Venusian Contacts ~ Part XIII

Venusian-Contacts-Part-XIII-main-4-postby Corbin Black

What would happen if the First Lady of the United States disclosed that she believed she traveled with extraterrestrials to Venus? It would no doubt create quite the international media sensation, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened in the case of Japanese First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama. However, did you hear about it at all?

In 2009, then 62-year-old Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of Japan’s Prime Minister-elect, Yukio Hatoyama, came under scrutiny for what she wrote in a book entitled “Very Strange Things I’ve Encountered.” (more…)

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Theory Of The Fourth Dimension From An ET Contact

ETs-On-The-Fourth-Dimension-main-4-postby Yosip Ibrahim

Yosip Ibrahim, was a Peruvian author and contactee, noted for his 1972 book “Yo Visité Ganímedes” (“I Visited Ganymede”), in which he relates the story of a man called Pepe who was taken to Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter, events that Ibrahim long asserted to be true events. In the following, which is a chapter from this book, he describes the concept of the fourth dimension as he understands it from the inhabitants of this world.


I should begin by saying it is very hard to explain phenomena or facts corresponding to a world of four or more dimensions, with the regular language structured in a world in which only three are known; but since we don’t have another, let’s go on. The investigation of some modern geniuses, like Albert Einstein among others of this century, have gotten to see their existence. But the main difficulty is that the methods and mathematical operations are based on laws corresponding to the physics of a certain field of nature. The field of concrete matter of the physics in three dimensions. And in the fields superior to the matter, as we know it, rule other laws, new forces exist and the same matter is presented to us in different forms, that in certain levels can become confused with the energy. The concept of the atomic and molecular constitution of matter, that rules until nowadays, our science, is not an absolute concept, but a relative one, like everything in the Universe. (more…)

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ET’s And The Gift Of Free Energy ~ Part II

ET's-And-The-Gift-Of-Free-Energy-Part-II-main-4-postby Preston Dennett

In 1960, Jim Kuebelbeck was an ambitious young man. At age twenty-one, he had just joined the Navy and was assigned aboard the USS Valley Forge as an aviation electronics technician. He was a helicopter crew-member of the HS-3, or the hunter-killer anti-submarine squadron. It was their job to find and track unidentified submarines. Although he was still very young, Kuebelbeck was already highly trained. As he says, “In the course of our training we were constantly tested on our ability to quickly recognize types and purposes of all flying aircraft that might be encountered on the high seas or near foreign shores. For what it’s worth, many of us prided ourselves on the expertise we had developed.”

He served about one year aboard the ship. And while it was an exciting time, the most memorable event of the entire year was one particular incident that occurred during their return voyage to the United States from the Mediterranean Sea. (more…)

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Ancient City Ruins On Mars

Ancient-City-Ruins-On-Mars-main-4-postby Ennio Piccaluga

City Found On Mars  – Scott Waring

The following images were recently published by UFO and anomaly hunter Scott Waring (also video above). These images were transmitted by the American “MRO” probe with a HIRISE camera on board, capable of photos with resolutions up to 30 cm/pixel. (more…)

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Space Visitors Q & A ~ Part II

Space-Visitors-Q-And-A-main-3-postby Bryant & Helen Reeve

The following [article] presents an example of O.S.C. or outer space communication, that is, information obtained from communicating with beings living in a different phase of life from our own three-dimensional phase.

With the assistance of Mark Probert acting as the “cosmic telephone” of this two-way communication, we asked the Inner Circle a series of questions regarding flying saucers. Both the questions and the answers are given below. Some of them are given practically verbatim. Others have been edited and condensed for the sake of clarity and in order to keep within space limitations. In a few cases where our question was evidently not clearly understood or we did not clearly understand the answer – the matter was cleared up by questions on other occasions. In every case we have made diligent effort to preserve the substance and meaning of their replies, so far as we understood them. A few of the questions refer more to the critical conditions now facing our civilization than to the saucers themselves. (more…)

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On The Coming Of The Space Ships

