Shakespeare Returns

Shakespeare-Speaks-main-2-postby Robert R. Leichtman, M.D.

“The original version of Romeo and Juliet was very bad, I thought. I burned it.”

”All through the history of mankind, censorship has always appeared to protect public morals, but censorship has always been aimed at something else. It’s always political.”

”Behind the scenes the action was even more bawdy than it is in the modern theater.”

“The plays almost wrote themselves. The ideas came so clearly and so completely – not only to my mind but the company’s mind as well – that a play would almost write itself once we started working on it.”

“Any creative effort, any attempt to construct a tangible, physical reality from an idea, is a high form of magic.”

– William Shakespeare, speaking through the mediumship of D. Kendrick Johnson (more…)

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The War Dead

The-War-Dead-main-4-postby Stewart Edward White


This book bears my name as author. As a matter of fact, my contribution was the plain drudgery of verbatim reporting and the professional writer’s knack of putting the material into easily readable form. None of the concepts were mine: they were dictated to me by my wife Betty some six months after her death through a friend who chooses to protect her anonymity under the pseudonym of “Joan.” Joan is a psychic of the type that would be called a “trance medium,” were she a professional. But I can count on the fingers of my two hands the number of people who know Joan as Joan.

Betty herself was a “psychic.” She had accepted this fact for some twenty years before her death, since the evening of March 17, 1919, to be exact, when she accidentally made the discovery. And between 1919 and 1939 she underwent a continuous and rigorous training as a means to what she called “expansion of spiritual consciousness.” Though the gain of so-called psychic powers was not the objective, nevertheless she acquired them as a sort of by-product, and was able to do various feats supposed to be possible to “psychic” persons. She could enter at will a higher consciousness from which she reported back her experiences and what she had seen and was taught. She was also able to transmit to me the ideas of discarnate entities we called the Invisibles, either by reporting back as though by dictation or by permitting her speech mechanism to be used directly. These powers and abilities she never used idly, for curiosity, personal satisfaction or any such lesser purposes. She sought and used them to one end only, the expansion of spiritual consciousness. (more…)

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The Astral Plane

The-Astral-Plane-main-2-postby F. Homer Curtiss

The astral influences are invisible, but they act upon man, unless he knows how to protect himself against them. Heat and light are intangible and incorporeal; nevertheless, they act upon man, and the same takes place with other invisible influences.” ~Paracelsus.

Student: “What IS the astral plane? Is it a place or locality in any sense at all? With all the evidence of the substantiality of the astral plane, when we try to prove things it at once becomes unsubstantial. I can find no landmarks; I cannot even prove whether the beings are external to ourselves or are creations of our own brain, made of the same stuff as are our thoughts – dramatizations of our thoughts – yet this solution does not seem true when checked up by all the facts. What then is real?” (more…)

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The Gateway Of Understanding

The-Gateway-Of-Understanding-main-2-postby Carl A. Wickland

“Truth wears no mask, Bows at no human shrine,
Seeks neither place nor applause, She only asks a hearing.”

The world stands today between two domains of thought: Science, which presents a knowledge of the Laws of Nature and Matter; Religion, which teaches Morality and Spirituality. These two activities are not irreconcilable, but yet a gap exists between them which must be bridged by a Spiritual Science based on actual knowledge of the interrelationship of the two worlds, the visible and invisible.

What is the purpose of Life? In this age of unrest and disturbance many earnest minds are seeking the fundamentals underlying life itself. Humanity is still kept in subjugation by fear and superstition, by repressive laws, by dogmas, creeds and false doctrines, and has not yet attained liberation through a fuller understanding.

