Astral City: A Spiritual Journey
Nosso Lar (“Our Home” in Portuguese) is the best-selling novel by the Brazilian spiritist medium Francisco Cândido Xavier.
Published in 1943, the book tells the interesting story of the spirit of André Luiz, a prominent doctor who lived in the city of Rio de Janeiro. After dying, André Luiz encounters neither the Heaven nor the Hell depicted in the teachings he had received during his Catholic upbringing. Rather, he initially has to endure a period in the so-called umbral, a region where less-than-perfect souls face the consequences of their infelicitous actions while alive.
After a while, André Luiz is able to perceive the presence of Clarêncio, a friendly spirit who had been trying to help him all along during his stay in the umbral. Clarêncio then takes André Luiz to Nosso Lar, a spirit colony, or astral city, where André becomes acquainted with the intricacies of afterlife and reincarnation. Astral City: A Spiritual Journey (also known as Nosso Lar) is a 2010 Brazilian drama film based on the book Nosso Lar directed by Wagner de Assis. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox and features a soundtrack composed by Philip Glass. Source –Wikipedia (more…)
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Life After Death In The Astral Realms ~ Part II
by Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss
The first Realm above the Physical World, in rate of vibration, we term the Realm of Reflection. Here we find reflected every object which exists in the Physical World, or to be more accurate, the physical object – man, animal, vegetable as well as all so-called inanimate things is the reflection or materialization of its astral duplicate. Here we find the astral pattern of all living things. But everything is seen reversed as in a mirror. For instance a number such as 123 would be seen as 321, etc. This fact caused the editors of Mme. Blavatsky’s manuscript for The Secret Doctrine much labor at first when they tried to verify the quotations made by her from books presented by her Teachers to her astral vision, for she frequently forgot to reverse the number of the page. When the editors learned this, if the quotation was not found on the page indicated, it would invariably be found on the page bearing the reversed number. This feature of the astral alone accounts for many of the mistakes of untrained psychics who are not familiar with this. Day and night are also the reverse of the corresponding periods on earth. Hence it is generally easier for a sensitive to contact the astral at night, although to one who is properly trained it makes little difference.
While the scenery of this Realm is the counterpart of the scenery of earth it is much more, for here there is a luminosity and translucence difficult to describe, which makes familiar objects far more brilliant and beautiful and reveals their true nature far more than does their physical counterpart on earth. While plants, trees, animals and people are all seen here they can also be seen through, just as on earth we can see into and through a glass of water for instance. In the Astral World we can also see all sides at once and not in perspective, and with the glow and colors imparted to everything by the currents of life-force which sweep through them. For the Astral World is a world of four dimensions instead of three. For this reason all attempts to locate the various Realms of this world in space or to limit its phenomena to our three dimensional conceptions, leads to misconception. That which is to manifest on earth descends from the higher Worlds into the Astral World and is embodied on earth. (more…)
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Life After Death In The Astral Realms ~ Part I
By Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss
Since the astral body is the counterpart of the physical, when it is withdrawn from the physical, it bears the exact likeness of the mortal, with all the distinguishing marks, moles, etc., it possessed at the time of transition. Those who have passed on into the astral are therefore as easily recognized and identified as they would be on earth. For, as we have said repeatedly, after leaving the physical body, there is little more change of appearance than there is in a mortal when he removes his overcoat, except that when a physical limb or part is lost, the astral part will not be lost, unless so shown for purposes of identification.
After passing on from a long and exhausting illness, and especially in the case of an old person who is tired of life and no longer clings to it by either thought or desire, it is common for such a one to pass into a deep and restful sleep varying in duration according to the individual needs, previous ideas, etc. We know, of course, that thought and desire rule the Physical World, but in the Astral World they rule to a far greater degree and far more quickly, for the plastic matter of that World yields very rapidly to the creative and molding power of thought and will. Therefore a person who for years held the thought that leaving the Physical World ended all, or one who believed that he would sleep until Gabriel blew his trumpet, would naturally pass into a comatose or dense sleeping condition after passing on. This condition would perhaps last for years or even centuries, until the desire or thought force put into the idea was exhausted and he was released from its effects. (more…)
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Life Beyond The Veil
This volume (what follows is a short excerpt) contains the first of a series of communications from beyond the veil, received and written down by the Rev. G. Vale Owen, Vicar of Orford, Lancashire.
It should be clearly understood that these messages, while complete in themselves, deal chiefly with the “Sphere of Light” nearest to the earth in which the Vicar’s mother, who is the principal communicator, states that she dwells, and that her impressions are chiefly individual to herself and are thus those of a newcomer and learner whose experiences are limited to a restricted area. Wider regions and greater heights and depths are explored, the inter-relation of this and the after-life is more fully explained, and both narrative and exposition of aims and principles are more vigorous, clear and comprehensive in succeeding messages, contained in other volumes of the series which follow this. ~ H. W. Engholm
“We walked over the plain, and then went through the air, which requires more exertion, but is more speedy, and, in a case like ours, more convenient in enabling us to get a view of the country.
We sighted the City and descended before the principal gateway, by which we entered the main thoroughfare. It ran straight through the City and emerged through another gateway on the other side. On each side of this broad street there were large houses, or palaces, in spacious grounds, the residences of the principal officials of that district of which the City itself was the Capital.
As we came towards the City we had seen people working in the fields, and also many buildings, evidently not residences, but erected for some useful purpose. And now that we were within the City walls we saw the perfection of both buildings and horticulture. For each building had a typical garden to match it both in color and design. We passed on, waiting for some sign as to our destination and mission, for on such occasions as this, a message is always sent on ahead, so that the visitors are expected. When we had gone some way we entered a large square, where beautiful trees grew on lawns of the greenest of green grass, and fountains played a harmony together; that is to say, there were perhaps a dozen fountains, and each had a tone of its own, and each was composed of many smaller jets of water, each being a note. These are manipulated, on occasion, so that a fairly complicated piece of music can he played, with an effect such as that produced by an organ with many stops. At such times there are large numbers of people assembled in the square, or park, as I might call it, both of the citizens and also those who dwell outside among the hills and pastures. But when we came to it, the fountains were playing a simple series of chords, in perfect harmony, and with a most pleasing effect. (more…)
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