Pale Blue Dot: Humility

Pale-Blue-Dot-Humility-main-4-postCarl SaganThe long-awaited second part of the unauthorized documentary series based on Carl Sagan’s groundbreaking 1994 book has arrived. The insightful Pale Blue Dot: Humility examines how our perspective on the vastness of the cosmos has shaped our shifting sense of self through the ages.

Pieced together as a mosaic of pop culture clips, historical stills and footage, appealing animations, and Sagan’s own audio commentary, the film is a rebuke against the plague of bloated self-importance, and the need to claim superiority over others for control of insignificant specks of territory. Even the field of science has not been immune to these selfish pursuits.

From that foundation, Sagan’s probing commentary provides a brief recap of carl_sagan_pale_blue_dot-book coverour understanding of the heavens and the Earth throughout history. This evolution of discovery represents an epic and ongoing battle between our quest for supremacy and the reality of our insignificance. For many generations, the deeply held belief that the Earth was the center of the universe was impervious to reason or to revelations obtained through further investigation. Mainstream thinking was slow to evolve when it came to the correlation between the Earth and the Sun, or for example, the age of our planet in comparison to the universe at large. The widespread and steadfast acceptance of various theologies further clouded our capacity for reasoned judgment.

But the ceaseless canvas of the universe – adorned with hundreds of billions of galaxies, distant planets and brilliant stars – provides the ultimate lesson in humility. Our modern understanding of the universe demands a more nuanced and less conceited perspective. Yet our yearning to give special meaning to our existence is a barrier to these scientific discoveries. After all, we have to be here for a reason. As Sagan states during the course of the film, it is a battle between our quest for “deep knowledge and shallow reassurance”.

It is obvious that great care went into assembling the film, and the flow of complex information is cleanly and artfully presented. Pale Blue Dot: Humility is an affectionate representation and tribute to Sagan’s trailblazing intellect.

The original 2007 “Pale Blue Dot: Wanderers” can be seen here.

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Balance As A Role In Karma

Balance-As-A-Role-In-Karma-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

Certainly there is nothing new in the thought that balance is important in human life. As long as men have been riding horses they have known that balance—equilibrium—is essential to successful horsemanship. Whether a man have for his sport swimming, bowling, wrestling, tennis, or golf, he knows that balance is necessary for good form and good performance.

Balance in the sense of proportion or symmetry was known to the ancient Greeks; in fact, principles of balance in this sense have been applied consciously or instinctively throughout all the history of art by any artist worthy of the name. (more…)

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Spirituality And More With Yada ~ Part II

Spirituality-And-More-With-Yada-Part-II-main-4-postLecture by Yada di Shi’ite through Medium Mark Probert – 1968

Yada: Sinas and Sinehas, I am Yada di Shi’ite.

Comment: Good evening Yada. Welcome

Question: Yada, how can one find self and know what you are talking about?

Yada: First, what are you? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Not who are you – everybody knows who is who; but almost nobody seems to know what they are. So I ask you, what are you? And I speak not just to you Sir, but to all of you sitting here – What are you? What do you suppose you are? Now I do not expect you to answer me because each of you will give me a different answer. That’s alright. (more…)

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Spirituality And More With Yada

Spirituality-And-More-With-Yada-main-2-postLecture by Yada di Shi’ite through Medium Mark Probert – 1968

Yada: Sinas and Sinehas, I am Yada di Shi’ite.

Comment: Good evening Yada. Welcome

Yada: My honorable friends, it is a joy to be here again. Some years ago, in your world here, during one of the many wars that your world is in most of the time, they were making room on the big plane – you know, the ship of the sky – making room on the big, big plane ship – you know, of the sky – making room for what you call entertainers. So there was a lady on this ship who had to lose her seat – you better keep sitting on yours or you’ll lose it too. Ha-ha. Is that alright?

Comment: Ask Jack. He’s here. He’ll give you a rating on it. But, she had to get off the plane.

