
Atomology-main-2-postby Hilton Hotema

When modern science succeeded in cracking the atom, it was surprised to find that Atoms, long considered as the ultimate of Matter, are actually constituted of whirling Sparks of Astral Light, Living Fire.

Then science promptly boasted that, in this achievement, it had gone deeper into Matter and advanced farther in the realm of the unknown than man had ever gone before.

Archaeologists have discovered that more than fifty thousand years ago the Masters had a perfect system of symbols, similar to the biblical symbols, for what modern science terms “nuclear fission.”

For almost two millennia, scholars have tried to interpret these symbols, and failed because their knowledge was insufficient for the task.

Before science uncovered the secret of the Atomic Bomb, we come first to the greatly ridiculed postulate of the ancient alchemists regarding the Transmutation of Metals – a theory long scoffed by scientists. (more…)

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Photorepair And Cancer: A Healing Modality?

Photorepair-And-Cancer-main-4-postby Dan Eden

Fritz-Albert Popp thought he had discovered a cure for cancer. I’m not convinced that he didn’t.

It was 1970, and Popp, a theoretical biophysicist at the University of Marburg in Germany, had been teaching Fritz-Albert-Poppradiology — the interaction of electromagnetic (EM) radiation on biological systems. Popp was too early to worry about things like cellphones and microwave towers which are now commonly linked with cancers and leukemia. His world was much smaller.

He’d been examining two almost identical molecules: benzo[a]pyrene, a polycyclic hydrocarbon known to be one of the most lethal carcinogens to humans, and its twin (save for a tiny alteration in its molecular makeup), benzo[e]pyrene. He had illuminated both molecules with ultraviolet (UV) light in an attempt to find exactly what made these two almost identical molecules so different. (more…)

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Dr. Andrew Moulden On Vaccinations


By Jeffry J. Aufderheide

Interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden 07/21/09

Dr-Andrew-Moulden1.) Dr. Moulden, can you tell us a bit about your background?

I am 44 years of age and have spent my entire adult life in academia, university, and clinical health science studies, practice, and research. My affinity for the brain and behavioral sciences stemmed from a genuine desire to find answers to many unanswered questions, questions such as – Why are we here? What makes us human? And what causes illnesses like schizophrenia, dementia, multiple sclerosis, learning disabilities, and many other often debilitating illnesses.

My area of expertise is in neurobehavioral assessment of brain and behavioral disorders.

My Bachelor’s degree was in Biological Psychology. I graduated valedictorian with an 88% cumulative average from Nipissing University, North Bay Ontario, Canada, in my core area of specialty. My Masters degree was in Child Development with my main thesis in language and neurocognitive development in children and adolescents (Laurentian University). My Undergraduate course grades in Brain and Behavior (98%) and Neurobiology (94%) were straight “A’s”. I achieved a similar level of academic success during the Masters and PhD degrees.

My PhD was in Clinical-Experimental Neuropsychology. I completed a sub-specialization in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Ottawa during the PhD degree. My PhD comprehensive exams were on Acquired Brain Injuries and Post Concussion Syndrome. I worked with the Mild Brain Injury Association as a group leader and also the Head Injury Association of Toronto, during the PhD training. My PhD comprehensive exam was on acquired brain injuries. My clinical work was devoted to detecting acquired brain injuries.

I was a Natural Sciences, Engineering, and Research Council of Canada scholar, an Ontario Mental Health Foundation scholar, an Ontario Graduate scholar, and received 27 awards/scholarships for academic research, clinical, and teaching excellence during my University training. I was ranked in the top 1-5% of medical residents during my emergency medicine residency rotations in Ottawa.

I have taught enrichment courses on Brain and Behavior, Neurology, Neuropsychology, and Neuropsychiatry at the University of Ottawa (1993-2005) and full courses in Neurobiology at Atlantic Baptist University in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.

My clinical training during the PhD was in Clinical Neuropsychology at the Baycrest Hospital, Rothman Research Institute – University of Toronto, and the Credit Valley Hospital, Ottawa Health Sciences Center Memory Disorders Clinic. The PhD thesis was in Functional Brain Imaging and Neuro-Electrophysiology at the Univiversity of Toronto. I subsequently completed a medical degree at the McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

During the PhD my extra-curricular training was in Behavioral Neurology and Clinical Neuropsychology. My clerkship electives training during medical school was in Clinical Neurology. My residency training was in Psychiatry/Neuropsychiatry. I received the licentiate of the Medical Counsel of Canada (2006) having passed the core knowledge (LMCC 1) and clinical skills (LMCC 2) exams consistent with the United States Medical Licensing Exams (USMLE parts 1 and 2).

