Color On The Other Side

Color-On-The-Other-Side-main-4-postby Anthony Borgia

ABOUT half-way along a passage upon the upper floor of our house there is a small bay in which a brief flight of stairs leads to a door. Through this door I have taken many friends, especially new arrivals in spirit lands, for this door opens directly upon a section of flat roof.

From here a magnificent view is to be gained of a great tract of the countryside, with the city gleaming in the distance. To those who have not as yet traveled through these realms, or at least this small segment of them, the view from the roof comes as something of an inspiring revelation to them. With scarcely an exception, we receive the same reply to a question which one or other of us delights in putting to our new visitor, namely: what strikes you most forcibly as you gaze upon this scene? The answer: the riot of color.

Most assuredly, that is so. It is a sight which never fails to fill us with fresh wonder and charm, seasoned residents though we be. The reason is to be found not only in the delight to the physical sense of sight, but what is more important in many ways, the color itself is exhilarating. This feeling of exhilaration is not some doubtful spiritual experience, intangible and apt to evaporate after a brief while. It is much more than that. It rejuvenates one, even in these realms of juvenility. It braces one up, as you would say, and acts like a tonic. (more…)

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Journey On The Other Side To Sirius

Journey-To-Sirius-On-The-Other-Side-main-4-postBy Ruth Mary Tristram

He was an 18-year old English schoolboy. He drowned in the north Atlantic in 1943. He was returning home to England from America. The convoy of ships in which he was a passenger was sunk by enemy action in April of that year.

His mother, Ruth Tristram, was a “sensitive” from birth. Another son, Lancelot, had died at an early age. She had been in communication with him for several years at the time of Christopher’s death. There was shock and loss, of course, but no grief. The necessary work of Samuel, the Angel of Death, held no terrors for her. Death is a change, not an end. So Mrs. Tristram was not surprised when, during a quiet time only one month after receiving word from her government that the boy’s ship was “greatly overdue”, she felt her son’s consciousness blending with hers. It was June 3, 1943. (more…)

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Life In The Afterlife: Concluding Thoughts

Life-In-The-Afterlife-Part-IV-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

One of the most revolutionary ideas ever conceived is that we are more than our bodies and that our true home lies beyond our physical planet. This idea, that we are or have souls that do not die at death, is found in all the earth’s religions. Under attack since the Enlightenment, it is reemerging in our own day as a revolutionary idea for a materialist culture.

But the idea has an entirely different face today. Evidence for it is not based on traditional religious teaching, but on secular research into the mysterious depths of human consciousness. Researchers as diverse as physicians studying the near-death experience and engineers setting up electronic equipment through which the deceased can communicate are the new high priests telling us about what to expect when we die. Missing, happily, are those primitive theologies of eternal damnation for some and divinely favored fates for others. What is emerging from spirit sources is not only fascinating but of potential importance for the well being of our planet. (more…)

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Swedenborg And The Sweet Hereafter

Swedenborg-main-2-postBy Mark Harrison

Taller than the others, this man
Walked among them, at a distance,
Now and then calling the angels
By their secret names. He would see
That which earthly eyes do not see:
The fierce geometry, the crystal
Labyrinth of God and the sordid
Milling of infernal delights.
He knew that Glory and Hell too
Are in your soul, with all their myths;
He knew, like the Greek, that the days
Of time are Eternity’s mirrors.
In unadorned Latin he went on listing
The unconditional Last Things.

