A Prescription for Illness: Dying to be Healthy ~ Part III
by Dawn Lester & David Parker
The establishment definition of hypertension refers to, “high blood pressure i.e. elevation of the arterial blood pressure above the normal range expected in a particular group.”
There is a great deal of concern within the medical establishment about elevated blood pressure, because it is said to force the heart to work harder in its efforts to pump blood through the arteries and around the body. This extra work is said to cause excess strain on the heart and blood vessels and lead to health problems, especially heart disease. It is claimed that elevated blood pressure above the range considered to be ‘normal’ is a reliable indicator of an increased risk for the occurrence of a heart attack or a stroke.
The medical establishment clearly considers high blood pressure to be synonymous with hypertension; as also indicated by the May 2019 WHO fact sheet entitled Hypertension, which states that, “Hypertension – or elevated blood pressure – is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases.” (more…)
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What Would You Do If It Was Just Me And You?
I watched this video and thought nothing of it till later it hit me how profound this experience was which brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me of a lecture given by Dr. Ernest L. Norman entitled “What is God?” from Tempus Interludium, Vol. III. Below is an excerpt of that lecture following this amazing video.
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Spiritual Poverty In The Afterlife
by Edward C. Randall
One who attempts to change or modify the thoughts, ambitions and desires of mankind, is undertaking a great task. The American people, more than any other, are taught from infancy that the desired goal is wealth—material wealth—and, such is the prodigality of the times, money is necessary for the pace that is set. Money—the ring and shine of gold—becomes alluring, and the ambition of each is for its accumulation. The length to which some go, and the things that some do to possess themselves of it, stagger the mind, at least of those who have a clearer vision.
It is right and very proper to provide for those dependent, in a suitable manner; but, we owe it to ourselves to provide for and enrich ourselves, both here and hereafter. Some few gather spiritual wealth that enriches beyond this earth life, the many go out into the great beyond, paupers. (more…)
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Hidden Secrets Of Roswell ~ Part II
by Lou Baldin
Psychics Attempt To Unlock The Mysteries
The committee tried using psychics to unlock some of the secrets of the Aliens. The expectation was that clairvoyants would be less intimidated working in areas that were paranormal in nature, and too strange for down-to-earth types like scientists to handle. From the onset some of the psychics could not cope with what they were shown and put in contact with and handled some situations much worse than the scientists. Many of the clairvoyants simply “freaked out,” as one scientist put it. There were a few who overcame the initial shock and actually communicated with the Alien objects, but shortly after doing so more than half of them developed psychosis, and were dropped from the program.
There are many layers of scientists who work on these highly classified projects. Some know the truth and the origin of what they are working on, others are kept in the dark and believe that they are working on highly advanced (human-based) scientific projects for the military and private industry. Of the thirty plus groups that participated in the program none communicated with each other, or even knew of the others’ existence. All the groups reported their findings and results to a single committee. (more…)
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A Prescription for Illness: Dying to be Healthy ~ Part II
by Dawn Lester & David Parker
It is widely acknowledged that ‘risks’ are associated with the use of medicines, as explained by Dr Dean in Death by Modern Medicine in her reference to a report produced by the U.S. GAO (General Accounting Office), which found that, “…of the 198 drugs approved by the FDA between 1976 and 1985…102 (or 51.1%) had serious post-approval risks…”
The ‘risks’ listed in the report include heart failure, kidney and liver failure, and birth defects, which provide clear evidence of the dangers that can result from ‘approved’ drugs. The fact that these serious conditions had not been identified prior to the approval of the drugs indicates serious problems with the drug testing procedures, as well as with the original consideration that the compounds were appropriate for use as a medicine. Professor Sheldon Krimsky PhD offers a suggestion, in his book entitled Science in the Private Interest, of the reason why questions are not raised over drug testing procedures; he states that, “Among the tens of thousands of clinical trials occurring each year, most are funded by for-profit companies seeking to gain FDA approval for new drugs, clinical procedures or medical devices.”
This situation is not improving; it is, in fact, a worsening problem, that refer to the increasing level of control over the medical system that has been gained by profit-seeking pharmaceutical companies and other vested interests. (more…)
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Yada Speaks: It Is Dangerous To Be Born
by Yada di Shi’te (Transceived by Mark Probert)
Yada: It is very difficult to talk through the physical body…
One who is born into this physical world finds it very difficult to live in a balanced way in his physical vehicle so, in my talk tonight, I think I will entitle it “It Is Dangerous To Be Born”.