During my clinical residency training I was ranked in the top 1-5% of medical residents during rotations by my supervisors including my emergency medicine rotations in Ottawa.

I have elected to devote myself to neurobehavioral and neurocognitive assessments and research based upon my PhD and Masters training rather than practicing clinical medicine. I pursued a Medical degree solely to further understand brain and behavioral disorders, from a clinical medicine frame of reference, rather than pursuing a goal to become a practicing/prescribing physician.

For the past several years I have devoted myself to deciphering the neurobehavioral sequel associated with immune system hyper stimulation, neurodevelopmental disorders, and ultimately to vaccinations as the common environmental trigger for several brain and behavioral disorders I have studied since the undergraduate degree.

My work will be submitted for peer review in the upcoming several months. For now, peer review is available in the Tolerance Lost DVD series (see Lecture Series below) as I have translated the medical sciences into an information and presentation style that can be understood by the public at large, as well as the vaccine injury court special masters. Examples of the evidence of harm, I have cataloged in a ‘see for yourself’ format.

2.) Dr. Moulden, we understand that you have made a revolutionary discovery. Can you tell us about it?

I would be happy to.

Through my extensive research and my work throughout the years, I have discovered that vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (ischemia) to brain and body from clinically silent to death. These are strokes – across the board for all of us. I have reason to believe that all are being affected and all vaccinations ARE causing the overwhelming rise in autism, specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, sudden infant death, gulf war syndrome, dementia, seizure disorders, some cancers it would appear, and much much more.

3.) What led you away from the rigid and possibly blinkered views of most of the rest of the medical profession?

The brain and nervous system is wired in a very specific format. Functions are localized to specific areas. Having studied brain and behavior, neurosciences, clinical neuropsychology, child neurodevelopment, functional brain imaging, clinical neurology, clinical neuropsychiatry, clinical medicine, immunology, hematology, tests and measurement, and understanding the tools and assumptions and techniques of mainstream medicine, I fell in the unique position of having being able to see clinical medicine problems, from a multitude of simultaneous areas of expertise and scientific knowledge. Relative to the human brain, I understood “rules and laws” of brain function relative to brain damage and the mechanisms of medical physiology that can uniquely cause unique patterns of brain damage in ways that my clinical skills could detect, that mainstream neuroimaging cannot. The initial “aha” moment was in 2001.

4.) What was it which caught your attention, what tipped you off and incited you to scratch the surface and investigate further?

I was seeing, autistic patients, coming out of medical school – they had a trans-cortical motor aphasia, isolation of speech syndrome, and very specific cranial nerve palsies that could ONLY be accounted for by ischemic stroke. Remarkably, my studies of schizophrenia, dementia, and research exposure to neuroimaging modalities and brain and behavioral assessments before medical school contributed to my ability to “see” what has been in front of our eyes all along – ischemic strokes and brain damages – from vaccinations. The problem has been we neither knew how to measure, when to measure or what to measure, let alone what the limitations were, of the tools we have been using to measure brain integrity, in health, disease and disorder.

It has taken the past several years to decipher how ischemic brain damages were happening in the autism we were seeing and the many other neurodevelopmental disorders. I now believe I have the answers for this, or so it appears and some solutions.

Wild polio caused the exact same brain damages as ALL other vaccines are. Indeed, Guillian Barre syndrome and a host of other neurological disorders is being caused by a common mechanism of injury – albeit from different triggers for different individuals. This is ischemia – from impaired blood flow in microcirculation units. We simply did not appreciate what was right before our eyes.

My first cases included several Autistic and Schizophrenic patients. They were showing the exact same acute onset palsies – paralysis. These brain damages were subtle – but measurable multiple, and were present in the pre-vaccine era for wild viruses like polio and infantile paralysis.

Once I was armed with the knowledge and skills of a medical doctor, a clinical neuropsychologist, a child neurodevelopmentalist, with research experience in neuroimaging, tests and measurement, scientific method design and analysis, functional localization of brain and behavioral disorders, and a broad base across several other scientific disciplines, I was able to see “the whole forest” despite the trees. Quite literally, I believe I have found and discovered a common mechanism towards acquired human disease and disorder – all of it. It is truly humbling.