(Poem by Jorge Luis Borges)

Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), son of a Lutheran Bishop and professor, was a respected scientist and practical engineer prior to his emergence as a philosopher whose primary concern was the spirit world. Before the publication of his first religious text, Worship and the Love of God, Swedenborg had published formative works on cosmology, anatomy, mineralogy and metaphysics as well as developing weapons and a system for the overland transportation of boats. At the age of 59, Swedenborg resigned his post as Special Assessor to the Royal College of Mines and retired to a life of contemplation, study and communion with the world of spirits. We see in the example of Swedenborg’s oeuvre, a simultaneity of science and the world of spirit rather than some clear split between. This overlap between science and metaphysics was more the rule than the exception up through the eighteenth century. (more…)

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Occupations On The Other Side

Occupations-On-The-Other-Side-main-4-postby Dr. Michael Newton

Teacher Guides

Teacher Guides, or Spirit Guides are intermediate to advanced souls that have finished their own cycles of incarnation and are now assigned to help guide the soul development of groups of developing souls. Your guide is a mentor and advocate, helping your progression without hindering your freedom or independence. Guides watch over us throughout our incarnations on Earth, and at times we can call on them for affirmation. Becoming a spirit guide is a very common path for most souls, even those that specialize tend to become guides for younger souls. Some teacher guides specialize in teaching certain skills or work with specific development levels. But most guides work in a general sense with a small group of 3-15 souls in a soul group and will remain with that group in some fashion for a very long time.

Dream Masters

A Dream Master is a soul that learns the subtle art of crafting dreams in the minds of sleeping humans in order to allow loved ones to communicate, provide information, premonitions or warnings. The Dream Master can merge into a dream that is already in progress, so that the dreamer isn’t startled, or they can craft a dream from scratch (more difficult). Timing and imagery is most important. The Dream Master must know how the dream will be best interpreted, using imagery and symbolism that the dreamer will comprehend and accept. In addition, the Dream Master must work to build energy into the dream to ensure the dream will be recalled when the dreamer is awake. Finally, the message must be meaningful to the dreamer so that it will be taken seriously. A Dream Master must have the skill to work between the lighter energy of the spirit world and the dense energy of Earth, crafting energy into shapes and symbols in the mind of a human, and understand the psychology of the person in question. (more…)

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Life In The Afterlife ~ Part III

Life-In-The-Afterlife-Part-III-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

“From my experience I have learned that the spirit world is around us, that our spirit friends are with us every day, and that there is a tie which binds their hearts to ours so that they are with us many times and try to make us feel their presence.” ~ Alice Stringfellow

Leslie Stringfellow died in his hometown of Galveston, Texas, in 1886 after a brief illness. He was 20 years old. His father, Henry, was a prominent horticulturalist and his mother a pianist. Leslie himself was a gifted musician doted on by both parents, especially his mother, Alice. He was an only child. Alice was devastated by his death and out of desperation sought to make contact with him using a planchette. She would describe the process many years later: (more…)

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Life In The Afterlife ~ Part II

Life-In-The-Afterlife-II-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

Never have we read such a spontaneous, simple, direct, happy and instructive series of scripts from ‘the other side’. – Science of Thought Review

In December 1965, a month after her death, Frances Banks, an Anglican nun for 25 years, found a ‘pure, unobstructed channel’ through which to describe the bracing new world she found herself in. The ‘channel’ was the mind of her close friend Helen Greaves. Greaves tells us what it felt like when Frances came through: ‘Gently, imperceptibly, I became aware of Frances. She was influencing my mind and, quite distinctly, I “registered” the thoughts she was conveying to me. Indeed, as soon as I let myself “listen” the thoughts formed into words and without a moment’s hesitation I reached for my pen.’

Thus was born Testimony of Light, a this-world/next-world collaboration between two highly respected elderly Englishwomen. In a preface to the book, Anglican Canon J. D. Pearce-Higgins ranks Testimony of Light with Mother Julian of Norwich’s Christian classic Revelation of Divine Love. I agree with the ranking, but the comparison is in other respects misleading. Testimony is not a book from medieval Europe (like Revelation), and many a Christian would find Testimony heretical in several places. On the other hand, the spiritual and moral life urged on the reader (in Testimony) is entirely consistent with the gospel of love and forgiveness preached by Jesus – or indeed by the saints and sages of the world’s major religions. (more…)

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Life In The Afterlife

Life-In-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Stafford Betty

“The day will assuredly come when our two worlds will be closely interrelated, when communication between the two will be a commonplace of life, and then the great wealth of resources of the spirit world will be open to the earth world, to draw upon for the benefit of the whole human race.” – Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson

Robert Hugh Benson, the communicator of this work, was born in 1871 the son of Edward White Benson, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The younger Benson was ordained to the Anglican priesthood in 1901, but converted to Roman Catholicism three years later. In 1911 he became privy chamberlain to Pope St. Pius X and managed the pope’s household and appointments. He was solidly identified with the Catholic world.

