Your Body Is An Illusion
by Bruce Lipton
I will show you the science of actually how the cells work in your body. And you will have more knowledge than most doctors in the world today. Because they still believe in the genes.
You are made out of 50 trillion cells. And the cells are the living entities so you are a community, not a single person!
Every cell on your body has minus voltage on the inside. And positive voltage on the outside! (more…)
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Past Life Influences ~ Part III
by Nancy C. Pohle & Ellen L. Selover
The following story provides an intriguing and complex illustration of many of the elements of past life memories, influences, and inclinations which have been discussed. It emphasizes the notion that the information becomes available as we have need of it and as we can apply it practically in our lives. Recognizing the source of strong emotional impulses and discovering relationships and karmic patterns that have traversed the limits of time are all part of this experience.
Lisette’s experience spans ten years, from her first spontaneous insight to the reconciliation of deep emotional pain and release of limiting beliefs. It began as an intuitive flashback so emotionally charged that she decided to seek additional guidance through meditation, dreams, past life regressions, and even a professional psychic. Over time, enough clues emerged that Lisette was able to formulate a clear message that she could apply to her life in helpful ways. (more…)
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Zero Point – Messages From The Past
Zero Point is a four part feature length documentary compilation from Vivid Pictures. This is the first volume of a four part series consisting of excerpts from freely available compelling information found online.
Zero Point: Messages From The Past, Volume I uncovers the messages expressed through ancient monuments worldwide, examines various maps, monuments and artifacts which seem to reveal great secrets about the nature of time, our past and our future. (more…)
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The Contactee Movement of the 1950s ~ Part II
by Ed Komarek
The book UFO… George Adamski, Their Man On Earth is written by Lou Zinsstag an associate of Adamski and a contactee herself. The book I have is one of those books published by Wendelle Stevens that is not widely known. It is obvious that Lou Zinsstag is very intelligent and I see from this book that well known author Tim Good had spend a lot of time working through Lou’s files and even co-authored a book with her. There is some really good information in this book, just not on George Adamski, but also on those other not widely known contactees that made up the network. As I said before I think it is a big mistake to only concentrate on the most public contactees that made up these networks. (more…)
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The Contactee Movement of the 1950s ~ Part I
by Ed Komarek
I read a lot of contactee stories from the 1950’s when I first got interested in UFO/ET as a young man. I did not know what to make of these stories and just moved on. Now that I am much older and have quite a lot of experience under my belt I found myself rereading the book, From Outer Space by Howard Menger. As we all know these contactee stories were heavily debunked in the 1950’s and 1960’s and to a point where most mainstream UFO investigators to this day easily dismiss these cases of human extraterrestrial infiltration into our society. I believe this is a big mistake. (more…)
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Healing Dreams
by Stanley Krippner
Diagnostic and healing dreams assumed great importance among ancient peoples. Many indigenous people believed that dreams represented a domain as important as the ordinary world and that what occurred in the dream world was as real as what happened in the waking world. Many tribes contended that the deities had “dreamed” the ordinary world into existence; in a similar fashion, a human being could “dream” an event into something substantive. Therefore, dreams of sickness and health were carefully scrutinized for their impact upon the well-being of the dreamer. The Ojibway Indians of the Lake Superior region in North America made “dream catcher” nets that hung over the beds of their children to catch unfavorable dreams; only favorable dreams would pass through, and it was assumed that they would facilitate the childrens’ health and well-being.
The Egyptian physician and architect Imhotep, who supposedly lived about 2900 B.C.E., became the patron of the ill. Individuals incubated their dreams at Serapeums or healing temples and reported their dreams to the katochoi, or dream scribe. If the katochoi did not deem the dream to be satisfactory, the patient remained in the sanctuary until an appropriate dream was reported. Patients often reported that Imhotep himself appeared with a diagnosis or a prescription. There is a historical link between the temples of Imhotep in Egypt and the healing temples of the Greek god Asclepius, which were especially popular in the fourth century B.C.E.. In the Greek temples, patients allegedly received diagnosis and treatment in their dreams during a visit from Asclepius or from one of his sacred animals. (more…)
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Awakening Past Life Memories
by Robert C. Smith
Have you ever stepped outside on a warm spring night and found that the balmy air and the light fragrance of early blossoms awakened feelings almost too deep to describe? Or maybe you’ve had the experience of hearing a particular song from the past come on the radio, and all of a sudden that song transports you to another time and place. You not only remember what you were doing when you first heard the song, but you can even remember what you were thinking and feel what you were feeling then.
The sounds, sights, and smells around us—they are such powerful influences on our memories and emotions, and so individual in their effects on us. The same song can bring a happy memory for one person and a painful recollection for another. One person might feel a restless sense of adventure at the sound of a train whistle in the night, while another feels lonely desolation. Even the most common, everyday experiences can produce very different feelings in different people. For example, when you hear a telephone ring, do you experience anticipation? Annoyance? Some other reaction? Or maybe nothing at all? What is it about the sounds, sights, and smells around us that brings forth such a variety of responses from people? Is it something in these perceptions themselves that causes us to react differently from one another, or is it something in us? (more…)
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Future Science: The Changing Paradigm
by Bruce Lipton
“The science I am going to present can change your life. With this science you can create the most wonderful life on this planet. The secret I found out is, first part is to know, to have the knowledge. But the second part is the most important. And that part is, you must actually use the science in your life or it doesn’t work. When you look in the mirror and see yourself and you see like one person looking back? That is not true. You are made out of 50 trillion cells. And the cells are the living entities. So you are a community, not a single person. But your mind is the government for the 50 trillion cells!” ~ Bruce Lipton
If the Universe is a machine, then you can take it apart and study it. And then you will know how it works by looking at the pieces. (more…)
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Of Life And Kindergarten
by William Walker Atkinson
Life a great school—Man a child learning his lesson—Preparing for higher grades—The game-task—What it all means—Things as they are—The rules wise and good—Each task means something—Greeting the Kindergartner.