Coming-Of-The-Saucers-main-3-postby Partana Vegan

When they came to Earth long ago they brought a message of truth and light to wise men who were of psychic development so that they could receive their message by thought. They said, “Peace, Goodwill, to all men of Earth. There will be one sent to Earth to help and guide you who will be called a Master, and who will be Light unto you. Follow Him for He is of the Light of the Infinite Father, and will bring you truth.” Then the spaceships left for they had delivered their message. But it was not long before they came again, and among them was one great ship that seemed to outshine all the others. It came lower than the rest of them and hovered over the small town of Bethlehem, and those people on Earth thought it was an unusually bright star. But this “star” moved slowly in order to catch attention, and then hung silently over the birthplace of the new babe who had finally come again to bring forth His Light to shine for the whole world. (more…)

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Venusian Contacts ~ Part XII

Venusian-Contacts-Part-VII-main-4-postby Gray Barker

This message from the departed UFO researcher had to come through a physical medium; so, a fair amount of open-minded skepticism toward the material should be maintained. The medium was part of a Rescue Circle dedicated to helping earth-bound souls release themselves from the binding forces of past life associations. The method was ordinarily deep trance. The conversation between the Rescuers and the obsessing entity was either tape recorded or transcribed in shorthand, in a 1963 session.

But in this transmission, Barker writes, the medium was conscious. Vocal cords, mouth and tongue “were seized by a powerful force and made to form and utter the words. The voice of the medium was only slightly changed”. At their previous sitting the group had been in contact with a soldier casualty of the Korean war. They expected to be in touch with him again, but before the lights could be dimmed for the sitting this power seized the medium and the message began before the tape recorder could be turned on and warmed up. (more…)

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More Amazing Structures On Venus

More-Amazing-Structures-On-Venus-main-3-postImage from Magellan Venus Global Survey Map – City Structures and Buildings (color added)

As we all know from our studies of the Science of Life, life is everywhere in the universe in all manners and forms including interdimensionally. And as we also know there is no such thing as death or termination. Everything exists in a continuous state of change unto infinity.

Since Venus exists in another astral dimension, not perceptible to common earth instruments, likely the astronomers and scientists of Earth have not been able to really get a good understanding of the surface of Venus so an attempt was made to map it with the Magellan spacecraft using SAR which is a type of radar that uses 2 or 3 dimensional images of objects, such as landscapes, etc. The video below continues with more amazing structures on Venus found on the Venus GIS Global Map which was created as a result of the mapping by the Magellan spacecraft. (more…)

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Moon Mysteries Explained

Moon-Mysteries-Explained-main-3-postby George Van Tassel

Luna (our Moon) is perhaps one of the most studied and least understood of our heavenly bodies. From the information advanced to us, by our space friends, we are going to state facts that conform to our astronomy and also contradict it.

The reason that the Moon rotates so slowly, in relation to other heavenly bodies is because its only motor-power, from the “A” and “B” lines of force, is set up by forces exerted between the positive and negative strata around it. (more…)

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Space Visitors Q & A ~ Part I

Space-Visitors-Part-I-main-2-postby Bryant & Helen Reeve

The following [article] presents an example of O.S.C. or outer space communication, that is, information obtained from communicating with beings living in a different phase of life from our own three-dimensional phase.

With the assistance of Mark Probert acting as the “cosmic telephone” of this two-way communication, we asked the Inner Circle a series of questions regarding flying saucers. Both the questions and the answers are given below. Some of them are given practically verbatim. Others have been edited and condensed for the sake of clarity and in order to keep within space limitations. In a few cases where our question was evidently not clearly understood or we did not clearly understand the answer – the matter was cleared up by questions on other occasions. In every case we have made diligent effort to preserve the substance and meaning of their replies, so far as we understood them. A few of the questions refer more to the critical conditions now facing our civilization than to the saucers themselves. (more…)

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Underground Entrances On Mars

Underground-Entrances-On-Mars-main-4-postPeriodically Martian anomaly hunters spot what look to be underground entrances in the Mars surface leading to the very justifiable speculation that Mars is occupied underground. Below is a compendium of images from various sources showing what are surface anomalies suggesting an underground entrance.

