Past Lives Matter – Q & A

Past-Lives-Matter-Q-A-main-2-postby Bryan Jameison

Q: What is the benefit of learning about one’s past lives?

A: Although there are many benefits, the reason is because most people want to find solutions to present-life problems that are causing them some kind of personal pain. Through regression [and other methods], they usually can discover what happened in the past to create their present problems. Once this is known, whatever is necessary is done to neutralize the cause, which invariably originates either in this life or one from the past. My own operating assumption is that nearly everything occurring in an individual’s present life is the effect of some former cause. Over the years, I have noticed that if the initial trauma is neutralized, a domino effect is created. Not only is the causal trauma neutralized but so, too, are the emotional consequences i.e. fear, begets fear, hate, etc. of those future experiences, which have been based upon the original trauma. (more…)

Posted in Other Topics, Past Life Therapy, Reincarnationwith 1 comment.

A Spaceman Speaks: Overcoming Gravity ~ Part II

Overcoming-Gravity-Part II-main-4-postDino Kraspedon (1905–2004) was the pen name of Brazilian Aladino Felix, who claimed to be contacted by an Dino-Kraspedonextraterrestrial from Jupiter’s moons of Ganymede and Io. Much information of a scientific (mainly astrophysics), medical, and moral nature is given in his book.

He was born in Pedra do Baú and died in Uberaba, Minas Gerais. In 1959 he published Meu Contato Com Os Discos Voadores (My Contact with Flying Saucers). The book tells the story of his contact with a flying saucer commander at his home. The extraterrestrial visitor was given a lengthy Q&A interview by Mr. Kraspedon in which he explained advanced concepts in physics and gave insights on how to improve humanity’s social conditions on earth. Later he publicly clarified that he did not witness the male human extraterrestrial leaving or entering a spacecraft. Mr. Kraspedon correctly predicted that there would be a period of terrorism and ironically was arrested for suspicion of being a terrorist in 1968. – Wikipedia (more…)

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The Concept Of The Ether And The Etherians ~ Part III


by Yada di Shi’ite (channeled by Mark Probert)

Yada: Now, into the space age we go. I rode with this man in the capsule you know.

(Q.) Carpenter?

(A.) Yes, and I went with the other man also.

(Q.) With Glenn?

(A.) Yes, also another man.

(Q.) Do you mean from Russia?

(A.) No.

(Q.) Shepard?

(A.) Yes, Shepard. I went with all of these men, getting their emotional reactions to their experiences. They could not have chosen better men that were more emotionally adjusted, more emotionally detached from their own physical welfare than these men were. And this is also true of the man from Russia, the rocket man from Russia. A very strong man, strong of character, a disciplined man.

People in your world, the lay individual of life, get wrong pictures, wrong ideas about what is called strong characters, strong bodies, strong minds. One can have very cold blooded desires and yet have a very strong character. Some of these beings you call space beings are very intelligent beings, highly intelligent, very evolved beings, but their way of thinking is so different from yours that they could do things to you here that you would think were horrible, terrible things, most inhuman. But, you see, they are beyond the human level and so they do things because they see the need to be done, and they do not involve their emotions in what they are doing. (more…)

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Spirit Lands

Spirit-Lands-main-4-postby Charlotte E. Dresser


Seventeen years ago, when quite alone, after the ‘passing’ of father, mother, sister, and brothers, I formed a friendship, that grew into a companionship so fine that the world became for me a happier place and life a brighter thing. We were a trio: ‘Dee,’ ‘F. R.,’ and ‘Sis’; for so we changed our names to familiar and intimate expression.

Twelve years passed, with no break in the happy association, and then suddenly and with little warning Dee passed out of this earthly life. To me, remained the hope of renewing the companionship in a world where parting is unknown. To. F. R. a black wall, beyond which, nothing! For, long before, his mind had accepted the reasoning of materialistic philosophy, and, arguing from that standpoint, death ended all; and life, going out like a spent candle, could in nowise be relighted.

Months went by. Finally a few friends, interested in psychic phenomena, asked us to join them in an experiment. I was asked to try automatic writing; and, after a few trials, found the pencil moving quite freely and giving messages which I could not have anticipated, and which many times were quite contrary to my own thought and belief. (more…)

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A Spaceman Speaks: Overcoming Gravity

Overcoming-Gravity-main-2-postDino Kraspedon (1905–2004) was the pen name of Brazilian Aladino Felix, who claimed to be contacted by an Dino-Kraspedonextraterrestrial from Jupiter’s moons of Ganymede and Io. Much information of a scientific (mainly astrophysics), medical, and moral nature is given in his book.

