After Death: Waking Up On The Other Side ~ Part I
by Carl Wickland
Unenlightened spirits often wander aimlessly for many years in the earth sphere, their lack of knowledge of a higher spirit world, which is attained only through understanding, keeping them in a dreary condition of confusion, monotony and suffering; many remain in the scenes of their earth lives, continuing their former activities, while others fall into a state of heavy sleep from which they are with difficulty aroused.
The Case of MINNIE DAY
Pathos and tragedy are often the grim accompaniment of the sufferings of earthbound spirits. The spirit of the following narrative was taken from a patient who was subject to doleful spells of crying and afflicted with intense head pains, all of which ceased after the spirit was removed. (more…)
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The Afterlife ~ Part II
by Edward C. Randall
It is most difficult for the human mind to comprehend that anything which sight or sense does not disclose is material. The idea that what we call space is substantial and real, and composed of matter, the same as those things that are visible, presents a proposition difficult of acceptance—we know so little of matter’s physical properties.
If those in the after life live and progress in a world as substantial and material as this, have houses and other structures and buildings, if that plane has forests and fields and growing grain, flowers, mountains, meadow lands and flowing streams, then that world is as substantial and real and composed of the same substance as this, varying only in vibratory action. As a matter of fact, these two worlds or conditions now blend, one with the other. What we see, feel and touch, only clothes visible life. Through nature, as we use that word, the spirit world functions and has temporary physical expression. This fact science is just coming to understand, but as yet little is known of the constituent parts of matter that fill the Universe, whether physical or spiritual.
Heretofore matter has been known in but three conditions,—solid, liquid and gaseous. Sir William Crookes, the learned English chemist, while endeavoring to create a vacuum in a glass tube, discovered a fourth condition, which he named the radiant state. The atoms, freed by rarefaction, assume in this relative vacuum vibratory motions of intense and incalculable rapidity. They become flambent and produce effects of light and electrical radiations. This suggests a clue to most of the cosmic phenomena. (more…)
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Life On The Other Side: One Soul’s Experience
by Clyde Irion
It was closing time at the bar where Joe was a bartender. Somehow it had been an especially tough night and Joe was even more short-tempered than usual, cursing the inclement weather, his waiter who had quit, and his lot in general, as he quickly surveyed the scene before locking the door and walking out into the street. Although it was far past midnight the traffic was still very heavy. And Joe was in no mood to be tolerant of the cars and their drivers as they passed him, seeming not to care whether they hit him or not as he crossed at several intersections.
One driver especially Joe would have liked to tear limb from limb with his bare hands. And with his extremely powerful shoulders, arms and hands, he could have done it with little waste of time. He seemed almost blind with rage as he paused to hurl further invectives in the direction of the car that was already losing its identity in the heavy traffic.
As Joe quickly resumed his steps toward the curb, he suddenly became aware of a car bearing down on him much too speedily. He also heard the screeching of brakes. Like a crouching panther Joe sprang toward the curb. Time itself stood still; everything stopped-everything, that is, except that forebodingly awesome screeching of brakes. That hideous sound seemed to go on and on. (more…)
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Edison vs. Tesla: The Spirit Phone
Thomas Edison closely followed the alternative physics work of Albert Einstein and Max Planck, convincing him that there was an entire reality unseen by the human eye. This led to the last and least-known of all Edison’s inventions, the spirit phone. His former associate, now bitter rival, Nikola Tesla, was also developing at the same time a similar mysterious device.
Edison’s little-known near-death experience formed his theory that animate life forms don’t die, but rather change the nature of their composition. It is this foundational belief that drove him to proceed with the spirit phone.
Tesla monitored Edison’s paranormal work, with both men racing to create a device that picked up the frequencies of discarnate spirits, what today is called EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon).
Both men were way ahead of their time, delving into artificial intelligence and robotics. (more…)
Posted in Life On The Other Side, Nikola Tesla, Science For The New Agewith 1 comment.
The Afterlife
by Edward C. Randall
In my investigation I was always anxious to obtain a description of the occupation and daily life of those who live in the plane beyond, and asked many practical questions.
“What is this death change that seems so horrible to the average mind?” I inquired.