Comment: That’s what they call “bumped”. (more…)

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Alteration Of The Gospels

Alteration-of-the-Gospels-main-4-postby Robert Charroux

A considerable number of Gospels appeared in the first few centuries after Christ. The Church regards as canonical (in conformity with the rules of the Church) only those of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The oldest of these is Matthew, which was directly inspired by the Gospel of the Hebrews.

One point must be stressed: The Apocrypha and the fifty or so Gospels that still exist, or existed before being destroyed by conspiracies, are unanimous in acknowledging that Jesus lived in the time of Pontius Pilate and Tiberius. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, True History of Manwith 1 comment.

Space Visitors Q & A ~ Part II

Space-Visitors-Q-And-A-main-3-postby Bryant & Helen Reeve

The following [article] presents an example of O.S.C. or outer space communication, that is, information obtained from communicating with beings living in a different phase of life from our own three-dimensional phase.

With the assistance of Mark Probert acting as the “cosmic telephone” of this two-way communication, we asked the Inner Circle a series of questions regarding flying saucers. Both the questions and the answers are given below. Some of them are given practically verbatim. Others have been edited and condensed for the sake of clarity and in order to keep within space limitations. In a few cases where our question was evidently not clearly understood or we did not clearly understand the answer – the matter was cleared up by questions on other occasions. In every case we have made diligent effort to preserve the substance and meaning of their replies, so far as we understood them. A few of the questions refer more to the critical conditions now facing our civilization than to the saucers themselves. (more…)

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Proofs of Reincarnation

Proofs-Of-Reincarnation-main-2-postby William W. Atkinson

To many minds the “proof” of a doctrine is its reasonableness and its adaptability as an answer to existing problems. And, accordingly, to such, the many arguments advanced in favor of the doctrine together with the almost universal acceptance of the fundamental ideas on the part of the race, in at least some period of its development, would be considered as a very good “proof” of the doctrine, at least so far as it might be considered as the “most available working theory” of the soul’s existence, past and future, and as better meeting the requirements of a doctrine or theory than any other idea advanced by metaphysical, theological, or philosophical thinkers. (more…)

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Confessions Of A Medical Heretic

Confessions-Of-A-Medical-Heretic-main-4-postby Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.

Confessions Of A Medical Heretic book coverI do not believe in Modern Medicine. I am a medical heretic. My aim in this book is to persuade you to become a heretic, too. I haven’t always been a medical heretic. I once believed in Modern Medicine. In medical school, I failed to look deeply into a study that was going on around me, of the effects of the hormone DES — because I believed. Who could have suspected that twenty years later we would discover that DES causes vaginal cancer and genital abnormalities in children born to women receiving the drug during pregnancy?

I confess that I failed to be suspicious of oxygen therapy for premature infants, even though the best equipped and most advanced premature nurseries had an incidence of partial or total blindness of around ninety percent of all low birth weight infants. A few miles away in a large, less “advanced” hospital, the incidence of this condition — retrolental fibroplasia — was less than ten percent. I asked my professors in medical school to explain the difference. And I believed them when they said the doctors in the poorer hospital just didn’t know how to make the correct diagnosis. (more…)

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A Spark Divine

A-Divine-Spark-main-4-postby Partana Vegan

This Christ Consciousness you are thinking about is in reality the Inner or the Real Man who is in essence divine. The mortal that carries about the Soul of God, a Spark Divine, knows not that he is a part of God. Within and without; above and below; under and over. All manifests a living Creator.

