time ago that the Russians had found something out about space that changes the space travel picture completely. We can, if we wish, read into this innocent sentence the admission by the Soviets that space travel is impossible, and that therefore they are ready and willing to abandon rocketry. In fact, so convinced are they of the impossibility that they specify “for all time”. (more…)
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Contactee Tidbits From A Spacecraft Convention
by Evelyn Dorio Nicolais
Between seven and eight thousand space fans gathered at Giant Rock Airport, Yucca Valley, California, for the Third Annual Spacecraft Convention on Saturday and Sunday, April 28 and 29, 1956.
The campers began to arrive as early as Friday afternoon, by trailer, car and truck, but most of the crowd turned their cars off the main highway in the early Saturday morning hours and jogged over the sandy spurs that led to the remote airport. (more…)
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Steps To The Stars ~ Part II
by Timothy Good
Further Communication
It was not until April 1954 that Alan once again reestablished communications with Daniel Fry. At the time, Fry was relaxing in his retreat, deep in the woods of southern Oregon. As before, Alan was not present in person, but his voice was unmistakable. No device was used on this occasion; instead, communication was supposedly achieved directly via ‘electronically boosted telepathy’.
Alan began by admonishing Fry for not having spoken publicly about his experience. Fry replied that, in the first place, he was afraid that any report by him might endanger Alan’s proposed visit to Earth; secondly, he was unknown, apart from within the rocket industry. How therefore could he reach the people? (more…)
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The Wanderers
by George Hunt Williamson
Certain individuals have received messages from the space intelligences that were similar to the following: “Do not think of us as gods, for in a sense you are greater than we . . . and we must serve you as it was promised since time immemorial.” By this, the Saucer occupants mean that The Wanderers were a special order of beings who did nothing but wander from planet to planet and stay until the particular world they were on was lifted up into higher understanding. If the message was directed to an “apple” on the Earth, we can see why the space people would say: “In a sense you are greater than we.” Actually, there is no high nor low, but The Wanderers or “Apples” would be greater in the sense that they had previously served other worlds before coming to Earth. The Saucer men recognize these “Wanderers” because they aided them before they came to Earth to help. In other words, “apples” lifted up other planets to their present majestic state of progression where all war, greed, lust and falsity is non-existent. They passed through Mars, Venus, and other spheres before volunteering for the Earth mission. And the mission to Earth began not just one or two lifetimes back, but it all started in the Miocene Epoch millions of years ago! The Universal “chimney-sweeps” will not go on to other degraded worlds until the planet Earth returns to the Interplanetary Brotherhood, established in Love, Truth, and Peace. (more…)
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Steps To The Stars
by Timothy Good
It was the evening of 4 July 1949. For Daniel Fry, a rocket test technician employed by Aerojet General Corporation at the vast and remote White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico, it was to be an Independence Day with a difference.
Fry had planned on going into the town of Las Cruces to celebrate with colleagues, but having missed the last motor pool bus, he went back to his room and began reading a textbook on heat transfer, a problem of considerable relevance to the design of rocket motors. ‘I was soon to learn however,’ said Fry, ‘that the problems of heat transfer can become as uncomfortable physically as they are interesting academically.’ At 20.00 the building’s air conditioning system apparently broke down and it became unbearably hot. He decided to go for a walk, hoping it would be cooler outside.
Heading in the direction of an old static test stand, where Aerojet at the time were mounting their largest rocket engine for tests, Fry then decided to take a different route that led off towards the base of the Organ Mountains. Scanning the evening sky, he was surprised to notice one star, then another, then two more, ‘going out’. Suddenly, the outline of an object of some sort, blending with the dark blue of the sky, appeared to be headed in his direction. ‘As it continued to come toward me, I felt a strong inclination to run,’ he explained, ‘but experience in rocketry had taught me that it is foolish to run from an approaching missile until you are sure of its trajectory, since there is no way to judge the trajectory of an approaching object if you are running.’ (more…)
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Zret And The Norcans
by Timothy Good
‘Oh help me, help me!’ It was June 1920, and 16-year-old Albert Coe was on a canoeing vacation in Ontario with his companion Rod. Alone at the time, Coe heard the muffled cry while clambering to the top of an outcropping of rocks in remote and rough terrain on the Mattawa River. Looking around, Coe could see no one, so he let out a yell. Slightly to his right and ahead came an answer. ‘Oh help me, I’m down here.’
‘I still couldn’t see anyone,’ said Coe, ‘and had walked about 25 feet in the direction of the voice when I came to a five-foot-wide cleft in the base rock that ran diagonally toward the river. Wedged down this narrowing crevice was a young man with his blond head some two and a half feet from the surface. He only had one arm free, so I reached over and grabbed his wrist, but could not budge him. We always carried a coil of rope and a hunting knife, so I cut down a sapling about 10 or 15 feet long to use as a lever, and working my rope under the pit of his pinned arm, circled it around his back and chest, bringing a loop to ground level, at the same time telling him I would try to pry him out. If I failed, I told him not to worry, for my pal was somewhere on the other side of the river, and between the two of us we would free him.’ (more…)
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Contact With Space
Borderland Scientist Dr. Wilhelm Reich
Posed That Question In Chap. I of His
1957 Book, “Contact With Space”
On March 20, 1956, 10 P.M. a thought of a very remote possibility entered my mind, which, I fear, will never leave me again: Am I a Spaceman? Do I belong to a new race on earth, bred by men from outer space in embraces with earth women? Are my children offspring of the first interplanetary race?
Has the melting pot of interplanetary society already been created on our planet, as the melting pot of all earth nations was established in the U.S.A. 190 years ago? Or does this thought relate to things to come in the future? I request my right and privilege to have such thoughts and to ask such questions without being threatened to be jailed by any administrative agency of society. (more…)
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Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind
While government officials are still dilly-dallying out there about whether UFOs are ET or not as published in today’s report, let us move on to what may really be happening and likely is: Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind!
“Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” is a feature documentary presented by Dr. Steven Greer, a global authority on extraterrestrials who created a world wide disclosure movement and routinely briefs the presidents and the heads of state on the ET phenomenon.
Dr. Steven Greer presents new top-secret evidence supporting extraterrestrial contact including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy. (more…)
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Somebody Else Is On The Moon
by George H. Leonard – With Videos by Bruce Sees All
What NASA Knows But Won’t Divulge!
With careful logic and reason, George Leonard has studied all the data (including official NASA photographs and the astronauts’ Apollo tapes) to prove his theory of a highly advanced underground civilization that is working the surface of the Moon—mining, manufacturing, communicating, and building!
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Edge Of Tomorrow
by Reinhold O. Schmidt
Reinhold Schmidt was a 1957 UFO “contactee” in an era that began with George Adamski in 1953. Schmidt was born and grew up in Nebraska, where he worked for most of his adult life as a reputable grain buyer and dealer. He became a contactee after telling of his experience on November 5, 1957 detailed in his book Edge of Tomorrow, when while driving through a rural area near Kearney, Nebraska, he noticed a large, cigar-shaped object resting in a field. He was soon escorted inside the space ship, which turned out to be crewed by completely human-looking space aliens, four male and two female, who apparently spoke perfect German and claimed to be from the planet Saturn. “The Saturnians” also claimed to be interested in the recently launched Russian Sputniks, and the satellite-launching plans of the US. ~ Wikipedia (more…)
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