Insights Into The Afterlife
Questions and Answers on What to Expect
by Nora M. Spurgin
My interest in writing this booklet was inspired by the life and death of a dear friend. For most of the five years she had battled cancer, Linna believed that she would conquer the fearful stalker; but in the end, she accepted that she was going to die. It was the process of her preparation to die that prompted a desire in me to share with others the understandings which she gained in anticipating the next life. Linna and I were friends and colleagues. She was an educator and a woman of determination. It was a shock to all of her friends when she was diagnosed with cancer. I remember visiting her in the hospital where she joked, “We always thought I was the invincible one, so we have life insurance on my husband!”
Following surgery and a course of chemotherapy, Linna began a new life. It was a life with greater awareness of its value. She looked at her relationships with family and friends with new eyes. She pondered the things she wanted to accomplish and those things which were of less importance. She sought changes in her life and habits to bring about optimum health. She began meditating and, in so doing, found a place of peace within, as well as a greater spiritual awareness. She made changes in her diet and found friends who prayed for her and introduced her to healing music, writings on positive thinking, healing imagery and internal body cleansing. (more…)
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Excursions To The Spirit World ~ Part I
by Frederick C. Sculthorp
Before his journey began, Frederick Sculthrop was skeptical about life after death. However, the loss of his wife in 1934 prompted a quest for understanding. Encountering Sir Oliver Lodge’s book, “Why I Believe in Personal Immortality,” initiated a shift in perspective.
Intrigued by Lodge’s meticulous scientific approach, he explored the subject of spiritualism, reading extensively on both supportive and critical perspectives. Seeking firsthand experiences, he visited a local spiritualist association and had a sitting with medium Mrs. Helen Spiers. The session proved transformative as Spiers accurately conveyed details about his deceased wife, validating her presence with intimate knowledge of their life together. Convinced of the reality of spirit communication, he delved into developing his own clairvoyant abilities.
His exploration of clairvoyance eventually led to his own sessions connecting him to the spirit world through astral travel. What follows are some of his journeys. (more…)
Posted in Life On The Other Side, Other Topics, Out Of Body Experienceswith 1 comment.
The Etherians: A Matter Of Urgent And Critical Importance
by Meade Layne (Borderland Sciences Research Associates – BSRA)
[Ed. -This was written in 1952 but seems just as relevant today.]
– AND TO –
– AND TO –
Your attention is Respectfully drawn to a Matter of Urgent and Critical Importance.
According to the daily press of the week of July 24, 1952, orders have been issued by military authorities to pilots and other operators of armed aircraft to pursue and, under some circumstances, to attack with gunfire, as opportunity offers, the so-called Flying Discs or Flying Saucers. THIS IS, IN EFFECT, AN ORDER TO COMMIT SUICIDE AND TO INVITE RETALIATION IN A MOST EXTREME AND DISASTROUS FORM. (more…)
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The Astral Realm: Understanding Obsessive Entities ~ Part II
by Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss
In this dense region of the Astral Realm there is a third great class of obsessing entities, and also swirling currents of perverted thought and creative forces which sweep over humanity like black thunder storms and hurricanes of evil. Therefore, although this is the most disagreeable phase of the Astral World to discuss, nevertheless because of its ever-present dangers through which the evolving Soul must pass on its journey to the Hall of Wisdom, it is our duty to indicate the character of its denizens and forces and how they may be avoided or overcome.
This third class comprises those who, while on earth, used their human intellects to enhance and gratify their normal and then their perverted animal desires. Hence in this class lust is the ruling passion instead of drink or crime as in the two classes already described, although both of those classes also seek this form of gratification as a secondary object. In this Realm such entities must experience the effects of the causes engendered while on earth, for only thus can they truly learn that “the wages of sin is death.” (more…)
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The Earthbound
by Edward C. Randall
There were few nights during the years of scientific investigation that I did not talk with earthbound spirit people, usually with several, and I have learned much of their condition.