Be not deceived in this talk of Christ as a man. To be as the Christ was is a goal to aspire to in form, figuratively speaking, … not the actual apeing of a person, but a way of life … an idea. The goal is to eventually attain cosmic consciousness, and one has all of eternity to do so. (more…)

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Slit Experiments May Prove Consciousness Transcends Time

Slit-Experiment-Time-Travel-main-4-postThe Double-Slit Experiment

In a double-slit experiment, a bundle of monochrome light is focused on a double slit. A double slit device is in fact just a totally black slide with two thin parallel slits only a few millimeters apart. On the screen behind the double slit you won’t see the projected image of those two slits, as you might think, but it will show you a pattern of light and dark lines. This experiment demonstrates convincingly that light should be a wave phenomenon.

doubleslit-animationThe light waves rippling through the two slits start to interfere with themselves behind those slits, creating zones of maximum and minimum intensity. (more…)

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On The Coming Of The Space Ships

Coming-Of-The-Saucers-main-3-postby Partana Vegan

When they came to Earth long ago they brought a message of truth and light to wise men who were of psychic development so that they could receive their message by thought. They said, “Peace, Goodwill, to all men of Earth. There will be one sent to Earth to help and guide you who will be called a Master, and who will be Light unto you. Follow Him for He is of the Light of the Infinite Father, and will bring you truth.” Then the spaceships left for they had delivered their message. But it was not long before they came again, and among them was one great ship that seemed to outshine all the others. It came lower than the rest of them and hovered over the small town of Bethlehem, and those people on Earth thought it was an unusually bright star. But this “star” moved slowly in order to catch attention, and then hung silently over the birthplace of the new babe who had finally come again to bring forth His Light to shine for the whole world. (more…)

Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.

Race And Karma

Race-And-Karma-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

Karma operates in such a way, it seems, that our every act and thought is exactly repaid in its own coin and in its own realm. If we do harm to another, physically or psychologically, we later suffer exactly the same kind of pain that we caused; if we haughtily feel ourselves superior to other people and treat them condescendingly, we may later find this attitude objectified by the humiliation of a body that is too tall or abnormally short—or we may find ourselves one day the member of a minority group that is despised by the majority; if we do injustices to groups of people, we are likely to suffer injustices later through the agency of comparable groups of people. Christ’s command to do unto others as you would have others do unto you is not merely a sentimental exhortation, but actually the elliptical statement of a mathematical equation and a law of psychodynamics. (more…)

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How To Know A Flying Saucer

How-To-Know-A-Flying-Saucer-main-4-postby Orfeo Angelucci

A flying saucer can manifest its presence in many ways. A few persons whose neurological sensitivity is similar to mine may detect a saucer’s presence by physical symptoms such as I have described.

Only recently Mr. Vernon Tyler, Director of the Santa Monica Municipal Airport, had such an experience. He relates that on Wednesday evening March 24, 1954, he retired early. About ten o’clock he was almost asleep when he felt an odd prickling sensation along the back of his neck and down his arms and spine. He said the hair on the back of his neck felt as though it were standing up which reminded him of some sort of electrical phenomenon. He was wide awake immediately and filled with a peculiar sense of urgency as though he were in contact with something or someone. He jumped out of bed and went to the window and looked outside, but saw nothing. (more…)

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After Death: Waking Up On The Other Side ~ Part II

After-Death-Waking-Up-On-The-Other-Side-Part-II-main-2-postby Carl Wickland

Experiences Of The Selfish Spirit On The Other Side

THOSE whose earthly interests have been superficial, who have been dominated by pride, vanity, greed, ambition and selfishness, are held in the earth sphere after transition until these tendencies have been conquered and love and sympathy have been developed through service for others.

Frequently spirits whose earth lives were spent in pursuit of pleasure and the pastimes of wealthy society have attained realization of a higher life through our psychic circle. (more…)

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Sexual Relationships And Reincarnation

Sexual-Relationships-And-Reincarnation-main-2-postby Gina Cerminara

It seems that all of us have been men in some lifetimes and women in others. At least, sex change is generally accepted as a fact by most believers in reincarnation, such as Buddhists, Hindus, Theosophists, Rosicrucians, and others; and the Cayce readings, as well as the age-regression experiments of many investigators, provide confirmation for those who accept their validity.

No regular pattern of change is deducible from the Cayce data, however; it seems that one can be a man for one or more lifetimes and then a woman for one or more lifetimes, and so forth and so on; but what causes such changes, or when they occur, does not become clear by the Cayce data at least. (more…)

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