Nikola Tesla, electrical wizard, foresees the day when airplanes will be operated by radio-transmitted power supplied by ground stations, as shown in the drawing here.
The world will soon enjoy the benefits of electricity transmitted by radio. Huge and expensive transmission lines will be unnecessary. Bulky and unsightly distribution systems will be done away with. A little receiving device in your home will give you all the power you can use — and for only a fraction of present-day costs.
We will soon be communicating with other planets, where it is entirely possible that there is civilization far ahead of ours.
Tomorrow we will see rocket planes flying through stratosphere at a speed of a mile a second or 3000 miles an hour.
Fanciful dreams? No! Just conclusions based upon knowledge of what has been done, what is being done and what can be done in the future. I speak along practical lines and with a practical knowledge of what I am talking about. (more…)