5.) How have you been able to show this and how have you managed to demonstrate this? What medical imaging underlies it all? What medical imaging is the basis for it all?

I have quantified and expanded standard neurological and clinical neuropsychological tools of brain function and assessment. In essence, I have “digitized” the neurological and neuropsychological physical neurological exams across neurodevelopment using contemporary image enhancement software constrained to functional localization in the brain relative to end vascular, watershed territories “the end of the road” for varied brain blood vessel areas. All of my tools and techniques are non-invasive.

I am now able to assess in the here and now, from looking back 50 years ago, to answer questions as to cause, in disease, neurodevelopment disorders, and much more. Remarkably, we can now advance diagnose sudden infant death syndrome, and I can answer questions relative to – Was this a shaken baby? Did vaccines cause this person to have autism? Was this death caused by Gardasil? Did vaccines cause these damages? Since the mechanism to damages is common across all, when vaccines are involved and sometimes even virulent infectious diseases.

6.) What is the basic information underlying your claims and what is the foundation of your beliefs?

Germs simply are not the only root cause of death, disease, and disorder. I have now conclusively shown that ALL vaccines, from infancy to geriatric, are causing the exact same brain damages irrespective of what disease or disorder comes out. The damages are specific to end vascular “mini strokes” that are beneath the resolution of our neuroimaging, but measurable in a before/after vaccination protocol. They are also directly measurable in real time – however, this involves techniques and technology I have not disclosed to the public as yet.

Remarkably, wild polio, pre-natal German measles, measles, tetanus, “Spanish flu”, etc., all caused the exact same damages in the pre-vaccine era. We simply did not appreciate that a generic response in the human body was causing the paralysis and respiratory failure and more in from a non-specific immune response and instability of microscopic blood flow hemodynamics.

We have weakened viruses and bacteria, injected them into all of us and caused chronic illness and disease in an attenuated form, this is how these pathogens have always caused harm. It is the bodies response to foreign things entering it, especially under hypersensitivity states, that is causing neurodevelopment disorders and chronic illness and much more.

7.) You speak of epidemics. What is your understanding of an epidemic? How does it manifest?

The explanation of epidemic is simple, we are now seeing:
1 in 6 children with specific learning disabilities.
12-15% children with attention deficit disorder.
1 in 87 with autism spectrum – a 1700% increase over ten years.
1% sudden infant death
40 deaths and 15,000 substantive adverse Gardasil reactions
1 in 15 over 65 with dementia; 1 in 8 over 85
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Seizure disorders
“West” syndrome
Global developmental delay
1 in 450 with type 1 diabetes
1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer over a lifetime.
Gulf war syndrome affecting and disabling 250,000 troops and 42,000 deaths. These vaccinated soldiers show the exact same neurological damages after vaccination as the infants and children are exhibiting after each childhood vaccination. These are strokes (oxygen demand exceeding oxygen supply) conclusively!

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

These microscopic strokes are happening to the brain and body in immediate and delayed, waxing and waning, acute and chronic ways. This is receiving a plethora of clinical labels. In basic physiology, the base cause is common across the board.

There is no such thing as an acquired genetic epidemic. The epidemic is an acquired phenomenon, from environmental factors, for which I can now conclusively show, vaccinations are the mass culprit for most of this.

8.) What has the response been to your discoveries? How have they been received by the public/the world at large?

The public gets it. The chiropractors embrace it. The medical doctors, including pediatric neurologists, are stunned by it. The pharmaceutical and organized medicine cartels must deny it. The philosophy is “if they cannot deny the message, then they will discredit the messenger”. This is simply how the system works.

Read the full interview here.

Pdf backup copy of the interview here.

Dr. Andrew Moulden’s Talk On Vaccine Injuries

Dr. Andrew Moulden’s Lecture Series On The Dangers Of Vaccines 1/3

Dr. Andrew Moulden’s Lecture Series On The Dangers Of Vaccines 2/3

Dr. Andrew Moulden’s Lecture Series On The Dangers Of Vaccines 3/3

Banned On Youtube – Dr. Andrew Moulden
What He Told Us Before He Was Murdered

More Information:

Every Vaccine Produces Harm (pdf)
Book Dr. Moulden was working on prior to his death

More On Dr. Moulden’s Research

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Walter Russell: The Universal One

Walter-Russell-The-Universal-One-main-4-postby Bob Ohearn

Walter Russell was born in Boston, Massachusetts, May 19th, 1871. He was known for his achievements as a painter, sculptor, author and builder and less well known as a natural philosopher and for his unified theory in physics and cosmogony.

