Life In The Afterlife: Concluding Thoughts

Life-In-The-Afterlife-Part-IV-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

One of the most revolutionary ideas ever conceived is that we are more than our bodies and that our true home lies beyond our physical planet. This idea, that we are or have souls that do not die at death, is found in all the earth’s religions. Under attack since the Enlightenment, it is reemerging in our own day as a revolutionary idea for a materialist culture.

But the idea has an entirely different face today. Evidence for it is not based on traditional religious teaching, but on secular research into the mysterious depths of human consciousness. Researchers as diverse as physicians studying the near-death experience and engineers setting up electronic equipment through which the deceased can communicate are the new high priests telling us about what to expect when we die. Missing, happily, are those primitive theologies of eternal damnation for some and divinely favored fates for others. What is emerging from spirit sources is not only fascinating but of potential importance for the well being of our planet. (more…)

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Swedenborg And The Sweet Hereafter

Swedenborg-main-2-postBy Mark Harrison

Taller than the others, this man
Walked among them, at a distance,
Now and then calling the angels
By their secret names. He would see
That which earthly eyes do not see:
The fierce geometry, the crystal
Labyrinth of God and the sordid
Milling of infernal delights.
He knew that Glory and Hell too
Are in your soul, with all their myths;
He knew, like the Greek, that the days
Of time are Eternity’s mirrors.
In unadorned Latin he went on listing
The unconditional Last Things.

(Poem by Jorge Luis Borges)

Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), son of a Lutheran Bishop and professor, was a respected scientist and practical engineer prior to his emergence as a philosopher whose primary concern was the spirit world. Before the publication of his first religious text, Worship and the Love of God, Swedenborg had published formative works on cosmology, anatomy, mineralogy and metaphysics as well as developing weapons and a system for the overland transportation of boats. At the age of 59, Swedenborg resigned his post as Special Assessor to the Royal College of Mines and retired to a life of contemplation, study and communion with the world of spirits. We see in the example of Swedenborg’s oeuvre, a simultaneity of science and the world of spirit rather than some clear split between. This overlap between science and metaphysics was more the rule than the exception up through the eighteenth century. (more…)

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Journey To Venus

Journey-To-Venus-main-2-postby George Adamski

OrthonInasmuch as I have already described in detail a journey in this same Scout ship, I shall state only that I found Orthon awaiting us with the little ship hovering slightly above the ground, ready for an immediate take-off. On this trip we did not even sit down. I divided my attention between watching the changing graphs and Orthon at the control panels. As we entered the Venusian carrier, this time I was entirely free of any dropping sensation in the pit of my stomach. We reached the platform and stopped again, as on our first trip. The same man was there to attach the clamp over the Scout for its recharge, but this time he followed us down the steps and into the lounge.

As we entered, Ramu (who was also present) must have touched a button for I saw two very small seats rise as if by magic out of the floor. And at the same time, directly in front of them, I saw our Moon appear in the center of a large screen. I was amazed at how close it looked, and not at all as if pictured on a screen, but with depth of space all around it. So this was the surprise! For a moment I thought we might be actually coming in for a landing. (more…)

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A Brief History Of The Planet Mars

A-Brief-History-of-Mars-main-2-postExcerpt from The Voice Of Venus by Ernest L. Norman:

The Voice of Venus book“About 500,000 years ago, the people of Mars were commuting regularly with the earth by spacecraft. They had established a colony on the southern edge of what is now called the Gobi desert at the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. They were however set upon from time to time by savage bands of native earth-men who roamed about the earth at that time. In the last of these forays a large group of Martians barely escaped with their lives into the nearby hills where they remained hidden and lost to their countrymen who finally abandoned the idea of colonization on the earth. They were a peace loving people and although they had weapons at their disposal that would have annihilated these savage earth men, yet they refused to use them and so the earth swung in its orbit, unattended for several hundred thousand years until the coming of the Lemurians from the planet Lemuria which is about 700 light years (figured in our planetary system of light measurement) away from our solar system. You may wonder how these men traversed this vast distance without consuming the best part of their lives. It was through the principle of change of frequency relationship which enabled the spacecraft to travel through inner space at speeds approximately ten times that of your known speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Therefore the distance from Lemuria to our solar system could be traversed in a very small fraction of the time which you might assume would normally be necessary, in other words about 5 or 6 years. During this journey the ship was flown and controlled by a robot calculator. The eleven who occupied the ship remained in a state of suspended animation, something like a cataleptic hypnotic trance. (more…)

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Ami “Child Of The Stars” ~ Internal Civilizations

Ami-Child-Of-The-Stars-Internal-Civilizations-main-4-postAmi is a trilogy of books written by author-writer Enrique Barrios. This fascinating other-worldly saga rumored to be based on real life began with his first book “Ami, Child of the Stars” (1986), followed by “Ami Returns” (1987), and ending enrique_barrioswith “Ami 3: Internal Civilizations” (1997-1998). Barrios wrote these books in response to an experience he had in August 1985 and which he has never given details or answered questions about. It was suggested to him to write about it “as if it were a children’s story, a fantasy … otherwise they will think you are a liar or crazy.”

