Vivenus From Venus On The Swoops
by Vivenus
Spaceships, I call them “swoops” because I’m a Venusian. And Venusians, if they name a thing, name it for what it does rather then for how it looks. A spaceship does swoop, as a bird swoops, silently.
The swoops on Venus are all colors and all sizes and many shapes. There are several giant swoops that carry many smaller ones inside, to let them disembark over the lands they must keep vigil.
At home, there is a special part of our land to house our swoops. We do not have need of them on our world but only to other worlds, especially to the planet Earth. (more…)
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Vivenus From Venus On Love
by Vivenus
No yesterday. No tomorrow. Only now, right now. No sadness. No sorrow. Only joy, just joy.
This is home. This is Venus. A world wherein every life form is as love first made it. Beings flowing in their feelings that they live in the state of love.
Light, no darkness anywhere. Not a doubt. Not a fear. Not a lie. Not a deception. No one pretending to be more than he is not. No one feeling less than she is. No having to “prove” his worth. No having to survive an existence. No having to “earn” one’s space. (more…)
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Walking In Space – A Contactee’s Account
by Robert Renaud
The morning of February 4, 1964, started out like most others here in Massachusetts. Outside, bitter cold, and a myriad of stars sparkling overhead in the profusion of the winter day.
To the west, the huge figure of Orion dominated the sky, and one could easily see in this constellation the form of the Hunter. Below it, Sirius, the Dog Star stood out singly among those of lesser brilliance. The rest of the winter’s star-figures occupied their places in the celestial panorama–Auriga, Gemini, Taurus and, to the northeast the king of the heavens, Leo.
Inside the house it was just another night. I was listening to Bob Diamond on WKBW in Buffalo and reading through my account of the January 4th contact, looking for the mistakes one doesn’t see immediately while writing. (more…)
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My Trip To Mars ~ Part II
by William Ferguson
In the two hours Earth time that I was on Mars I had an enlightenment given to me that would equal four years of intensive study on the planet Earth, because I was functioning in four dimensions. After I had arrived on Mars, then I was given the answers to so many things I wanted to know concerning myself. (more…)
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My Trip To Mars
by William Ferguson
“Welcome to Mars.”
“We have brought you here,” said Khauga, “to verify some information concerning the planet Earth, and to acquaint you with an expedition we are planning to make to the planet Earth.” Khauga, I soon found out, is the chief Uniphysicist of our Solar System. Events leading up to this experience began back in 1938, on July 9th, when the illumination of my consciousness began to be manifested.
Previous to that time I had written a little book called “Relax First,” and I had been teaching relaxation. I had become adept at the art of relaxation. (more…)
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My Visitation To Venus ~ Part IV
by Anne Givaudan
The spaceship’s large glass window suddenly lit up. Once again, I was thrown into the back of my seat with the sensation of being propelled forward. My hypnotized eyes followed the trail of the stars, planets and galaxies. Gushes of light surrounded us and we were in the heart of a fantastic flash of light, where I lost the notion of time and space. As sounds resounded around me, I lost my bearings…
After an unknown amount of time, the inky blue sky once again enveloped us in a thick, deep almost palpable calm. A huge globe of a cold luminosity filled the screen of the glass window. I started… What was going to happen if we kept going toward it? Would we go through it like we did with the pyramid? (more…)
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My Visitation To Venus ~ Part III
by Anne Givaudan
There was a deep silence. With the same gesture, my two guides showed me not the sphere but the walls of the vast room which were coming more and more to life, more and more translucent until they completely disappeared. The moving partitions had vanished to give way to a landscape of which I was the focal point. I felt empty, with a familiar sensation… I could see through eyes that were not mine, I was walking with a body that did not belong to me.
Soothing sounds filled me and the voice of the more feminine being reached me like an echo.
“Yes, you’re looking through the eyes of a man…” (more…)
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My Visitation To Venus ~ Part II
by Anne Givaudan
“Come,” he said, “take a seat around the table.”
An oval table of an iridescent material unknown to me welcomed the four of us. Twelve shell seats were harmoniously placed around.
The voice continued:
“If the materials you can see seem more alive than those on Earth, it’s precisely because they are more alive. Like this big ship in which you have been walking, they are a living production of our will and love combined, according to certain laws that we cannot call scientific because they are life itself.
“Sound, the primordial word, is an integral part of this process of collective creation. Some of us have had the delicate task of transmitting precise data to researchers on planet Earth. I say delicate because we had to probe the hearts and souls of a good many of your scientists before we made the choice, since we were aware that diffusing such knowledge would be strongly resisted. There are people on Earth who have no interest in such knowledge becoming widespread. So, the people we contacted had to face a number of problems.” (more…)
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My Visitation To Venus
by Anne Givaudan
That night I knew something was going to happen…
Like every time this kind of contact occurs, a part of me—the most conscious and most living part—is going to leave my body, the body in which I have been living for the last few years and with which I am trying my best to coexist… This time however, the feeling is different, denser, and more physical.