From the time one comes into the world of matter, it is a struggle. The initial effort to breathe is a pain. Being ejected from our comfortable, comparatively safe position in our mother’s body is a pain, both to the mind and to the body.
Through the thousands of years that they have been observing the physical world, there is no safety in a physical life. Man comes here with no conscious desire to come into matter. Only after a human life-form came into being through the process of evolution, did man find himself, meaning did he become a conscious being, and in so becoming a conscious being and by following the pattern of his coming to the earth in what is called different incarnations, he developed the ability to consciously wish himself into the matter-world again. But even so, with his now conscious desire to come into matter, he still loses consciousness or awareness that he, individually speaking, wished it so. (more…)
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Hidden Secrets Of Roswell
by Lou Baldin
UFO Crash
The year was 1947, the place Roswell, New Mexico. On July 2, of that year, reports of a bright disk streaming across the sky were made by some of the townspeople to the local authorities. The unidentified-flying-object (UFO) fell from the sky and crashed approximately seventy-five miles northwest of the town that day. A rancher that heard the crash and had thought that an airplane had fallen into a field a short distance from the house he was living in, went to investigate. What he found at the scene was nothing he could relate to and it certainly didn’t look to him like it was from this world! He was so mystified about what he saw that he didn’t report it until five days later, on July the 7th when he went into town for some other business. He told some friends that the craft was made of a strange material that had no weight to it, yet seemed to have incredible strength. Years later some of the material found at the crash site was equated to looking like aluminum foil. Coincidentally, aluminum foil was invented that year (1947). However, aluminum foil is easily damaged and destroyed, unlike the material from the Alien ship. (more…)
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A Prescription For Illness: Dying To Be Healthy
by Dawn Lester & David Parker
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” ~ Albert Einstein
“Physicians who are free with their drugging keep themselves busy treating the effects of the drugs.” ~ Herbert Shelton ND DC
DISCLAIMER: Healthcare in the early 21st century is almost completely controlled by ‘vested interests’, which claim that their system, known as ‘modern medicine’, is the only genuine form of healthcare and that all other forms are to be regarded as pseudoscience and quackery. The consequence of this control is that we, the authors of this [excerpt], are under a legal requirement to state that we are not medical doctors. In addition, we are obliged to state that, even though its contents have been obtained from professional and reliable sources, this is only intended to serve as an informational guide; its core purpose is to assist people to make truly informed decisions about their healthcare.
The word ‘medicine’ has two applications, the establishment definitions for which are, “the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease.”
And, “any drug or preparation used for the treatment or prevention of disease.” (more…)
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Atomic Bomb Shelters In Your Own Backyard
by John Keel
A couple of hours from where you now live there is a wonderful underground city with bowling alleys, a beauty shop, a fully equipped hospital, a movie theater and hundreds of cases of fine whiskey. If you live in a major city, it may be even closer. The one in New Orleans is right in the city itself.
These underground metropolises—there are over 90 of them—are one of the worst-kept secrets of the Cold War.
But they haven’t been over-publicized, either. They sound like one of the fantasies of the late Richard Shaver (remember the “Shaver Mystery” about the underground world?) and they frequently provide fodder for the wild rumors of a whole subculture that has sprung up around them.
Old-timers will recall that back in the 1950s, when Cold War paranoia peaked, everyone started building atom bomb shelters in their own back yards. We had almost no Civil Defense program, and if a nuclear war had broken out we would have been in big trouble. (more…)
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Flying Saucers And Other Sky Phenomena
by Ramon Natalli, as received clairaudiently by Mark Probert
In all the numerous investigations of the sky phenomena now taking place in your world, no one except yourselves has mentioned the possibility that these occurrences originate in other dimensions of space-time, out of which they manifest or ‘materialize’.
I realize that it is useless to expect the average layman to understand our discussion of this subject – or, for that matter, the average educated mind which has been trained in the traditional patterns of academic instruction. Yet so far, and in your own country at least, the worst which society can do to you, if you dare to think independently, is to label you a crack-pot or a Godless person. Make use, therefore, of such freedom as you have. Uphold the truth and spread it abroad among mankind. (more…)
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A Day In A Life On The Other Side
by Mrs. Kelway-Bamber
The following are transmissions as given (in 1916) to his mother from the other side from Claude who had passed recently, a casualty of World War I.
