A Dream Within A Dream
by Paramahansa Yogananda
All the knowledge there is to be known in every branch of science and art, including the mystery of the atoms and the history of the universe and of human beings, is already existing in the ether as vibrations of truth. These vibrations are all around us, and there is a way to contact them directly. That way is through the all-knowing intuitive power of the soul. To discover any truth, we have only to turn our consciousness inward to the soul, whose omniscience is one with God. When those who are receptive hear someone speak truth, it seems so familiar. Their first reaction is “I thought so!” The mind has simply recognized a truth already known intuitively by the soul.
From that source come all the lectures I give. If I had to read in order to gather facts and ideas for my talks to you, I don’t know what I would do! I read very little, because it is not necessary. By the time I get through a few pages of a book, I know from its vibrations whatever truth it contains. (more…)
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The Science Of Our Spacecraft
by Elizabeth Klarer
Elizabeth was taken in Akon’s spaceship to Meton, where she lived with him and his family for four months and where she bore his child. Her life on Meton is fascinatingly described. Akon brought Elizabeth back to Earth after the birth of their son, and continued to visit her thereafter.
Akon explains how his spaceship’s light-propulsion technology operated, and how it allowed him and his people to travel across vast interstellar distances.
“The Key to All Life and the Universe Lies in the Harmonic Interaction of Light.”
[Inside the spacecraft] at that distance from Earth, my mind became aware of a new dimension. Humans there—with all their petty quarrels, cruelty and vicious occupancy of all their bits of territory—ceased to exist. Gone were the insular and selfish ways of human beings on Earth, their fecundity destroying the beauty of their planet like parasites swarming over her surface. The mother planet harbored life on her surface and within her surface. She protected it against the radiations of space and provided it with abundance, yet she shielded a viper within her bosom. (more…)
Posted in Life On Other Worlds, Other Topics, UFOswith 1 comment.
The Spiritual Path
by Yada di Shi’ite
Yada: It is very interesting to learn of the intricacies of man’s life at large and the extreme complexity of creation. Everything that can be seen, meaning form, matter in form, has its origin in what is called geometrical patterns in and formed by the primary substance which is sometimes referred to by what is called Fohat.
Student: That is the Theosophical term?
Yada: Yes. Now this is, as of course you know, a name, a label. Of course human beings put labels and tags on everything. When a form is created, a label is put on it. But before this, the substance that creates that form also gets a label. This is the only way man can intelligently catalog his learnings, but I think it is the smart man who knows there is a difference between that which is named and that which is not named, the un-nameable. Knowing this, he no longer has reason to fight with meanings where names are concerned. He is no longer intrigued by ultimates. He knows he can learn only so much; he can go only so far in naming. He knows that, unless he does catalog that which he learns, his learnings will be lost. Man is a cataloguer and all because he has lost awareness that he was the originator of it all. When he came here he lost his awareness, as he does in most cases, and last, he forgets that he was an earthman when he leaves here. (more…)
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Unto Thee ~ Book II
by Akhnaton
Book Two
Hope and Fear
PROMISES OF HOPE are sweeter than the rose in the bud, and far more flattering to expectation, but the threatenings of Fear are a cross upon which the rose is crucified.
Nevertheless, let not Hope allure, nor Fear deter thee from doing that which is right; so shalt thou be prepared to meet all events with an equal mind.
The terrors even of death are no terrors to the good: he that committeth no evil, hath nothing to fear.
In all thy undertakings, let a reasonable assurance animate thy endeavours; if thou despairest of success, thou shalt not succeed. (more…)
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Science of The Yogi
by Charles F. Haanel
Yoga is an ancient philosophy of India. A Yogi is one who makes a practice of that Philosophy. An Adept is a Yogi who has become proficient in the practice of that Philosophy.
A Master is a Yogi who has apparently conquered the forces of Nature and thus seems to work miracles, although he is simply putting into practice Universal Laws which he has come to understand. He has acquired the wisdom with which to manipulate the invisible forces of Nature.
