UFO Flap?

UFO-Flap-main-4-postby NDTV.com

American Pilots Report Multiple Encounters With Unusual ‘Racetrack’ UAP In Recent Weeks

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are being sighted in the sky over the Pacific Ocean for the last two months, according to a UFO researcher.

Ben Hansen, former FBI agent and host of the Discovery+ show, ‘UFO Witness’, procured footage and air traffic control recordings of mid-air UFO sightings by the pilots, reported the New York Post.

Pilots from Southwest Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines and several others spotted multiple aircraft in the region. A former military pilot said that he witnessed several aircraft flying above him.

While flying a charter jet off the Los Angeles coast, Pilot Mark Hulsey radioed the air traffic control on August 18, asking, “We’ve got a few aircraft to our north here and he’s going around in circles, much higher altitude than us. Any idea what they are?”

The controller said that he was not sure.

More Indepth Review Of These Sightings

In just 23 minutes, Hulsey reported that he spotted seven such aircraft, flying above him between 5,000 to 10,000 feet, which was initially three.

In the recording, Hulsey says, “They just keep going in circles. I was an F-18 pilot in the Marine Corps, and I’m telling you, I’ve done many intercepts, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Mr Hansen said that the pilot who has claimed that he spotted strange lights was “seen by upwards of 15 different commercial flights. And at least six pilots are willing to go on record with their names and everything if asked to do so by any investigative agencies,” he said.

An FAA spokesperson told a leading publication that whenever a pilot reports strange sightings to an air traffic control facility, it documents it.

Last year, the Department of Defense launched a new outfit tasked with finding and identifying UFOs in restricted airspace after Washington officials admitted they could not explain the phenomena of UFO sightings, reported the New York Post.

Strange White Cylinders Spotted Across The United States

More recent cylinder-type UFO craft reports can be found here.

More Recent Baffling UFO Cases

Missouri High School Football Event – UFO In The Night Sky

School kids were heard screaming as a “UFO” looming overhead vanished at lightning speed in hair-raising new footage. The spectacle unfolded as hundreds gathered for a football game at North Point High School in Wentzville, Missouri.

Former Navy Pilot Ryan Graves On His UFO Encounter

More Navy Pilot Encounters

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Apollonius And The Book Of Revelations

Apollonius-Book-of-Revelations-mainby Hilton Hotema


Last book of the Bible
Oldest book of the Bible
Strangest book of the Bible

A book so strange that the best brains of the Christian world have never been able to interpret it.

A book so old that its origin is lost in the night of time.

A book so baffling that the church refused to let it become a part of the Bible until the 19th century; and then, for a most peculiar reason, it was embraced with open arms.

In the Bible this book is headed, “The Revelation of St, John the Divine.” It purports to be a revelation by God to Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ to his “angel,” and the “angel” to John, and John to the Seven Churches in Asia – and the churches rejected it as a fraud. (more…)

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The Immunization Gambit

The-Immunization-Gambit-mainby Val Valerian

The term “immunization” was derived from the belief that the injection of a foreign body of infection into the human system (which already possesses a natural immune system) will confer life-long immunity from a specific disease. The word immunization is synonymous with the word – inoculation. Despite this belief, there has always existed the observation that immunizations cause disease, and it is considered heresy in the medical community to make mention of this fact.

Immunizations also are responsible, according to some medical experts, for many health problems. Dr. Herbert Snow, senior surgeon at the Cancer Hospital of London, once stated that immunization or inoculation causes permanent disease to the heart. This information, according to author Eustace Mullins, also exists in the Library of Congress, buried. (more…)

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Remembering Lemuria

Remembering-Lemuria-main-4-postby Mariah-Crooked Arrow

The Lemurians were a peaceful people, vegetarians, who lived the law of one, service, and harmony with all life. The ancient Lemurians, used their mastery of energy, crystals, sound and vibrations for healing. They also used the crystals to produce energy and were able to manufacture ships for travel using those energies. All the inhabitants of the Earth at that time considered Lemuria, their Motherland, and there was much weeping on Earth at the time of its destruction; destroyed by earthquakes generated by a pole shift.

