Radionics ~ Part III

Radionics-Part-III-main-4-postby The Radionist (Journal Of Borderland Research)

Around 1926, Dr. Wigelsworth and his company, the Pathometric Corporation, produced the Pathoclast, of which a number of models were manufactured during ensuing years. It differed from previous equipment in two significant respects — the use of variable condensors for tuning, and the inclusion of vacuum tubes for amplification.

Tuning was accomplished by means of a large dial for each variable condenser, the dials were calibrated 0 to 100 in 1 or 2 degree divisions. There were two dials per tuning row, and two or three rows, depending upon the model. On a 2 row instrument, the upper row could be used for condition tuning rates and the lower row for visceral (organ) tuning rates. A tuning rate encompassed settings of both left and right hand dials; with each dial capable of being set at any of 100 positions, the total possible number of tuning rates per row therefore was 100 x 100 or a total of 10000; while this may seem to be quite a large number, yet it falls far short of the million-plus combinations possible with a tuning row on the Calbro Magnowave, which incorporated 6 dials each of which could be set anywhere from zero to 10 in unit steps. Many tuning rates used on the Calbro Magnowave and successor instruments had no representation on the Pathoclast so could not be used on it or on any condensor-tuned equipment. (more…)

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Giant Structures Connect All Galaxies

Structures-In-Galaxies-Interconnecting-main-4-postThere’s Growing Evidence That the Universe Is Connected by Giant Structures

by Becky Ferreira

Scientists are finding that galaxies can move with each other across huge distances, and against the predictions of basic cosmological models. The reason why could change everything we think we know about the universe.

The Milky Way, the galaxy we live in, is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies strewn across the universe. Their variety is stunning: spirals, ring galaxies shaped like star-studded loops, and ancient galaxies that outshine virtually everything else in the universe.

But despite their differences, and the mind-boggling distances between them, scientists have noticed that some galaxies move together in odd and often unexplained patterns, as if they are connected by a vast unseen force. (more…)

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The Search For Reality

The-Search-For-Reality-main-2-postby Bryant Reeve

There exists in man an irresistible drive to understand himself and life and truth and reality. What is true of life? What is really its purpose and its meaning? Is it just a matter of tinkling symbols and sounding brass? Is it only a vain glorious struggle signifying nothing? Why is man here? Where did he come from? Toward what is he headed? What is the here of life and what constitutes the hereafter? What is the destiny of man? Where may truth be found, and how may reality be comprehended and experienced?

Two thousand years ago a highly placed official of the Roman empire – Pontius Pilate – uttered the agonizing cry of all mankind throughout the ages: “What is truth?” Today the same cry is more potent than ever – the cry of the awakening souls for more light, more cosmic understanding of the mystery of life itself. This inborn, never ending, irrepressible, imperative drive of the evolving soul to understand itself and to reach out for the truth of being – this is what we mean when we speak of the search for reality. (more…)

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Spontaneous Recall Of Past Lives

Spontaneous-Recall-Of-Past-Lives-main-4-postby Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Just before we are reborn, the veil of forgetfulness descends to block our remembrance of our past lives. We come into life with a karmic history and a purpose, yet we have conscious access to neither. According to Eastern doctrine, forgetfulness is a blessing and enables the soul to make a fresh start in each incarnation. Otherwise, life would be made extremely complicated and confusing, perhaps even paralyzing. Nonetheless, we catch glimpses of the past in certain moments. Fragments and fleeting impressions and feelings bubble to the surface, only to be passed off as imagination in many instances. In some cases, a person may be swept into an incredible vision that unfolds before their eyes. There are many ways to experience past lives spontaneously: (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Past Life Therapy, Reincarnationwith 1 comment.

Preparing For The Afterlife

Understanding-The-Afterlife-main-4-postby Jurgen Ziewe

One day every one of us will have to pass through the portals of death. We don’t have to reach a state of enlightenment in order to enter the pleasant lands, but we can’t ignore the fact that where we are now, emotionally and spiritually, will determine where we will go to spend the next leg of our infinite future. We can push the idea of death from our awareness via distractions or entertainments of various kinds, by leading a hedonist lifestyle as if there was no tomorrow, but we will have to bear in mind that what is in our sub-consciousness will become our new external reality when we die. There is no doubt that the best way to prepare ourselves for the future is by conducting our life from a place of calmness and inner stillness, here and now in our present, which becomes our instant link to our infinity. We can embrace the infinity of our existence by pursuing a life where every moment counts, and living it by being mindful and aware of our thoughts, feelings and actions, informed by kindness and the loving heart.