“Death change,” one answered, “is simply the liberation of the spirit form from the physical body, composing the outer flesh garment, perfectly natural and painless. Every change in Nature is beautiful, and dissolution is no exception to the rule. One simply ceases to be an inhabitant of your world, and in an instant one becomes an inhabitant of the world in which we now live. The second world or plane is just as natural to us as the first, but, of course, we live under different conditions. We pass our daily life as before. Our spirit is just as perfect a human form as it ever was. For your clear understanding of the modus operandi of the death change to this plane we may say one parts with the physical body only. We lose none of our intelligence; neither is anything added to our understanding.”
“What of your daily life?” I asked. (more…)
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OBE: Spirit Encounters Of The Earthly Kind
by Caroline D. Larsen
The phrase, “there is no death,” used through ages for the consolation of mourning relatives and friends, is actually and literally true. For no sooner has the physical body been stilled in death than out of that mortal form, now of no more avail to him, steps the personality which had so recently inhabited it and used it for his manifestations in this life. He stands now in the full glow of another existence having exchanged his short and limited life in the prison of earthly clay for life eternal and infinite in possibility.
A human being may be said to be composed of three distinct parts. First, the ego, the real I, the actual personality, or to employ a better understood term, the Soul, which resides in an astral body, which again is encased in the physical body. When death overtakes the mortal form the spirit continues life in the new body. Hence there is no death as far as that personality is concerned. There is only transmutation from one form of life to another. Materially minded as we are, we are apt to think of this change as something vague, with no real foundation to it. We see a graphic instance of this common error in the illustrated papers where the spirit is often depicted as a spiral column of smoke at the top of which appears the picture of a strangely distorted human face. Nothing could be further from the truth than this misrepresentation. A disembodied spirit appears, feels, thinks and acts just exactly as I did in my first experience “out of the body.” The spirit body, which in form and appearance is an exact duplicate of the material body, is composed of a substance as fine as that of the material body is coarse. Its fine substance is attuned to vibrations whose rapidity our bodily senses cannot perceive. Moreover, to the spirit, the astral body feels just as natural and substantial as did the material body when it was inhabited. (more…)
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The Afterlife Of Billy Fingers
How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved To Me There Is Life After Death
FOREWORD – This fascinating book may initially surprise and baffle some readers. After all, the events it recounts may seem completely unbelievable and far beyond reality. Therefore, I am grateful to Dr. Kagan for asking me to write this foreword, because it gives me an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite subjects—the incredible world of the ancient Greek philosophers.
The average American will probably find Dr. Kagan’s narrative of her other-worldly adventures with a deceased brother hard to believe. That is too bad, though, because the Greek philosophers who founded Western thought knew full well about the remarkable phenomenon she describes. In fact, Greek philosophers even had a name for the people who were somehow suspended between this life and the next life. They called such people “walkers between the worlds.” (more…)
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Seven Dimensional Spheres: A Visitation
by James Martin Peebles
“I am now leaving my body four hours each night, and listening to medical lectures in one of the most magnificent pavilions that study the spirit world. I also have a class that I am teaching in a sphere below the one in which I am a pupil.” ~ Dr. A. P. Pierce.
Souls build the bodies they inhabit. The will moves them. Intelligent motion implies mind.
The soul, a conscious entity, related to the infinite Soul, God, somewhat as spark to flame, is the mechanic, the spiritual form with its nerve-forces is the machinery, and the physical body the external building that covers mechanic and machinery. And why should not the thinking, conscious mechanic occasionally step out of his building for specific purposes, leaving, of course, every door and avenue well guarded?