The highly evolved citizens of Lemuria were healers, sages, mystics, teachers, dreamers and leaders. They spent their days working quietly for the awakening of humankind and for the evolvement of universal peace. They moved easily between dimensions, meditated without pause, loved, laughed, played and worked. And they set a plan in motion to be available to mankind – even all these millennia later – to assist in this next great transformational shift which we are all experiencing today. (more…)

Posted in Lemuria, Other Topics, True History of Manwith 1 comment.

Beauty Eternal In The Afterlife

Beauty-Eternal-In-The-Afterlife-mainby Anthony Borgia

Eternity is a word that implies so much but in reality conveys so little to the average earthly mind.

The earth dweller would say, in effect, that eternity is like immortality, you cannot prove it. How can it possibly be proved that a certain state of existence, namely, that of the spirit world, will continue forever, without end, to employ perhaps a more emphatic term. Just so. It is a difficulty that we all appreciate in the spirit world. And I would hasten to say that I am not going to attempt to prove it!

But I can do this. I can set before you one or two considerations that will serve to draw your mind towards the major differences between your incarnate state of existence upon earth and our discarnate state of existence in the spirit world. And in doing so there may emerge just a faint glimmering of what the word eternity can suggest. (more…)

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Taylor Caldwell: A Journey Into The Past ~ Part II

Taylor-Caldwell-A-Journey-Into-The-Past-Part-II-mainThe famous novelist, seeking assurance that death brings only oblivion, finds dramatic evidence that she has lived many lives.

by Jess Stearn

Coughing a little, Janet now sat up, as imperturbable as ever, not remembering a thing that she had said. “I have that vague feeling again,” she said, pressing her hands to her ears, “that I am two people.” As she puffed thoughtfully on the inevitable cigarette, I recapitulated. So far, taking inventory, she had been back to England, in Italy, Spain, and on the planet Melina. As yet, we had not taken her to the Biblical period which she wrote about so extensively, to ancient Greece or Rome, or to the favorite haunts of all romantically inclined reincarnationists—Atlantis. So far, she had been scullery maid and nun and I was sure it would be a disappointment that her past experience had not been glamorous.

So in an aside to the hypnotist, unheard by her, I suggested he take her back to a distant time when such a recall would be eminently possible. (more…)

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Reincarnation: Mind To Body Karma

Reincarnation-Mind-To-Body-Karma-mainby Gina Cerminara

If we can accept the idea of reincarnation, and the karmic psychology that accompanies it in the Cayce readings, we will see that there must follow, as the night the day, certain important conclusions. It is inevitable that the reincarnation idea will lead us to many changed points of view in our interpretation of life.

One of the major changes would be in our conception of the relation of mind to body. Although modern thinking tends to see body-mind as a hyphenated unit, as two interacting parts of the same whole, nonetheless the materialistic concept still prevails that the body is primary; that the mind cannot exist without the body; and that when the body dies, the mind dies too. In the reincarnationist’s view, all these concepts need to be reversed: the body is not primary, either in time or in causation; the mind has existed before this body came into being; and it will continue to exist after this body dies.

Moreover, if we speak only of body and mind, as it has been fashionable to do ever since the word ‘soul’ was outlawed from scientific respectability, we are speaking with inadequate terms. We will need another word, whether it be “soul,” “spirit,” “atman” (as the Hindus call it), “entity” (as Cayce called it), or “Thetan” (as the Scientologists call it) to designate the persisting part of us that seems to use both body and mind. (more…)

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The Boys “Topside” – Part II

The-Boys-Topside-Part-II-mainSpeech to Vancouver Area UFO Club – March 14, 1961

Smith, himself, summarized his activities in a speech to the Vancouver Area UFO Club in 1961. He claimed to have communicated with extraterrestrial people, and his archived correspondence and public presentations describe much information of a technical and scientific nature inspired by the people “topside”. The archive was originally compiled by Arthur Bray and is kept at the University of Ottawa library in Ottawa, Canada.

