Remote Spirit Releasement Therapy

Remote-Spirit-Releasement-Therapy-main-2-postby William J. Baldwin, Ph.D.

Remote spirit releasement is done at a distance for another person. In other words, the person needing such assistance is not physically present in my office with me. The client in front of me acts as intermediary, a surrogate, on behalf of the target person, the one who needs the releasement work.

It is essential that the entity or entities attached to the target person not be invited or allowed to incorporate into, attach to, speak through, or control the surrogate, our client, in any way. The surrogate is not required to channel the entities. That would amount to inviting a possession of the person acting as the intermediary. Like a simultaneous translator at the United Nations, the surrogate relays the words of the entities once the intruders are discovered. (more…)

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The Astral World ~ Part IV

The-Astral-World-Part-IV-main-4-postby Swami Panchadasi

Life And Work On The Astral

What I have said regarding the nature of the astral scenery must not be taken as indicating that the Astral, itself, is merely imaginary or unreal in any sense. Nor is the substance of which the scenery is composed any less real than the substance of which the material world is composed. On the material plane, substance manifests as matter; while on the astral plane it manifests in a finer form of “stuff” or material. Again, on the material plane, the material, or matter, is shaped by the physical forces of nature, or, perhaps, by the mind of man using the original material in order to build “artificial” structures or forms. On the Astral, on the other hand the astral material is not thrown into shape by physical forces, but is shaped and formed only by the thought and imaginative power of the minds of those inhabiting that plane. But these shapes, forms and structures of the astral material are not to be thought of as existing merely in the mind of the astral dwellers. They have an independent existence of their own, being composed of astral material, though shaped, formed and built up directly by the mind-power of the astral dwellers, instead of by the physical forces of nature. The astral scenery, etc., survives the passing away of the mind which built it up, and disintegrates only after the passage of considerable time, just as do the material things on the earth plane. As for the power of the imagination of man, do not be deceived for a moment – for this is one of the most efficient powers in nature, and operates strongly even on the material plane, though on the Astral its power is more easily recognized by the senses. To the dwellers on the Astral, their scenery, buildings, etc., are as solid as are those of the material plane to the dwellers thereupon. (more…)

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A Visit With Contactee Daniel Fry

A-Vist-With-Contactee-Daniel-Fry-main-4-postby Bryant and Helen Reeve

A Word About The Authors

Bryant Reeve was born in Princeton, Illinois, U.S.A.  He was named Bryant because of a family relationship to the American poet William Cullen Bryant. He has lived an unusual, exciting and varied life. When a youth he lived on the English Channel Island of Guernsey for six months, went to school in Dresden, Germany and traveled extensively with his parents in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Returning to the United States he attended school in Chicago, Illinois and then the Hotchkiss School at Lakeville, Connecticut. He is a graduate mechanical engineer of both the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was elected to the Sigma Xi Honorary Society.

Always interested in travel he spent an adventurous summer on the rugged Labrador Coast, and another bicycling around England, Scotland and Wales with a friend. During World War I he served as a Lieutenant and Captain of Engineers, going overseas with the 311th Engineers, 86th Division. Since then he has been active in his profession and has held positions of technical and executive responsibility in a number of well known American industries. He retired in 1954, but is still actively engaged in research work. (more…)

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Past Lives Matter – Q & A ~ Part III

Q-A-Past-Lives-Matter-Part-III-main-4-postby Bryan Jameison

Q: How long have we been incarnating on Earth and where did it begin?

A: Our first incarnation took place approximately five and one half miles south of Mattoon, Illinois, 3,746,542 years ago on the third day of June at 3:34 p.m. Daylight Savings Time.

Q: Are you serious?

A: Of course not. Truthfully, I haven’t the slightest idea of when or where we first incarnated on Earth. If what my regressees have told me is true, we’ve been roaming around this planet for about a million years, and in addition, many of us have spent millenniums as inhabitants of other galaxies or planes/dimensions. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Past Life Therapy, Reincarnationwith 1 comment.

A Spaceman Speaks: Overcoming Gravity ~ Part III

A-Spaceman-Speaks-Overcoming-Gravity-Part-III-main-4-postby Dino Kraspedon


Q: Shall we one day be able to journey through space and visit other planets?

A: Yes, it will be possible, as it is, in fact, at present. There is now much talk on Earth of journeys through space and of conquering other worlds and their inhabitants but before running the tremendous risks involved, one needs to know all the laws which govern the planetary system and the peculiarities of each one of the planets. If one were ignorant of these laws one would be destroyed before leaving the rarefied matter that surrounds the Earth; and if we are to have the pleasure of being conquered we should hate to see you come to grief without having got beyond the gaseous envelope of your own planet! There is no visible doorway into space, but it is shut to those who are ignorant of the fundamental laws that govern it.

Knowledge is the key that opens it.

