Through The Gates Of Death
by Dion Fortune
The Great Anesthetist
Death is a universal experience. No one can hope to escape. It is only a matter of time till it comes to each one of us and each one of those we love. Yet Death is called the King of Terrors and is the supreme threat of the law to the wrong-doer. What is it that makes a natural process so terrible? Is it the pain of dying? No, for anodynes can deaden that. Most death beds are peaceful when the time comes, and few souls go out struggling. What, then, is it we fear in death that it should be for us a thing of grief and dread?
Firstly, we fear the Unknown. (more…)
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Learning Of Past Lives Through A Patient
by Brian Weiss
Prior to my experiences with Catherine, I had never even heard of past-life regression therapy. This was not taught when I was at Yale Medical School, nor anywhere else, I was to learn.
I can still vividly remember the first time. I had instructed Catherine to travel backward in time, hoping to discover childhood traumas that had been repressed, or forgotten, and that I felt were causing her current symptoms of anxiety and depression.
She had already reached a deeply hypnotized state, which I had induced by gently relaxing her with my voice. Her concentration was focused on my instructions. (more…)
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On Attaining Spiritual Power
by James Allen
The world is filled with men and women seeking pleasure, excitement, novelty; seeking ever to be moved to laughter or tears; not seeking strength, stability, and power; but courting weakness, and eagerly engaged in dispersing what power they have.
Men and women of real power and influence are few, because few are prepared to make the sacrifice necessary to the acquirement of power, and fewer still are ready to patiently build up character. (more…)
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Solar Warden
by Herbert G. Dorsey III
According to their web site, the United States Space Command (USSPACECOM) is a Unified Combatant Command of the United States Department of Defense, created in 1985 to help institutionalize the use of outer space by the United States Armed Forces.
The U.S. Space Command is headquartered at Peterson Air Force base at Colorado Springs, Colorado, at the following address:
Air Force Space Command
Public Affairs Office
150 Vandenberg St., Suite 1105
Peterson AFB, CO 80914-4500
The U.S. Space Command had its computer database hacked in 2002 by British citizen, Gary McKinnon, who discovered on the database a list of “Non-Terrestrial Officers” and “fleet to fleet transfers” that did not correspond to any U.S. Navy ships. (more…)
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A Call At Dawn: A Message From Our Space Brothers
by Kelvin Rowe
There are those of us who know the truth that inhabitants of other worlds are among us, coming and going, having learned our ways and fitted themselves into our society so that they are inconspicuous, for too many people yet disbelieve there are other human beings outside the realm of the planet Earth. It is urgent that certain truths must be given to the world through contactees who are willing to serve.” ~ A Call At Dawn
One night several weeks later I felt the urge to look out the window. On raising up on one elbow I saw what I thought to be three stars grouped very closely together. I was wondering how they could appear so close, when they moved, first one, then the other two. Their color changed to yellow-orange. The three moved to a position below the moon where they circled what appeared like a blue-white star. All hung motionless for four or five minutes, then sped away, quickly disappearing. About fifteen minutes later I was contacted via the inner-voice by a Brother who had contacted me some months previously. The vibrations were unusually powerful as they had been before, every word filled with compassion and love and understanding. However, this time I was able to withstand his high thought frequency much better, although I was so overwhelmed the other time that when he left me with his blessings, I beseech him to come back. … There are some things I must retain in the confidence of my memory. (more…)
Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.
One Nurse’s Experience On Life And Death
by Pauline Fredericka Strong
For fifteen years I was a hospital nurse and attended more largely on the poor ward patients. It would be difficult for you to imagine one half the misery and pain that was pressed into my existence all through that most exceedingly unhappy time! Yet I was never happy unless I was doing something for some sufferer and so you see I could no more change my life or my vocation than I could create myself over again.
It naturally had fallen to my lot all the years almost of my life, to hear the woeful tales of sorrow from almost every mortal I came in contact with, and was almost driven to nursing from sheer sympathy. I soon found that my strong feelings of tenderness for those afflicted made me over-weak and unfit for duty! And so the years brought the discipline, courage and success, and lost me love, truth and purity! For as I witnessed such a multitude of suffering I began to grow more and more calloused to its call until I went at the call of duty only as a machine goes which is set in motion mechanically and at the will of its operator! Something was dying in me, not my good physical health, for I was most unusually robust! But something which used to speak to my inner consciousness, from my own inner self, that still small voice which men and women call the conscience for want of a better term, that thing was dying, even had died! (more…)
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Free Energy ~ Part II
by Herbert G. Dorsey III
The electric field can also be used to create free energy machines. Thomas Townsend Brown discovered an interesting effect which connected the electric and gravitational field in the 1920s. Whenever a simple parallel plate capacitor is charged to a sufficiently high voltage, a force on the entire capacitor in the direction of the positive plate is created. The voltage needs to be higher than 30,000 volts to be noticeable.
Brown and a professor at his college named Biefield did considerable experimenting with this effect and concluded that it was an electrogravitic phenomena. In other words, the high electric field was creating a “gravitational well” which the capacitor kept falling into. This effect, which is virtually ignored in physics, is known as the Biefield-Brown effect. (more…)
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Free Energy ~ Part I
by Herbert G. Dorsey III
Free energy is quite a simple thing. Free energy machines have existed for centuries. A free energy machine simply extracts energy from the surrounding medium and puts it to some practical use. Typical free energy devices are sail boats, water wheels, windmills and so on. The idea is to tap the energy of the medium of moving air or water in these cases. But, there are other mediums from which energy can also be extracted.