He knows that the invisible controls the visible; that it is the mind that controls the Man; the steam that controls the engine; the electrical reactions which control most of the industrial processes in the world today. (more…)
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The Power Of The Pyramid ~ Part II
by David Wilcock
Dr. John DeSalvo of the Giza Pyramid Research Association brought the pyramid research of Joe Parr to the world’s attention through media appearances on the Laura Lee Show and Jeff Rense Show. Joe Parr holds a law degree and also has over 40 years experience as an electronics engineer. Parr’s interest in pyramid research first came about from his meeting George Van Tassel, an early contactee, in the 1950s, who informed him about the “pyramid power” experiments of Pat Flanagan that had demonstrated the sharpening of razor blades in the pyramid structure. Other experiments showed that organic materials would naturally dehydrate without putrefying while inside a pyramidal structure. Even raw, unrefrigerated milk would keep from spoiling if properly positioned. (more…)
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The Illusion Of Ownership
by Eckhart Tolle
To “own” something – what does it really mean? What does it mean to make something “mine”? If you stand on a street in New York, point to a huge skyscraper and say, “That building is mine. I own it,” you are either very wealthy or you are delusional or a liar. In any case, you are telling a story in which the thought form “I” and the thought form “building” merge into one. That’s how the mental concept of ownership works. If everybody agrees with your story, there will be signed pieces of paper to certify their agreement with it. You are wealthy. If nobody agrees with the story, they will send you to a psychiatrist. You are delusional, or a compulsive liar. (more…)
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Reincarnation And The American Indian
by Manly P. Hall
In matters of philosophy and faith the American Indian is by nature an individualist. His convictions are influenced profoundly by his interpretation of the experiences of daily life, and by the visions and other mystical extensions of consciousness resulting from vigil, fasting, prayer, and meditation. Members of the same tribe may differ widely in their beliefs. Religious tolerance is general, and nonconformity brings no reproach if a man practices his beliefs with sincerity. Therefore, when an ethnologist asks some old sachem or an outstanding tribal citizen for a summary of the religion of his people, the learned elder, as likely as not, will elucidate his personal opinions of the subject. Thus many differing accounts may be secured from a single group. Due to this complication, all broad statements covering Indian theology are subject to a variety of exceptions. (more…)
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Life After Death In The Astral Realms ~ Part III
By Harriette & F. Homer Curtiss
The Awakening
In the case of the majority of persons, the first emotion on awakening in the Astral World is an intense and weird loneliness, a confused consciousness of being surrounded by vague shadowy forms, and of being watched by innumerable eyes, yet without the ability fully to formulate their thoughts or understand by whom or what they are watched. For at this stage the awakened ones have not yet learned to use their astral senses or to discriminate among the strange sights, sounds and feelings. It must be remembered that in the Astral World for a time they are in the same relative position as is a new-born babe when it first opens its eyes to earth life. Could we enter into the babe’s feelings we would find vague memories of the life it had left, a sense of just awakening from a deep sleep (the period of gestation) and a newborn and uncomprehending wonder at the strange sights and sounds surrounding it. If, however, the ones passing over have studied or have had at least some understanding of what they are to expect, the confusion is but momentary. And if they have prepared for the change by having some wise Soul gather together their loved friends and relatives to meet them, it is a joyous reunion. (more…)
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Unto Thee
About forty years ago, a Chinese representative of the ROSICRUCIAN BROTHERHOOD visited the Rosicrucian Fraternity in San Jose, California. He brought with him a manuscript which had been kept in a secret Asian archive for thousands of years. It was said to have been authored by the Egyptian Pharoah Akhnaton, historically the founder of monotheism. The Rosicrucians translated this book and published it under the title Unto Thee I Grant.