But in view of the state of Earthly knowledge, this is as yet an impossible dream. Science will not be able, in one fell swoop, to achieve the conquest of space when it knows nothing about what happens more than 300 miles up. (more…)

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The Dynamic Of Awakening

Dynamic-Of-Awakening-main-4-postby Bryant Reeve

“Awake thou that sleepest – and Christ shall give thee light.” Cosmically understood this quote from Ephesians 5-14 turns out to be a fitting statement for the dynamics of the New Age. The Dynamic of a Great Awakening! The Aquarian Age is indeed an age for awakening for Earth. Awake! Awake! Awake! This is the clarion call to this age – to Earth and its inhabitants – long lost in this dream of life in physical matter.

Thus today it becomes a mark of intelligence, an activity of wisdom, to endeavor to gain a clear-cut understanding of this matter of awakening. Without this, a satisfactory appraisal of the New Age and the great changes which many of us will experience would be well nigh impossible. Earth itself, and everything therein, is now undergoing an awakening. Let us now consider the deeper meanings of this great cosmic fact. (more…)

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Causes of Spirit Possession ~ Part II

Causes-of-Spirit-Possession-Part-II-main-2-postby Eugene Maurey

Psychic attack, whether it is spirit possession or comes in some other form, may happen to anyone at any time. The condition may come into being whether or not the victim has a knowledge of psychic activities. The problems may range from only a minor illness, a negative change in attitude to a complete change of personality. Unless the victim or someone near him can recognize the symptoms and seek help from a competent psychic, he is in serious trouble. With such help the psychic can unravel the causes of such infestation and correct the problem. Such help will restore the mind as well as improve the health of the patient.

There are two common roads to possession. The first is voluntarily asking a spirit to enter one’s mind. In most instances the victim does not realize that he cause this condition. His motive may have been sympathy, grief, need for companionship, or simply curiosity. No evil was intended. The second is a state of mind when a spirit enters without invitation. This is called an involuntary; it usually leads to serious problems for the victim as well as for those the victim influences. (more…)

Posted in Health, Other Topics, Spirit Releasement Therapywith 1 comment.

A Visit To Venus

A-Visit-To-Venus-main-2-postby Eugene H. Drake

Soon after my first contact with the Venusian Commander Aramia and Estralon, his second flight commander, I had a visitation from the latter who impressed me to go to a certain desert location to be picked up.

The reader will understand that the experience related in the following paragraphs is a journey in the etheric body, not a physical, or a third dimensional, trip. Thus on a pre-arranged date I was reclining on my couch when Estralon came into the room with outstretched hand. Immediately I arose and went with her, and presently we approached a huge spaceship which she indicated to be under her command. Then she pointed upward at the planet Venus where it shone brightly in the sky halfway between mid-heaven and the horizon. (more…)

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Masters And Mastery

Masters-And-Mastery-main-4-postby Bryant Reeve

The cosmic viewpoint throws much light on the subject of masters and mastery. In the Christian nations of Earth about the only master anyone knows about is Jesus. This is quite unfortunate because about two-thirds of the people of Earth are not Christians. They have their own masters such as Laotze, Zoroaster, Gautama Buddha, Confucius and Mohammed – to name a few.

Because of the exclusive and combative tendencies of man, this often leads to what might be called the battle of the masters in human thought. Each group claims its master, its leader, its saint is the best – just like children cheering for the home team, or politicians exalting their own nation or their own region above all others. The cosmic view means the universal view, the over-all view, and from this great perspective it is pure ignorance that exalts one master over another. They are all great in their own way, their time and their place. They all serve a cosmic purpose. The invidious comparison of masters, which tends to divide mankind into factions, is not intelligent. (more…)

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Contactees And Moon Findings

Contactees-And-Moon-Findings-main-4-postby William L. Brian II

George Adamski wrote a book with Desmond Leslie in 1953 entitled Flying Saucers Have Landed. It deals with historical UFO sightings and Adamski’s initial experiences as a UFO contactee. Another book by Adamski in 1955, entitled Inside the Space Ships, covers his subsequent encounters with UFOs and their occupants. The following account was summarized from these two books.

Adamski-ufo-encounter-contactee-2-postAdamski was an amateur astronomer living in Palomar Gardens, California. In 1946, he observed a gigantic spaceship hovering above a mountain ridge near his home. This George-Adamski-2-postencouraged him to spend a considerable amount of time watching for them on a regular basis. In August 1947, he and four other observers counted 184 UFOs moving across the sky in about an hour’s time. As a result of the great number of sightings which had occurred in this period and Adamski’s reputation, some military people supposedly asked him if he would attempt to photograph them with his telescope. By 1951, he had successfully taken over 500 UFO photographs and became quite well-known for his work in the UFO field. Reports indicated that a number of saucers had been seen landing in the desert area to the east. In an effort to make closer contact, he made a number of trips to the desert in 1951 and 1952. It was on November 20, 1952, 10.2 miles from Desert Center, toward Parker, Arizona, that he first made contact with a spacecraft and its pilot.