The first chapter of the third part begins here with a full pdf link below. First and second part can be found here. (more…)

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The Electrical Nature Of The Solar System

Solar-System-main-4-postOr How Life May Exist On Every Planet In The Solar System

by George Adamski

One of the most frequent problems encountered when giving a lecture on space is the insistence of scientists that the outer planets are devoid of light and heat. Their objection is Adamski-with-photo-of-scout-shipthat radiation from the sun is so weak at these vast distances that Pluto, for instance, would be at absolute zero or close to it, with a frozen atmosphere, and totally incapable of supporting life-forms of any type.

This is the main argument brought against me when doubt is expressed about my meeting human beings from some of these other planets.

The first thing to realize is that the sun does not emit light and heat in the form we observe here on Earth. Radiation from the sun does not manifest itself as light and heat until it penetrates the atmospheres of the planets themselves. Outer space is devoid of light as we know it. The light in outer space is a cold light caused by the phosphorescence of vast clouds of particles and gases responding to the radiation given off by the sun. To a human observer, outer space looks like a dark, vast void, filled with billions upon billions of tiny specks of multicolored light. All of these tiny lights are in a state of continuous motion and activity. (more…)

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More Strange Mars Anomalies Update

More-Mars-Anomalies-main-4-postThe following video presentations provide excellent updates for the ongoing discoveries of more unexplainable and high-strangeness anomalies found on the surface of Mars.

This first presentation goes into evidence for pyramids and artificial ruins found all over Mars, as well as remnants of a vast city discovered in the Southern hemisphere. Per the presenter: “Studying Martian images for anomalies and you will uncover so many things that are not rocks and do not belong on Mars. NASA has come up with a number of conventional explanations but they do not explain some of the anomalies discovered on Mars.

“Peeling back the layers of mystery to show evidence that there was an advanced ancient civilization on Mars. We look at NASA images of tunnel systems, temples and ruins and exposes the sophisticated NASA conspiracy designed to hide them and discredit the researchers that discovered these exotic ruins. Data from the Mars rovers Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity is examined; everything from fossilized plants to mechanical debris is exposed in images taken directly from NASA’s own archives.” (more…)

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Venusian Spaceships Are Landing! ~ Part I

Venusian Spaceships Are Landing main 4 postBy Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray,” author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Trilogy

1-Venusian-Trilogy-ImagesFollow the adventures of the “Cosmic Ray”/Dr. Keller and the “Queen of Outer Space”/Dolores Barrios in the London Festival of Books award-winning Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure (Headline Books, 2017).

(Note: The Venus expert, Dr. Raymond Keller, will be presenting important and thrilling information on the “Venusians Among Us” at the forthcoming meeting of Studies of Alternative Realities (SOAR), on Wednesday, 28 February, 6:30 p.m., at Cinnaminson Public Library, 1619 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson, New Jersey. Bring your space helmets, take your protein pills and buckle up for the ride of your life!) (more…)

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Perfected Beings And Their Tasks

Perfected-Beings-And-Their-Tasks-main-4-postby Flower A. Newhouse

Life is a movement toward the goal of Mastership. An evolutionary program impels the advancement, improvement and mastery of ourselves and our talents. The supreme endeavor of progress is to cause every man and every woman to become Adepts in the art of spiritual advancement and the right use of spiritual powers. Though the process is slow and gradual, from the chrysalis of preparation, after tireless effort, a perfected man or woman emerges.

ascended-masters-4-post (more…)

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Venus Rising Trilogy With Interview About Venusians

Venus-Rising-Trilogy-main-2-postParanormal expert and popular speaker, Dr. Raymond Keller, brings together the impact Dr-Raymond-KellerVenus has on our culture in the Venus Rising trilogy.

Dr. Keller has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967. He was the founder and director of the Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society (OSIRIS) of Hilmar, California, as well as the publisher and co-editor of the New Millennial Star, a monthly pre-internet tabloid newspaper.

Here in a series of interviews, Dr. Raymond Keller speaks about some of the fascinating content in his books including new information regarding Val Thor – well worth a listen. (more…)

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Ten Reasons Why Life (Alien Or Not) Exists Out There

10-Reasons-Why-Life-Exists-Out-There-main-4-post1) DNA May Appear Spontaneously From A Universal Quantum Wave Anywhere Or Any Place In The Universe

The DNA molecule is obviously essential to any scientific understanding of life and how it forms. One strand of DNA from a single cell contains enough information to clone an entire organism.

