What Would You Do If It Was Just Me And You?

What-Would-You-Do-If-It-Was-Just-Me-And-You-main-2-postI watched this video and thought nothing of it till later it hit me how profound this experience was which brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of a lecture given by Dr. Ernest L. Norman entitled “What is God?” from Tempus Interludium, Vol. III. Below is an excerpt of that lecture following this amazing video.

The following is from a letter written as a reply to a young student of twelve years of age who asked, “What is God?” Dr. Norman, the Moderator, replies as follows: (more…)

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Out Of Body Visit To The Other Side

Out-Of-Body-Visit-To-The-Other-Side-main-4-postby John G. Parry

Either I dreamed this story, or, as mystics might say I’d been through a psychic experience. To prevent any argument, let’s say I dreamed that I died in my sleep.

I, the ego, soul, or astral body, call it what you will, came out of its carnal covering and looked down upon its physical counterpart lying in bed apparently not breathing. This spirit-entity, identified as myself, experienced a feeling of great freedom; mixed with the relief one would sense when throwing away an old, stained, threadbare suit of clothes. My next thought was: “So I’m dead … now what?” There was not the slightest feeling of sorrow at being suddenly in a dimension entirely new to me. But there was some loneliness; which, at the moment, I attributed to a desire to mix with the living. (more…)

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The Self Does Not Die

The-Self-Does-Not-Die-main-2-postby Rudolf H. Smit, Titus Rivas, Anny Dirven

From the perspective of parapsychology, or psychic research, one feature is probably most responsible for near-death experiences (NDEs) coming to public attention as a phenomenon with possible paranormal aspects: specific impressions of the material world that near-death experiencers (NDErs) reportedly perceived from a location outside their physical bodies.

Many stories have been published about NDEs in which experiencers had the feeling that they left their bodies and perceived the material world from a location apart from their bodies. During this out-of-body (OB) aspect of the NDE, the NDEr typically perceived his or her own body as well as what was happening in the surroundings in which that body lay and sometimes physical locations away from the body, apparently without using the physical senses—the very definition of extrasensory perception. Later, it turned out that what the experiencer saw and heard during the OB aspect corresponded exactly with the determinable facts, meaning that the perceptions were verified as accurate, or veridical. Within the professional literature about NDEs, these perceptions are usually considered to be a subcategory of “AVPs”–that is, apparently nonphysical veridical perceptions, a term coined by Jan Holden (2009). The verification can range from weak (verified by the experiencer alone) to strong (verified by a researcher in the course of a study), but the accuracy is verified nonetheless. These types of experiences are probably what most people think of regarding the subject of “paranormal experiences during an NDE.” (more…)

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Touching The Light Beyond – Near Death Experiences

NDE-Touching-The-Light-Beyond-main-4-postby Raymond Moody

I was terribly ill and near death with heart problems at the same time that my sister was near death in another part of the same hospital with a diabetic coma. I left my body and went into the corner of my room, where I watched them work on me down below.

Suddenly, I found myself in conversation with my sister, who was up there with me. I was very attached to her, and we were having a great conversation about what was going on down there when she began to move away from me. I tried to go with her but she kept telling me to stay where I was. “It’s not your time,” she said. “You can’t go with me because it’s not your time.” Then she just began to recede off into the distance through a tunnel while I was left there alone. (more…)

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NDE: Evidence Of An Afterlife

NDE-Evidence-Of-An-Afterlife-main-4-postby Jeffrey Long, MD

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are events that take place as a person is dying or, indeed, is already clinically dead. People who have NDEs are called near-death experiencers (NDErs). From the time neardeath experiences were first medically researched and described by Dr. Raymond Moody in his pioneering book, Life After Life, in 1975, medical doctors and other researchers have examined this phenomenon in depth.

There is no widely accepted definition of neardeath experience. This NDERF study took a straightforward approach by defining both the neardeath and experience components of near-death experience. I considered individuals to be “near death” if they were so physically compromised that they would die if their condition did not improve. The NDErs studied were generally unconscious and often apparently clinically dead, with absence of heartbeat and breathing. The “experience” had to occur at the time they were near death. Also, the experience had to be lucid, to exclude descriptions of only fragmentary and disorganized memories. (more…)

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Life After Death

Life-After-Death-main-4-postby Jurgen Ziewe

It is important to stress that the ideas of an afterlife, where souls drift as disembodied blobs of light through a featureless landscape of hazy mists belong into the same bin of poor imagination as angels with harps sitting on clouds or devils with pitch forks torturing our sinful souls in an eternal fire of hell. (more…)

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The Twelve Steps Or Elements Of An NDE ~ Part II

The-Twelve-Steps-Of-An-NDE-Part-II-main-4-postby Pim van Lommel

A Frightening NDE

Perhaps one to two percent of people with a near-death experience linger in a frightening dark space, unable to escape. To their horror, they sometimes find themselves pulled even deeper into the profound darkness. The NDE ends in this scary atmosphere, from where people reenter their body. The experience is devoid of positive emotions and later stirs profound feelings of guilt. In fact, such a terrifying NDE usually produces long-lasting emotional trauma. Not surprisingly, it is also known as a “hell experience.” The exact number of people who experience such a frightening NDE is unknown because they often keep quiet out of shame and guilt. Yet if people can accept and make sense of this negative experience, they too eventually exhibit positive change. Evans Bush’s study has shown that people who have a frightening experience are not necessarily bad people. One possible explanation is that everybody has some negative character traits and that during a frightening NDE one or more such negative aspects are magnified for later analysis. A person is not defined by such a negative character trait although this does not make the experience any less intense. (more…)