The craft landed and a man soon appeared, motioning Adamski to come over. In their conversation, the man indicated that one of their purposes for being here involved nuclear bombs and radioactive fallout. (more…)

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The Astral World ~ Part III

The-Astral-World-Part-III-main-4-postby Swami Panchadasi

Disembodied Souls

You will notice that our vibrations are now changing, and growing more intense. We are now entering upon a very wonderful sub-plane, or rather, upon one of the subdivisions of such a plane.

This region, I ask you to remember, is one of which the entry is strictly guarded by the law of the Astral, and is watched over by certain very high spiritual influences. It is a sacred place. No one is admitted here as a visitor, unless he be of high spirituality and pure heart. Even a trained occultist, unless he possesses these qualifications, finds it impossible to enter these vibrations. This region is the resting place of the disembodied souls for some time after they have left the physical body. In it they dwell in peaceful slumber, until Nature performs certain work in them for their new plane of life. This stage has been compared to the cocoon-stage, between the stage of the caterpillar and that of the butterfly, in which stage a complete transformation is effected, and the wings of the new life are developed to take the place of the old crawling form. (more…)

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George Van Tassel – The Sage of Giant Rock ~ Part II

Van-Tassel-Sage-of-Giant-Rock-Part-II-main-2-postby Bryant and Helen Reeve

Advanced space beings are masters of energy. Van talks to his space friends in a matter of fact way and helps them to focus these rays and to adjust their intensity so that he can endure the vibrations.

If either the focus or the intensity of these rays or energy beams becomes maladjusted, Van suffers both pain and an excessive heating of some part of his body, often his feet. There is no lack of energy in the beams. On the contrary they appear to possess almost frightening power, and delicate control is of the utmost importance if Van’s body is not to be injured. Readjustments at times become necessary. Incidentally Van can “see” the space beings with whom he talks and something of their surrounds, much as we observe scenes on a television screen. He can “hear” them – sometimes like a voice inside his head and sometimes telepathically as powerful thoughts. (more…)

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Past Lives Matter – Q & A ~ Part II

Past-Life-Questions-Part-II-main-2-postby Bryan Jameison

Q: Doesn’t the belief in reincarnation conflict with a belief in God?

A: Not at all. If anything, I believe it puts God in a much kinder, gentler and far more fair and merciful position than the one He now occupies in most mainstream Western churches. The law of karma, which operates through reincarnation, places all responsibility for what happens to us on ourselves as individual souls rather than on God. We, and we alone, have created all of our curses just as we alone have earned all of our blessings somewhere along the way. God has nothing to do with it except to make all things possible. If it were otherwise, we would have no free will.

Q: I’ve read the Bible many times and have yet to see any mention of reincarnation. Is it referred to in the Bible?

A: No, but neither are Chinese people, house cats or the pyramids mentioned in the Bible. Yet we know they all existed at the time the Bible was written. If we were to disavow the existence of everything not specifically mentioned in the Bible, we still would be living in caves and eating our meat raw. Also, those who contend there is no scriptural validation for reincarnation’s existence are obviously assuming that God is either Christian, Hebrew or Moslem because there are great volumes of scripture from other world class religions, which deal with the subject extensively. (more…)

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George Van Tassel – The Sage of Giant Rock

Van-Tassel-Sage-of-Giant-Rock-main-4-postby Bryant and Helen Reeve

The following is the short biography of the authors provided in Flying Saucer Pilgrimage.

Helen and Bryant ReeveA WORD ABOUT THE AUTHORS

Bryant Reeve was born in Princeton, Illinois, U.S.A.  He was named Bryant because of a family relationship to the American poet William Cullen Bryant.

He has lived an unusual, exciting and varied life.  When a youth he lived on the English Channel Island of Guernsey for six months, went to school in Dresden, Germany and travelled extensively with his parents in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany.  Returning to the United States he attended school in Chicago, Illinois and then the Hotchkiss School at Lakeville, Connecticut.  He is a graduate mechanical engineer of both the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He was elected to the Sigma Xi Honorary Society. (more…)

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Past Life Influences

Past-Life-Influences-main-4-postby Gina Cerminara

The solving of riddles is an instructive pastime. Underlying the solution of many a child’s trick is a significant principle of logic or of thought. Perhaps, then, when we come to that most important of all riddles—the riddle of man’s identity, his origin—we can apply to it the wisdom learned from a simple match trick.

In this trick a person is given six matches and asked to form with them the outline of four equilateral triangles. He begins confidently to make triangular arrangements, but his confidence soon wanes. Indeed, he finally despairs of finding the solution. The problem cannot be solved until it occurs to him to manipulate the matches in three dimensions rather than two, and to make an upright pyramid rather than a fruitless combination of flat triangles.

The enigma of man is, in a sense, comparable to the problem of the matches. Only through an added dimension—in this case, the dimension of time—does it seem likely that man will be able to understand himself. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Past Life Therapy, Reincarnationwith 1 comment.