Happiness is unquestionably the goal of all human endeavor; all activities have this one aim in view. There are various conceptions of happiness, some confined entirely to physical, others to mental pleasures, while still others reach for spiritual happiness. What is this happiness, sought for through the ages? (more…)

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Schools In The Afterlife

Schools-In-The-Afterlife-main-2-postby Dolores Cannon

Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou are not so;
For those whom thou think’st thou dost overthrow
Die not, poor Death; nor yet canst thou kill me. ~ John Donne

I was to enter the fascinating spirit realm many times. This is the area that holds the most fear for humans, and the one that raises the eternal question, “Where will I go when I die?” Everyone wonders what will happen to them, whether there will be total oblivion or continuation of the personality. Even the most religious still harbor their uncertainties. I do not have all the answers, but I believe I can help through the information I have received in my regression research. Even the regressed somnambulist cannot tell you what they do not know. But when you obtain the same descriptions from many different people, you have to assume it has validity. Maybe it rings true because the majority would truly like to believe the afterlife is a place of peace and contentment. (more…)

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Actualities Of The Afterlife

Actualities-Of-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Edward C. Randall

After birth, death is the greatest privilege that comes to mankind. If death did not occur, there would be old age, feebleness, poverty, pain, and suffering forever; with it, splendid life on through the ages, progress, perpetual youth and vigor. Such is the heritage of all who have lived, or who shall live in the ages to come as inhabitants of this plane; such are the benefits coming through dissolution.

“Physically considered, in the final separation of the soul or spirit body from the flesh garment there are no discomforts. As the etheric form goes out through the process called death, pain ceases, and then for a short period comes what is usually called unconsciousness. During the passing of the soul, when the individual leaves the tenement of flesh, when the spirit of man hurries forth from the old housing, there is no sensation. That period of time may be characterized as a sleep; then comes the awakening the return of sensation, consciousness. (more…)

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Beyond The Etheric Veil

Beyond-The-Etheric-Veil-main-2-postby Vincent Gaddis

John Puckering was dead. His heart had stopped. He had drawn his last breath. The body of the elderly market gardener lay white and motionless beneath the vivid white light of the operating room in a London hospital. Dr. G. Perceval Mills, the surgeon, massaged the heart “only from a sense of duty,” he wrote later, “and without real hope of success.”

Then came a faint beat, a pulse. Artificial respiration was applied. And then, after long, anxious minutes, the consciousness of John Puckering came back from the Beyond, back from the valley of the shadow of death. Within three weeks, states the sober report in the British Medical Journal, he was discharged as cured. (more…)

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Dream Visitations From The Other Side

Dream-Visitations-From-The-Other-Side-main-4-postby Jacky Newcomb

A visitation, in the way I am using it here, is a real visit from a spirit or angel that occurs during our sleeping hours… although sometimes also when we are awake. For each person who experiences this there is no doubt as to its truth, as the experience leaves a lasting impression that bears little in common with dreams. Your loved one or angel appears to you while your body is asleep but your mind is awake and aware.

The same themes tend to run through this kind of real spirit contact. You can look for these in your own visitation experiences. I have covered these signs in other books, but for clarity let’s go over the most common signs. (more…)

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The World’s Desire

The-Worlds-Desires-main-4-postby Edward C. Randall

This is an age of greed. We, as a people, have drifted out upon the sea of selfishness, egotistic desire and devouring ambition, and set the many sails to woo the winds of fortune. This is an age of money. Every nation and every people have erected a throne on which wealth sits in state; they have placed upon its brow a crown of gold, and have decreed that the possession of money, with little regard to the manner of acquisition, should be the only qualification for this kingship of modern times.

Man, at the dawn of physical development, is shown this goal, and taught that money is power and the world’s desire. He enters the strife and bends his energies, as others do, to grasp the greatest amount of wealth with the least possible effort, matching his cunning against labor,—mind against muscle,—artifice against simplicity,—and directs his thoughts towards wrenching from the hands of honest toil a portion of its legitimate earnings. (more…)

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Death And The Afterlife ~ Part II

Death-And-The-Afterlife-Part-II-main-2-postby James Tyberonn

Choosing The Soul Pattern

Dear Human, do not consider the afterlife studies on the stars and planets as folklore nor as untruth. What is learned by the soul in each realm, each sojourn must be effectively constructed and expressed optimally through action on the earthen lifetimes. Soul growth must be demonstrated in thought and deed through successful manifestation of will into physical reality. The correct and most appropriate pattern must then be carefully selected from the innumerable arrangements of stars and planets, which represent soul patterns. The signs of the Zodiac are twelve fundamental patterns from which the soul chooses when coming into the earth plane for a new incarnation. They are patterns representing optimal temperament, personality, and mental attunement. The gender, race and physical body is also chosen as these are an objectification of the soul pattern, a reflection of the progressive “individuality of the soul” in the next planned earthen experience. (more…)

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Death And The Afterlife ~ Part I

Death-And-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby James Tyberonn

Dear Human, life never ends! There is no death in the manner you may think. Consciousness is eternal.