We can learn to look at our conflicts and crisis points as learning opportunities for building a better base, and treat our inner demons as our educators. We can look at our enemies as our teachers to learn compassion and harness our own authentic strength in order to liberate ourselves from the rule of others. Instead of putting self-interest first, we can learn to appreciate how our actions are experienced by others. The easiest way to accomplish this is by acting, thinking, speaking and experiencing reality by employing the heart in everything we do.

Psychology teaches us that we cannot hide our unresolved issues or inner demons if we wish to lead a healthy and balanced life. The foundation of happiness is to be found in a life of balance and psychological hygiene, free from the toxins of negative and destructive attitudes. We are aided by our ability to respond dynamically to situations by not remaining stuck in rigid constructs and hardened beliefs, which are unable to adapt to the flowing forces of nature.

Religions of old have tried to make it simple do good things and you’ll go to Heaven, do bad things and you’ll go to Hell. Reality is more complex than that and works on multiple levels. We will need to find our own way to our inner heart and authenticity, often via trial and error rather than by following prescriptions. We don’t need to read books about ethics and morality, about what is good and what is bad, we simply need to read the book of wisdom laid out within us and read in a state of calm and reflection. We can find out how we can love and serve, how we can enhance the world rather than impoverish it, how we can add value rather than devalue it.

Every action of love and goodwill, even if it is only in the shape of a fleeting thought, an appreciation, a sense of gratitude, a joy, a happiness shared, will be a stepping stone to higher, more elevated Consciousness and bright and pleasant surroundings.

By living through the heart we no longer have to figure out for ourselves what effect our actions will have on others, we simply open our inner channels to allow the most positive energy to flow into us and guide our actions. We can trigger love by appreciation, out of which a loving, empathic and compassionate heart is much more likely to rise. It will be a guarantor for a rewarding life rather than a mind calculating our effects, torn by conflict, obsessed with self-gratification and motivated by greed and self-importance. Too keep these channels open and connected to our authentic self close to our Source we can practice regular meditation, engage in selfless service and live life by fostering inner wisdom in calm reflection.

Every religion has brought forward their shining lights of sages who provide inspiration and encourage in us the right attitude to develop a powerful connection to our Source. It doesn’t matter whether we follow Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zen or any other faiths, as long as we don’t get blinded by dogma and fanatical stances. Mindfulness, which focuses attention on the sensations, thoughts and emotions, while remaining rooted in the present moment with an accepting and non-judgemental attitude, can be practiced whichever religion we follow, because it will put us in a position of ‘being’ rather than ‘becoming’. This attitude will keep us in touch with reality and will cleanse our channels for a positive downflow of creative energy. Whatever cultural context we use as our basis, we are best served by looking at the core aspects of our faith, where it connects us to the Core Consciousness it springs from rather than diluted interpretations and evolved dogma.

Even if we don’t believe in God or any form of spirituality whatsoever, we can still rely on the simple acceptance that we ARE and inquire into the mystery of our Being. Deep meditation does not require belief, it just requires a focus on ‘what is’, on the reality of ‘Now’, and this way we also can find stillness, even as atheists. It is simply narrow-minded propaganda that preaches atheists will go to hell because they don’t believe in God. Nothing could be further from the truth, and many atheists are in a better position to reach enlightenment than many devout followers of religious beliefs. Buddha himself did not believe in God and yet he is the figurehead of one of the most enlightened ways of living on the planet. Fanatical subscribers to religious belief will no doubt be quick to condemn such a liberal stance, but they will have remember that there is not a single person, life form or atom that is not intimately connected to God or Core Consciousness, whether they may believe it or not.

Getting into deeper reflections, we will find that Consciousness itself will give us the answers, especially if we allow our heart to participate in our focus and inquiry. Atheism does not, by default, exclude the possibility of an afterlife, simply because our current science has not found proof one way or the other, so why not remain open and dynamic to the possibilities of our infinity?

In the end we will discover that, whatever our beliefs, actual first-hand experience will deliver the final proof for continuous existence and we will no longer have to rely on the testimonies of others. Nothing is more powerful in delivering proof than first-hand experience.

