ETs Among Us ~ Part I

ETs-Among-Us-main-2-postby Ruth Montgomery

“The Guides say that although space beings have visited earth for millennia, they are now “rushing in as seldom before to awaken earthlings and help them to realize that their destruction is imminent” unless better ways are developed to settle disputes between peoples. “They are aghast at the direction that planet earth and its people have taken in the last few decades,” the Guides continued, “including nuclear weapons threats against other nations and curtailment of human freedom.”

My Guides have repeatedly stressed that spaceships are non-essential for the conveyance of spacelings to earth. These highly developed entities, they insist, are able to reassemble the atoms of their bodies within our atmosphere so that they become visible, physical beings, and can as easily disassemble the atoms when they wish to disappear. If true, it may be the only logical explanation for the case that I will now relate. (more…)

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Exploring The Force ~ Part II

Exploring-The-Force-Part-II-main-2-postby Michael Leas © 2022

Potential Power Energy Ideas To Explore

Something that has been missed in this “energy condition” is the ability for a regenerative self sustaining action to occur within our electrical systems. Mother Nature shows us this in its seemingly perpetual growth cycle of seed to flower, day to night.

As we run a physical electrical energy generator system we activate on this plane a force of energy not realizing in this “cause and effect” physical law that there is a deeper abstract layer of invisible energy forces that are also activated.

A well known problem we face in electrical power generation is that no matter how much energy force is used to supply our systems as an input power the output will remain less or opposite to the amount of energy force applied. A known law of “conservation of energy”. However if we take this law and apply it towards an inter-dimensional understanding of energy then we find a different relationship that we can arrive at. (more…)

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On Life’s Philosophy From The Other Side ~ Part II

On-Lifes-Philosophy-From-The-Other-Side-Part-II-main-2-postby Carl Wickland

The philosophy of life and descriptions of conditions in the higher realms have been given by spirits who have attained enlightenment and are desirous of helping humanity to an understanding of the spiritual laws.

Because of their simplicity of life and religion and their knowledge of the laws of Nature, the American Indians are seldom bound in spirit after leaving the earth plane, and are often sent, as was Silver Star, Mrs. Wickland’s Indian guide, to guard sensitive mortals [herself and others who communicate through her]. (more…)

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Exploring The Force ~ Part I

Exploring-The-Force-Part-I-main-2-postby Michael Leas ©2022

The Magnevex™ Research Project

Any course of research into our modern day sciences should include such materials that incorporate the Inter-dimensional study of energy/oneself/spirit and the Physics of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The research chapters listed [below] were used to develop the concept of the Magnevex (the Magnetic Vortex). They have given me a glimpse into this living universal energy system.

As an explorer and researcher into the understanding of self and spirit, I have found that any conclusions about the outside physical world must contain this “inner principle/or laws” that govern its expression. “The Magnevex Research Project” has been one means of looking into this natural pattern. (more…)

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Healing The Heart Naturally ~ Part III

Healing-The-Heart-Naturally-Part-III-main-2-postby Marsh Morrison, D.C., Ph.C., F.I.C.C.


For those who insist on a warm morning drink (and it must never be truly hot lest it blister the throat lining), then here is a good habit to get hooked on: plain warm water plus a tablespoonful (or two) of blackstrap molasses and nothing else. This should be sipped slowly, never guzzled or quaffed like pouring water down a radiator of one’s car. And, as a cautionary note, if the bowels tend to evacuate black or very dark stools it often means that the system cannot metabolize all that wonderful organic iron in the blackstrap molasses, in which case, cut down the dosage of molasses. If you learn to like this as your morning drink you will be gifting yourself with true life insurance; so very good as a life extender is blackstrap molasses. As I have counseled patients for fifty years, successful heart health comes not from always doing what you like, but from learning to like what you have to do. Tie onto this “good habit” of taking a daily spoonful or two of blackstrap molasses and you will bless the day you have read this. (more…)

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Past Life Variants: Where Everything Old Is New Again

Past-Life-Variants-main-4-postby Larry Romanoff

One new historical development that has been evolving over a few years and now brought into focus because of COVID-19, is the so-called “Spanish Flu” of 1918. Recurring reports and documentation are emerging to tell us that this ‘Greatest Pandemic in History’ was[1] not “Spanish”,[2] not “the flu” and,[3] not a natural occurrence but the result of human tinkering with vaccines. There surely is much more to emerge, but the accumulating evidence to date is too compelling to dismiss. (more…)

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The Overcoming Of Self And Achieving Integrity

Overcoming-Of-Self-main-4-postby James Allen


Many people have very confused and erroneous ideas concerning the terms “the overcoming of self”, “the eradication of desire”, and “the annihilation of the personality.” Some (particularly the intellectual who are prone to theories) regard it as a metaphysical theory altogether apart from life and conduct; while others conclude that it is the crushing out of all life, energy and action, and the attempt to idealize stagnation and death. These errors and confusions, arising as they do in the minds of individuals, can only be removed by the individuals themselves; but perhaps it may make their removal a little less difficult (for those who are seeking Truth) by presenting the matter in another way. (more…)

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Free Energy From The Nano World


“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ― Nikola Tesla

Free Energy From The Nano World – Part I

“Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena.” ― Nikola Tesla


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Wisdom Of The Ancients ~ Part II

Wisdom-Of-The-Ancients-Part-II-main-4-postby Hilton Hotema

** Ancient Americans **

Anyone who dared suggest, fifty years ago, that man inhabited the New World before the Glacial Period, or that he roamed our plains, mountains and forests ten or twenty thousand years ago, would have been considered a fool.