Talk With Q and A

I might point out that the Project Magnet that I was associated with, which received a great deal of publicity, was not an official Government project. It was a project that I talked the Deputy Minister into letting me carry out, making use of the extensive field organization of the Department of Transport. No funds were spent on it and we merely had access to a very large field organization and opened a number of files. Unfortunately, the gentlemen of the press climbed on this and made a big deal out of it. As a matter of fact, some of the headlines concerning Project Magnet were set in larger type than the declaration of war. However, we carried the project through officially for about four years, and the last year of the four we had a little shed set up in which we had a number of instruments, the idea being to try and coordinate sightings with scientific measurements. We had equipment for detecting any radio noise that might emanate from these objects, any gravitational disturbances which might result, any radioactivity which might be connected with it, and any magnetic disturbances. These four instruments were of a recording type, and produced graphical lines on a recording tape in a four-pen recorder. This ran 24 hours a day with an alarm circuit attached, so that in case any of the pens would go beyond a prescribed threshold, the horns would blow and the bells would ring and the boys in the nearby ionosphere station were supposed to come running to see if they could see anything. Toward the end of the year, we hadn’t received anything of any great importance on the instruments. (more…)

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The Torus At All Scales

The-Torus-At-All-Scales-main-4-post“… Spirality pervades the Universe concretely and abstractly, visibly and invisibly. Not only do the galaxies of stars tend to this rotary form, and possibly the super galaxies or even the Universe itself, but the spiroid theme dominates the courses and shapes of bodies and substances all the way down to the atom.” ~ Guy Murchie, The author of The Seven Mysteries of Life

“… one of the basic and the more abstract concepts of this whole concept of UN.AR.I.U.S., is the fact as stemming down from these infinitely higher dimensions are great vortexes of energy.” ~ Ernest L. Norman, The author of The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation

“That the man calls matter, or substance, has no existence whatsoever. So-called matter is but waves of the motion of light, electrically divided into opposed pairs, then electrically conditioned and patterned into what we call various substances of matter. Briefly put, matter is the motion of light, and motion is not substance. It only appears to be. Take motion away and there would not be even the appearance of substance.” ~ Walter Russell, The author of The Secret of Light

“So the Infinite Mind became the ultimate, the absolute, the most abstract of these great cosmic or celestial vortexes of pure energy, pure intelligence, pure all in all. There is not a thing which you can conceive in this vast vortex, which is the Infinite Mind, which It has not conceived and of which you will not in a future day learn is the transposition of the differentiation of different levels of expression of this great Infinite Mind.” ~ Ernest L. Norman, The author of The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation (more…)

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Taylor Caldwell: A Journey Into The Past

Taylor-Caldwell-Journey-Into-The-Past-mainby Jess Stearn

Taylor Caldwell, the famous English-born novelist, had just turned 70 when she began to speak to her friend, author Jess Stearn, about reincarnation.

“The conversation had not developed out of thin air,” Stearn wrote. “Janet Taylor Caldwell had toyed with the idea of survival for years and her interest was undoubtedly quickened by the recent death of her husband Marcus Reback to whom she had been married for 40 years.”

Marcus died on August 13, 1970, after a lingering illness and a final two weeks in coma during which the doctor had said he was clinically dead. Janet was inconsolable and fell into profound despair which became chronic depression. Despite her wealth and fame she felt her life had been “a monstrous, painful, agonizing affair. . . .” (more…)

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The Boys “Topside”

The-Boys-Topside-main-4-postWilbert B. Smith was a Canadian government scientist/engineer who was interested in the flying saucer phenomenon from the early 1950s until his passing in 1962.

Wilbert-B-SmithHe claimed to have communicated with extraterrestrial people via several means including radio communication, “tensor beam”, and indirectly through channeling by others. His archived correspondence and public presentations describe much information of a technical and scientific nature inspired by the people “topside”. The basis for the new revealed science is presented in his posthumously published online book The New Science.

