My Conversation With A Rishi
Lecture given in 1931 by Col. James Churchward
There is a widespread legend which has been handed down for many thousands of years which is called The Golden Age. This is said to have been some period in human history when the mass of mankind showed more intelligence than now. This evening I am going to give you some of the translations from Books written during this Golden Age. These show that those who lived then were absolutely superior to us in sciences; and, although our scientists scoff at such an idea, and declare the whole thing mythical, the truth and facts remain. As the Phoenix is pictured rising above the flames of fire; so these cosmic truths will rise above the scoffing ignorants of today. I do not know on what definite lines your Society is working, or how far you have advanced. It is quite questionable whether I know enough about the subject to be of any value to you. All I can do for you is to repeat certain conversations that took place many years ago between a very learned rishi priest and myself. This priest was a great Master, the most proficient master that has lived since the time of Jesus. (more…)
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Healing Cancer – The Koch Approach
by Dr. William F. Koch
About Dr. William F. Koch
Dr. William F. Koch received his B.A. In 1909, and Ph.D. In 1916 from the University of Michigan. While at the University of Michigan he did his original research on the function of the parathyroid gland. In 1918 Dr. Koch received his M.D. Degree from the Detroit College of Medicine (Wayne State University). From 1910 to 1914 he was an instructor at the University of Michigan. In 1914 he became Professor of Physiology at the Detroit College of Medicine. From 1915 to 1919 he was Pathologist (Active and Honorary) at the Women’s Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. After leaving the Detroit College of Medicine in 1919, Dr. Koch went into the private practice of medicine. Since 1919 he continued with his independent research in the United States, Europe, and in South America. He has published many articles in recognized medical journals and well as authored a number of books on the subject of cancer and immunity.
Dr. Koch’s Research
Dr. Koch’s research focuses on the means to restore the body’s oxidation mechanism back to its original vitality, thereby re-equipping the body with its innate ability to restore and maintain health, not only in cancers but also in a host of its ‘allied diseases.’ (more…)
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Banned Books Of The Bible
By James Bean
No-stick (Gnostic) Gospels defined: sacred texts that for some reason didn’t ‘stick’ around for very long, were lost, or eventually banned and made illegal with a little help from Emperor Constantine and the Roman military.
Tis a very long list indeed of hidden, banned, forbidden, censored, condemned, cursed, and even burned books. These writings of the banned, holy scriptures were once used by other versions or branches of Christianity that existed in antiquity before it became illegal for them to assemble in public, copy and, heaven forbid! circulate their alternative gospels within the boundaries of the Roman Empire.
Though much has been forever lost, some of these books of the Other Bible have been rescued from destruction. We owe a great deal of gratitude to those freedom-loving and open-minded Jews, Pacomian monks, Christians and Gnostics in Eastern Europe, Egypt, Ethiopia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Armenia who risked much to translate and thus preserve many of these Other Books for future generations, for all time to come. In the case of the fifty books of the Nag Hammadi library, there were Coptic parchments removed from a near-by monastery library in Upper Egypt and buried in a large clay storage jar not far from some caves near the Nile. This clay jar ended up being a kind of time capsule that was unearthed one thousand seven hundred years later. (more…)
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Exploring Past Lives Through Dreams ~ Part II
By Michael Talbot
Training Yourself To Dream About Past Lives
Once you are able to remember your dreams, you are ready to start programming them to tell you about your past lives. Many people are surprised to discover that programming a dream or getting a dream to answer a particular question is a remarkably easy process. It is also a very ancient practice. In her book Creative Dreaming, psychologist and dream researcher Dr. Patricia Garfield notes that techniques for programming dreams to answer specific questions have been found in Egyptian records dating from 3000 B.C. The ancient Assyrians called the practice istiqara, and among the ancient Greeks it was known as “dream incubation.”
