Khafre Pyramid: Huge Underground Structures

SAR Scan Of Khafre Pyramid Shows Huge Underground Structures


Original Research PaperSynthetic Aperture Radar Doppler Tomography Reveals Details of Undiscovered High-Resolution Internal Structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza by Biondi and Malanga (more…)

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Einstein Returns

Einstein-Returns-main-2-postby Robert R. Leichtman

More than anyone I have interviewed in this series, Einstein made it clear that the universe in which he lives now, as a spirit, is anything but a meaningless world of atoms and molecules, interacting randomly. On the contrary, it is a vast, multidimensional realm filled with a full spectrum of matter which faithfully serves the purpose of incarnating life. He is certain that all measurable forms of matter are only the shadow of something greater. Scientists, he claims, must now stop scoffing at the “intangible” and begin appreciating the many intangible forces and substances of life—and their power to influence us. Only then will our knowledge of the universe become complete. Only then will we become masters of the physical phenomena of life. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, Spiritualitywith no comments yet.

Shakespeare Returns

Shakespeare-Speaks-main-2-postby Robert R. Leichtman, M.D.

“The original version of Romeo and Juliet was very bad, I thought. I burned it.”

”All through the history of mankind, censorship has always appeared to protect public morals, but censorship has always been aimed at something else. It’s always political.”

”Behind the scenes the action was even more bawdy than it is in the modern theater.”

“The plays almost wrote themselves. The ideas came so clearly and so completely – not only to my mind but the company’s mind as well – that a play would almost write itself once we started working on it.”

“Any creative effort, any attempt to construct a tangible, physical reality from an idea, is a high form of magic.”

– William Shakespeare, speaking through the mediumship of D. Kendrick Johnson (more…)

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The Invisible Empire Of Atlantis

The-Invisible-Empire-Of-Atlantis-main-2-postby Unknown Master


“The continent as it was, has been described in a manner very nearly satisfactory by Plato, but the Egyptian priest, in his great wisdom and, it is true, UNDER ORDERS, had adapted the ‘religious and philosophic fact’, to put it within the comprehension of the Grecian age. In reality, even esoteric Atlantis, that is to say the religion of the masses, was monotheistic in the absolute sense, in a manner greatly similar to the Jewish belief and still more similar to Islam of our era. The first divine ‘manifestation’ FOR OUR PLANETARY SYSTEM was, for the Atlanteans, the sun and, more or less, the ancient Egyptian cosmogony reflected the EXTERIOR beliefs of Atlantis but in a rather less degenerate way on account of those who besides, had been ‘adjusted’ to the country of their adoption, to include especially the Nile and thus appeal further to the popular imagination. (more…)

Posted in Atlantis, Other Topics, True History of Manwith no comments yet.

Astral Journey Into Higher Consciousness

Astral-Journey-Into-Higher-Consciousness-main-2-postby Jurgen Ziewe

On the 25th of August 1980 I had the most profound Out-of-Body experience ever which took me through all the higher levels of the Astral Plane right into the heart of my soul, into Unity consciousness. In these three videos I try to add images and sound to my written word in a three-part video. (more…)

Posted in Astral Travel, Other Topics, Spiritualitywith no comments yet.

The Medicinal Practices Of The 1800s Prior To The Rockefeller Takeover

The-Medicinal-Practices-of-1891-Prior-To-The-Rockefeller-Takeover-main-2-postby J. Buchanan, M.D.

An Encyclopedia Of The Practice Of Medicine Based On Bacteriology is a compilation of diseases and their treatments based on holistic, nutritional, naturopathic, homeopathic, vitamin/mineral supplementation, herbology, diet, rest and recovery, manipulation of the body such as massage, and the use of ELECTRICITY(!) in the years prior to 1891. This was before the Rockefeller takeover of medicine.

Notice that in these pages (book pdf below) pharmaceuticals are not mentioned. No prescriptions, vaccines, or synthetic based or patented drugs used in the treatment of disease.

As an example “Neurasthenia” is presented below but also in the 1,472 pages of this book there are over 450 different types of disease conditions also presented along with corresponding treatments used to alleviate these ailments without the use of drugs, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, etc., and by just using all-natural based (easy to use) methodologies! (more…)

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On The Amazing Lymphatic System

On-The-Amazing-Lymphatic-System-main-4-postby Dr. Robert Morse

One must understand why man is seeing so little CURING of their ailments these days, by most of the so-called “Health” Care Systems that currently exist. This is especially true of the Allopathic. To be fair, you can also see this in many of the Natural Health Modalities, as well.

The answer is simple. The focus is on the symptoms – not the causes!!! You always hear about their potential cures of Diseases, but you never see it happen – and you won’t! When one focuses on ones’ symptoms with the illusionary concept of diseases in mind, then one will never find Health & Vitality. One will never find a cure for what does not exist! (more…)

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Unpacking The Lies Of The Medical Industrial Complex

Unpacking-The-Lies-Of-The-Medical-Industrial-Complex-main-4-postFrom the producers of ‘The Truth About Cancer’ and ‘The Truth About Vaccines’, and powered by Brighteon:, Unpacking The Lies We’ve Been Fed, is a documentary exposing the decades-long agenda to keep America sick, obese, and addicted. From uncovering the corruption of the food industry, to vaccine-induced autism, to geoengineering, Unpacking the Lies We’ve Been Fed unpacks every lie the American people have been fed about public health. (more…)

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Evolving Personalities Life After Life

Evolving-Personalities-Life-After-Life-mainby by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis

It would appear from what has been said in the foregoing pages that since man evolves a distinctly different or modified personality in each earthly incarnation, these personalities, being an attribute of the soul, would give to each individual on earth an aggregation of the personalities previously evolved.

