Visit To The Spheres Of The Lower Astral ~ Part I
by Franchezzo – Transcribed by A. Farnese
Twilight Lands – The Valley of Selfishness – The Country of Unrest – The Miser’s Land – The Gambler’s Land
When my period of work in any place was finished, I used to return to the Twilight Land to rest in another large building which belonged to our brotherhood. It was somewhat like the other place in appearance only not quite so dark, nor so dismal, nor so bare, and in the little room which belonged to each there were such things as we had earned as the rewards of our labors. For instance, in my room, which was still somewhat bare-looking, I had one great treasure. This was a picture of my love. It seemed more like a reflection of her in a mirror than a mere painted image, for when I looked intently at her she would smile back at me in answer, as though her spirit was conscious of my gaze, and when I wished very much to know what she was doing, my picture would change and show me. This was regarded by all my companions as a great and wonderful privilege, and I was told it was as much the result of her love and constant thought for me as of my own efforts to improve. Since then I have been shown how this living image was thrown upon the light of the astral plane and then projected into its frame in my room, but I cannot explain it more fully. Another gift from my darling was a white rosebud, which I had in a small vase and which never seemed to fade or wither, but remained fresh and fragrant and ever an emblem of her love, so that I called her my white rose. (more…)
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Transmutation Through The Wave Field (Vortex Mechanics)
by Rhetta J. Baumgartner
Nature does not transmute by chemical combination and reaction; but by altering the wave field. Energy is flowing into and out of the atom constantly from its wave field.
In this article I will paint a picture of the basic wave field as a series of vortices. The atom is sustained through the vortex which can be considered to function on a fourth dimensional level. The key to transmutation is to establish contact with the vortex. Instead of with the atom’s manifestation on a physical level; and, then change the structure of the atom before it is released and frozen into the physical level. Since the atom can only express what is flowing into it from the vortex, if we change the vortex, then the atom naturally relates to it in a different manner. If there are various interchanges of polarity patterns manipulated in the vortex, then the resulting relationship would be a change in electromagnetic lines of force which stem from the atom. (more…)
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A Spaceman Speaks On The Nature Of Light
by Dino Kraspedon
Q: Taking your theory that light of the sun repels bodies in space, and that the tides are caused by the force of this light reflected from the moon, why is it that the earth’s velocity in orbit increases when the moon crosses this orbit ahead of the earth, and decreases when it crosses it in the earth’s wake?
A: When the moon is ahead of the earth, it is obvious that the pressure of light gives an impulse to the surface of the moon. As the moon is within the earth’s magnetic field, this impulse is transmitted magnetically back to earth as though it were impelling the earth from the rear. This is like a system of transmission of forces. The opposite happens when the moon crosses in the wake of the planet. When the light presses upon it, it is as though it opposed the earth. (more…)
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Spirit Releasement Therapy: Who Am I?
by William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.
Several friends attended a lecture on past-life regression, spirit releasement therapy, and recovery of soul fragmentation. After the lecture, we gathered at our friend Ed’s house for snacks and conversation. The subjects presented at the lecture were stimulating, sometimes threatening, and incredible to many. Ed had paid close attention during the entire lecture. Now he seemed lost in thought. He was contemplating the possibilities in his own life, considering his own big picture.