He was born in Pedra do Baú and died in Uberaba, Minas Gerais. In 1959 he published Meu Contato Com Os Discos Voadores (My Contact with Flying Saucers). The book tells the story of his contact with a flying saucer commander at his home. The extraterrestrial visitor was given a lengthy Q&A interview by Mr. Kraspedon in which he explained advanced concepts in physics and gave insights on how to improve humanity’s social conditions on earth. Later he publicly clarified that he did not witness the male human extraterrestrial leaving or entering a spacecraft. Mr. Kraspedon correctly predicted that there would be a period of terrorism and ironically was arrested for suspicion of being a terrorist in 1968. – Wikipedia (more…)

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The Astral World ~ Part II

The-Astral-World-Part-II-main-2-postby Swami Panchadasi

Reality of The Astral

It is customary among occultists to speak of the Astral Plane, simply as “the Astral” as for instance “out in the Astral;” “visiting the Astral;” “phenomena of the Astral;” “inhabitants of the Astral,” etc., etc. The student may as well familiarize himself with this use of the term “the Astral,” in order to understand, and be understood by, others interested in occult study. Accordingly, I shall from now on use this term, “the Astral,” as indicating the Astral Regions, – the Astral Plane – without further explanation.

One of the hardest things for the elementary student to realize is that the Astral is just as real, abiding, and fixed as is the material world. Just as steam is actually as real as water, or even as ice, so is the Astral just as real as the world of the physical senses. For that matter, if we could see our world of matter placed under a sufficiently strong magnifying glass, we should perceive it not as a great body of solid fixed matter, but rather as an aggregation of an infinite number of the tiniest particles themselves built into atoms; these built into molecules; and these built into solid masses. (more…)

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Dreams of Precognition

Dreams-of-Precognition-main-4-postby Nancy C. Pohle

One of the most frequently asked question regarding dreams is, “How do I really know whether or not my dreams are predictive?”

The simple answer is, “You never truly know for sure.” But that doesn’t mean you can’t take all the measures possible to alleviate the impact of the dream’s outcome (if it’s negative) by applying some of the dream’s suggestions in your waking state. It’s also good to keep in mind the Cayce readings’ suggestion that dreams that recur more than three times indicate a strong likelihood that it is predictive.

Barbara told of a dream she had one December night, in which she and her husband were conversing while standing in the house they were in the process of buying. Upon awakening, Barbara had in her mind the date February 2nd. She didn’t know what that might relate to, because their closing date was set for mid-January; but she marked her calendar so that she would pay attention when that day arrived. Two weeks later, she received a call from her Realtor, who apologized and said that the house would not be available until February 2nd. Barbara soon realized, “Oh my gosh, that was the date in my dream!” (more…)

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The Topography of Heaven

The-Topography-of-Heaven-main-4-postBy Jurgen Ziewe

Vistas-of-Infinity-BookMaybe now is the time to put the pieces in place and consider the conditions of these incredible states and Heaven worlds we are actually dealing with. Why do we hear so little of Heaven and only in relation to religion via the ancient stories? If it is at the heart of all religions, why are there so few testimonies? We have already learned that most people reporting from Heaven were mostly describing Heavens in relation to their material existence – the Astral Heavens. Why are these exalted states so shrouded in mysteries?

The simple answer lies in the fact that our attention is mostly tuned into our everyday external world, which we consider to be separate from us and which we are set apart from. Our whole self-concept and conditioning is built around the perception of separation. This sense of alienation is what our state of mind is rooted in. The most important thing to bear in mind is the fact that such separation between the ‘me’ and a ‘perceived outside’ world no longer exists in the Heaven state, which creates the intimate experience that we are no longer anywhere else other than home. The ‘homecoming’ aspect is frequently reported by near death experiencers and we notice the feeling of homecoming becomes stronger the more closely our awareness moves towards its inner Source. It is for this reason that I feel more comfortable in referring to this state of consciousness as Home Consciousness, because this is where we belong and where our roots are. (more…)

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The Concept Of The Ether And The Etherians ~ Part II

The-Ether-And-The-Etherians-Part-II-main-4-postChanneled by Mark Probert

The majority of the Disc phenomena are of etheric nature, or not of your time dimension. These beings may prove to be quite solid and capable of walking about on the earth, and they may claim to exist on Venus or any other planet, in or out of your solar system – but this does not imply that they are in their structural units humans of the same order as you earth people, or that they lack the ability to convert their seeming solids to invisible stuff at will. Nor does it disprove that they are Guardians not only of the earth but of the whole solar system in which your planet exists.

In speaking of etheric culture, you know of course that we must do so in a metaphysical way. There is considerable knowledge of the etheric worlds among secret occult Orders, but the lay mind knows nothing of this and can never know of it. (more…)

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Visitors From Space

Vistors-From-Space-main-4-postby Eugene H. Drake


The data compiled herein is presented to those interested in the subject of visitations from space by beings of superior intelligence with the hope that they be alerted to the fast changing conditions as they affect this planet.

Even though the atomic warfare never takes place, the fact that several nations are firing such test bombs of destructive magnitude, is creating great mental harm with individuals as well as monstrosities of diabolical activity that will come into manifestation at a later period and in this respect alone warrants cessation.