Accompanied recently by Mrs. Taylor, of Brooklyn, N. Y., a personal friend of Miss Fancher, the psychological wonder, I was permitted to visit and enjoy a most interesting conversation with this young lady, who virtually subsists without food, and enjoys sleep only when in the trance state. During the interview she spoke freely, not only of her sensitiveness, her trances and visions, “but,” said she, “I sometimes leave my body and go away, — oh, so far away! — meeting my mother and other dear friends, with scenery too beautiful to describe. I traverse fields, and walk in gardens of flowers and fountains, and I listen to the most heavenly music. You cannot think how it rests me; and I feel so sad when I am asked to return again to my earthly home.” (more…)
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Soul Memories Between Lives
by Andy Tomlinson
The idea that we have past lives is becoming more widespread and an increasing number of people are having their own experiences. The majority of therapists who offer past life regression frequently use hypnotic trance which enables past life memories to quickly surface into conscious awareness, and often with amazing clarity. A considerable number of independently investigated cases have been published in which people have recalled information that has been subsequently verified. Often this information is obscure and so detailed about the period of the past life that it is unlikely to have been obtained by normal means. Also the circumstances of many of these cases have been fully investigated without any signs of deliberate deception. An example is the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson and his team at the University of Virginia who have investigated and documented thousands of cases in which children’s reports of past lives have been subsequently verified. One five-year old child reported 49 specific details of a past-life experience that were later verified by at least two independent witnesses who knew the past-life person. This research together with other evidence provides a compelling case that past lives are to be taken seriously. (more…)
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Life Between Life: The Council of Elders
People who come for life-between-lives regression are usually very familiar with the books written by Dr. Michael Newton. It’s not surprising that reading such inspiring stories about the afterlife awakens a deep desire to seek the experience for oneself. At the time of her LBL (Life Between Life), Helen had no knowledge of Newton’s books or ideas about the structure of the spirit world, so what makes this LBL fascinating for me is not only the freshness of Helen’s spiritual journey but also the firsthand validation of the material in the books.
Sometimes the mind can construct doubts and expectations so that clients may come with a set of preconceived ideas about their life as a soul between incarnations. Fortunately, the guides have other ideas, and they gently direct the action and the energy to ensure the session is both revealing and fulfilling so the client receives the spiritual journey that meets their needs.
IT ISN’T POSSIBLE to describe the experience of LBL on the written page—it defies explanation. Your focus may be on your burning “this life” questions, but as soon as you are connected with the memory of your life as a soul, you are able to recall the limitless love that exists for you in this place—love that holds you and supports you through your incarnations, the love of your guide, the wisdom of your council, the deep connection with your soul friends—and it is overwhelming. Once you have been immersed in this love, you cannot feel alone or in doubt. It is like having your connection to the spiritual Internet opened: by recalling your LBL, you can reexperience and reconnect with your soul intelligence. Then life’s everyday struggles pale into insignificance, because you can put them into a proper perspective. (more…)
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Reports Of An Astral Traveler
The following is a review of an excellent book, Recits d’un voyageur de l’Astral, by Anne and Daniel Meurois-Givaudan.
Anne and Daniel Meurois-Givaudan are two remarkable people. They write in French and have published quite a few books based on experiences that have come to them through the astral dimensions and their spiritual guides. Some of their books have been translated into several languages and have become quite popular. What makes their books so unique is that they both have the ability to mentally leave their physical bodies and explore the astral realms, under the supervision of their spiritual guides. This is different than “channeling”. In ‘Recits d’un voyageur de l’Astral’ (Reports of an Astral Traveler), one of their guides takes them to the different levels of the astral worlds, and shows them, in spirit form, nature, villages, houses and people on those levels.
The Guide
The book begins with Daniel going out of his body and arriving in the landscape of a forest. He meets his guide who is of medium height, has a long face and long skull, small eyes and a faint bluish skin color. Later in the book his guide explains him that he (the guide) has never lived physically on earth. He did have a physical existence on a far away planet. In his last incarnation, in another era, he took part in a colonization on the planet earth, as an religious adviser. After he arrived on the astral plane (or died) he continued with his work on earth and with its spiritual development. (more…)
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The Higher Dimensions
The testimonies about the higher dimensional levels or “Astral Planes” finding their way into the public domain contain more cliches than a large print plant. The reason probably being that not many people have been privileged to enter this far and we are limited by the few reports that have filtered through and have been published. The disadvantage is that we begin to think that what has been reported is really all there is. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reports we have can be compared to somebody taking a weekend trip to the New Forest in England and then proclaiming: “I have seen the world”.
I for one will not make such a claim and will only describe what I have witnessed when entering these regions while out of the body and seen with my own eyes, knowing only too well that my testimony here can only describe a billionth of a billionth of the vast diversity any of us may find once we have relieved ourselves of the shackles of the physical body and become bold enough to venture into the outer reaches of our multidimensional universe.