I see Life as a great school—Man as a tiny child, learning his little lessons, performing his little tasks, playing his little games, enjoying his little pleasures, suffering his little pains, disappointments, trials and sorrows. (more…)
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Past Life Influences ~ Part II
by Nancy C. Pohle & Ellen L. Selover
Enhancing Sensitivity to Past Life Influences
Answering the following questions can prompt an enhanced awareness of past life influences:
- To which countries and cultures do you feel an attraction or repulsion? What styles of furniture, architecture, clothing, and so on do you like? If the furnishing and accessories in your home or workplace reflect an interest in particular cultures, it is likely they are pertinent to a previous incarnation and are having an impact on your present circumstances.
- Do any nationalities or cultures come to mind when you meet a new person? If so, you both may be influenced by shared experiences from a previous lifetime. The dominant characteristics of that culture might give you clues about relating to that individual, based on remembered patterns and tendencies.
- What types of music, art, literature, and food do you most enjoy? Pursuing artistic endeavors is an excellent way to evoke past life talents and memories.
- What patterns do you see in the hobbies and activities you choose? Are there pastimes you share with others? This is a good way to determine the nature of any past life connections you may share.
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Preparing For The Afterlife ~ Part II
by Jurgen Ziewe
What is it like to be “dead”? – Common Misconceptions and Reality
We are not floating bubbles or globes of light drifting through vaporous mists when we die. We are just as real with proper bodies as we are on the physical plane.
People frequently think of the dead as disembodied spirits in the shape of balls of light or fuzzy ghostly apparitions when they contemplate a life after death.
When I read some of these reports (not all) by well known regressionists using deep hypnotic trance in order to lead their subjects into afterlife states, I have been surprised to discover that many of the accounts consist of seeing disembodied orbs of light, specks of awareness without eyes drifting in a sea of hazy mists surrounded by other energies, being pulled by certain currents and conglomerating in hives of souls. (more…)
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Healing With Bioelectricity
by David Levin
In the early nineteenth century, the nature of electricity remained a mystery to scientists. Experiments from the era showed that a spark could make dead frogs’ muscles twitch, or even set human corpses into convulsions — supernatural fodder that may have inspired Mary Shelley’s famed novel, Frankenstein. More than 200 years later, all the ways that electricity acts in the human body still aren’t completely understood. It is clear, however, that electric signals play a major role in the body’s early development.
Scientists like Michael Levin of Tufts University have discovered that cellular charges control how and where a structure forms in a developing embryo. Even more surprising, he’s found that it’s possible to manipulate bodily forms just by changing the voltage patterns of its cells. (more…)
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Foreseeing The Future
by Brad Steiger
In her book, Hidden Channels of the Mind, Louisa E. Rhine, wife of world famous “psi” researcher, Dr. J.B. Rhine of Duke University, tells of a Maine man who reacted to a precognitive dream in the same way any normal well-adjusted twentieth century man might – he disregarded it. His rejection of the psychic warning may have cost his son’s life.
The central figure in the case is nameless in Mrs. Rhine’s book, but his personal data is on record in the files of the parapsychology laboratory at Duke University. The man’s 14-year-old son, Walter, was an excellent swimmer, who often went swimming in a nearby stream with his neighborhood friends. In a dream, the man saw his son swimming below a certain big tree above the dam and drown. When he arrived at the stream, Walter’s body had not yet been located, but a man named John McC – was attempting to reclaim it from the water. (more…)
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Past Life Influences ~ Part I
by Nancy C. Pohle & Ellen L. Selover
Reincarnation is the theory that, as souls, we each experience many lifetimes for the purpose of developing spiritually and becoming true co-creators with God. Some cultures and religious traditions teach the transmigration of souls; that is, that a soul can incarnate as human, animal, or even insect. However, in the model of reincarnation which Cayce embraced, the souls of humans, animals, and other creatures are totally different, with separate purposes and environments in which to seek perfection. If this is an accurate interpretation of the human soul’s appearances in the earth, then, potentially, we have all experienced numerous lives throughout human history, through diverse cultures, within all races, as both male and female, in every type of economic, social, and political circumstance. We may have experienced every religious conviction, devoted ourselves to a life of service or to amassing material wealth, raised families, lived a celibate life, and fought, killed, or died for our convictions. We may have experienced peace in an idyllic setting, felt the thrill of adventure and discovery, developed a gift or talent, or all of these. (more…)
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Cosmic Forces Of Mu
by James Churchward
Origin Of The Great Forces
Before attempting to show the origin of forces, I will define what a force is.
A force is that which makes changes in the position of bodies, and sometimes changes in the body itself. No body or matter, however infinitesimally small or ponderously large, can make any change without the aid of a force.
All forces known as atomic forces are only secondary forces governed by some superior force. The superior force moves the atoms and the atoms produce or convey another or secondary force—the superior force is the responsible one. There is one great infinite force that governs all. (more…)
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