During his short life – he died in 1914 – he became famous in England and America for several novels, especially The Necromancers (1909), in which he ridiculed and condemned spirit communication as ‘dealings with the devil.’ After his death he would be haunted by a need to atone for the mistake he made in this novel. It was not until much later, however, that he was permitted by his spirit advisors to correct it. Life in the World Unseen, first published in 1954, is now in its thirteenth printing. In this book Benson, speaking through the medium Anthony Borgia, tells us he was psychically gifted while functioning as a Catholic priest, but was taught by the Church to think of the gift as a “mental aberration”. He confesses: “To have followed my own inclinations would have entailed a complete upheaval in my life, a renunciation of orthodoxy, and most probably a great material sacrifice, since I had established a second reputation as a writer. … The truth was within my grasp, and I let it fall.” His regret would launch one of his tasks after passing: “What I wanted was to try to undo something that I wished I had never done. … What I had written I could never unwrite, but I could ease my mind by telling the truth, as I now know it, to those who were still on the earth-plane.” (more…)

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The Multidimensional Afterlife

The-Multidimensional-Afterlife-main-4-postby Jenn

There are many ways that spirits describe their environment to those who still inhabit the earth; and yet like humans, spirits are fallible, prone to disagreements and misstatements; their words can be mangled by mediums, distorted by channels, prone to bias from the human mind or simply misinterpreted due to the general perplexity in communication between our worlds.  Hence, the adversities of the afterlife researcher, who struggles to piece together fragments and snippets of spirit communications, trying to avoid frauds and zealots, and find some sort of commonalities which can be used a basis to objectively describe a frustratingly subjective world.  The good news is that with an ever expanding body of experiences and expanding access to information, a picture of the afterlife emerges.  It’s far greater, more expansive and wondrous than we can imagine, but it also draws stark attention to the responsibility we have for our own thoughts, feelings and expectations.

Many people erroneously believe that once we cross over into this non-physical realm, that we become instantly enlightened, all-knowing, precognitive experts on the spirit realm.  While it does seem that we gain a much wider, less egotistic perspective, I have never seen a reliable report of spirits claiming to know the ‘mind of God’ if you will, for the depth of their knowledge about the spirit world has much to do with their own evolution and perspective.  If you are fortunate to come across a very highly-evolved spirit, for example Seth (as channeled by Jane Roberts), you may be privy to more information about the nature of consciousness, but even Seth admits his lack of knowledge in many areas. (more…)

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Perfected Beings And their Tasks ~ Part II

Perfected-Beings-And-Their-Tasks-Part-II-main-4-postby Flower A. Newhouse (artwork by Vladimir Suvorov)

ascended-masters-2The Masters in charge of the governments on our globe, about whom we know, are either guardians of nations, originators of systems, or distributors of power. The Master Ragoczy is overseer of Europe, though the various Adepts of each race assist Him considerably. The Master Morya helps direct the affairs of Asia. The director at the helm of these United States is called (after our country) the Master “Americus”. His center of power has its unseen outlet over Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

The Adept called “The Conqueror” has the most strongly developed will power of all the Great Ones interested in governmental affairs. When a nation needs to arouse its capacity for self-defense or self-preservation, this Adept becomes the hidden power behind the country’s transition. At present the Conqueror is over-shadowing China, due to the necessity for this nation to overcome its lethargy. India will be awakened from inertia by the same Director. (more…)

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Our Ultimate Journey Home

Our-Ultimate-Journey-Home-main-2-postWhere do enlightened people go when they die?