He posited that the universe was founded on a unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange. This physical theory, laid out primarily in his books The Secret of Light (1947) and The Message of the Divine Iliad (1948–49), has not been accepted by mainstream scientists. Russell asserted that this was mainly due to a difference in the assumptions made about the existence of mind and matter; Russell assumes the existence of mind as cause while he believes that scientists in general assume the existence of mind as effect. Quantum physicists are only just recognizing the depth of truth contained in his writings on the subject. (more…)

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Crop Circle Realities

Crop-Circle-Realities-main-3-postThis phenomenon stretches far beyond the boundaries of England with over a thousand crop circles spanning the globe. Although there have been some claimants to come forward to take responsibility for the creation of some crop circles, this documentary seeks out the most incredible crop circle designs and a possible E.T connection to their making. Realities that some may never have been exposed to before in regards to the UFO and crop circle phenomena. —Darcy Weir

Crop Circle Realities Trailer

See full film here:

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The Immune System


[Image Credit: Shutterstock]

by Ross Horne

The immune system is the name given to the complex organization of glands, white cells (leucocytes), antibodies, and other protein substances, hormones, enzymes and bacteria which protect the body against potentially harmful germs, viruses and foreign substances which may gain access to it. Such intruders, inert or alive, are called antigens.

An antigen may be any germ or virus, undigested protein, mineral particle or poisonous substance. Apart from antigens, a challenge to the body’s well-being such as trauma of any kind, or stress — physical or emotional — will stimulate the immune system, whereupon standby white cells are released into the circulation. Even brief bursts of physical activity have the effect of increasing the white blood cell count. (more…)

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The Journey Of The Soul

The-Journey-Of-The-Soul-main-3-postby Emma Ruder Drollinger

This Marvelous Revelation has not been gathered from any source on this earth realm. This knowledge and wisdom has been handed down to me from a Divine Source embracing the actual experiences of my life since a child of twelve. The Divine Intelligences who have imparted this knowledge and wisdom to me are now dwellers of the Seventh Heavenly Zone and the Celestial Divine Kingdoms, and from one of the Masters who is serving in the capacity as a guardian angel. A guardian angel is one who has overcome worlds. Every soul, no matter in what scale of life he may be, is accompanied through this expression of life and through the Ethereal World by a guardian angel. This divine being never makes himself known until YOU are ready for his wisdom or on some special occasion when you are in desperate need or distress and cry out for guidance and help. It is this Divine Being whose presence you will feel or whose voice you will hear. I know many who have had these experiences. There are those on the earth realm today who are so calloused – so dense or materially minded that they could not perceive these facts – and there are thousands who have had sufficient revelations to realize that they are never alone and that some unknown divine force is ever guiding or leading the way when we lift our minds above the material vibrations and desire divine guidance. No one can read these pages and not feel and realize the great purpose of this life – and that activity is a natural law displayed throughout the universe. If we fail to see the purpose of this expression of life, we must fulfill the requirements in the lower zones of the ethereal world. (more…)

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The Dhammapada

The-Dhammapada-main-4-postTranslation by F. Max Muller

The Dhammapada is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form and one of the most widely read and best known Buddhist scriptures.

The Buddhist scholar and commentator Buddhaghosa explains that each saying recorded in the collection was made on a different occasion in response to a unique situation that had arisen in the life of the Buddha and his monastic community.

I. The Twin-Verses

1. All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.
2. All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. (more…)

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The Physical vs Spiritual World

The-Physical-Vs-The-Spiritual-World-main-2-postby Hilton Hotema

From the dawn of man there seems to have been a firm belief in the existence of a world that cannot be reached nor recognized by the physical senses and faculties.

No tribe of people has been too low in the scale of intelligence to entertain such a belief; and no race of men has been too high in the development of intelligence to reject it.

This fact constrains scholars to believe that such a word must exist; for they contend that man cannot even conceive of anything that is not nor cannot be. (more…)

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Atlantean Visions ~ Part II

Atlantean-Visions-Part-II-main-2-postby Temple Of Peace

Over the course of many civilizations the Altanteans rose to a high state of technological achievement. They tapped into and used the energy of the Sun for the creation and sustenance of their society. Humanity today ignores this, the greatest, factor in its life and takes the Sun’s powers for granted. It knows little of the real gifts of the Sun, but the Atlanteans recognized its true power and used it.