The space people dropped hints to him about the fundamentals of their science but expected him to work things out for himself. He felt strongly that the knowledge about critical technologies like gravity control should not be generally accessible until the time was right. Perhaps the internet era is the right time to publicize these hints. What follows are verbatim extracts by Wilbert Smith from his archive. (more…)

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Early Memories Of Ernest & Ruth Norman


Our Joining (Their First Meeting)

by Ruth Norman

It was a matter of a few days after leaving the desert (taking a house trailer with me) that I met Ernest at a Spiritualist church, one I had never attended before and where a convention was being held. One of the choicest bits of phenomena to us pertained to the three spiritual white-robed, white-haired and bearded, ancient, learned Ones who, as Ernest said, carried about with them huge books. These Ancients (denoting great wisdom) were seen psychically with Ernest during several years prior to this by other clairvoyants who often told him these books represented those which he would one day write. Earlier that very evening, Ernest said, a ‘sensitive’ told him, “Whenever you are ready, now you can start to write the books.” Ernest replied, “I’m ready.”

The Moderator & Uriel 1968 to 1970 (Please watch on Vimeo)


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Project Coleacanth 8867

Project-Coleacanth-8867-main-2-postby DinoCriptidos: Criptozoologia (English translation from Spanish)

A rare USB flash drive was discovered in Germany, and may contain classified material from a Space Agency. Are we alone in the universe? Are we visited by other civilizations? Are they colonizing us without us knowing?

It began on November 10, 2019 when a user of the reddit page who calls himself Quisto and claims to be a resident of a small town near Berlin in Germany opened a post to share a very strange situation he was experiencing. He says that walking through a parking lot he found a silver Toshiba brand USB device which had carved on one of its sides a strange symbol that he had never seen before. The man then looked in all directions but the place was completely desolate so he decided to take the device and go back to his apartment. Hours later he turned on his computer and connected to the USB device to see what it contained and then says that at first when he tried to access the device his computer threw a read error. He thought that the USB was damaged but finally after several attempts he succeeded in accessing the device. What he found there left him not only confused but with a unpleasant feeling of uncertainty about what lies beyond our planet. (more…)

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How Science Supports Spirituality

How-Science-Supports-Spirituality-main-4-postby David Ash

When religion, shorn of its superstitions, traditions and unintelligent dogmas, shows its conformity with science, then there will be a great unifying, cleansing force in the world, which will sweep before it all wars, disagreements, discords and struggles, and then will mankind be united in the power of the love of God. ~Abdu’l-Baha

Yogis in ancient India probed the atom with their Siddhi powers and literally saw how energy forms mass; they saw quantum spin. David Ash, an unrecognized British scientist, has applied the yogic discovery to modern physics. The result is a self‐contained science that is so simple everyone can understand and spirituality is supported by the revolutionary theory as well. (more…)

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Antigravity Technologies With David Wilcock

Antigravity-Technologies-With-David-Wilcock-4-postMeet the boots-on-the-ground insiders who are fighting hard to bring you a SPACESHIP… and the exciting future that comes along with it!

SPACESHIP Part I: David Wilcock, Chris Beskar, Salvatore Pais

SPACESHIP Part II: David Wilcock, Chris Beskar, Jack Houck

In this exciting conclusion to SPACESHIP, you will learn about anti-gravity, free energy, the Philadelphia Experiment, warp drive, psychokinesis, med-beds and much more! The future is coming sooner than we think!

David Wilcock LIVE: US Military Pushing For Full Disclosure!

The US Military has declassified patents for working spaceship technology, with anti-gravity and free energy. Until now, no one has ever seen a film of a “power plant” in action.

Four AA batteries. 750 volts output. Over-unity energy. See the footage for yourself!

In this LIVE show that was originally produced for New Living Expo, David shows images of three different types of working spacecraft.

David-Wilcock-quoteYou will also get to hear hot new intel, fresh off the presses — including far more about the Draco Reptilians, and where their home star is located.

On the positive side, David discusses Archangel Michael, Valiant Thor, Human ETs, the Galactic Logos and the non-catastrophic “Optimal Timeline” we now find ourselves on.

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith 4 comments.