By Jurgen Ziewe

Generally, people who have researched the subject of life after death in some depth, will find that our afterlife may simply be a world very much like ours, hopefully prettier, less challenging with bonuses attached, like the freedom from the decay of a physical body and no need to struggle for survival. Indeed there are dimensional levels which are indistinguishable from earth, but for people, whose life has been carried on a positive note, who have lived primarily via a giving heart, will see all of their secret wishes materializing or at least they will been given the opportunity to make their wishes come true. These Astral levels are designed by nature to settle our unfulfilled desires and harmonize our negative energies, but they are by no means the pinnacle of our existence.

Some less informed people imagine that once we step over the threshold of death we will enter immediately into the eternal light of God and unite with our creator by default, regardless of the life we have led or the character we have indulged in. The reality is that all unsettled energies will need to be dealt with, all misdeeds balanced out and understood, all our needs, drives and wishes will need to be addressed and their inner energies exhausted. Even after all this has taken place however there are no guarantees that we will not be attracted to another round into physical flesh or any other part in the material or non material universe. (more…)

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Venusian Spaceships Are Landing ~ Part II

Venusians-Are-Landing-Part-II-main-4-postBy Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. the “Cosmic Ray,” author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Trilogy

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring….” ~ Luke 21:25

Flying Saucers as a Herald of the Latter Days

The arrival of the flying saucers in our atmosphere at the dawning of the atomic and space ages did not go unnoticed by the ecclesiastical community in the United States.  On 5 June 1954, at the conclusion of the General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church held in San Francisco, California, the entire assembly rose in unison to declare with a loud, missionary voice to the world at large that the strong UFO presence over America signaled the end of an age of greed and selfishness and the fulfillment of the Bible prophecy found in Luke 21:25, that we should look to the heavens for the signs that the time of our global and personal salvation is drawing nigh.  Jesus would soon be returning to the Earth, accompanied by his countless legions of angels.  Their intention was thought to be that of cleaning up the mess we have created on this beautiful planet that the Infinite Creator has entrusted to our care. (more…)

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Angelic Orders

Angelic-Orders-main-2-postby Flower A. Newhouse

Strange wonders permeate our world, sublime mysteries almost too pure for our full understanding. Our planet, and its atmosphere, is not only pervaded by invisible radioactive waves and silent, potent rays, but by shining beings whose ceaseless ministries enliven and uplift us. More wonderful than the far-reaching effects of television, or the harnessing of the inimitable cosmic rays, will be our recognition of these glorious presences. Since time unfurled its amazing creation, Angelic Beings have nurtured the advancement and unfoldment of humanity. References to them have usually been accepted with amusement and disbelief. Behind every ageless belief, however, lies a hidden reality whose meaning should be sought with earnestness. Our ignorance of Angels does not make them nonexistent, it only closes us to their existence. Our yearning to realize them opens us to their association. (more…)

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Perfected Beings And Their Tasks

Perfected-Beings-And-Their-Tasks-main-4-postby Flower A. Newhouse

Life is a movement toward the goal of Mastership. An evolutionary program impels the advancement, improvement and mastery of ourselves and our talents. The supreme endeavor of progress is to cause every man and every woman to become Adepts in the art of spiritual advancement and the right use of spiritual powers. Though the process is slow and gradual, from the chrysalis of preparation, after tireless effort, a perfected man or woman emerges.

ascended-masters-4-post (more…)

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Going Into The Light

Going Into The Light-main-4-postby Jurgen Ziewe

What does it mean, “Going into the Light”?

This is an expression frequently used by people when referring to the process of dying, but where does it come from?

A while back we discussed in a group of Astral Travellers the subject of the boundaries of human consciousness and the phenomena of “going into the light”. In after-death circles this is often used as a metaphor of going into the lighter, more sublime, beautiful regions of the “Summer Land”, after we shake off ‘our mortal coil’. What turned into a lengthy discussion, we considered though the more literal aspect of the phenomena; of travelling beyond the boundaries of human consciousness or the “mere” afterlife states often discussed in afterlife groups. (more…)

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