by Jenn
There are many ways that spirits describe their environment to those who still inhabit the earth; and yet like humans, spirits are fallible, prone to disagreements and misstatements; their words can be mangled by mediums, distorted by channels, prone to bias from the human mind or simply misinterpreted due to the general perplexity in communication between our worlds. Hence, the adversities of the afterlife researcher, who struggles to piece together fragments and snippets of spirit communications, trying to avoid frauds and zealots, and find some sort of commonalities which can be used a basis to objectively describe a frustratingly subjective world. The good news is that with an ever expanding body of experiences and expanding access to information, a picture of the afterlife emerges. It’s far greater, more expansive and wondrous than we can imagine, but it also draws stark attention to the responsibility we have for our own thoughts, feelings and expectations.
Many people erroneously believe that once we cross over into this non-physical realm, that we become instantly enlightened, all-knowing, precognitive experts on the spirit realm. While it does seem that we gain a much wider, less egotistic perspective, I have never seen a reliable report of spirits claiming to know the ‘mind of God’ if you will, for the depth of their knowledge about the spirit world has much to do with their own evolution and perspective. If you are fortunate to come across a very highly-evolved spirit, for example Seth (as channeled by Jane Roberts), you may be privy to more information about the nature of consciousness, but even Seth admits his lack of knowledge in many areas. (more…)