Helping Stuck Souls Crossover
by Rev. Gary Duncan
When I was twelve years old, my brother – a Funeral Director – began introducing me into the business. Over the next several years, he taught me anatomy and physiology, principles of mortuary science as well as other aspects of the profession. By the time I was twenty-one, I had completed my mortuary apprenticeship, but decided to leave the profession and pursue a degree in psychology.
Working in the funeral business gave me a rich understanding of the dying process, people’s experiences at death and personal experiences preparing the body for burial. It was here that I became acquainted with a phenomenon I call “the watchers.” Both my brother and I, at times while preparing the body, would feel the soul of the departed watching us. It was as though there were three people in the preparation room rather than two. (more…)
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The Astral World ~ Part IV
by Swami Panchadasi
Life And Work On The Astral
What I have said regarding the nature of the astral scenery must not be taken as indicating that the Astral, itself, is merely imaginary or unreal in any sense. Nor is the substance of which the scenery is composed any less real than the substance of which the material world is composed. On the material plane, substance manifests as matter; while on the astral plane it manifests in a finer form of “stuff” or material. Again, on the material plane, the material, or matter, is shaped by the physical forces of nature, or, perhaps, by the mind of man using the original material in order to build “artificial” structures or forms. On the Astral, on the other hand the astral material is not thrown into shape by physical forces, but is shaped and formed only by the thought and imaginative power of the minds of those inhabiting that plane. But these shapes, forms and structures of the astral material are not to be thought of as existing merely in the mind of the astral dwellers. They have an independent existence of their own, being composed of astral material, though shaped, formed and built up directly by the mind-power of the astral dwellers, instead of by the physical forces of nature. The astral scenery, etc., survives the passing away of the mind which built it up, and disintegrates only after the passage of considerable time, just as do the material things on the earth plane. As for the power of the imagination of man, do not be deceived for a moment – for this is one of the most efficient powers in nature, and operates strongly even on the material plane, though on the Astral its power is more easily recognized by the senses. To the dwellers on the Astral, their scenery, buildings, etc., are as solid as are those of the material plane to the dwellers thereupon. (more…)
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The Case For Immortality
By Patrick Marsolek
“When I was fully into the light I realized it was the most incredibly beautiful light that I had ever seen. It seemed to have a personality that was beyond belief-loving. I was happy just being in the light. I remember then that I heard a voice that I thought was the light that surrounded me. Without having a body, somehow I talked to the voice. I was shown that the white light was really made up of all the colors. I was shown the zillions of colors in the light, more than I have seen on earth. They were all beautiful.
“I don’t remember the exact words, but I do remember discussing that all things were made of the light. I asked if even mountains and people were, and the voice (which I now think was God) told me even mountains, and a long list of things, everything. He also told me that the people there were in the light. I don’t remember much about that except that I was aware that people were about to come to take me into some beautiful place and I wanted to go.”— So begins one description of one person’s experience at the edge of death. (Near Death Experience Research Foundation (more…)
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The Astral World ~ Part III
by Swami Panchadasi
Disembodied Souls
You will notice that our vibrations are now changing, and growing more intense. We are now entering upon a very wonderful sub-plane, or rather, upon one of the subdivisions of such a plane.
This region, I ask you to remember, is one of which the entry is strictly guarded by the law of the Astral, and is watched over by certain very high spiritual influences. It is a sacred place. No one is admitted here as a visitor, unless he be of high spirituality and pure heart. Even a trained occultist, unless he possesses these qualifications, finds it impossible to enter these vibrations. This region is the resting place of the disembodied souls for some time after they have left the physical body. In it they dwell in peaceful slumber, until Nature performs certain work in them for their new plane of life. This stage has been compared to the cocoon-stage, between the stage of the caterpillar and that of the butterfly, in which stage a complete transformation is effected, and the wings of the new life are developed to take the place of the old crawling form. (more…)
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Spirit Lands
by Charlotte E. Dresser
Seventeen years ago, when quite alone, after the ‘passing’ of father, mother, sister, and brothers, I formed a friendship, that grew into a companionship so fine that the world became for me a happier place and life a brighter thing. We were a trio: ‘Dee,’ ‘F. R.,’ and ‘Sis’; for so we changed our names to familiar and intimate expression.
Twelve years passed, with no break in the happy association, and then suddenly and with little warning Dee passed out of this earthly life. To me, remained the hope of renewing the companionship in a world where parting is unknown. To. F. R. a black wall, beyond which, nothing! For, long before, his mind had accepted the reasoning of materialistic philosophy, and, arguing from that standpoint, death ended all; and life, going out like a spent candle, could in nowise be relighted.