Many modern researchers have also developed methods for “incubating” dreams. Although devoid of the mythological jargon that accompanied ancient techniques, the essence of these techniques remain the same. Inducing a dream about one of your past lives (or about any matter on which you desire dream guidance) involves three basic steps. (more…)
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Extraterrestrials Walk Among Us
As the scientific community continues to speculate about whether intelligent extraterrestrial life exists on exoplanets being discovered throughout our vast galaxy, military insiders have come forward to reveal that national governments are hiding a stunning truth. Extraterrestrials who look just like us not only exist throughout the galaxy, but tens of thousands of them have infiltrated communities all over the planet as neighbors, co-workers, teachers, doctors, humanitarians, etc.
Valiant Thor and his companions Dunn and Jill.
One example is my anonymous source JP who has met with human looking extraterrestrials that are part of secret agreements reached with the U.S. Air Force (USAF). He says that he has met with them in remote areas of Tampa and Orlando, Florida, where they have worn USAF uniforms, and communicated with him. (more…)
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Solar Cyclic Effects On Human Activity
by David Hyde and Ben Davidson
“Life is a phenomenon. Its production is due to the influence of the dynamics of the cosmos on a passive subject. It lives due to dynamics, each oscillation of organic pulsation is coordinated with the cosmic heart in a grandiose whole of nebulas, stars, the sun and the planet.” ~ Alexander L Chizhevsky
Solar energy and cosmic radiation have electrical influences over a multitude of human activities including human health. Mainstream science has begun to accept these effects, and to investigate the topic in a serious way, but the science itself is by no means ‘new’.
At the December 1926 annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Russian Professor Alexander Chizhevsky presented the paper Physical Factors of the Historical Process. The paper examined the cyclical variations in the sunspot number of the Solar Cycle in order to create a mass index of human excitability throughout history. He found that revolutions and periods of intense fighting seemed to occur during Solar Maxima – the period of greatest activity in the 11-year solar cycle of the Sun – while cultural flourishing and social cohesion tended to occur during Solar Minima. (more…)
Posted in Other Topics, Science For The New Agewith 1 comment.
Recent Strange Anomalies In The Solar System
From an impact on the moon to strange laser beams from Saturn to a huge volcanic eruption on Mars…these are just some of the strange anomalies happening recently in our solar system.
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Crop Circle Diaries
Crop Circle Diaries brings to life the long hidden crop circle research of William Levengood Ph D ABD.
The film introduces Penny Kelly, lab partner with Dr. William Levengood for 15 years, who together with same provide evidence and scientific conclusions that are extremely important and timely for the continuing progress of natural healing and improvement of agricultural quality and abundance.
Blending Patty Greer’s years of experiences in the UK Crop Circles with the research of Levengood and Penny, Crop Circle Diaries brings science & reality together into a story about the phenomenon that makes sense. Patty shares some of her strangest experiences in the UK Crop Circles while Penny grounds the stories with science and psychology. Soon you will understand what it feels like to be inside one of these grand geometric formations, and how truly life changing they can be. Patty believes that the Earth, Human Consciousness and ETs have been co-communicating through Crop Circle messages for centuries. (more…)
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The Music Of The Spheres
by Sant Kirpal Singh
The Music of the Spheres is so intense and swift that It pulls me up in an instant. ~ Plato
What is the Music of the Spheres?
The Music of the Spheres is a great magnetic Power, and a force that can grip the mind. It is characterized by sweet strains and melodious tunes, which can be heard, and powerful Light which can be seen and witnessed. It is this power and force of Godhead which cannot be comprehended by the senses and can only be realized and experienced in super-sensual planes. It is a life current that pervades the entire creation…
It may be described as “life-impulse” or “conscious-principle.” When It begins to vibrate, It produces melodious sound, which is termed Naam or Shabd or Word. This Sound Current proceeding from the deep silence of the Formless is responsible for all forms and colors, visible and invisible to the naked eye. All life hangs on this life-principle. No life can exist without It. (more…)
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Atomic Radiation And Its Effects On Living Tissue ~ Part III
by Jack Schubert, Ph.D. And Ralph E. Lapp, Ph.D.