Today there is proof that man not only dwelt in the New World during the Pleistocene period, previous to the Glacial, but that this man was the equal in skill and intelligence, if not the superior, of men in the Old World at the same time.

In various regions in this country, human artifacts have been found associated with the skeletons of known Pleistocene-period animals. (more…)

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Alternative 3

Alternative-3-main-4-postby Creston

According to the book: Alternative 3, printed in Great Britain, both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. first found out about the 3 “alternatives” in 1957 by a Dr. Carl Gerstein in Huntsville, Alabama, at a closed-door conference attended by government officials.

The first alternative, Gerstein explained, was to blow holes in the stratosphere with nuclear bombs, thereby allowing the escape of excess CO-2 gas. This alternative, however, was abandoned since the holes would allow excess cosmic radiation into our atmosphere and only make matters worse.

The second alternative: to colonize the underground caverns beneath the surface of planet Earth to protect them from overheating (or an ice age). (more…)

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Healing The Heart Naturally ~ Part II

Healing-The-Heart-Naturally-Part-II-main-4-postby Marsh Morrison, D.C., Ph.C., F.I.C.C.

All of us know that we are creatures of habit. What is not so well understood is that we are just as much creatures of good habits as of bad ones.

Getting used to a good habit, such as eating foods that are physiologically acceptable and therapeutically good for the heart, can stick with you all the remaining days and years of your life.

Beginning right now, we launch ourselves into becoming slaves of good habits—like the habit of consuming plentifully of what is good for the heart—just as we became victims of bad habits in the past. (more…)

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The Tyranny Of Dogmatism

The-Tyranny-of-Dogmatism-main-1-postby Hereward Carrington

A history of popular opposition to new ideas or new truths would fill a volume of many hundred pages, and would constitute a melancholy human document. This opposition is doubtless almost as old as human thought itself. Plato, in his Republic, tells us that when Socrates stated his conviction that only philosophers should be appointed rulers of the people and of the state, his listener, Adeimantus, replied:

“Socrates, what do you mean? I would have you consider that the word which you have uttered is one at which numerous persons, and very respectable persons too, pulling off their coats all in a moment, and seizing any weapon that comes to hand, will run at you might and main, before you know where you are, intending to do heaven knows what; and if you don’t prepare an answer, and put yourself in motion, you will be ‘pared by their fine wits,’ and no mistake.” (more…)

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Healing The Heart Naturally

Healing-The-Heart-Naturally-main-4-postby Marsh Morrison, D.C., Ph.C., F.I.C.C.

We know that heart disease is our nation’s No. 1 killer. It’s a terrible thing to say. Even more terrible to say is this: the death rate from heart disease is increasing, not decreasing. There is something very wrong here. With all our great laboratories and research centers and modern hospital equipment, why aren’t the doctors making headway with heart disease? What are they missing?

Here more than in any other area of human disease there is indeed a Missing Link. Things which sick people need in order to get well; things being entirely missed in the usual “doctoring” methods. To start, I, for one, am not enthusiastic about heart transplants. Let’s rehabilitate the hearts we’ve got inside our chests now—there are ways to do it—and not seek foreign hearts to put inside us! As you will soon see, the body’s natural rejection mechanism refuses to accept anyone else’s organs anyway; it wants its own. (more…)

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Ancient Ruins In Antarctica

Ancient-Ruins-In-Antarctica-main-4-postby Michael Salla

On December 26, 2021, my US Army source, JP, was given a set of geographical coordinates from an unnamed Lt Colonel (USAF) who simply told him to publicly release them.

Antarctica twoFirst Who Is JP?

JP has served for almost two years in the US Army and has come forward to give his first interview discussing secret military missions by an international space coalition to the Moon, Ganymede and other locations in the solar system.

In the below interview, JP discusses his background, why he decided to join the US Army, secret missions to Earth’s Moon and Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, where he met with different extraterrestrial entities. (more…)

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Thrive II – This Is What It Takes

Thrive-II-This-Is-What-It-Takes-main-4-post“THRIVE II – This Is What It Takes” brings viewers behind the scenes with the people and inventions that have the power to transform life for everyone.

Unpacking the strategies, the science, and the principles that underlie the most potent solutions in energy, health, consciousness, and non-coercive self-organizing, ‘THRIVE II’ brings compelling evidence that illustrates a new paradigm of science that Einstein was seeking, unveiling for the layperson an emerging coherent theory of the “Unified Field” and all that it implies. (more…)

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