“What creates the earthbound condition?” is the first question properly asked. I answer, as I have been answered thousands of times:
“The lives they led, and the conditions they created for themselves, for as a man sows so shall he reap.”
The laws of nature, the laws under which we live, are not only fixed and definite, but eternally just. (more…)
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Spiritual Poverty In The Afterlife
by Edward C. Randall
One who attempts to change or modify the thoughts, ambitions and desires of mankind, is undertaking a great task. The American people, more than any other, are taught from infancy that the desired goal is wealth—material wealth—and, such is the prodigality of the times, money is necessary for the pace that is set. Money—the ring and shine of gold—becomes alluring, and the ambition of each is for its accumulation. The length to which some go, and the things that some do to possess themselves of it, stagger the mind, at least of those who have a clearer vision.
It is right and very proper to provide for those dependent, in a suitable manner; but, we owe it to ourselves to provide for and enrich ourselves, both here and hereafter. Some few gather spiritual wealth that enriches beyond this earth life, the many go out into the great beyond, paupers. (more…)
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A Day In A Life On The Other Side
by Mrs. Kelway-Bamber
The following are transmissions as given (in 1916) to his mother from the other side from Claude who had passed recently, a casualty of World War I.
You want me to give you details of a typical day of my life? You know there is no time here—that is only a limitation of the earth plane—so we will make it a day by your calculations, and suppose we begin at midnight, for that is when I come for you.
You know, for I have often told you, how when your body sleeps your soul comes over here and we spend hours together, you have sometimes dimly remembered things that happened as in a dream. Thousands of people come over in this way every night, and are more awake and alive while here than on earth in their mortal bodies. To do this, people must be spiritually evolved to a certain degree. Well, we go together to various places; sometimes we work on the third sphere among those who have just wakened in the spirit-world, and are bewildered, and puzzled, and strange in their new surroundings. We explain to them where they are and bring their friends to see them. (more…)
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A Spirit Converses On Reincarnation From The Other Side
by Mrs. Kelway-Bamber
The following are transmissions as given (in 1916) to his mother from the other side from Claude who had passed recently, a casualty of World War I.
Claude (His Perspective From The Other Side) On Reincarnation
You want to know how it is I now believe in reincarnation, and say that other spirits you find do not? Well, darling, we are still very far from ultimate truth, and people here vary in their opinions and ideas just as they did on earth. We are still learning, Mum; we have only gone a little farther along the road of experience, and have by no means reached the end of the journey. Yes, there is a Heaven, but it is a long way off and has yet to be earned; even our very bodies, which are still fairly material [less refined], will have to become more refined before we are fitted for that. (more…)
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Out Of Body Visit To The Other Side
by John G. Parry
Either I dreamed this story, or, as mystics might say I’d been through a psychic experience. To prevent any argument, let’s say I dreamed that I died in my sleep.
I, the ego, soul, or astral body, call it what you will, came out of its carnal covering and looked down upon its physical counterpart lying in bed apparently not breathing. This spirit-entity, identified as myself, experienced a feeling of great freedom; mixed with the relief one would sense when throwing away an old, stained, threadbare suit of clothes. My next thought was: “So I’m dead … now what?” There was not the slightest feeling of sorrow at being suddenly in a dimension entirely new to me. But there was some loneliness; which, at the moment, I attributed to a desire to mix with the living. (more…)
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A Preacher’s Reflection In The Afterlife
by Anthony Borgia
The spirit communicator of this book was known on earth as Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, a son of Edward White Benson, former Archbishop of Canterbury, and he was at the height of his renown, both as preacher and author, when I first met him many years ago.
After he had passed from this life, I many times wondered as to his welfare. Through a spirit friend I was told that he was well and prospering, and that in time I should hear from him directly.