The photographic evidence is irrefutable that something is going on underneath the surface of Mars. As students of UN.AR.I.U.S., we already know that the Mars underground is already occupied. These images would seem to vindicate our beliefs. For more on these occupants of Mars please refer to the amazing booklet The Truth About Mars which can be downloaded in full here.


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The Science Of Our Spacecraft

The-Science-of-Our-Spacecraft-main-4-postby Elizabeth Klarer

Elizabeth was taken in Akon’s spaceship to Meton, where she lived with him and his family for four months and where she bore his child. Her life on Meton is fascinatingly described. Akon brought Elizabeth back to Earth after the birth of their son, and continued to visit her thereafter.

Akon explains how his spaceship’s light-propulsion technology operated, and how it allowed him and his people to travel across vast interstellar distances.

Elizabeth-Klarer-montage-2-post“The Key to All Life and the Universe Lies in the Harmonic Interaction of Light.”

[Inside the spacecraft] at that distance from Earth, my mind became aware of a new dimension. Humans there—with all their petty quarrels, cruelty and vicious occupancy of all their bits of territory—ceased to exist. Gone were the insular and selfish ways of human beings on Earth, their fecundity destroying the beauty of their planet like parasites swarming over her surface. The mother planet harbored life on her surface and within her surface. She protected it against the radiations of space and provided it with abundance, yet she shielded a viper within her bosom. (more…)

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The Astral World

The-Astral-World-main-4-postby Bryant Reeve

New age souls who desire a more cosmic view of life should not fail to gain at least some measure of understanding of the astral world. Those conventional thinkers who claim they wish only to deal with “one world at a time” have that very privilege, and can confine all their attention solely to the surface life of the planet. But the cosmic fact remains that the physical world is a projection of the astral world. From the cosmic viewpoint, consciousness descended first to the astral level, and then from the astral level to the physical level. How then can we really understand the physical level, unless we understand its astral counterpart? The two work together to produce physical life.

By the astral world is meant the abode of the “dead” – only they are not dead, because no one dies. Only bodies die, and Man is never a body. Sometimes it is called the “spirit” world. Both terms are inadequate as they both give a false idea of a “place”. From the cosmic viewpoint both the physical world and the astral world are states of consciousness. However, for brevity we will also use the term “astral world”. (more…)

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Marsquake! – A Transportation System Under Mars?

Marsquake-A-Transportation-System-Under-Mars-main-4-postOnce again confirmation of The Truth About Mars written more then 60 years ago.

Mars-Underground-Ernest-Norman-2-postExcerpt from The Truth About Mars: “…we did not tarry long on the surface; I followed my guide to a rather strange looking rock. Then taking a small whistle from his coat pocket, he blew one note and although I heard nothing, the rock immediately swung open, disclosing a car-like elevator. We entered and after the door closed I had the familiar dropping sensation of our own modern elevators. The trip down took but a few seconds, and upon stopping I stepped forth into what was my first glimpse of a Martian city. (more…)

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A Visit With Orfeo Angelucci

A-Visit-With-Orfeo-Angelucci-main-3-postby Bryant & Helen Reeve

orfeo-angelucci-contactee-lgWe shall now discuss Orfeo Angelucci and his truly remarkable saucer experiences. We became acquainted with him through the assistance of mutual friends who are themselves deeply interested in saucers and know many saucerers (contactees) personally. We feel very grateful for the help they have given us in preparing this work. On September 19, 1955, we drove to our friends’ home in Los Angeles, where we spent some very profitable hours with both Mr. & Mrs. Angelucci. We feel that no saucer researcher can afford to neglect Angelucci’s great contribution to our human knowledge of this subject.

We found the Angeluccis to be very charming, home-loving people of Italian ancestry and the parents of two boys. They had come to California about eight years previously from Trenton, New Jersey. We asked him how he had come by the unusual name of “Orfeo”, and he told us it was based on the name “Orpheus” from the old legend of “Orpheus and Eurydice”. (more…)

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