You want me to give you details of a typical day of my life? You know there is no time here—that is only a limitation of the earth plane—so we will make it a day by your calculations, and suppose we begin at midnight, for that is when I come for you.
You know, for I have often told you, how when your body sleeps your soul comes over here and we spend hours together, you have sometimes dimly remembered things that happened as in a dream. Thousands of people come over in this way every night, and are more awake and alive while here than on earth in their mortal bodies. To do this, people must be spiritually evolved to a certain degree. Well, we go together to various places; sometimes we work on the third sphere among those who have just wakened in the spirit-world, and are bewildered, and puzzled, and strange in their new surroundings. We explain to them where they are and bring their friends to see them. (more…)
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World Of Tomorrow
by George Adamski
…A public lecture addressed by GEORGE ADAMSKI at the Detroit Institute of Arts on September 20, 1955. Published from a tape recording by:
“Interplanetary Relations”
14315 Haggerty Road
Belleville, Michigan
GEORGE ADAMSKI: I thought I would take up the question tonight in reference to what we might expect in years to come and why we are in the condition in which we find ourselves today. Very few people realize just what has been taking place. We have been moving so fast, in so many ways, that we overlook many things and cannot quite place ourselves at the moment as to why all these things are taking place as they do, including “Flying Saucers” among many other things.
In the first place, we have prophecies that we have overlooked…Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, the Bible, and many others, and I might say right here that those prophecies are actually coming true, if we look at them in the right way. For example, it states in our own Bible that in the latter days (as we might call it at the moment) that when these things will be happening…like “signs in the sky and war and rumors of war”…we will have come to an end of a cycle, or as some people call it, a “dispensation”. These things are taking place right at the very moment. At the same time, there is a statement made also that the yellow races everywhere will be rising and demanding the rights that the white man has enjoyed all these ages. We have such trouble today in Asia. (more…)
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Spiritual Partnerships
by Gary Zukav
The world as we know it has been built without a consciousness of soul. It has been built with the consciousness of the personality. Everything within our world reflects personality energy. We believe that what we can see and smell and touch and feel and taste is all there is to the world. We believe that we are not responsible for the consequences of our actions. We act as though we are not affected when we take and take and take. We strive for external power and in that striving create a destructive competition.
The introduction of consciousness into the cyclic process of creation through which the soul evolves permits the creation of a world that is built upon the consciousness of the soul, a world that reflects the values and perceptions and experiences of the soul. It allows you to bring the energy of your soul consciously into the physical environment. It allows the consciousness of the sacred to fuse with physical matter. (more…)
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UFOs Confidential
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 6 No 5 (October 2012)
“…According to Williamson and McCoy: These secret world rulers will never allow official UFO announcements to be made public. If they did allow it, it would spell their doom. If the technology of the space visitors is revealed it will immediately eliminate the need for oil, gas, automobiles, and practically everything else that drains the public…”
Flying Saucers, Hidden Empire & the Secret of World Control
By Mehmet Sabeheddin
Back in 1958 the Essene Press in Texas published an intriguing little book entitled UFOs Confidential: The Meaning Behind The Most Closely Guarded Secrets Of All Time. (more…)
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The Sea Of Energy In Which The Earth Floats
by T. Henry Moray
Power From The Cosmos And The Earth
Dr. Nikola Tesla said over sixty years ago, “Ere many generations pass our machinery will be driven by power obtainable at any point in the universe. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static, our hopes are in vain; if kinetic, and this we know it is for certain, then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheel work of nature.” Nikola Tesla was not referring to so-called “atomic energy” or nuclear energy but to the energy which is continually bombarding the earth from outer space. Call it cosmic or what one will.
Enough energy is coming to the Earth to light one million, one hundred ninety-three thousand, six hundred, one hundred-watt lamps for every human being on the earth today. No fuel of any kind will be taken as a dead load for the energy can be “picked-up” direct by great ocean liners, railroads, airplanes, automobiles or any form of transportation, to say nothing of the heat, light and power available for use in all kinds of buildings; to pump water on the desert lands with equipment of only a fraction of the weight of any steam plant or any kind of engine in use today and at a fraction of the cost. A wild dream? A proven, practical reality as hundreds of people know who have witnessed the MORAY Radiant Energy equipment. Powered from the cosmos! (more…)
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