Such eventually proved to be the case, and there commenced a series of scripts given by him, the first of which, “Life in the World Unseen”, gave an account in some detail of his actual passing. He recounted how, at the close of his earthly life, he was met by a former colleague named Edwin, and taken by him to the spirit world, where his home awaited him, a counterpart of his house on earth. After a brief rest he commenced his explorations, under Edwin’s guidance, of the land of his new life. During the course of their rambles they met a young girl of great charm, named Ruth, also a newcomer to the spirit world, who joined them, and the three have been together ever since, closely associated in work and pleasure. (more…)
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Beauty Eternal In The Afterlife
by Anthony Borgia
Eternity is a word that implies so much but in reality conveys so little to the average earthly mind.
The earth dweller would say, in effect, that eternity is like immortality, you cannot prove it. How can it possibly be proved that a certain state of existence, namely, that of the spirit world, will continue forever, without end, to employ perhaps a more emphatic term. Just so. It is a difficulty that we all appreciate in the spirit world. And I would hasten to say that I am not going to attempt to prove it!
But I can do this. I can set before you one or two considerations that will serve to draw your mind towards the major differences between your incarnate state of existence upon earth and our discarnate state of existence in the spirit world. And in doing so there may emerge just a faint glimmering of what the word eternity can suggest. (more…)
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In The Spirit World – Revealed As We Truly Are
by Anthony Borgia
It has been remarked that some of us who come to the earth [from the spirit world] to speak to our friends, seem to have been altered, some of us only slightly, others almost beyond recognition except by such certain evidence as we give of our identity. How is it that we have so changed, for the better, it might be observed?
This apparent transformation of character is explainable by the fact that upon earth there are few people who really show themselves to the world as they truly are.
In ancient days upon earth, folk were in general much simpler in their tastes and their habits and behavior than they are now. Then they were not afraid to speak their inmost thoughts more openly to one another, provided those thoughts were not of too violent a religious or political nature. People were in many respects more neighborly in those days when life was simpler. But in these times of greater ‘civilization’, when the world has become more sophisticated, when people seem less reliant upon each other, dwellers upon earth have withdrawn within themselves until it is difficult to form any very reliable opinion upon the true character of anyone. People are more shy of expressing themselves openly. (more…)
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Unraveling The Mysteries of Life After Death
by George W. Meek
“Finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall in some shape or other always exist; and, with all the inconveniences human life is liable to, I shall not object to a new edition of mine, hoping, however, that the errata of the last may be corrected.” – Benjamin Franklin
The material that follows is possible only because of the inquisitive minds of dedicated researchers during the past century. First I honor the most dedicated of the serious (and honest) deep-trance mediums, primarily in England, Scotland, Brazil, the United States, Canada, Ireland, Italy, and South Africa. Second, I acknowledge the work of thousands of persons traditionally known as “sitters,” whose presence seems to provide subtle energies that facilitate the best contacts with communicators from other levels of life. (more…)
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The Spiral – A Principle Of Creative Science
by George Vale Owen
This volume (what follows is a short excerpt) contains a series of communications from beyond the veil, received and written down by the Rev. G. Vale Owen, Vicar of Oxford, Lancashire.
It should be clearly understood that these messages, while complete in themselves, deal chiefly with the “Sphere of Light” nearest to the earth in which the Vicar’s mother, who is the principal communicator, states that she dwells, and that her impressions are chiefly individual to herself and are thus those of a newcomer and learner whose experiences are limited to a restricted area. Wider regions and greater heights and depths are explored, the interrelation of this and the afterlife is more fully explained, and both narrative and exposition of aims and principles are more vigorous, clear and comprehensive in succeeding messages, contained in other volumes of the series which follow this. ~ H. W. Engholm (more…)
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The Cobbler
by George Vale Owen
A cobbler who earned just enough to pay his dues and had naught over when his burial fees were paid came over here [after death] many years ago, as you say it. He was received soberly by a small group of friends, and was well content that they had borne him so much in mind as to come so far as to earth to show him his way to the sphere where he should go. It was one of those near earth, not a high one, and, as I say, he was well content. For there he found peace after much toil and weariness and his battle with poverty, and leisure to go and see the various interesting sights and places of that sphere. To him it was Heaven indeed, and all were kind to him, and he was very happy in their company. (more…)
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