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The Twelve Steps Or Elements Of An NDE

Twelve-Steps-Of-An-NDE-main-4-postby Pim van Lommel

Moody’s NDE Classification

In 1975 psychiatrist Raymond Moody wrote his first book on near-death experience. In it he described twelve different NDE steps but emphasized that most people experience only a few. It is rare for all steps or to be reported. Each NDE is unique and is experienced as a coherent episode rather than a series of clearly distinct steps. The order of the reported steps can also vary a little. At this point I should mention a comparative study that looked at whether there is any difference between NDE accounts recorded before and after 1975. The question was whether the publicity that followed the publication of Moody’s book had any influence on the contents of an NDE. However, the study showed that all the NDE elements he mentioned were reported just as frequently before as after 1975; the sole exception was the tunnel experience, which was reported a little less often in the past. The NDE and its effect on patients appear to be essentially the same worldwide except for some culture-specific differences in content and interpretation. One intercultural study shows that certain NDE elements, such as the panoramic life review and tunnel experience, are reported less frequently by the indigenous peoples of North America, Australia, and the islands in the South Pacific. (more…)

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The Case For Immortality


By Patrick Marsolek

“When I was fully into the light I realized it was the most incredibly beautiful light that I had ever seen. It seemed to have a personality that was beyond belief-loving. I was happy just being in the light. I remember then that I heard a voice that I thought was the light that surrounded me. Without having a body, somehow I talked to the voice. I was shown that the white light was really made up of all the colors. I was shown the zillions of colors in the light, more than I have seen on earth. They were all beautiful.

“I don’t remember the exact words, but I do remember discussing that all things were made of the light. I asked if even mountains and people were, and the voice (which I now think was God) told me even mountains, and a long list of things, everything. He also told me that the people there were in the light. I don’t remember much about that except that I was aware that people were about to come to take me into some beautiful place and I wanted to go.”— So begins one description of one person’s experience at the edge of death. (Near Death Experience Research Foundation www.nderf.org) (more…)

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Life At Death

Life-At-Death-main-4-postby Geoffrey John Cutler

I guess the first question to ask is whether we all survive death? Until recently I would not have had any doubt about that, but it seems there is a small complication for some people. Many people would be aware that the universe appears to attempt to supply that which we focus on, even if it is not good for us. Those people who are adamant that there is no life after death, and make this a certainty in their life often do not pass immediately from one realm to the next in a conscious state. They are termed “sleeping survivors.” These folks almost get their most fervent wish – annihilation. They may sleep for centuries, before a group awakening. More recent information now suggests that relatively few pass over as “Sleeping Survivors” at the present time. This may be because the rules have been changed, as we enter the “Correcting Time” and also possibly because there are far more Celestial helpers available at this time. I assume these “tough cases” were grouped together as an efficiency measure which enabled them to handle these folks en-mass. (more…)

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Going Into The Light

Going Into The Light-main-4-postby Jurgen Ziewe

What does it mean, “Going into the Light”?

This is an expression frequently used by people when referring to the process of dying, but where does it come from?

A while back we discussed in a group of Astral Travellers the subject of the boundaries of human consciousness and the phenomena of “going into the light”. In after-death circles this is often used as a metaphor of going into the lighter, more sublime, beautiful regions of the “Summer Land”, after we shake off ‘our mortal coil’. What turned into a lengthy discussion, we considered though the more literal aspect of the phenomena; of travelling beyond the boundaries of human consciousness or the “mere” afterlife states often discussed in afterlife groups. (more…)

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The Near Death Experience

The-Near-Death-Experience-main-4-postPim van Lommel is a Dutch author and researcher in the field of near-death studies. He studied medicine at Utrecht University, specializing in cardiology. He worked as a cardiologist at the Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, for 26 years.

In 1969, one of van Lommel’s patients was brought back from a death by heart attack. He recalled that the patient was “very very disappointed” that they needed to return to life. In the mid-1980s, Von Lommel began asking other patients about their experiences and decided that he would conduct a study of the phenomenon which culminated in a report which was published in the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet. The research created “a sensation.” The patients with NDEs reported out of body experiences which were verified by objective observers, as well as “no fear of death, unconditional love for yourself and others, and a connection with everything and everybody.” Many also felt that their near death state was “more real than life.”

The transformation that occurs to people who experience a near-death state is often traumatic for others, as von Lommel says that 70% of the experiencers end up getting divorced because their partners believe that the patient is “not the person they knew” before the event. According to his medical training, von Lommel was not supposed to think in terms of the human mind being able to process information when it was clinically dead, but his “scientific curiosity” allowed him to consider things which went against conventional wisdom. He now believes that our consciousness is not located in our brains, but is “non-local,” that is we are more like receivers where our minds function as intermediaries between spirit and body. (more…)

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Man Says He Saw The Afterlife And Returned

Life-After-Death-Main-4-postBy Tara MacIsaac

Ken Barnes says he has had two near-death experiences (NDEs) in which he left his body and had experiences that confirmed his belief in the afterlife. Whether one believes in such NDEs or not, Barnes’s story is one of perseverance, forgiveness, and positivity in the face of adversity.

The first NDE purportedly happened when he was 9 years old.

He had a bad reaction to medication he was taking and doctors gave him only a day or two to live. He was standing beside his parents in the hospital, talking to them, but they couldn’t hear him. Then he saw his own body on the bed.

A minister was standing by his parents, giving his last rites. (more…)

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