The thick layers passed through me at an incredible speed, projecting me into a milky mist. I felt surrounded and enfolded by crystalline sounds, noisy twirling waves… It was a strange feeling, like being swallowed up in the eye of a tornado… At least I imagine it that way, since no tornado in any shape or size has actually swallowed me up!
During the ascension, I felt a deep sense of calm. My eyes gradually perceived shapes as the mist slowly cleared away. (more…)
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Etheric Levels On Other Planets
by Maurizio Martinelli
If the other planets of our solar system are uninhabited, could they not be inhabited, nevertheless, at a more subtle level than the dense physical level we know? Should this last possibility be correct, then the accounts of the classic contactees of the 1950s who reported meeting “flesh and blood” human looking extraterrestrials who said that they come from within our solar system – such as, of course, George Adamski, but also, to quote a few others, Truman Bethurum, Howard Menger, or the lesser known Salvador Villanueva Medina, Reinhold O. Schmidt and Lee Crandall – could contain more than a grain of truth. (more…)
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Life On The Moon?
by Steve Omar
Apollo Moon astronauts were often followed to the Moon, at times, by U.F.O.s. Official N.A.S.A. Apollo 12 photograph AS12-497319 clearly shows a large U.F.O. hovering over an astronaut walking on the Moon.
The government agencies policies of keeping U.F.O.s secret from the general public is well-known and has been well-documented in several books by famous astronomers like J. Allen Hynek (who investigated U.F.O.s for the U.S. Air Force), Major Donald Keyhoe, Timothy Good (in his book Above Top Secret), and many other professionals. One unquestionably absolute expert we may want to consult is Christopher Kraft, who was director of the N.A.S.A. tracking base in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, when he revealed the following conversation “after” he left his work at N.A.S.A.:
– ASTRONAUTS NEIL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speaking from the Moon: “Those are giant things. No, no, no …. this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!” (more…)
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UFO Perspective ~ Part II
by John McCoy
It is obvious, since we are being visited by highly intelligent beings from other planets, that they must have some purpose in their visitation, some intentions toward the inhabitants of Earth. These intentions have been variously assigned and interpreted by individuals on this planet, who in some cases have had contact with the UFOs. Let us begin at the basic possibilities regarding the probable reasons for space visitation at this time.
It is obvious, since we have reports going back many hundreds and even several thousand years, that the space people are not interested in the conquest of the planet by force. Otherwise, we would have certainly been overcome while man was in a primitive state in regard to destructive weapons. Thus we must come to the conclusions that they are passively interested, possibly from a scientific viewpoint, or else that they have the best interests of the people of Earth at heart and are here on a helpful mission. From the many contacts which we believe to be authentic it would seem that the latter is the only logical conclusion. The personal experiences of Dr. George Hunt Williamson and myself are sufficient to testify to this, and along with all the other accumulated evidence it is almost a foregone conclusion to the initiate of saucer literature, that the space people are here on a friendly and helpful mission to Earth. (more…)
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Searching For Martian Life Underground
by Leonard David
Scientists are now eyeing the Martian underground in search for alien life as the subsurface of Mars offers a better protected habitable environment.
With improved knowledge of Mars’ geologic diversity and history along with a better appreciation of life in extreme environments here on earth, and the development of better life-detection measurement methods, scientists are hopeful that soon there will be a breakthrough in this direction. (more…)
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Space Travel – Flying Saucers & Anti-Gravity
by John W. Dean
The question is often asked: “When did man first imagine space travel?” First, we must realize that he thought of the air as extending all of the way up to the stars, so it would be some method of flying, as a bird flies. Early attempts were based on crude types of flapping wings.
“We find the dream of space travel in the earliest legends of many races. The Greek and Norse gods lived in the heavens and traveled back and forth with little or no effort. The American Indians thought the Milky Way was a stairway between Earth and sky. And 5000 years ago the Hindus imagined a spacecraft called a garuda for their gods. But space travel for men seemed to be too good to be true. (more…)
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Insects On Mars
by Stacy Liberatore
Ohio University professor claims insect-like beings are living on Mars after spending years studying photos from different missions to the Red Planet.
- Professor spent years investigating images from NASA taken of Mars
- Images were taken in different missions to the planet, with most from Curiosity
- He claims there is evidence of exoskeletons and jointed appendages of beings
- He also suggests that these beings are insect-like creatures living on Mars
NASA is getting ready to send a rover to Mars in search of life, but an insect expert from Ohio University believes we already have evidence of beings crawling on the Red Planet.
William S. Romoser, Ph.D, who has 45 years of experience studying insects, has also spent years analysing NASA photographs of the Martian world and claims there are numerous examples of insect-like forms. (more…)
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