In other words, if the soul upon entrance into the physical body at birth carries with it any remnant of the personality or personalities possessed by it through previous incarnations, each one of us would possess at the present time in the present incarnation an aggregation of personalities rather than a single one. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Reincarnation, Spiritualitywith no comments yet.

Shedding Light On Proportion And Principles

Shedding-Light-On-Proportion-and-Principle-main-4-postby James Allen


In a nightmare there is no relation of one thing to another; all things are haphazard, and there is a general confusion and misery. Wise men have likened the self-seeking life to a nightmare. There is a close resemblance between a selfish life, in which the sense of proportion is so far lost that things are only seen as they affect one’s own selfish aims, and in which there are feverish excitements and overwhelming troubles and disasters, and that state of troubled sleep known as nightmare.

In a nightmare, too, the controlling will and perceiving intelligence are asleep; and in a selfish life the better nature and spiritual perceptions are locked in profound slumber. (more…)

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Fires And Smart Meters

Fires-And-Smart-Meters-main-2-postby RF Safe

Are Smart Meters Fueling Fires?

In this post, RF Safe a movement dedicated to protecting consumers from the dangers of electromagnetic radiation explores a provocative question raised by Dr. Jack Kruse. He suggests that battery-powered smart meters may contribute to the devastating spread of wildfires. Specifically, Dr. Kruse asks whether, in wildfires like those that ravaged Palisades, CA, some of the 12,000+ destroyed structures might have been compromised by smart meters equipped with lithium-ion batteries. (more…)

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The M.D. Emperors

The-MD-Emperors-main-4-postby Ty Bollinger

In the words of my good buddy, Robert Scott Bell, the medical industry is nothing short of a “Church of Biological Mysticism” with medical doctors the equivalent of “high priests.” I like that phrase and comparison, and will be elaborating and expanding upon it. Despite the fact that M.D.s repeatedly practice “voodoo” medicine and quack science, modern medicine often calls itself “conventional medicine” while pejoratively referring to other systems of medicine as “alternative.”

But modern medicine has only been around a little over 100 years, while traditional medical systems (such as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine) have been around over 3,000 years. Homeopathy has been around 200 years, chiropractic and naturopathic medicine have been around over 100 years, and of course, people have been using herbs and dietary remedies since the beginning of recorded history. (more…)

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The War Dead

The-War-Dead-main-4-postby Stewart Edward White


This book bears my name as author. As a matter of fact, my contribution was the plain drudgery of verbatim reporting and the professional writer’s knack of putting the material into easily readable form. None of the concepts were mine: they were dictated to me by my wife Betty some six months after her death through a friend who chooses to protect her anonymity under the pseudonym of “Joan.” Joan is a psychic of the type that would be called a “trance medium,” were she a professional. But I can count on the fingers of my two hands the number of people who know Joan as Joan.

Betty herself was a “psychic.” She had accepted this fact for some twenty years before her death, since the evening of March 17, 1919, to be exact, when she accidentally made the discovery. And between 1919 and 1939 she underwent a continuous and rigorous training as a means to what she called “expansion of spiritual consciousness.” Though the gain of so-called psychic powers was not the objective, nevertheless she acquired them as a sort of by-product, and was able to do various feats supposed to be possible to “psychic” persons. She could enter at will a higher consciousness from which she reported back her experiences and what she had seen and was taught. She was also able to transmit to me the ideas of discarnate entities we called the Invisibles, either by reporting back as though by dictation or by permitting her speech mechanism to be used directly. These powers and abilities she never used idly, for curiosity, personal satisfaction or any such lesser purposes. She sought and used them to one end only, the expansion of spiritual consciousness. (more…)

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The Strange Adventures Of Oscar Magocsi – Contactee

The-Strange-Adventures-Of-Oscar-Magocsi-mainby Sean Casteel

His is an old-fashioned UFO story in the same vein as George Adamski and Daniel Fry. He was not abducted by grey aliens, but communicated face-to-face with blonde-haired, blue-eyed Nordic types. It’s a pretty much “nuts-and-bolts” encounter with a couple of junkets to other planets and another dimension or two. Nothing out of the ordinary…

Oscar Magocsi a Canadian ‘contactee’, passed on 8th September 2002, peacefully, at home.

Oscar was born in Hungary, immigrated to Canada and worked at CBC TV Toronto as a camera man. He became involved in UFO research after a 21 Sept. 1974, experience outside Huntsville, Ontario. He claimed to have been aboard craft flying over Lake Ontario, taken by his friends, the Psycheans, and then transported to other worlds. He recounted his experiences in “My Space Odyssey In UFOs”, (1980) and in “Beyond My Space Odyssey In UFOs”, (1985). (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.

Types Of Physical Karma – Part II

Types-Of-Physical-Karma-main-4-postby Ann Jaffin

. . . spirit taketh form in mind. Mind becomes the builder. The physical body is the result. 3359-1

Steven Lee Carson, a longtime A.R.E. member and friend in Maryland, was very surprised when an X-ray revealed some unexpected, physical karma. About thirty-five years ago, his dentist became so alarmed when he looked at an X-ray of Steve’s jaw that he sent him to a specialist for a consultation. Although there was no mark on his face, the X-ray showed a hole in his jaw about the size of a dime. The specialist said, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you had been shot.” Thankfully, it was not cancerous, as was feared.

A few years later, a psychic told Steve that in a past life he had been a journalist in France. He had been murdered because someone thought that he knew too much and would talk. As a child in this life, he was so late in speaking that his parents took him to a doctor. Today Steve is a professional public speaker, journalist, and historian. He feels that the hole in his jaw may be the physical carry-over of a past-life wound, which also manifested emotionally in his childhood from the trauma of being shot for fear he would talk. (more…)

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