Skin. All external radiation incident upon the body must first pass through the skin. Skin consists of two layers—the outer epidermis and an inner dermis. The epidermis consists of several layers of cells and on the average is about .003 inch thick. In the dermis are located the nerve endings, blood supply, glands, and fat.
A noticeable effect of radiation on the skin is the production of a reddening—erythema—which results partly from an enlargement of the small blood vessels supplying the skin. The development of an erythema is often used to gauge the amount of radiation delivered during x-ray or radium treatment. A distressing feature of the early stages of skin damage by radiation is the so-called radiodermatitus characterized by intense and incessant itching around an ulcerated area. (more…)
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Arisen From “Death” In The Afterlife
by Elsa Barker
The following was transmitted through the spiritual mediumship of Elsa Barker. Via automatic writing, Judge David Patterson Hatch, born November 22, 1846, in Dresden, Maine, death on February 21, 1912, recounts his tales of the other side through a series of letters. Judge Hatch was a respected lawyer and judge, well versed in the philosophies of life who had written several books including Scientific Occultism.
Letter 39
Many times during the months in which I have been here have I seen men and women lying in a state of unconsciousness more profound than the deepest sleep, their faces expressionless and uninteresting. At first, before I understood the nature of their sleep, I tried as an experiment to awaken one or two of them, and was not successful. In certain cases where my curiosity was aroused, I have returned later, day after day, and found them still lying in the same lethargy. (more…)
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Light Workers And Ascended Masters
Some Shining Examples of Light Workers and Ascended Masters…
Saint Germain ~ Dispenser of the Violet Transmuting Flame, Champion of America
Kuthumi ~ World Teacher, Also known as Pythagoras
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Suppressing Cancer Cures Since The Mid-1900s
Article originally titled Drama In The Medical World
Published in 1964 by The Journal of Borderland Research
by J. A. Morrill
Under our great enterprise economy, famed for its industrial wealth, its cartels, its power politics, its kickbacks, and billion dollar grants to buy anti-communist friends, there have emerged wealthy and powerful political action associations. These are organized for the purpose of safe guarding and advancing the material welfare of their membership through co-operative action. These organizations maintain highly paid lobbyists in the nation’s capital to prevent the passage of legislation they regard as inimical to their interests, and work for the passage of legislation favorable to their interests. The public interests seldom receive any consideration.
Outstanding among these behemoths of political skullduggery is the American Medical Association, probably the most powerful because its tentacles reach out from the capital into every town and city in the United States, holding in their hands the power of life and death. Too often the angel of death haunts the hospital corridors where patients suffering from the most cruel diseases are being treated. (more…)
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Edgar Cayce On Karmic Lag-Time
by Gina Cerminara
A curious fact, observable in the cases of physical karma already discussed here, is that the karmic consequence of an action sometimes shows itself only after an interval of one or more lifetimes. The question arises as to why this karmic suspension is necessary. Why should not the reaction begin immediately, with the promptness of a ball rebounding from a wall?
There would seem to be several answers to this question. One is that the ego must wait for a time and place appropriate to the karma which it has created. It may take centuries before such a suitable opportunity presents itself, and the intervening centuries are to be used for the working out of other character problems. A good example of this type of karmic suspension is seen in the Cayce data on entities who once lived on the lost continent of Atlantis. (more…)
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Revelations Of The Afterlife ~ Part II
by Arthur Ford
Arthur Ford (1896-1971), an ordained minister, also psychic medium, reports here the case of Frederic Myers, the bulk of whose discourse was communicated though an Irish girl, Geraldine Cummins through automatic writing.
As a practicing, professional trance medium, I have dealt mainly in those regions designated by Myers as the second and third planes. Only occasionally have the spiritual transactions in which my transmission facilities been utilized tapped the very high regions of spiritual development. These cases I have discussed in other writings. Here I am concerned with those aspects of the life beyond death which assert themselves most frequently and most acceptably to the comprehension of the average earth mind—that is, the second and third planes. Myers gives such abundant insight here that I believe it will be well worth our while to attend to what he has to say about the life-death transactions most familiar to earth-side experience. (more…)
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