Many of you fear your death, more than you may wish to admit. Whether or not you spend much time contemplating life after death, all of you at some point in your life will question what will happen when you die, and what will be waiting for you on the ‘other side’. Even those who have determined that nothing exists after physical life have ironically given it much thought. (more…)

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Most Ghosts Don’t Know That They’re Dead ~ Part II

Most-Ghosts-Don't-Know-That-They're-Dead-Part-II-main-2by Lance G. Trendall

Rescue: What is a Rescue?

Rescue is simply an expression for the process of helping a ghost to understand what his experience is and helping him to understand that he has died and is now a Spirit. An important part of this rescue process is to do this safely by helping this new Spirit find his way into the dimension to which he can go.

It’s not good enough in my experience just to shove someone away saying “You’re dead now buzz off”. To me this is not a rescue as the ghost may not have got the message and may simply regard you as crackers and go off and play somewhere else.

In a Rescue all that is happening is the opening of the mind or eyes of a ghost to a dimension that is available to him, which he has not looked at before. A ghost is so locked into the material world that he does not even look around him. It’s like not being able to see the wood for the trees but only with more serious and frustrating consequences. (more…)

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Most Ghosts Don’t Know That They’re Dead

Most-Ghosts-Dont-Know-That-Theyre-Dead-main-3-postby Lance G. Trendall

One of the funniest, yet most tragic, things I’ve learnt about ghosts is that they don’t believe they are ghosts. So in an ironic sense, they don’t believe in ghosts either.

How can that be? How can someone be a ghost and not know that they are dead?

Sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. Many books support this theory and the ghosts I’ve chatted with bear out this truth too.

So how could we die and not know about it? When we fall asleep nothing actually happens that we are aware of. We’re tired, relaxed, then the next thing we know, we’ve been to sleep and are now awake. Even if you keep dozing off on those rare occasions when you have a nap, you are only aware of having woken up. How often have you said, or heard it said, “I must have dropped off”? Or even when people think that they have not been to sleep at all, “I was just resting my eyes” yet everyone in the room heard the snoring! (more…)

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Astral Journeys Into The Afterlife

Astral-Journeys-Into-The-Afterlife-main-4-postwith Jurgen Ziewe and Mike Marable

A discussion between Mike Marable and Jurgen Ziewe, two out of body travelers who are discussing the phenomena of Astral Travel. This episode: Just like on Earth, Astral Travelers are not allowed to abuse their power and also, just like on Earth, at least on the lower density levels, money can still play a role in the everyday Afterlife. The experience of reality during Astral Travel can be so intense that it is no longer possible to see it as less real to physical life which can lead to much confusion. It is likely, that while here on earth, we may actually lead a double life on the Astral level without our physical brain being aware of it. (more…)

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Excursions To The Spirit World ~ Part II

Excursions-To-The-Spirit-World-Part-II-main-2-postby Frederick C. Sculthorp

The Earth-like Spheres

Apart from the lower, dull states there are a number of spheres of normal brightness, earth-like in a better way, where the spirits enjoy themselves, getting accustomed to the many possibilities of the spirit world. It is difficult to describe these easy-going states as they are neither backward nor advanced.

Generally speaking, all spirits keep to a habit of thought or way of living for a time as during earth life. The countryman prefers the open spaces and the townsman the built-up areas. Some towns I saw were crowded, especially where there is a shopping center as on earth.

There is also traffic on the roads but in this particular state it consisted mainly of those who were road-minded on earth. Once I found it interesting and rather funny, like other onlookers, to watch this passing show of traffic. Among the usual cars there were quite a number that were evidently the result of enthusiastic do-it-yourself builders. (more…)

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