Boldness and a sense of adventure is what is required, because not only will we have a chance to venture into the higher dimensional counterpart of our physical earth, but we will be able to visit the un-manifested planets of our solar system as well, including the super dimensional territories of outer space.
First of all we will have to accept that from the intermediate dimensions onwards there are still further subdivisions up to the highest level. It is easy to understand why many people who have travelled here during OBEs or NDEs, may feel they have arrived at their final destination, the seat of their very soul or heaven itself. This indeed was my first impression on my first Out-of-Body venture into the region. But this is an illusion. Having arrived here we have only just scratched the surface, ventured no further than the depth of an atom into the vast territories of our multi-dimensional universe.
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Seven Steps To Eternity
‘I died in the Battle of the Somme…’ These were the astonishing first words spoken to clairvoyant and healer Stephen Turoff by the soul of James Legett, a young soldier who was killed in the First World War. For two years, the world famous psychic surgeon communicated with the soldier’s soul, and in the process wrote down his remarkable story; not the tale of Legett’s tragically short life on the physical plane, but of his death on a battlefield in France and his soul’s subsequent journey into the afterlife.
Although he works with many discarnate spirits in his clinic, the dyslexic Turoff was initially reluctant to undertake the task of writing a book. But he was persuaded by the boisterous and genial soul of the dead man. Their literary collaboration involved an unusual method: Legett presented spiritual pictures to Turoff, who with clairvoyant perception interpreted them into words. The result is this enlightening testimony of life beyond the illusion of death, filled with insight, spiritual wisdom and delightful humour. It is written to show that we are all eternal; there is no death… only change.
~From the Back Cover (more…)
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Multi-Dimensional Explorations
by Jurgen Ziewe
“Surprisingly, it has taken science quite a long time to realise that we are part of a multiple-universe. It is the same paradigm shift for our perception as the discoveries of fire, the wheel and that the Earth is a sphere and revolves around the sun. Incredibly, psychology and the science of the mind still need to catch up and move beyond looking at consciousness as a function of biological and chemical events within the brain.
What we will have to acknowledge is the fact that the universe ‘outside’ not only has its origin in other dimensions, but that we as living organisms are at every moment operating in other dimensions without realising it, here and now. In fact, to imagine that we could function as purely physical dimensional entities strikes me as absurd, because it would be akin to imagining that the Earth could exist without the space it is suspended in.
Incredibly, we still believe that the brain is the main storage organ for everything we experience. Considering the fact that every moment – every split second – we encounter trillions of bits of information via our vision alone, it is clear that scientists still have no idea as to where or how the data is stored. All we know is that the brain’s synapses process the data. By studying the brain from a biological viewpoint we may understand its function but not its deeper mystery.
When looking at it from the next dimension up the brain is a fantastic relay station – a processing and communication plant between two dimensions. The information appears to be stored on another dimension altogether in a state that simply cannot be attributed to molecules or physical atoms. This doesn’t apply only to the information gathered in our present time-space continuum, but also to information gathered while living in different energy configurations such as previous lives and inter-lives.” Excerpt From Multidimensional Man (more…)
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Adventures In The Spirit World
A Life After Death Communication by Anthony Borgia
Knowledge is the best antidote for fear, especially if that fear should be of the possible or probable state of existence after we have made the change from this life to the next. To discover what kind of place is the next world, we must inquire of someone who lives there, and record what is said. That is what has been done in this present volume.
The communicator, whom I first came to know in 1909 — five years before his passing into the spirit world — was known on earth as Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, a son of Edward White Benson, former Archbishop of Canterbury. Until the present scripts were written he had never communicated with me directly, but I was once told (by another spirit friend) that there were certain matters he wished to set right. The difficulties of communication were explained to him by spirit friends and advisers, but he held to his purpose. And so when a suitable time was reached, he was told that he could communicate through a friend of his earthly days, and it has been my privilege to act as his recorder.
The first script was composed under the title of Beyond This Life; the second under that of The World Unseen. In the former, the communicator gives, in a general survey, an account of his passing and his subsequent travels through various parts of spirit lands. In the latter script he deals at much greater length with a number of important and interesting facts and facets of spirit life, upon which previously he had touched only lightly or in passing. For example: in Beyond This Life he mentions the highest realms and the lowest. In The World Unseen he actually visits them and describes what he saw and what took place in both regions. (more…)
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