He was manager of a large municipal organization with many employees and widespread operations in the area where we lived. It was his job to understand and manage the “big picture.” Ed was deeply serious, even somber as he posed this question: “If all this is true, then who am I?” He had grasped the information in a way few people are willing to do. He was clear that it could, and most likely did, apply to himself, his personality, and his life choices. And he was concerned. I had to search my own experience to formulate a cogent response. (more…)
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The Quest For Samadhi
From the same filmmaker that brought us Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds comes Samadhi. Part 1 (Maya the Illusion of the Self) is the first installment of a series of films exploring Samadhi. Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word which points toward the mystical or transcendent union that is at the root of all spirituality and self inquiry. The saints, sages and awakened beings throughout history have learned and practiced this wisdom of self surrender. (more…)
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Ascension: Stepping Into The Afterlife
by Edward C. Randall
What happens at Death? What are one’s sensations, and what meets the vision on awakening? This has been described thousands of times, and I quote from my records something of what I have been told on the important subject:
“It is a privilege to tell you of my transition. The last physical sensation that I recall was one of falling, but I had no fear—it seemed so natural. At the same time I heard voices speaking words of encouragement, voices that I recognized as those of loved ones that I thought dead. For a time I had no recollection. Then I awoke in this spirit sphere, and never will I forget the joy that was mine. I found myself, saw my body, which appeared as usual, except lighter and more ethereal. I was resting on a couch in a beautiful room filled with flowers. I looked through a window and saw the landscape, bathed in rose-colored light. There was a quiet that was impressive, then music, the harmonious vibration of which seemed to rise and fall softly. Then one appeared, and, though she spoke no words, I seemed to understand and answered. (more…)
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Underground Entrances On Mars
Periodically Martian anomaly hunters spot what look to be underground entrances in the Mars surface leading to the very justifiable speculation that Mars is occupied underground. Below is a compendium of images from various sources showing what are surface anomalies suggesting an underground entrance.
The photographic evidence is irrefutable that something is going on underneath the surface of Mars. As students of UN.AR.I.U.S., we already know that the Mars underground is already occupied. These images would seem to vindicate our beliefs. For more on these occupants of Mars please refer to the amazing booklet The Truth About Mars which can be downloaded in full here.
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Life Between Lives: Spiritual Settings
by Michael Newton
While in trance, my subjects describe many visual images of the spirit world in earthly symbolisms. They may create structural images from their own planetary experiences or have these images created for them by guides seeking to raise their comfort level with familiar surroundings. After discussing this aspect of unconscious memory at lectures, I have had people say that, regardless of the consistency of these observations, they strain credibility. How could schoolrooms, libraries and temples exist in the spirit world?
I address these questions by explaining that past observational memory is metaphoric as a current perspective. Original scenes from all our lives never leave our memory as souls. In the spirit world, seeing a temple is not a literal record of stone blocks but rather a visualization of the meaning the temple has to that soul. Back on Earth, memories of past events in our soul life are reconstructions of circumstances and events based upon interpretations and conscious knowledge. All client memory retrieval is based upon observations of the soul mind processing information through a human mind. Regardless of the visual structures of spiritual settings, I always look to the functional aspects of what a subject is doing in them. (more…)
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Is The Bible The Word Of God?
by Erich von Daniken
More than a hundred thousand million people in this world call themselves Christians. What is it that ties them to their creed? A common basis is necessary for the purpose. That basis was and is the Bible.
The word Bible comes from the Greek: ta hiblia. books. Under the entry ‘bible’ in the dictionary it says: ‘Book of books, Holy Scriptures, the collection of writings which are regarded by the Christian Church as documents of the divine revelation, God’s word, and as binding in faith and life …’
Against their better judgment, the churches proclaim that the Bible is ‘God’s word’. (more…)
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Physics Of Spirituality
by Mohan H. Surujbally
For many years scientists have been saying that only two things exist in the Universe, that being matter and energy. Now they say, there really is just one thing, and that is energy. It is rather strange that it took us that long to arrive at that conclusion, given that Einstein did say that energy is nothing more than mass traveling at the square root of the speed of light. Our reality is split into a duality. Everything has always been separated, day and night, up and down, believer and non-believers, matter and energy, material and spiritual. We make the mistake in thinking that all things are separate. No one thing of a whole can exist without the other. I love the way the Egyptians say it, “Matter without spirit is motionless, and spirit without matter is expressionless.” When we embrace the two and bring them together in unity, then we experience a connectedness, a divine and beautiful wholeness that is perfect and beautiful and is an expression of the infinite energy of Love and Bliss. (more…)
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Women – Disciples Of Jesus
by Barbara Leonhard
The image I have of Jesus from the Gospels is of one who went out of his way to welcome women at the table and in his ministry. Read against the backdrop of first-century, Middle Eastern, Judaic culture, Jesus’ words and actions are strikingly inclusive.