Months went by. Finally a few friends, interested in psychic phenomena, asked us to join them in an experiment. I was asked to try automatic writing; and, after a few trials, found the pencil moving quite freely and giving messages which I could not have anticipated, and which many times were quite contrary to my own thought and belief. (more…)
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The Astral World ~ Part II
by Swami Panchadasi
Reality of The Astral
It is customary among occultists to speak of the Astral Plane, simply as “the Astral” as for instance “out in the Astral;” “visiting the Astral;” “phenomena of the Astral;” “inhabitants of the Astral,” etc., etc. The student may as well familiarize himself with this use of the term “the Astral,” in order to understand, and be understood by, others interested in occult study. Accordingly, I shall from now on use this term, “the Astral,” as indicating the Astral Regions, – the Astral Plane – without further explanation.
One of the hardest things for the elementary student to realize is that the Astral is just as real, abiding, and fixed as is the material world. Just as steam is actually as real as water, or even as ice, so is the Astral just as real as the world of the physical senses. For that matter, if we could see our world of matter placed under a sufficiently strong magnifying glass, we should perceive it not as a great body of solid fixed matter, but rather as an aggregation of an infinite number of the tiniest particles themselves built into atoms; these built into molecules; and these built into solid masses. (more…)
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The Topography of Heaven
By Jurgen Ziewe
Maybe now is the time to put the pieces in place and consider the conditions of these incredible states and Heaven worlds we are actually dealing with. Why do we hear so little of Heaven and only in relation to religion via the ancient stories? If it is at the heart of all religions, why are there so few testimonies? We have already learned that most people reporting from Heaven were mostly describing Heavens in relation to their material existence – the Astral Heavens. Why are these exalted states so shrouded in mysteries?
The simple answer lies in the fact that our attention is mostly tuned into our everyday external world, which we consider to be separate from us and which we are set apart from. Our whole self-concept and conditioning is built around the perception of separation. This sense of alienation is what our state of mind is rooted in. The most important thing to bear in mind is the fact that such separation between the ‘me’ and a ‘perceived outside’ world no longer exists in the Heaven state, which creates the intimate experience that we are no longer anywhere else other than home. The ‘homecoming’ aspect is frequently reported by near death experiencers and we notice the feeling of homecoming becomes stronger the more closely our awareness moves towards its inner Source. It is for this reason that I feel more comfortable in referring to this state of consciousness as Home Consciousness, because this is where we belong and where our roots are. (more…)
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The Astral World ~ Part I
by Swami Panchadasi
The Astral Planes
Every student of occultism, from the humblest beginner to the most advanced pupil, has a full realization of the wonders of that strange plane of being known as The Astral World. The beginner, of course, has not the privilege of actually viewing life on this plane, except, perhaps, in exceptional cases, or under extraordinary circumstances. But even he finds constant reference to the subject in the treatise of his studies, and soon discovers that that particular plane is the scene and field of some very strange phenomena.
As he advances, and learns more of the occult laws and principles, he develops still greater interest in the subject. And, when he reaches the stage in which he is able to actually sense (by astral vision) on this plane, he finds that a new world of experience has opened out before him. (more…)
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Here And Hereafter
by Anthony Borgia
The whole process of leaving the earth, of dying, is a perfectly natural one. It is merely the operation of a natural law. But for thousands of years the generality of people have lived in entire ignorance of the truth of ‘dying’ and of the ‘hereafter’. And in this, as in so many cases, ignorance, or, lack of knowledge, means fear. It is fear of the future following upon ‘death’ that has surrounded the act of transition with so many mournful and morbid solemnities and doleful trappings.
Sorrow is but natural in human hearts at the parting of loved ones and in their removal from physical sight, but sorrow is aggravated and increased by the lack of knowledge of what precisely has taken place. Orthodox religion is largely responsible for this state of affairs. The one who is mourned has gone to an unknown land where, presumably, an omnipotent God reigns supreme, ready to mete out judgment to all who enter that world. It behooves us, therefore, orthodoxy would urge in effect, that we should do all that we can to placate this Great Judge, that He may deal mercifully with our departed brother. Such a situation, it would be further urged, is no time for anything but the gravest demeanor, the most solemn behavior. (more…)
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Life At Death
by Geoffrey John Cutler
I guess the first question to ask is whether we all survive death? Until recently I would not have had any doubt about that, but it seems there is a small complication for some people. Many people would be aware that the universe appears to attempt to supply that which we focus on, even if it is not good for us. Those people who are adamant that there is no life after death, and make this a certainty in their life often do not pass immediately from one realm to the next in a conscious state. They are termed “sleeping survivors.” These folks almost get their most fervent wish – annihilation. They may sleep for centuries, before a group awakening. More recent information now suggests that relatively few pass over as “Sleeping Survivors” at the present time. This may be because the rules have been changed, as we enter the “Correcting Time” and also possibly because there are far more Celestial helpers available at this time. I assume these “tough cases” were grouped together as an efficiency measure which enabled them to handle these folks en-mass. (more…)
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Arisen From “Death” In The Afterlife
by Elsa Barker
The following was transmitted through the spiritual mediumship of Elsa Barker. Via automatic writing, Judge David Patterson Hatch, born November 22, 1846, in Dresden, Maine, death on February 21, 1912, recounts his tales of the other side through a series of letters. Judge Hatch was a respected lawyer and judge, well versed in the philosophies of life who had written several books including Scientific Occultism.