Vibratory waves are penetrating into gas belts in the crust of the earth which are bringing increased earthquake disturbances; effecting the atmosphere causing a repetition of storms and floods, the melting of the polar caps, but worse of all is the hate pattern being built up in the consciousness of peoples the world over. (more…)

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Pluto – Remnant of Maldek?

Pluto-Remnant-of-Maldek-main-4-postby Fred Brown (with additional commentary by BSRF editor)

Isaiah makes one cryptic reference to Lucifer which hints that this Satanic epitome of evil didn’t originate on earth but on some other planet in the solar system. In 14:12 the Prophet wrote, “How thou art fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How thou art cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.”

It remained for Flying Saucer contactee Orfeo Angelucci to break the secrecy of ages by revealing that for him and for millions of other earthlings, this is not their home planet. They are failures from the “day-star” planet which formerly occupied the orbit between Mars and Jupiter. In his UFO writings, George Hunt Williamson gave this 5th orbit planet the name Maldek. The wildly gyrating asteroids in that area of the solar system back up the hypothesis, but who would have guessed that our moon is one of the largest remnants of Maldek? (more…)

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Ancient Nuclear Warfare

Ancient-Nuclear-Warfare-main-4-postby Philip Coppens

Vimanas Used In Atomic Warfare

Ancient India has made one of the greatest contributions to the concept of ancient flight: the vimana. At the World Space Conference on October 11, 1988, in Bangalore, India, Dr. Roberto Pinotti addressed the delegates and spoke on ancient Indian vimanas, telling them what the vimanas were and that they should take the subject seriously: that the vimanas should be studied as real flying machines. He was largely addressing the foreign delegates, for many Indian traditions hold the belief that their ancestors possessed technology that gave them the ability to fly.

References to vimanas can be found in the Yuktikalpataru of Bhoja (12th century AD), the Mayamatam, in 150 verses of the Rig Veda, the Yajurveda, and the Atharvaveda, as well as literary passages belonging to the Ramayana (fifth century BC), the Mahabharata (sixth century BC), the Puranas, the Bhagavata (ninth century AD), the Rahuvamsam, and references in the drama Abhijanaakuntalam of Kalidasa (second century BC, the Jatakas (third century BC), and several more. Some of these documents even give details on the mechanism of the vehicles. Chapter XXXI of the Samarangana Sutradhara contains details of the construction of this machine, and it has been found that one manuscript of this treatise is as old as AD 1610. There are 230 stanzas dealing with not only their construction, but also with take-off, their ability to cruise for distances of thousands of miles, and the danger of bird strike! (more…)

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The Concept Of Ether And The Etherians

The-Concept-of-Ether-And-The-Etherians-main-4-postChanneled by Mark Probert

“…we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable…” ~ Albert Einstein – Closing Remarks at the Leiden Lecture 1920

When will you people learn that there are worlds within worlds – that the etheric worlds interpenetrate with your plane and with each other? I know I should not be sticking my neck out by talking so much about these saucers, as you call them, at least until I have investigated more fully. But they are not craft constructed on your planet, nor is it necessary to assume that they come from any other planet. It seems impossible to get it through your heads, that objects can pass from an etheric to another level of matter and will then appear to materialize there. Then they disappear by dematerialization, returning to an etheric condition. (more…)

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On The Nature Of Our Greater Reality

On-The-Nature-Of-Our-Greater-Reality-main-4-postBy Jane Roberts

You must first of all understand that your own greater reality exists whether you are in flesh or out of it, and that your subjective experience has a far greater scope than the physical brain itself allows.

The blueprints for reality will not be found in the exterior universe. Some other civilizations experimented with a different kind of science than the one with which you are familiar. They met with varying degrees of success in their attempts to understand the nature of reality, and it is true that their overall goals were different than yours. Such people were focusing their consciousnesses in a completely different direction. Your own behavior, customs, sciences, arts, and disciplines are in a way uniquely yours, yet they also provide glimpses into the ways in which various groupings of abilities can be used to probe into the “unknown” reality. (more…)

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The Importance Of Emotional Control

The-Importance-of-Controlling-Emotions-main-4-postby Yada di Shi’ite

Yada-of-Yu-4-postGood evening my friends, it is an honor to come before you this evening. It is hoped that we can come together in harmonious accord knowing that we are dealing with what is called opinions gleaned from life. Nowhere is there to be found a concrete, homogeneous, unchangeable condition. We can see that never can we make a statement and be sure this is what it is; and it shall be that way eternally. Let us keep the eyes open, let us keep the ears open, let us use mouth occasionally. My friends, life is a study, but the more emotional opinions we put into it the less we learn.

All over the world in which you live, there are untold thousands and millions of human beings, not only those that are now here, but those that have come many times in the past before – and those that will come in whatever future that lies ahead. It is a great struggling mass, a seething cauldron of worry, worry, worry; blindness, indifference, cruelty, fear, with a little, here and there, of light and understanding flickering in the darkness of it all. (more…)

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