Types Of Physical Karma – Part II
by Ann Jaffin
. . . spirit taketh form in mind. Mind becomes the builder. The physical body is the result. 3359-1
Steven Lee Carson, a longtime A.R.E. member and friend in Maryland, was very surprised when an X-ray revealed some unexpected, physical karma. About thirty-five years ago, his dentist became so alarmed when he looked at an X-ray of Steve’s jaw that he sent him to a specialist for a consultation. Although there was no mark on his face, the X-ray showed a hole in his jaw about the size of a dime. The specialist said, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you had been shot.” Thankfully, it was not cancerous, as was feared.
A few years later, a psychic told Steve that in a past life he had been a journalist in France. He had been murdered because someone thought that he knew too much and would talk. As a child in this life, he was so late in speaking that his parents took him to a doctor. Today Steve is a professional public speaker, journalist, and historian. He feels that the hole in his jaw may be the physical carry-over of a past-life wound, which also manifested emotionally in his childhood from the trauma of being shot for fear he would talk. (more…)
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Inside The Spaceships: Meeting With A Master
by George Adamski
“My son,” said the great teacher, “you have been brought here and shown what lies within our smaller craft and this large carrier. You have traveled in each for a short distance only, but far enough to give you much knowledge to pass on to your fellow men on planet Earth. You have seen what outer space is like and that it is indeed constantly active, filled with moving particles from out of which all forms are finally brought into being. There is neither a beginning nor an ending. (more…)
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Spirit Possession
by Fiona Bowie
Carl Wickland – Thirty Years Among The Dead
One of the earliest written accounts of spirit possession or ‘obsession’ in a modern clinical setting is that of Carl Wickland (1861-1945), a Swedish-American physician and psychologist with an interest in paranormal research, who practiced in Chicago and California. He invented a static electricity machine known as a Wimhurts, which he used to send low voltage electric shocks to the head and spine of patients he believed to be suffering from the effects of an attached or obsessing spirit. Wickland spent over thirty years studying the phenomenon of what he termed ‘obsession’ and recording verbatim conversations with the spirits he was treating. Wickland and his wife, a gifted psychic and medium, were interested in Spiritualism, which provided a context in which his work could be understood. His wonderful, detailed account of his practice was first published in 1924 under the title Thirty Years Among The Dead. (more…)
Posted in Life After Death, Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapywith no comments yet.
Types Of Physical Karma
by Ann Jaffin
Keep the physical fit that the soul may manifest the longer. 294-7
In her classic work on Edgar Cayce’s story of reincarnation and karma, Many Mansions, Dr. Gina Cerminara divided physical karma into three categories: boomerang, organismic, and symbolic. As the name indicates, boomerang karma is an action toward another person that rebounds to the originator of the action. Organismic karma occurs when someone misuses a bodily organ in one life and inherits difficulty with the same organ in another life. Symbolic karma is more subtle and is seen when a past-life wrong yields a more general, chronic, and illusive bodily challenge in a later life. As we explore examples of physical karma from the Cayce readings, we will see some examples of these three different types. (more…)
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The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac
This is a field guide to the 82 extraterrestrial species that populate the universe. ET enthusiast Craig Campobasso explores the origins, physical characteristics, technological and consciousness abilities, dimensional capacities, belief systems, and cosmic agendas of each of the species. (more…)
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The Medicine Delusion
by Robert Collier
I find the medicine worse than the malady.” ~ SHAKESPEARE
We are getting rid of the drug illusion,” declared Dr. Woods Hutchinson, the noted medical writer of America, at a luncheon given on June 6, 1925, by the English-Speaking Union to 700 American and Canadian doctors assembled in London, England.
“We are willing even to subscribe to the dictum of Oliver Wendell Holmes,” the doctor added, “that if 99% of all drugs we possess were thrown into the sea it would be a good thing for the human race, but rather hard on the fishes.”
Sir Arbuthnot Lane, Surgeon to King George, seconded Dr. Hutchinson’s remarks. “They might say,” he went on, “that he was trying to establish a ‘suicide club’ for doctors. It practically came to that, because as the public became educated in matters of health the medical profession might disappear. It was in fact an anomaly that a medical profession should exist. If people were healthy, there was no reason to have doctors at all.” (more…)
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From The Inner Planes To Earth: Future Cities
by Swedenborg (channeled by Tom Miller)
Greetings from this high Center! Ioshanna: Greetings, dear One. Swedenborg: We will continue our tour of this New Age city which is being inaugurated at the base of this mountain when it is completed, as will be the temple in just a short while – maybe a day or two at the most. Ioshanna: Wonderful! Swedenborg: Although this new city is of a high spiritual nature, still it is the intermediate learning center for souls who will be attracted through frequency to the various centers for initiation into the higher centers of learning on the more advanced levels of life. Although the previous dissertation was given on a complex structure that was known to be of the Grecian era, still it had a higher frequency than the normal structures on the lower part of this plateau which will be the incoming initiates’ place where they will carry out or conduct their various proceedings. A more precise description of this city and surrounding plateau is in order at this time and its position according to its affiliation with the various Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S.. (more…)
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Orbs In Vegas And The Tall Whites
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Ten Reasons Why The Recent Drone Sightings May Be Of Extraterrestrial Origin
The recent wave of mysterious drone sightings has sparked a lot of curiosity and debate. These drones aren’t just your run-of-the-mill flying machines; they’re showcasing abilities that seem straight out of science fiction. From fast gravity-defying maneuvers to evading radar and exploring restricted areas, these strange sightings have people asking: Could they be extraterrestrial? While it’s easy to dismiss such ideas as far-fetched, the evidence makes it hard to ignore. In this list, we’ll explore ten reasons why these drones may be from off-world or extraterrestrial in nature. (more…)
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Is An Alien Underwater Facility Creating Drones?