Letter 39
Many times during the months in which I have been here have I seen men and women lying in a state of unconsciousness more profound than the deepest sleep, their faces expressionless and uninteresting. At first, before I understood the nature of their sleep, I tried as an experiment to awaken one or two of them, and was not successful. In certain cases where my curiosity was aroused, I have returned later, day after day, and found them still lying in the same lethargy. (more…)
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Revelations Of The Afterlife ~ Part II
by Arthur Ford
Arthur Ford (1896-1971), an ordained minister, also psychic medium, reports here the case of Frederic Myers, the bulk of whose discourse was communicated though an Irish girl, Geraldine Cummins through automatic writing.
As a practicing, professional trance medium, I have dealt mainly in those regions designated by Myers as the second and third planes. Only occasionally have the spiritual transactions in which my transmission facilities been utilized tapped the very high regions of spiritual development. These cases I have discussed in other writings. Here I am concerned with those aspects of the life beyond death which assert themselves most frequently and most acceptably to the comprehension of the average earth mind—that is, the second and third planes. Myers gives such abundant insight here that I believe it will be well worth our while to attend to what he has to say about the life-death transactions most familiar to earth-side experience. (more…)
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Revelations Of The Afterlife
by Arthur Ford
Arthur Ford (1896-1971), an ordained minister, also psychic medium, reports here the case of Frederic Myers, the bulk of whose discourse was communicated though an Irish girl, Geraldine Cummins through automatic writing.
If we are to grasp the full import of Myers’ message, it would be well to review at this point the concept which, though never specifically stated by him, permeates the whole of his communication—evolution-of-consciousness or post-Darwinian evolutionary theory. According to this hypothesis, as developed during the twentieth century by Bergson, Bucke, Julian Huxley, Teihard, Jung, Medawar, and others, the main thrust of evolution is to develop an increasing capacity for breadth and depth of awareness, with the multiplicity of physical forms a mere by-product of this central evolutionary drive. (more…)
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The Astral World
by Yogi Ramacharaka
In this lesson on the Astral World, we will be compelled to deal in generalities instead of going into minute and careful descriptions such as would be needed in a work taking up the “higher-grade” work. Instead of endeavoring to describe just what a “plane” is, and then going on to point out the nice little differences between “planes” and “sub-planes” we shall treat the whole subject of the higher planes of existence under the general term of “The Astral World,” making that term include not only the lower divisions of the Astral Plane, but also some of the higher planes of life. This plan may be objected to by some who have followed other courses of reading on the subject, in which only the lower Astral Plane has been so styled, the higher planes receiving other names, which has led many to regard the Astral Plane with but scanty consideration reserving their careful study for the higher planes. But we ask these persons to remember that many of the ancient occultists classed the entire group of the upper planes (at least until the higher spiritual planes were reached) under the general term “The Astral World,” or similar terms, and we have the best of authority for this general division. There is as much difference between the lowest astral planes and the highest mental or spiritual planes, as there is between a gorilla and an Emerson, but in order to keep the beginner from getting lost in a wilderness of terms, we have treated all the planes above the physical under the general style of “The Astral World.” (more…)
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Q & A With Yada Di Shi’ite
Yada: Sina, sina-ha (ladies and gentlemen) I am the Yada Di Shi’ite.
Group: Good evening, Yada.
Yada: (Speaks at first in his own language of Yu, an ancient civilization which existed in the Himalaya mountains 500,000 years ago.) We could sit here all evening and if I talk in my language we get no place. I am most honored to come into your home again and to see that both of you are in good health.
RGM: Thank you, Yada, it is a pleasure to have you here again.
Yada: I would talk please on the question you were asking in this letter.
IP: Ray Palmer asks will you give something of your life? Will you give a specific introduction of yourself to our readers telling who you were, where you lived, what you did, and where you are now, and your occupation at present? Do you wish to do that Yada? (more…)
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