Paramhansa Yogananda On The Science Of Miracles

Paramhansa-Yogananda-On-The-Science-Of-Miracles-main-2-postby Paramhansa Yogananda

The great novelist Leo Tolstoy wrote a delightful story, The Three Hermits. His friend Nicholas Roerich has summarized the tale, as follows:

“On an island there lived three old hermits. They were so simple that the only prayer they used was: ‘We are three; Thou art Three—have mercy on us!’ Great miracles were manifested during this naive prayer.

“The local bishop came to hear about the three hermits and their inadmissible prayer, and decided to visit them in order to teach them the canonical invocations. He arrived on the island, told the hermits that their heavenly petition was undignified, and taught them many of the customary prayers. The bishop then left on a boat. He saw, following the ship, a radiant light. As it approached, he discerned the three hermits, who were holding hands and running upon the waves in an effort to overtake the vessel. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Age, Spiritualitywith 1 comment.

The Boomerang Effect

The-Boomerang-Effect-main-2-postby Ernest L. Norman

It has often been said, in metaphysical circles, that thoughts, emotions, and deeds often return to the sender; but the thought-energy-exchange-2-postprinciple involved and contained in this truth has not been told. Since everything is energy in some frequency or rate of vibration (or dimension), then thus, too, are thoughts and emotions.

transmitter-to-radio-and-telivision-tvWe can so liken our own mental mechanism to that of a radio or TV. Always necessary is the sending and receiving—the two poles or polarities, the positive and the negative. This can easily be proven by the numerous persons who understand and use thought transference, transmission, or so-called mind reading, as this transpires constantly whether or not individuals are thus aware. One individual is the sender or positive polarity, the second person, the receiver or the negative pole. (more…)

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The Amazing Phineas Quimby: The Mind Can Heal The Body

Phineas-Quimby-Power-Of-The-Mind-To-Heal-main-4-postby Tara Yarlagadda

Science, religion and medicine have intermingled (and sometimes clashed) in fascinating ways throughout the course of human history. And one little-remembered, controversial American figure symbolizes this clash better than most: Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, whose writings, unpublished during Phineas-P-Quimby-2-posthis time, provided the underpinnings for the New Thought movement, which is based on the idea that the spirit is more powerful and real than matter and the mind has the ability to heal the body.

Reverend Lux Newman is a clinical hypnotherapist who edited and published “The Complete Collected Works of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby” in 2013. She describes his work as essentially a sort of 19th-century precursor to the modern field of psychology. (more…)

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Secrets Of The Shamans ~ Part I

Secrets-Of-The-Shamans-Part-I-main-4-postby Vincent H. Gaddis

During the winter of 1866 a group of Sioux camped in the Powder River country, near Piney Creek in Wyoming. Food was low, and the tribesmen tramped through the deep snow in a desperate attempt to find game. After a disappointing hunt they returned to the camp, but many of them were snow blind, unable to see from having looked too long at the glare of sunlight on the snow.

The blind men were taken to a medicine man who had learned healing through dreams and visions. The shaman placed snow over the eyes of the afflicted men, then he sang a song he said he had learned in a dream. Next, he placed snow in his mouth and blew some of the flakes upon the heads of the men. Immediately their blindness went away. Snow blindness is usually temporary, but severe cases can last a considerable time, and sight returns gradually. (more…)

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Self-Mastery: On Love

Self-Mastery-On-Love-main-4-postby Alcyone

From the unreal lead me to the Real.
From darkness lead me to Light.
From death lead me to Immortality.


These are not my words; they are the words of the Master who taught me. Without Him I could have done nothing, but through His help I have set my feet upon the Path. You also desire to enter the same Path, so the words which He spoke to me will help you also, if you will obey them. It is not enough to say that they are true and beautiful; a man who wishes to succeed must do exactly what is said. To look at food and say that it is good will not satisfy a starving man; he must put forth his hand and eat. So to hear the Master’s words is not enough, you must do what He advises, attending to every word, taking every hint. If a hint is not taken, if a word is missed, it is lost forever; for He does not speak twice. (more…)

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Pyramid Power

Pyramid-Power-main-4-postby Patrick Flanagan

The Pyramid of Gizeh is the world’s largest jigsaw puzzle.

It is level over a thirteen acre area within one half of one inch.

It is made of 26,000,000 blocks of granite and limestone, each one is cut precisely for its own location in the pyramid.

The granite blocks in the King’s Chamber weigh 600 tons and are polished to an accuracy of 0.001 inch over a twenty foot area. The blocks are so hard they require two tons of pressure on a diamond bit drill to even make a dent. The outer surface of the pyramid was covered over an area of some 21 acres by a seven foot thick layer of mirror polished pure white alabaster limestone. (more…)

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Mars Update And More Anomalies

Mars-Update-And-More-Anomalies-main-4-postThe Perseverance Rover

The Perseverance rover and its little sibling, the Ingenuity helicopter, landed in a cloud of dust on Feb. 18, bristling with antennas and cameras. Perseverance will spend the next Martian year — the equivalent of two Earth years — prowling, poking and collecting rocks from Jezero Crater and the river delta that enters it. The rover will scrutinize the debris chemically and geologically, and take photographs, so that scientists on Earth can search for any signs of ancient fossilization or other patterns that living organisms might have produced. (more…)

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Electricity From The Tap – Water Motors Of The 1800s

Water-Motors-main-4-postby Douglas Self


A water motor, as opposed to a positive-displacement water engine, was a small Pelton-type water turbine, often driven from a domestic tap; these were used for many light tasks, such as driving centrifuges and stirrers in chemical laboratories or running sewing machines. Like water engines, they were eventually displaced by electric motors.