We will have to decide for ourselves which teachers, if any, to enlist and how to open the inner channels to the seat of Consciousness. The simple rule to be guided by is to avoid anything that cuts us off from the free flow of love energy, such as narcissism, dogma, selfishness, fanaticism, hatred, bigotry, intolerance and all the negative feelings related to our own self-importance, which will restrict the free flow of creative energy. All the energy we set in motion and which enriches the world without diminishing others is energy stacked in our favor.

By focusing on the things in life that truly matter, embracing reality rather than denying or running away from it, and by nurturing our authentic self, fertilized by the generosity of the heart, we create the best conditions not only for the afterlife, but for our current life as well, because life is a continuum.

Excerpt from Vistas of Infinity


See Part II here.

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NDE: Evidence Of An Afterlife

NDE-Evidence-Of-An-Afterlife-main-4-postby Jeffrey Long, MD

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are events that take place as a person is dying or, indeed, is already clinically dead. People who have NDEs are called near-death experiencers (NDErs). From the time neardeath experiences were first medically researched and described by Dr. Raymond Moody in his pioneering book, Life After Life, in 1975, medical doctors and other researchers have examined this phenomenon in depth.

There is no widely accepted definition of neardeath experience. This NDERF study took a straightforward approach by defining both the neardeath and experience components of near-death experience. I considered individuals to be “near death” if they were so physically compromised that they would die if their condition did not improve. The NDErs studied were generally unconscious and often apparently clinically dead, with absence of heartbeat and breathing. The “experience” had to occur at the time they were near death. Also, the experience had to be lucid, to exclude descriptions of only fragmentary and disorganized memories. (more…)

Posted in Life After Death, Near Death Experience, Other Topicswith 1 comment.

On The State Of Free Energy

On-The-State-Of-Free-Energy-main-4-postAn Interview with Eric Dollard by Tom Brown

Eric P. Dollard, Wireless Engineer is a scientist who bases his work on observation of phenomenon and practical experimentation. He is the Vice-President of BSRF and the author of five published papers on electrical phenomena: CONDENSED INTRO TO TESLA TRANSFORMERS, DIELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC DISCHARGES IN ELECTRICAL WINDINGS, SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF ALTERNATING WAVES, SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF THE GENERALIZED ELECTRIC WAVE (IN TIME), and THE THEORY OF WIRELESS POWER.

In the course of Eric’s research he has investigated the works of Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Philo Taylor Farnsworth II, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wilhelm Reich and other true Scientists of our era. I have personally witnessed the propagation of electricity without wires, the phenomenon of drawing several inch sparks off insulators and mysterious living forms in plasma gas bulbs connected to Eric’s Tesla apparatus. Eric speaks a knowledge gained by hands-on experience. (more…)

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Know The Workings Of The Unseen World

Know-The-Workings-Of-The-Unseen-World-main-2-postby Yada di Shi’ite

“For everywhere that you go, for everyone that you come in contact with, there are endless kinds of vibratory action unseen to the physical eyes; and some can be very detrimental to you. If you walk through your market places, and come in contact with the many people, you may feel when you return that you are weary from your exertion; that you have this weariness through your struggle to get through the crowds. This is not true. Your weariness is brought about by the unseen activity that is going on around you all of the time, but more rampantly and more dangerously so when you are mixing with one another in what is called crowds. (more…)

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The Role Of Consciousness And The Feedback Loop

Consciousness-And-The-Feedback-Loop-main-4-postby William Brown


The role of science, as a methodology and tool, is to help us better understand the nature of our world and universe, and ultimately our relationship to it. This means that no legitimate phenomenon that is observed should be excluded from this quest for greater elucidation. However, there has been a general exclusion of developing a science of consciousness—that is, explaining the nature, source, and role of consciousness in the universe.

The primary reason for this general neglect of such a highly germane topic to anyone who experiences periods of “wakefulness” (i.e. all of us that are conscious and aware) is the unfounded assumptions underlying the scientific consensus opinion on the nature of consciousness. (more…)

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The Water of Life

Water-Of-Life-main-4-postby Robert Charroux

Water has always been one of the mysteries most closely studied by alchemists.

Combined or mixed with various chemical substances, it has stimulated men to research aimed at discovering the “water of life”, eternal youth, or a means of purification from sin.