In the 20th century, free energy machines became more sophisticated. Here, I intend to discuss the little known more sophisticated free energy machines. (more…)
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The Inner Mysteries ~ Part II
by Mark Probert
I have heard many people say, “I wish I’d never been born.” Fact is they are not born yet. They are not born yet or they would never have uttered those words. A form, a body was ejected into the dream, that is so, and they have been taught that all bodies they see are real, that the person is born. No! Birth comes not until we attain what is called the awakening, or the Christ Consciousness. The Christ Mind means clarity of consciousness; crystal clear understanding. It does not mean a man named Jesus. When one called Jesus attained what is called the Christness, he ceased to be Jesus. That is why he found it easy to give up his body, for he knew it was not he. That is one side of the Christian teachings. (more…)
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The Inner Mysteries ~ Part I
by Mark Probert
Some weeks ago Mark was watching a picture on television in which the characters were dolls in the bottom of a barrel. The barrel was sitting on a city street and a Salvation Army lass was ringing a bell. Then these dolls in the bottom of the barrel suddenly came alive, and had no idea where they were, or how they got into the barrel, or what the barrel consisted of, or what it was like outside the barrel, or if there was an outside.
Then they started investigating. Their first investigation was looking up. That looking up caused them to see a wider extent of space than the barrel, so they felt there must be something out there. They had no feeling, no thought whatsoever that they were dolls who had been thrown into the barrel for poor little children. They were now living human beings. (more…)
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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
The following is a feature length documentary film which presents the case for the much needed transition out of the current socio-economic monetary paradigm into a more compassionate sustainable human-needs-centric society.
This is presented in a crystal clear fashion beginning with an examination of the conditioning that shapes our behavior, moving on to the failures of the monetary/market system, it’s resultant socio-economic collapse and finally, the transition into a resource based economy for the betterment of humankind (if we survive). (more…)
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Secret Science ~ Part II
by Herbert G. Dorsey III
The Nazis weren’t just using Tesla’s and Thomas Townsend Brown’s discoveries in their saucer project. Another scientist who had developed antigravity technology was Victor Schauberger. He studied vortexes in nature and discovered many amazing things about vortexes and developed free energy and antigravity devices from his vortex implosion technology.
When a moving fluid is forced into a pipe of lesser cross sectional area, it has to speed up. When a fluid is rotated in a vortex inside a pipe, it experiences less friction as it flows through the pipe than a non-rotating fluid. When a rotating fluid is forced to rotate at a smaller radius, conservation of angular momentum causes the fluid to speed up. The center of a fluid vortex is cooler and the periphery is hotter. Electrical charge separation takes place in fluid vortexes. (more…)
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Our Story Of Atlantis ~ Part IV
Our Story Of Atlantis ~ Part IV
by W.P. Phelon
It was a doctrine of the Atlantians that the body of the physical which enwraps us, is adapted to the need of the Ego holding it, as a manifestation of the processes of accomplishment. If the ego coming back into the lives cannot accomplish its own unfolding, save through some particular experience, it compasses that particular experience, if it is within its possibilities. From age to age, from generation to generation, that which stands behind all, is ever the same. That which overshadows all is a part of the Divine Existence, is one with the One a part of the Divine Existence, indivisible and always the same. This was the primary knowledge, taught first in the forests, amid the rocks and mountains; and afterwards in the Great Temple built into these mountains. It must be remembered that very much of the work done in the Temple was accomplished by the control of the elements or elemental forces, which the Brotherhood understood and exercised even in those far off days, for the lightening of the toil of the physical. This, you in this day and generation have somewhat recovered. But instead of saying to the force universal, do this, you chain some portion of it, and bring it under limitation of form. These limitations act for you, tirelessly toiling day and night. And so, there does not come out of the surrounding conditions and vibrations the reacting powers and forces which generally tend to the physical retarding of any great building or other work of importance, because they are made up of the groans and moans of those who toil in the physical body to accomplish. (more…)
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Secret Science ~ Part I
by Herbert G. Dorsey III
The Science taught in schools and universities today is but a weak version of what is actually possible and much has been purposely omitted for economic advantage and military secrecy reasons. The following will cover some, but not all, of these omissions.
Some inventors have developed antigravity as long ago as the late 1800s. John Worrell Keely had developed the science of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (SVP). In 1872, Keely met secretly with a group of bankers. The meeting was arranged by a leading patent attorney, Charles Collier, who had previously seen numerous demonstrations of Keely’s inventions. (more…)
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The Atlantean Crystal In The Bermuda Triangle
From a talk by Daniel W. Fry
Today, many scientists, pursuing various paths of scientific inquiry, are mutually engaged in the attempt to advance and rediscover the art and science of crystalology that was lost to earth man during the last great collapse of science and civilization many thousands of years ago.
From those records of the lost civilization that are still available we can learn something of the tremendous powers that are inherent in the crystal. In our own laboratories we are working, sometimes almost feverishly, to rediscover and to put into operation the powers and abilities that our ancient ancestors used so wisely and so effectively. Our present Laser systems are one of the tangible results of such efforts. The output of the ruby crystal in a laser system is probably quite similar to that of the Vril stick about which so much has been written in the ancient records. Except of course, that the Vril stick employed a somewhat simpler and more compact system than any of those which we have yet been able to produce; although, with our rapid advance in miniaturization, we will soon begin to approach the results obtained by our ancestors. (more…)
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