There is nothing particularly unusual about a Pelton turbine, but their use for providing small amounts of domestic power seems to be virtually forgotten. Hence this gallery of the museum. Within each section the exhibits are in as close to chronological order as I can get. (more…)

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Self-Mastery: Desirelessness And Good Conduct

Self-Mastery-On-Good-Conduct-main-1-postby Alcyone

From the unreal lead me to the Real.
From darkness lead me to Light.
From death lead me to Immortality.


These are not my words; they are the words of the Master who taught me. Without Him I could have done nothing, but through His help I have set my feet upon the Path. You also desire to enter the same Path, so the words which He spoke to me will help you also, if you will obey them. It is not enough to say that they are true and beautiful; a man who wishes to succeed must do exactly what is said. To look at food and say that it is good will not satisfy a starving man; he must put forth his hand and eat. So to hear the Master’s words is not enough, you must do what He advises, attending to every word, taking every hint. If a hint is not taken, if a word is missed, it is lost forever; for He does not speak twice. (more…)

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The Tesla Files

The-Tesla-Files-main-4-postSerbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission and application of electric power. He invented the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology.

Shortly before he died alone in a New York hotel room, Nikola Tesla claimed to have 80 trunks filled with his life’s work. Everything from detailed plans for wireless electricity to weapons so powerful they could destroy entire cities. But after he died only a few of Tesla’s 80 trunks were reportedly found. For decades people have wondered what happened to the files contained in Tesla’s missing trunks. (more…)

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Self-Mastery: On Discrimination

Self-Mastery-On-Discrimination-main-2-postby Alcyone

From the unreal lead me to the Real.
From darkness lead me to Light.
From death lead me to Immortality.


These are not my words; they are the words of the Master who taught me. Without Him I could have done nothing, but through His help I have set my feet upon the Path. You also desire to enter the same Path, so the words which He spoke to me will help you also, if you will obey them. It is not enough to say that they are true and beautiful; a man who wishes to succeed must do exactly what is said. To look at food and say that it is good will not satisfy a starving man; he must put forth his hand and eat. So to hear the Master’s words is not enough, you must do what He says, attending to every word, taking every hint. If a hint is not taken, if a word is missed, it is lost forever; for He does not speak twice. (more…)

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Dream It, Do It

Dream-It-Do-It-main-4-postby Rosemary Ann Guiley

Elias Howe is a Massachusetts textile expert, mechanic, and inventor. The year is 1846, and Howe has been working hard to perfect a machine that he knows will revolutionize industry: a sewing machine. There is only one major problem he cannot solve: how to work the thread with the needle.

Howe wonders whether or not to abandon his idea. Then one night he has a vivid and odd dream. He is in a jungle. The natives capture him and threaten to kill him if he can’t solve his sewing machine problem. He notices that their spears have holes in the tips.

Howe awakens in great excitement. He has the answer to his problem: put a hole in the needle and put the thread through it. The sewing machine is born, enabling clothing to be mass-produced at cheaper costs. (more…)

Posted in Lucid Dreaming, Other Topics, Sleep Teachingwith comments disabled.

The Astral Plane

The-Astral-Plane-main-4-postby Yogi Ramacharaka

Students of occultism, Oriental and Occidental, find many references in the works of the old authorities, to that great series of planes, immediately above those of the material world, which are loosely styled the “Astral Plane.” But they find the various authorities differing in their usage of the term. Many of the older authorities use the term to designate the entire series of planes lying between those of the material world and those very exalted planes of existence, known as the “Spiritual Planes” the very nature of which is beyond the comprehension of the mind of the average man. On the other hand, some of the modern Western writers on the subject use the term the “Astral Plane” to indicate merely the lower planes and sub‑planes of the Astral series—those planes which blend into the material planes on the one hand and into the higher Astral planes on the other. This has caused some confusion in the minds. of those beginning the study of the planes above the material. (more…)

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Astral Visit To The Hidden Gold Mines Of Yellowstone

Astral-Visit-To-Yellowstone-main-4-postby Godfre Ray King

SEVEN days passed—it was then the first week in September. On the evening of the eighth day, I sat contemplating Life and its infinite expressions, when my thought turned naturally to Saint Germain. Immediately—an overwhelming love went out to him in deep gratitude for all I had been privileged to experience—through his assistance and Light.

A feeling as of a “Presence” in the room began to come over me like a breath and looking up suddenly—there he stood smiling and radiant, the very “Presence of Divinity.”

“My son,” he said, “am I so unexpected a visitor—that I surprise you? Surely, you know quite well that—when thinking of me—you are in contact with me, and when I think of you—I am with you. In meditation, your attention was upon me and so—I appear. Is that not according to the Law? Then, why not accept it—as natural? What one thinks upon—he draws unto himself.

“Allow me to suggest that you train yourself—never to be surprised, disappointed, or your feelings hurt under any circumstances—for perfect self-control—of all the forces within you at all times—is Mastery—and that is the reward for those who tread the pathway of ‘Light’ and correction of the human self. (more…)

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UFO Contact From The Pleiades

UFO-Contact-From-The-Pleiades-main-4-postby Wendelle C. Stevens

Tuesday, January 28th, 1975, 2:12 P.M.

The Swiss countryside of Hinwel.

As Mr. Meier looked across the empty road toward the meadow and forest beyond, noting to himself how remote they seemed. . . .

Suddenly it began . . .

Meier heard a very unusual sound. A low, throbbing humming sound that defied description. Then he saw it. A strange silver disc-shaped craft circling slowly above. He couldn’t believe his eyes!

He recovered just in time to take several quick photographs, almost forgetting the camera was there, before the strange craft swooped down and softly landed in the clearing 100 meters away. About seven meters in diameter, it just sat there quietly in the tall green grass. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.