There is every indication throughout the work as it appears in the following that it was written by Amenhotep IV, Pharaoh of Egypt, during the years 1360 to 1350 B.C., or thereafter, or by some one of his successors in the great school of mysticism which he founded in Egypt. (more…)
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Karmic Family Entanglements
by Gina Cerminara
Among the multitude of sorrows that befall men and women is the anguish of having brought into the world a defective child. Materially, it is a problem in extra care and expense; socially, it constitutes a kind of unspoken stigma; spiritually, it is a source of questioning the ways of God to men, and of deep anxiety for the welfare of the child.
To such parents the reincarnation principle can be a source of reassurance and courage. In the first place, it is evident on this principle that any abnormality is probably of karmic origin. There are a few instances in the Cayce files where a birth injury was pronounced to be non-karmic, but on the whole, birth deformities are highly indicative of some past life transgression. Secondly, the connection between parent and afflicted child is almost always of karmic origin also. Again and again, in readings taken on children suffering with mongolian idiocy, deafness, water on the brain, and many other tragic afflictions, one finds the phrase: “This is karma, for both the parent and the child.” (more…)
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By Roger Gabriel (Images Credit – Jurgen Ziewe – Samadhi)
The Vedas tell you that everything in the Universe has awareness. Rocks, plants, animals, and humans all have awareness to a greater or lesser degree. The Vedas also state that only humans have the potential for self-awareness. Dogs, for example, don’t ask, “Who am I?” This means that every human being has the potential to become fully self-aware and reach the state of Samadhi. However, practice alone does not guarantee Samadhi. The Guru Gita says Moksha mulam, guroh kripa—the root of liberation is the Guru’s Grace. Grace of the Divine or its representative, an enlightened guru, is also required. To reach Samadhi, you have to deserve it. (more…)
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Jesus And The Essenes
by D.M. Hoover
The Essenes, as they came to be known, were said to have been formed around 500 B.C. when several masters of the priesthood formed a fraternity called Essaioli. According to early historians, such as Josephus, they lived peaceful disciplined and pious lives arising every morning before dawn for silent meditation and prayer. They were strict vegetarians who blessed everything they consumed before taking it into their bodies, for they revered all forms of life and this was a way in which they showed their respect. Their disciplined lifestyle devoid of all convenience and worldly possessions was a difficult one which required extreme devotion; consequently the number of people who chose to join remained relatively small throughout their history. Their dedication to focus solely on spiritual ideals is far different than the values most people, then and now, place on material attainment. (more…)
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The Power Of The Pyramid
by David Wilcock
The following research comes from the Institute of Physics in Kiev, Ukraine, a basic institution of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which was one of the leading scientific centers in the former USSR and the premier military research association.
Two steep pyramids with 70-degree slope angles were constructed in Russia near Moscow, one at a height of 22 meters and another at a height of 44 meters [144 feet] costing over a million dollars to build. Over the last 10 years, a total of 17 different pyramids have been built altogether. In order for the pyramid effects to emerge, it was found that no metal could be used in the construction of these structures, thus modular fiberglass plastics were used instead. The pyramids were aligned to the North Star and built away from populated areas in the natural countryside. At the base of the 22-meter pyramid, the fiberglass wall was 36 centimeters thick, and at the base of the 44-meter pyramid the fiberglass wall was 70 centimeters thick. The 22-meter pyramid weighed a total of 25 tons and the 44-meter pyramid weighed a total of 55 tons. Several different teams from the Russian Academy of Sciences carried out all sorts of experiments in these pyramids, with surprising results. (more…)
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Helping Stuck Souls Crossover
by Rev. Gary Duncan
When I was twelve years old, my brother – a Funeral Director – began introducing me into the business. Over the next several years, he taught me anatomy and physiology, principles of mortuary science as well as other aspects of the profession. By the time I was twenty-one, I had completed my mortuary apprenticeship, but decided to leave the profession and pursue a degree in psychology.
Working in the funeral business gave me a rich understanding of the dying process, people’s experiences at death and personal experiences preparing the body for burial. It was here that I became acquainted with a phenomenon I call “the watchers.” Both my brother and I, at times while preparing the body, would feel the soul of the departed watching us. It was as though there were three people in the preparation room rather than two. (more…)
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