The new science tells us that DNA begins as a wave, not a molecule. This wave exists as a pattern within space and time and is written throughout the entire universe. In this new model, we are constantly surrounded by pulsating waves of invisible genetic information–much like satellite TV, radio waves, and cell phone and broadband Internet signals. Each of these tiny DNA-forming waves creates gravitional forces, on a microscopic scale, that pull in atoms and molecules from their surroundings to construct DNA. If we could develop instruments to see the, each of these waves would be an exact energetic replica of the DNA molecules they will eventually form. The atoms naturally “fall” into the right places as they are pulled into the wave–much like rocks naturally roll into the bottom of a mountain stream once they are swept into the current. After single DNA molecules have been built, these same microgravitational forces cause them to cluster together so they can begin integrating and creating larger forms of life. (more…)

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The Venus Plane

The-Venus-Plane-main-4-postby Omnec Onec

“…do not blame the many so-called Venus ufo-contacts from the 50s on-> for lying – almost Omnec Onecnone of them understood that that they had altered their vibration and was really no longer pure “physical” in the normal sense” when many of those contacts/space-flights happened, as ‘Borealis’ told how – by technical means – they lowered their material vibration to materialize -> become ‘coarse-physical’ onto this level.”

The Astral Plane is an immense universe, even greater and more vast than the Physical Plane with all its solar systems and galaxies. Venus is a mere speck in that one of many other realities, and is a speck in our limited reality, also at its dense physical level. But the Astral Plane is only one of many planes of lesser density in being.

Many individuals who have experienced these worlds in out-of-body travels have called them heavens. Conditions are so much more beautiful and peaceful there that their vocabulary failed them. What they were able to write down in the past is today called religious, mystical or spiritual literature. (more…)

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Ancient Pyramid On Mars

Ancient-Pyramid-On-Mars-main--4-postFounding investigator of the Mars research group, The Cydonia Institute, George Haas, and geoscientist Bill Saunders conclude that a pyramidal object, as described in the video below, shows definite evidence of artificial construction. They published their findings in a science paper (co-written by James Miller and Michael Dale) in a recent issue of the Journal of Space Exploration. The pyramid was initially discovered in a 2001 image from the Mars Global Surveyor, and sits alone in a canyon area, leading Saunders to speculate it may have once been part of an island surrounded by water. (more…)

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Is Venus Inhabited?

Is-Venus-Inhabited-main-4-postThe following are comments and observations of contactees and astral travelers to Venus interspersed with images from the Venus Global GIS Surveyor map of the Venusian surface showing what appears to be buildings, cities, and structures.

1-venusian-structure-We looked out in awe. The clouds by some magic of the Gods had been made invisible, and beneath us we saw this glittering world, this world filled by superior beings. As we sank lower and lower we saw fairy cities reaching up into the sky, immense structures, ethereal, almost unbelievable in the delicate tracing of their buildings. Tall spires and bulbous cupolas, and from tower to tower stretched bridges like spider’s webs, and like spider’s webs they gleamed with living colors, reds and blues, mauves and purples, and gold, and yet what a curious thought, there was no sunlight. This whole world was covered in cloud. I looked about me as we flashed over city after city, and it seemed to me that the whole atmosphere was luminous, everything in the sky gave light, there was no shadow, but also there was no central point of light. It seemed as if the whole cloud structure radiated light evenly, unobtrusively, a light of such a quality as I had never believed existed. It was pure and clean.

~ Lobsang Rampa (more…)

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Venusian Contacts Part X ~ Revisiting Adamski

Venusian-Contacts-Part-X-main-4-post  by Neil Gould

The events that took place in a remote area of New Mexico during the predawn hours of July 16, 1945 forever changed the world. The incredible destructive powers of the atom were first unleashed; what had been theoretical became reality. Shockwaves were exported Exo-Solar; the cosmic telegraph rattled the walls of the upper octaves of light; Earthlings had found the key to the atomic lock. Human looking Galactic ambassadors were dispatched, to reason with the Earth government whose technology had exceeded its ability to safely utilize this enormous power. Military priorities remained sacrosanct and the ETs were rejected forcing them to engage in citizen’s diplomacy directly with ordinary people, soon to become known as contactees. Under a carefully orchestrated Counter Intelligence Program, claims of ET contact were ridiculed and debunked. Overwhelming empirical evidence proving the reality of Human looking ETS surfaced to overshadow the military’s web of deceit. Pilots, a Government Employee, a photographic expert, an optical physicists and footage of a space craft in flight assisted in peeling back the stratified layers of time. (more…)

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