Rain Water

Conclusive results have been scant, possibly because the seekers concentrated too much on their retorts and not enough on the observation of nature. Marcel Violet has not made that mistake:

“Every gardener knows,” he says, “how much a really heavy storm of rain stimulates growth. It not only makes plants grow, but it seems to have a special power of fertilization that one might think came from chemicals in the atmosphere, perhaps resulting from lightning and dissolved in the rain water. . . . But all efforts to reproduce the particular properties of rain water by adding chemicals to ordinary tap water have failed; obviously the power is not due to chemicals.” (more…)

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Egypt On Mars: A Hidden Connection?

Egypt-On-Mars-main-4-postCompilation by Gloria Lynn

After many discoveries on Mars of Ancient Civilization artifacts there seems that more and more of these artifacts point to an Egyptian influence. Either from Earth to Mars or from Mars to Earth.

Either way presented are images and videos pointing to this astonishing connection.


Posted in Other Topics, The Truth About Mars, True History of Manwith 2 comments.

Insects On Mars

Insects-on-Mars-main-2-postby Stacy Liberatore

Ohio University professor claims insect-like beings are living on Mars after spending years studying photos from different missions to the Red Planet.
  • Professor spent years investigating images from NASA taken of Mars
  • Images were taken in different missions to the planet, with most from Curiosity
  • He claims there is evidence of exoskeletons and jointed appendages of beings
  • He also suggests that these beings are insect-like creatures living on Mars

NASA is getting ready to send a rover to Mars in search of life, but an insect expert from Ohio University believes we already have evidence of beings crawling on the Red Planet.

William S. Romoser, Ph.D, who has 45 years of experience studying insects, has also spent years analysing NASA photographs of the Martian world and claims there are numerous examples of insect-like forms. (more…)

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Radionics ~ Part II

Radionics-Part-II-main-2-postby The Radionist (Journal Of Borderland Research)

As Dr. Abrams’ practice grew, spurred by the increasing accuracy and thoroughness of his diagnoses, more and more instances arose of patients who wished to avail themselves of his method but who could not visit his office, either because they were too ill to make an office visit, or lived too far away. In the effort to be of service to these individuals, experiments were made with blood specimens taken from people who were ill, and placed in a metal cup (which Dr. Abrams termed a “dynamizer”), with connecting wires to the head and foot plates attached to the healthy subject (reagent) on whom the percussion diagnosis was performed. It was found that the blood carried all the radiations of the body from which it had been drawn, and could therefore be used as a substitute for the presence of the patient in the examining room. With the blood in the metal cup connected to the healthy subject, the diagnostic tests performed on that subject produced the same tunings and measurements as those prevailing when the patient (from whom the blood had been drawn) was personally connected to the reagent, through the tuning controls. (more…)

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Protection From Psychic Attack

Protection-From-Psychic-Attack-main-4-postby Sue Allen

What is Psychic Attack?

Psychic attack is a very widely used term which is often misunderstood. It means that an external energy affects you in such a way that it has a detrimental effect on your sense of well-being. Our well-being includes our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual functioning and generally denotes a sense of harmony and balance in our lives. It is possible to see from this wide definition that psychic attack can therefore include environmental energy which causes us discomfort such as bright lights, noise and pollution. The other types of psychic attack come from living people and include psychic vampirism, witchcraft, curses, black magic, and thought forms. In all cases of psychic attack we need to look at the reason for the attack and take responsibility for why we have allowed it to affect us. It is essential to recognize that ultimately someone can only attack you if allowed to. This applies to all forms of psychic attack including both the intentional and the unintentional. I personally do not include spirit attachment or possession in this area for the sake of simplicity, although the presence of entities can clearly affect our sense of well-being. (more…)

Posted in Health, Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapywith comments disabled.

Venusian Contacts ~ Part XIII

Venusian-Contacts-Part-XIII-main-4-postby Corbin Black

What would happen if the First Lady of the United States disclosed that she believed she traveled with extraterrestrials to Venus? It would no doubt create quite the international media sensation, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened in the case of Japanese First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama. However, did you hear about it at all?

In 2009, then 62-year-old Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of Japan’s Prime Minister-elect, Yukio Hatoyama, came under scrutiny for what she wrote in a book entitled “Very Strange Things I’ve Encountered.” (more…)

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