Women’s Place: In the Home
Jewish culture in the first century was decidedly patriarchal. The daily prayers of Jewish men included this prayer of thanksgiving: “Praised be God that he has not created me a woman.”
A woman’s place was thought to be in the home. Women were responsible for bearing the children, rearing them and maintaining a hospitable home. Men were not to greet women in public. Some Jewish writers of Jesus’ time, such as Philo, taught that women should never leave the home except to go to the synagogue. (more…)
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Secrets of Quantum Physics: Einstein’s Paradox
The true nature of the smallest elements that make up our universe – the atoms, photons and electrons – has long mystified and tormented our greatest scientists. Are they ruled by order or by mere chance? The answer could reshape our perception of reality. This field of science is known as quantum mechanics, and it was major point of debate between acclaimed scientists Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. In this probing documentary, theoretical physicist and author Professor Jim Al-Khalili attempts to settle their dispute once and for all.
At the heart of the debate is the question as to whether reality as we know it exists when we’re not observing it. Bohr believed that the smallest matter consists only of probabilities and contradictions, and its true reality cannot be fully known or measured. As a devotee of definitive statistical science, Einstein argued otherwise. The notion that nature was merely a game of chance ran counter to Einstein’s core beliefs. Adding fuel to the fire of their debate, Bohr’s ideas also contradicted Einstein’s groundbreaking theory of relativity because it speculated that these unpredictable sub-atomic particles could move faster than the speed of light. (more…)
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More On Understanding The Nature Of Our Reality
From time to time I come across items that I feel assist me with greater understanding of the Unariun core curriculum. I would like to present here three items: First an excerpt from a book, a video, and an article. I hope these examples will also assist the reader as it has with me in better comprehension of the Infinite world around us.
The Nature of Existence
by Eklal Kueshana (T=teacher, S=student)
T: Do you know how an atom is constructed?
S: Sort of.
T: Tell me what you know. (more…)
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A Dream Within A Dream
by Paramahansa Yogananda
All the knowledge there is to be known in every branch of science and art, including the mystery of the atoms and the history of the universe and of human beings, is already existing in the ether as vibrations of truth. These vibrations are all around us, and there is a way to contact them directly. That way is through the all-knowing intuitive power of the soul. To discover any truth, we have only to turn our consciousness inward to the soul, whose omniscience is one with God. When those who are receptive hear someone speak truth, it seems so familiar. Their first reaction is “I thought so!” The mind has simply recognized a truth already known intuitively by the soul.
From that source come all the lectures I give. If I had to read in order to gather facts and ideas for my talks to you, I don’t know what I would do! I read very little, because it is not necessary. By the time I get through a few pages of a book, I know from its vibrations whatever truth it contains. (more…)
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The Science Of Our Spacecraft
by Elizabeth Klarer
Elizabeth was taken in Akon’s spaceship to Meton, where she lived with him and his family for four months and where she bore his child. Her life on Meton is fascinatingly described. Akon brought Elizabeth back to Earth after the birth of their son, and continued to visit her thereafter.
Akon explains how his spaceship’s light-propulsion technology operated, and how it allowed him and his people to travel across vast interstellar distances.
“The Key to All Life and the Universe Lies in the Harmonic Interaction of Light.”
[Inside the spacecraft] at that distance from Earth, my mind became aware of a new dimension. Humans there—with all their petty quarrels, cruelty and vicious occupancy of all their bits of territory—ceased to exist. Gone were the insular and selfish ways of human beings on Earth, their fecundity destroying the beauty of their planet like parasites swarming over her surface. The mother planet harbored life on her surface and within her surface. She protected it against the radiations of space and provided it with abundance, yet she shielded a viper within her bosom. (more…)
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