They used it not only for transportation, for building, for healing, but for every aspect of their spiritual life as well. They used it for worship. The Atlanteans recognized that because there is an aspect of the Godhead in each cell of matter, which is energized by the Sun, all matter is controlled by the Sun. They discovered the relationship between the energizing factor of the Sun and life on this Earth. (more…)

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ETs Among Us ~ Part II

ETs-Among-Us-Part-II-main-4-postby Ruth Montgomery

The following is an excerpt from an interview with David Paladin regarding his experience with space intelligences.

“For four consecutive nights in September 1961, my four-year-old son claimed that he was being visited by a ‘person’ named Itan who came into the house, awakened him and took him into a big ‘sky car’ which he claimed landed behind our house in the Granite Dells area of Prescott, Arizona. I paid little attention, believing it to be a childish fantasy. My attitude changed when my next door neighbor, a forest ranger, told me on the third morning that he had seen a flying saucer hovering over the area the night before. He also claimed to have seen my son, accompanied by a tall, thin man dressed in white overalls, walking toward a strange greenish light in the rocky area behind our house. He said that he had called out to them, but then ‘seemed to forget’ the incident until he saw me emptying the garbage the next morning. (more…)

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Did Jesus Die On The Cross?

Did-Jesus-Die-On-The-Cross-main-2-postThe following documentary investigates the variety of stories surrounding the New Testament account of the crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, by interviewing historians, theologians and historical researchers. This exploration of the latest theories about what really happened to Jesus 2000 years ago uncovers some surprising possibilities.

At the heart of the mystery is the suspicion that Jesus might not actually have died on the cross. The film concludes that it was perfectly possible to survive crucifixion in the 1st Century – there are records of people who did. But if Jesus survived, what happened to him afterwards? (more…)

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Energy Transmutation In The Afterlife

Energy-Transmutation-In-The-Afterlife-main-2-postby George Vale Owen

Tuesday, December 2, 1913

DEAR friend and ward, I will tonight speak to you of certain matters which connect with the question of transmutation of energy. Energy, as I now employ the word, is to be understood as that intermediary which couples up the motion of will with the effect as displayed to the minds of men. We here are trained to this end that we may, by the motion of our wills, transmit, by what we may call vibration, our thoughts through the intervening spheres, or states, into the earth plane. It is this movement in vibration which I call energy.

Now, you must understand that in using earth-phrasing I am employing a medium which is not adequate to express, either exactly or fully, the science of these spheres and realms. It is necessary, therefore, that I qualify my terms, and when I use the term vibration I do not speak merely of oscillation to and fro alone, but of movements which are sometimes elliptical, sometimes spiral, and sometimes a combination of these and other qualities. (more…)

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Atlantean Visions

Atlantean-Visions-main-4-postby Temple Of Peace

Although I – and many of my fellow colleagues and researchers – have managed to obtain a tremendous amount of useful information about both Atlantis and ancient Egypt through being able to regress a large number of people back to their past Atlantean and Egyptian incarnations, we are also indebted to some very gifted mediums and ‘sensitives’ who have provided us with a tremendous amount of invaluable data.

I think that it must be very significant – and adds great weight to the evidence of our ‘discoveries’ about Atlantis – that the vast majority of information available to us through regression, ‘channeling’ and other esoteric sources paints roughly the same kind of visual picture and uses very similar terminology. (more…)

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The Philosophy Of Choosing Vocations In Reincarnation

The-Philosophy-Of-Vocations-In-Reincarnation-main-2-postby Gina Cerminara

The vocational histories in the Cayce files raise many questions in the mind of the thoughtful investigator. First of all there is the problem of beginnings—a problem which troubles most reincarnationists as they try to push back to the first emergence of the soul from God. What initially set off one soul in one occupational direction and another soul in another? If the spirits of men originally emanated from Divinity as equal and undifferentiated, why then should one start off in the direction of agriculture, another in trading, a third in textiles, fourth in music, and a fifth in mathematics? Was there some minute element of individuality in each which led to the diversity of human activities that they chose—and if so, what determined that individuality?

Although the Cayce files provide no clear cut answer to this question, they do furnish fairly satisfactory information with respect to another question that suggests itself—namely: what later causes a soul to change from one occupation to another? There are examples of many such changes in the Cayce files, and an analysis of the pertinent data indicates that the transition can be accounted for by either of two basic factors: desire or karmic law. (more…)

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