by an Anonymous Whistleblower on 4Chan – April 24, 2023
I have intimate knowledge of what the US currently knows about UFOs minus the last two years:
– UFOs are primarily unmanned drones
– UFOs are built to spec each time they are deployed
– UFOs are created by a mobile construction facility that hides in the ocean
– Construction facility destroys anything that comes close to it and will disappear for days when approached aggressively
– US believes the facility has been active on earth for at least 100 years or much longer
Fire away on questions I’ll answer what I can; you won’t be disappointed. (more…)
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Inside The Spaceships: My First Look At Outer Space
by George Adamski
At this point, a man who appeared to be about my age entered from a door in the left corner of the room, smiling in a friendly way. Although I had noticed a ladder in that corner which I presumed must lead to an upper deck of the ship, I had seen no door until he entered through it.
Upon his appearance the two girls excused themselves and left through the doorway leading into the control room. Shortly, Ilmuth, the Martian, returned. She had changed from her lovely gown to a pilot’s suit of the same style as that worn by the men. The color was light tan with bands of darker brown at the top and bottom of the waist belt. I was delighted when she asked if I would like to accompany her to the pilot’s compartment.
Firkon joined us and as we three climbed the ladder to the next deck, I noticed Orthon leave through the control room where we had first entered after landing on the mother ship. The elder man and Ramu, the Saturnian, remained in the lounge. (more…)
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Spirit Of The Earth
Edited by Michael O. and Joseph A. Fitzgerald
We human beings are not apart from nature. We are in nature. We have always been and always will be part of nature. I’ve heard or read such words time and time again, words spoken by elders – past and present – from virtually all our different American Indian nations.
It’s reflected in the way our indigenous languages work. As Chester Nez, one of the twenty-nine Navajo men who created the unbroken Navajo code used in World War II expressed it in his 2011 autobiography Code Talker, “Our language illustrates [our] relationship to nature.” (more…)
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The World’s Workshop: Early Inventive Achievements Of The 20th Century
by W.J. Jackman, Trumbull White, and Ferdinand E. Cary (1911)
Wonderful indeed is this world’s workshop, for its doors are open wide and all that is within can be seen and understood – whether it be in an airship above the clouds, upon or under the sea, in the city, town or country; all that has been wrought by man for the progress and advancement of the world is arrayed under the broad head “The World’s Workshop”.
This is the Marvelous Age, the age of triumphant Progress. Follow the records of mankind down through all the centuries scrutinize the achievements of the race, and more and more conspicuous becomes the fact that in no other period of the world have such wonderful advances in material and industrial progress been made. Within the last decade we have seen hundreds of inventions and discoveries, any one of which would be sufficient to illuminate a whole century of the Middle Ages. (more…)
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UAPs: Exposing The Truth – Subcommittee Hearing
Americans deserve to understand what the government has learned about UAP sightings, and the nature of any potential threats these phenomena pose. We can only ensure that understanding by providing consistent, systemic transparency. We look forward to hearing from expert witnesses on ways to shed more light and bring greater accountability to this issue.” – Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) and Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.)
WASHINGTON Press Release — The Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation and the Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs held a joint hearing titled, “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth.” Members discussed the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Intelligence community’s lack of transparency regarding UAPs, including undisclosed spending on UAP-related programs and the national security implications of UAP encounters at U.S. military installations. Members emphasized the need for greater accountability from the DoD to share information with Congress and the American people. (more…)
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The 1000-Year War Between Russia And The Khazars
by Peter Beter
Over the past two years or so I have discussed the struggle within Russia between the Christians and the Bolsheviks since 1917. Current events cannot be understood without knowing about the past six decades of struggle for control of the Kremlin. But that struggle in turn is part of an even bigger historical picture. What we are seeing today, my friends, is the climax of a war of more than a thousand years between the two most bitter enemies on earth. It is the war between RUSSIA and the KHAZARS.
The kingdom of the Khazars vanished from the map of the world many centuries ago. Today many people have never even heard of it, yet in its day the Khazar kingdom was a very major power indeed, holding sway over a large empire of subjugated peoples. It had to be reckoned with by the two neighboring superpowers of that day. To the south and west of Khazaria the Byzantine Empire was in full flower with its Eastern Orthodox Christian civilization. To the southeast, the Khazar kingdom bordered on the expanding Moslem Empire of the Arab Caliphs. The Khazars influenced the histories of both of these other empires but, far more importantly, the Khazar kingdom occupied what was later to become a southern portion of Russia between the Black and Caspian Seas. As a result, the historical destinies of the Russians and the Khazars became intertwined in ways which have persisted down to the present day. (more…)
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